Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 113

Chapter: 113. Exploring the Underworld.(1)

“Report here.”

To maintain confidentiality, not on a computer, but a stack of handwritten papers zoomed across the desk.

The owner of the desk glanced at it and started tapping the keyboard again.

He was likely trying to wrap up or save the task he was working on.

That guess was not far off.

By the time I had pulled up a chair to sit, Park Hyunseok had typed a few more times and grabbed the documents in his hand.

“Still, your handwriting is terrible.”

“You’ll be just like me if you do it.”

Writing was a harder task for me than I thought. I could manage something like one or two pages, but writing a thick stack of papers like that was almost like mental training.

If I hadn’t learned how to calm my mind while meditating with the Thunder God—

“Why didn’t you print it?”

“Confidential documents of a certain grade have to be handwritten.”

“Old rules. Nowadays, if you bring a storage device with the Association’s security system, they’ll print it for you.”

Park Hyunseok scattered the report and calmly spilled shocking news.


“Do I have any reason to lie?”

Not that I could think of.

It probably wasn’t even a joke. It was too cruel to be one.

“All my effort writing by hand for a whole day at the base!”

“Didn’t the oxymoron tell you?”

He giggled weirdly while struggling with a fountain pen.

…Hah. Okay, it’s my fault. What can I do? I’ll have to be careful next time.

“Do you have a security memory stick?”

“Do I look like I have one?”

“Then take one with you.”

Hyunseok said this without taking his eyes off the documents and tossed a black stick at me.

It gleamed black, reflecting light, and was about the size of my thumb.

As I snatched it out of the air, Hyunseok opened his mouth again.

“It’s for official use, don’t use it personally.”

“Got it. Understood.”

And with that, silence fell.

The only sounds were the rustling of the report papers and the buzzing of the computer cooler.

With nothing else to do, I stared at the stick in my hand. A small cylindrical stick that can be plugged directly into a universal input port.

In the fantasy world, it was definitely supposed to be square-shaped.

Countless subtle differences continued to swirl in my head between the two worlds.

Was it really necessary for such a simple fantasy to be that precise?

…Let it go.

Wasn’t the basic guide of the Association something like that? If I kept worrying, I’d get caught up in the fantasy again.

Just as I vigorously shook my head to clear my thoughts.

With the sound of papers being set on the table, his gaze directed towards me.

“Planning something?”

…Nothing at all.

I felt a slight shyness. I stopped nodding my head.

Hyunseok, seemingly not having any words about my antics, tapped the papers lightly with one hand and spoke.

“Haram Lee. This report wasn’t written by you but rather by the oxymoron. That wasn’t my request.”

“What?! Are you serious? That’s something I wrote! Sure, the oxymoron edited and proofread it a little, but more than 95% of it is my work. I can swear on Unho!”

“The author of the report doesn’t change just because you wrote it as an essay.”

Park Hyunseok started tapping the paper with his fingers, as if saying don’t lie.

A dull sound repeated along to his rhythm.

It was as if his fierce gaze was telling me to just admit the truth.

The pressure closed in on me like I was being interrogated as a criminal.

“No, I’m seriously telling you I wrote it! If you don’t believe me, call the oxymoron!”

“They probably already coordinated their words. It’s not like you and the oxymoron are on good terms.”

What’s going on here? Are they trying to stab me in the throat?

“I’m telling you, I wrote it! You’ve got to believe me!”

Damn it.

How can I prove this?

I could somewhat understand why Hyunseok would say such a thing. In my previous states, I would have submitted far worse reports. However, the fact that I could write so well to be suspected was something I hadn’t anticipated.

There was no helping it. Maybe this will do.

“On page 29… is it page 29? Anyway, there’s a part with a pie chart and some formulas, right?”

Hyunseok quietly flipped the papers at my words.

“Absolutely not something you’d write. I can be sure of that.”

“I wrote that formula! If you don’t believe me, want to hear the explanation?”

I stood up violently and pulled a pen from the pencil case on the desk.

“Look here. This data, it’s right here, isn’t it? This part was handed over by the oxymoron, but I wrote the formulas….”

I quietly drew a line on the paper.

While I might not fully understand what was being written, it was a formula springing up from the depths of my unconscious.

…So, if you reference this data, the result will be—


Hyunseok cut me off just as I was about to continue explaining.

He leaned back in his chair, retracing his hand into his jacket.

“Is it really you, Haram Lee?”

With those words, what Hyunseok drew from his jacket was a black pistol.

A weapon painted in matte black that absorbed light.

I gaped at it in disbelief.

I just came to report and hand in my paperwork, and now I’m being pointed at by a gun?

What on earth is going on?

“Hyunseok, just put the gun down for now.”

I reached out to calm my friend.

“Unless you give me a reasonable explanation, I’ll call someone.”

Hyunseok took a step back, keeping the gun aimed at me.

What the hell is this.

…How terrible were my previous reports for him to react like this?

Is that document so shocking it raises my identity doubts?

Letting out a sigh full of regret, questioning whether my life had been nothing but a mess, I once again threw my body back in the chair.

Still, Hyunseok’s gun was still pointed at me.

Given the mood, it felt like he would really shoot if I continued to stay silent, so I too, feeling tense, opened my mouth.

“Ah, fine. I’ll tell you. Just don’t shoot while I’m talking.”

“I won’t.”

Really, such a straightforward tone.

…It feels like I’m mixed in some strange incident there too. I’m not even sure if it pertains to my story.

After an extended explanation filled with gestures and antics, all I received back was a cold silence and piercing glares.

“I managed to solve it somehow and powered up too.”

Sync up with that. It’s scary.

“But the power-up involved paperwork, statistics, and math. Isn’t that funny?”


Even I, after saying that, chuckled dryly.

Who would believe this?

Damn it.

…That was one poor excuse for a joke.

However, it seemed like it resonated differently with Park Hyunseok.

“Haram Lee. Next time, refrain from such jokes.”

Hyunseok quietly tucked the revolver back into his coat.

“Honestly, you could have just said you got help from the oxymoron. Why go through all this acting. That’s so like you.”

…Did that work? What do I look like to others?

“Hah. Hah. Hah.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle dryly from the absurdity of it all.

“From what I quickly skimmed, it doesn’t seem to be a big problem. The commission is closed for 013, but if there are any suspicious details, we may contact you again.”

“Hah. Hah. Hah.”

“Is it brain damage? Make sure the oxymoron checks on you when you leave.”

No, I’m just laughing at how ridiculous this situation is. What is even going on right now?

“Hah… that aside.”

Let’s stop. If things end well without problems, isn’t that all good?

“Have the media quieted down?”

It’s been about three weeks since I left Korea? That should be enough for things to settle?

“Well, you shouldn’t worry too much about that. Your student, Han Abin, received the Brave Hero Award, and that has wrapped things up nicely.”

“That’s great! That’ll up her pension.”

“Yet the recipient had a blank look on her face during the award ceremony, completely clueless.”

That’s a bit sad.

But then again, picturing that face made me burst with excitement. I should look through the news page later.

“But isn’t there something more important?”

Was there another remaining issue?

Leaving my students alone for three weeks?

Sure, that’s definitely a problem, but it didn’t seem like the issue Hyunseok wanted to bring up.

“The park-side is still demanding compensation for damages.”

What compensation?

I truly don’t remember; I racked my brain for a moment and finally recalled what it referred to.

Ah, that was why I took the commission.

“Wasn’t that supposed to be handled with this payment?”

“It’s insufficient.”

Damn it. I thought it would settle with that payment, but it was harder than I thought.

“I get what you’re thinking. You’re questioning why the payment was less than expected.”

“Apparently, it was just shortly after the park opened that day, so they incurred additional costs due to urgent repairs.”

Hah. Hah. Hah.

Today is indeed filled with ridiculous events.

“So here’s the proposal.”

Park Hyunseok retrieved a piece of paper, ignoring my dry chuckles.

A white sheet with a black seal on it.


“Not something so horrific. It’s a bit of a lower grade.”

A black seal. It’s been a while.

“Why are you showing me this?”

Regardless of the content, I honestly don’t like it. Even if it’s not assassination, a black seal means something along those lines.

But there’s no helping it, so I braced myself and attempted to look at the document.

It’s related to the Black Marauder. If left alone, it would eventually get to Baek Sihyeon.

Without warning, Hyunseok said something unexpected.

…Submit the document?

Hearing those words, I swiftly snatched the document from the desk.

—Removal of Hero Representative Taejoon Kim’s heroic records and designation as a villain.

What came to my eyes couldn’t help but shock me.

The mission I thought I would obtain after gathering information through the organization came into my hands like this.

It was good that I didn’t have to worry about backend work and all that…

…But why is this related to Baek Sihyeon and the Black Marauder?

I skimmed through the document, but it only stated to apprehend that guy. There were no detailed circumstances surrounding it.

The information I received from the organization was that Kim Taejoon had caused a scene and fled, and the organization had found out his location.

Yet a black seal? Did he create an even bigger mess than just fleeing?

There’s a lack of information…

Let’s see it through anyway.

“What kind of villain would a guy at the position of an Association spokesman end up becoming?”

They say he fell into paranoia after being attacked by the Black Marauder.”


“And when his request for protection was rejected, he got caught manipulating the minds of higher-ups.”

That’s somewhat impressive. Regardless of how lost his mind was, it’s obvious what happens if you’re caught.

“That may be true, but how did he escape? Is this guy stronger than anticipated?”

If the crime went unnoticed, it wouldn’t be strange, but if it became known, the Special Forces of the Association would have moved in.

“This guy had a backer. Apparently, a villain group popped out from the slums to obstruct things.”

Hmm. There was definitely some connection between this guy and the higher-ups of the Association.

Yet, he also seems to have connections with the slums?

That kind of networking is pretty insane.

“Then, although it’s not mentioned in this document, contains the detection and suppression of that manipulation as well.”

I held the document in one hand, flipping it slowly.

“That’s about right.”

“So, since this is classified as a Black Marauder case, if left alone, it’ll go to Baek Sihyeon?”


Hmm. It seems like things are surprisingly working out well.

It’s an official mission from the Association. Not assassination, just simple human capture. And then there’s a fight against villains…

After a brief consideration, the answer rolled out.

“I’ll handle it for now. Your worries don’t seem to matter.”

Slowly placing the document back on the desk, I began to sign above it.

“What do you mean?”

“This, is it fine to take my students along? Oh, and I’m done signing.”

I could feel the glare coming from him.

“What… are you thinking, Haram Lee?”

What am I thinking?

“Let’s give them some field experience. Experiencing a genuine fight alongside the other heroes is quite valuable.”

It’s not like we fight over meals as we used to, and in modern times, it wouldn’t be useful to learn outdated skills.

While it’s necessary, it’s still something Baek Sihyeon needs.

“You were the one who hesitated about letting the students come into darker matters.”


Having nothing more to say, I scratched my head with the pen in hand.

What should I say to this?

In the moment of pondering.

“Don’t you think they deserve to know about this?”

“Seeing that something like this happened to Baek Sihyeon, there’s a possibility it could happen again…”

Continuing quietly under Hyunseok’s observing gaze, I added my words.

“Han Abin is aiming for a command position in the Association, you know? So, they’re bound to find out at some point.”

“That’s not an answer, Haram Lee.”

He spoke in a cold tone, putting forth an opinion.

“Yeah, that’s true. Most likely in the future too. It’s like speculating and getting the vaccine.”

But still…

I smiled and raised my head.

“They said they wanted to become stronger by looking at me. So, whatever I can do, I should let them experience it.”

I replied with a grin.

Upon hearing my answer, Hyunseok relaxed his expression and let out a sigh, opening his mouth.

“I won’t criticize your educational methods, but just be moderate about it.”

“Sure. Moderately. Moderately.”

Since it seemed like things were going well, I should be moderate about it.

Just in time, I had a good new material ready to go.


Inside my pocket, I felt as if something was making a sound from the ampoule concealed within.

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