Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 128

Chapter: 128. The Well of Chaos (1)

“Did you pack everything?”

“How many times have you said that?”

Well, I guess I’m not really paying attention.

But hey, Abin, don’t you know? The fact that I keep repeating myself means it’s urgent!

I thought that, but saying it out loud would only lead to trouble, so I kept my mouth shut.

Instead, I chose to sit on the hammer I had put down and took a look around the hiding spot I had spent about a week in.

It’s changed a lot since I first got here.

The filthy stone floor, old rags, and the crumbling furniture I had seen at first are all gone. Now there’s a shiny floor, decent blankets, and a somewhat satisfactory metal table.

It’s only been a little over a week, and this place has transformed from a beggar’s den to a livable cave.

That neatness was all ruined by the actions of the kids and the student.

They’ve really hidden a lot.

Looking at the scene unfolding before my eyes, that was the thought that came to mind.

Picking up a stone, I discovered a small ring.

Pulling at the curtain rod hanging from the ceiling, I found bits of gems sticking out from the back.

Ripping apart a seat cushion revealed some gold.

Up until that point, it was an understandable range. Hiding small, easily liquidated items around the house is pretty common behavior.

However, what followed was downright unexpected.

A hard white something emerging from a hidden space beneath a salt jar.

Twisting some chopsticks revealed a metal rod.

I really don’t know how to describe that.

“Are you thinking of taking that with you?”

I got up from the hammer and addressed Dam, who was holding those two items.

He hurriedly hid what was in his hands behind his back, clearly realizing he was in the wrong.

“Ah, I’m not going to scold you for having something like that.”

I wasn’t about to lecture him for having drugs or anything. After all, we’re not in Nanjido!

Unless he’s out cold from being high or dealing transactions, I wouldn’t care if it’s something valuable or something good for bribery.

“That’s useless once you step outside. The thing in your left hand will get you caught just for holding it, and the one in your right is just a piece of metal.”

That’s how it is.

Drugs can’t be traded without connections outside, and a long metal pole is worth nothing beyond Nanjido; outside, it’s just an alloy stick.

Sure, if it’s infused with a rare metal like gold, it might sell for some bucks if melted down, but who needs that hassle?

“Huh? But…”

“You won’t understand. So, what are you going to do about it? The stuff in your hands is just trash outside.”

Dam stared at the items in his hands, clearly unable to grasp my point.

Yeah, he wouldn’t get it.

It’s hard to hear that something you believed holds value your whole life is suddenly garbage.

I wasn’t going to force him. If he wanted to take them, fine, if not, whatever.

A bit of time passed.

After some confusion, Dam shook his head several times and presented me with the original value.

“Well then, what about this…?”

Gritting his teeth, Dam offered me a thick gold ring.

“No, keep that.”

Gold is always worth something.

Grimacing, Dam tossed aside the refined drugs and bits of metal.

“Is that it?”

“…I have a few more. Let me show you.”

Feeling he could trust me, Dam dashed off to grab a handful of junk.

“Wow, you’ve collected a lot.”

Let’s see, this is silver.

This is just a piece of glass.

This is junk.

This is jewelry.

Needless to say, I could return more items than I thought after sorting them out.

As a signal that sorting was over, I nodded, and Dam lowered his head in appreciation before returning to the packing team to commence final tidying up.

We’re finally ready to roll.

The packing I thought was a waste of time was almost complete.

Even though I told them a bomb would soon drop over their heads, the students took an unexpected action.

They insisted on taking the kids with them and started gathering supplies, a little delay won’t hurt.

Truth be told, I wasn’t about to blame them for that.

Saving a child’s life is a natural instinct. However, packing supplies was a bit much.

Just saving their lives was already more than enough on our part.

At least, that’s what I thought not long ago.

With a wry smile, I looked up at the ring left in my hand. I had already tossed the rest of the junk, but this one was an exception.

It might be junk for sure.

But it would look different to someone who knows its worth.

A crude metal ring made from ground nuts, inscribed with a short Latin phrase.

H01恤0 sum

The only Latin phrase I know.

Quite the fateful encounter, isn’t it?

I have no idea how this thing ended up in the hands of those kids.

Maybe their parents left it for them.

Or perhaps it was a gift from their unknown mentor.

Then again, it could just be stolen goods.

Not that it matters.

Regardless, the moment they have this, those kids are now connected to me.

That’s why I put the ring in my pocket and leaned casually against the wall.

Just in case, I thought I should personally block any incoming bombardments.


The corridor above opened up as the manhole cover lifted.

Since I asked them to come out as close to the exit as possible, we ended up in a place that wasn’t the market.

I wondered if there might be any issues, so I went up first, then followed by the two students. Finally, the kids lugging around their belongings emerged.

To secure our safety, I extended my senses around, but nothing felt amiss.

That’s strange.

Isn’t it about time the Association’s special forces rushed in and started blasting away scatter grenades?

Or had they deployed too few troops due to the surprise of the situation?

I pondered briefly, but since it had nothing to do with my plans, I stopped thinking and turned back.

The kids were just staring blankly at me.

“Hey there. Dam?”

“What is it?”

So curt.

“I said I could guide you out of here, right?”

“Yeah. Should I lead the way?”

I waved my hand to signal that it wasn’t necessary yet and took a breath to prepare what I was about to say.

It’s time to part ways.

“Let’s separate here.”

“Master! What are you talking about?”

The students reacted fiercely to my words. The kids just stared at us blankly, perhaps because they weren’t as emotionally invested in the issue.

“From now on, let’s act separately.”


Han Abin seemed ready to say something, but…

“But what? Who are you going to lose to? Dam knows the way, so hurry and get the kids out of Nanjido before the bombs drop.”

I spoke faster than she could respond.

I hadn’t planned to part ways this quickly. I intended to break down the wall and get Ede outside before coming back but changed the plan since Dam said he knew the way outside.

So off you go now.

I waved my hand urging them to hurry, but…

“What about you, senior?”

Of course, my students completely ignored my order.

“Oh? Are you asking something obvious?”

It’s pretty clear.

“I have to evacuate the people of Nanjido; if we escape, everyone here will just be slaughtered. Slaughtered.”

The Association wouldn’t treat them like people. Hyunseok may think differently, but his lone opinion won’t overturn the International Union’s decisions.

“Master! Then I should go with you…”

Perhaps my statement stirred feelings, as Baek Sihyeon began swinging her summoned hammer wildly.

“Are you trying to send Abin alone, Sihyeon?”

Once I asked that, the swinging hammer came to a halt.

She probably understood all at once what I meant: if Han Abin is left alone, it would be impossible to protect her son.

Han Abin seemed to understand, too, as her face turned red and she bowed her head.

“As for conditions, I’ll say this, if you encounter Association people on the way, feel free to use my name. I don’t care whether you do it here or outside.”

I had said all I needed to say to the students.

“Oh, and Dam?”

“What is it?”

As soon as I said I wouldn’t be going with them, that little brat’s tone turned curt. I guess he thought he no longer needed to appear friendly.

What a sly little lad.

“Take this.”

I threw the item I had prepared earlier to Dam.

I originally intended to give it to the students, but it transformed into something more akin to a ring.

“Huh? Wait a minute, Mool…”

Was it because I tossed it quickly? Dam struggled to catch it.

Finally managing to grab what I tossed, he looked at it with a blank expression.

A black plastic device with a button.

He poked at it, tapped it, and pressed the button while examining it.

“What is this?”

“Beep beep.”

I told him that, but Dam looked back at the students with a ‘Is that it?’ face.

Perhaps he was hoping one of them would answer.

But they also stared at me with confused expressions.

What’s going on? Generational gap?

How annoying.

“Just think of it as a communication device. Originally, it could only receive, but I modified it to send to this phone. If it’s urgent, just dial 1111 to send a message.”

I found this item by chance in the market. Apparently, it’s great for communication within Nanjido after it’s been modified or something.

“How do you dial 1111?”

I heard Dam mumbling, but I didn’t bother replying.

“I’m leaving now, so stay safe.”

…You too, senior.

“Master! Can we come back after sending Ede?”

With both Han Abin, blush-faced, and Baek Sihyeon, who was regretful about not going with me, I bid them farewell.

“Never come back.”

If I said anything more, I feared I’d get dragged into those fool’s pace, so I spoke firmly and jumped into the corridor.

I felt my students rapidly fading away from my senses.

I brought them here as a field trip of the underworld, but now the situation had become too tangled.

Because of that, all the students got was a glimpse into the sordid reality of slums and the lives of people there.

That was likely shocking for them, but…

The real field trip into the underworld should start now.

A society where power dominates everything.

It’s a pity I can’t show that, but let’s save it for later.

With that thought, I cast off the facade I had shown before my students.

I saw pipes ahead.

I ignored them and charged ahead.

Because of that, muck spilled everywhere, but I had already long passed that spot.

Electrical wires blocked my path.

I tore those down too as I continued to run.

What’s discomfort?

I was simply carrying out the mission.

Quickly and efficiently.

Secure Kim Taejoon.


To go up, I burst through the ceiling.

Concrete scattered around, but I didn’t care.

I charged ahead, destroying everything in my path.

What I told my students wasn’t a lie.

I was heading towards Old Man Ri to evacuate the people of Nanjido.

But that was merely my obligation; my true aim was everything regarding Kim Taejoon.

The one who knows about the higher-ups.

Someone associated with that guy.

The deeds he carried out.

I would extract the information, even through torture.

Of course, this largely deviated from the conditions set with the Alliance.

They had thrown out a card to ensure the Association wouldn’t question my failure.

In a way, that was a clear act of betrayal.

But still.

I soared upwards once again.

Not knowing the way to the market through spatial movement, I continued to destroy everything in my path on the shortest route.

I kept going.

A deal with the Alliance. Right, I must keep that.

They seem to have already violated the contract, but then again, I made a new one.

But you know…

As long as I don’t hand him over to the Association, there shouldn’t be any issues regarding the contract, right?

Even if I turn him into a cripple and squeeze all the information out of him…

In terms of the contract? No problem.

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