Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 133

Chapter: 133. Intermission – The Inquisitor Yumil.

First Step.

In the accelerated imprinting, the dull weapon chased after the object.

And then, the sounds spilled out.

Ping! “丁丁丁丁丁.”

Like a rainstorm, the scatter grenades rained down.

Seeing that, the man’s memories, which aren’t mine, made me click my tongue.

So annoying.

His shadow occasionally popping out too.

And the shower of grenades pouring down.

But hey, it can’t be helped.

Children can’t choose their parents after all.

I’ve gradually come to understand, chewing over his disgusting actions a bit more.

It feels awkward to call him ‘Father,’ but I’ve come to grasp his actions somewhat.

The remaining problem is just the shower of grenades.

Given my muddy nature, I won’t die if I get hit by them, but it’s pretty clear I’ll be spending quite a long time on body recovery.

Why is it that this species called humanity has developed an incredibly powerful arsenal?

Both nuclear weapons and those special grenades.

According to the doctrine of the alliance, despite having weak flesh, their firepower is stronger than most upper-tier monsters.

I asked Solimi about it, but she just gleamed and rambled on about how cool explosions are and the charm of firepower, leaving me still curious about the subject.

Even in my father’s memories, it’s unclear why there’s such a pursuit for firepower…

While pondering such absurd thoughts, I danced.

To avoid the grenades.

One Step.


Two Steps.

Grenades flew between my legs, under my armpits, and through my tilted head.

[Why not just get hit?]

So loud.

I know it’s not the man speaking, but frustration surged up again.

It wasn’t him, but an instinct imprinted in me from my father that told me:

Don’t move like it’s ballet; just perform the necessary actions and you can afford to take a few grenade hits, right?

Yet, I wasn’t born with a physique as resilient as that man’s.

And I didn’t understand the overwhelming emotions that compressed everything, like that man.

So I created a new combat technique.

The important thing is flair and presentation.

Having been born into a beautiful world, it’s only right that I repay it.

But that doesn’t mean I abandoned that man’s combat style.

I hate to admit it, but it’s a technique that has achieved a certain realm.

Rough, brutal, focused solely on exterminating the enemy, yet it’s a technique that’s dozens of levels above mine.

So I collected its strengths.

What I adopted was a massive rotation.

Without stopping, always rotating, pummeling the enemy.

Not just centrifugal force, but instinctively gathering all your strength at the hammer’s tip through that action.

What I gathered was foresight from experience.

The ability to recognize the opponent’s strength at a glance,

And the skill to modulate power.

I could limit a force capable of tearing apart my upper body to merely shatter limbs.

The man used explosion at that moment, but that was a technique for fighting larger, sturdier opponents.

I don’t need immense weight or force when battling humans.

Slightly stronger than the opponent.

Slightly faster than the opponent.

Without letting the rotation break.

Endless hell of strikes.

I move forward like I’m dancing.

Pour my power into the weapon.


I spread my arms wide and took the last two steps.

Graze past the grenades that flew by, causing an explosion, but it wasn’t a big deal.

Because an enemy was already in front of me.

A hero clad in black reinforced gear, spraying scatter grenades with a high-speed grenade launcher.

Possessed of space manipulation or material transmutation abilities, I presume.

Probably a transformation hero or superhuman.

Against him, I brought down what I held in both hands.

The left hand’s deer foot.

The right hand’s hammer.


The front of the deer foot caught between the grenade launchers, stopping the barrage.

The hammer jolted the enemy’s head.


The dull sensation of the helmet cracking traveled through the hammer, but I instinctively understood I had failed to finish him off.

Doesn’t matter.

I’m not like my father.

Therefore, I retracted my weapon and pressed against his body again.

In the enemy’s embrace, a place where my weapon could never reach.

The moment I freed my arms to knock him out,

Through the broken visor, I saw a gaze filled with fear.

A direct gaze, trembling with terror.

I bit down hard.

It can’t be helped.

To slow the actions of the Association, this was the only way.

Capturing heroes, special forces, and spies—that is, those affiliated with the Association—to hold them hostage and prevent their bombardment.

A thrust for him.

A heavy strike for him.

It’s unavoidable.

Do you think I’m doing this because I want to?

Feeling the salty taste in my mouth, I released my arms.

The deer foot soared, stripping away his helmet.

The hammer rocked his head.

“Is it over?”

I thought while retracting my weapon and turning to distance myself.

“This will end…”

A man’s voice echoed from behind.

He truly is a prime hero of the Association, isn’t he? Even after taking that hit, he opens his mouth.

Wanting to leave him with a good memory, I turned my body toward him and smiled.

Seeing my smile, he staggered as if trying to hold onto consciousness, but soon his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed.


The heavy reinforced suit shook the ground.

Considering the possibility that he might be faking his unconsciousness, I kept my distance and stared intently, but there was no hint of that.

“Now then, one last thing…”

I dug through the coat, pulling out the remaining ampoule. The translucent liquid sloshed around—Linshua’s special sleeping agent.

Twisting the cap to break off the end, I stuck my right hand between the man’s reinforced suit.

Holding him tightly, I forced his mouth open and poured in the liquid.

Today’s been quite the routine.

Regular humans can be subdued easily,
but heroes are dangerous, so I need to put them to deeper sleep.

At first, I made a mistake and once stuffed the ampoule right into someone’s mouth, making it bloody, but now I can do it smoothly.

I have to admit, I was really panicking when pouring treatment meds while removing glass shards.

Just a few hours ago, this was only a memory, and I chuckled at the past that loomed up.

I placed a small transmitter next to him.

Now the alliance will come to retrieve him. Time to find the next one.

Just as I straightened my back,


A strange cracking sound rang out.


What is this?

New stimuli always pique my curiosity, regardless of whether they are beautiful or not.

So I stood right there, chasing the source of the sound.


The sound heard again.

Is it coming from the wall?

Just as I thought to move my feet,


The noise came from beneath my feet, and I understood what it was.

[Haha. You’re done for, huh?]

As the supports beneath disappeared, an unearthly force struck me.

A power no one could escape.


Somehow, after firing those grenades, the hero I knocked out, fragments of stone, and weapons rolling on the ground, I accepted the objective reality.

I admit it. I was too foolish.

When getting hit by stray bullets, it was the same, and now it’s the same.

I’ve been too careless…

I need to be careful from now on.

Be careful. Be careful again.

[But that doesn’t mean this mistake can be made up for now.]

That’s true…

Still, it’s not the end of the world, is it?

Anyway, it’s just one level down, right? That wouldn’t be a big deal.

To make sure the hero nearby doesn’t crush his head, I casually kicked at the air, sending it below.

Ten out of ten!

I steadied my stance,

Nailed the landing.

The hero next to me fell as well, but it seems the reinforced suit mitigated the damage.

So, shall we really go now…?


…What now?

With a loud noise, the building shook.

A massive tremor followed by explosion sounds.

Could it be? Has the bombardment begun?

I guessed a few things, but the clearest answer that arose was just that.

The bombardment has begun.

The Association’s violence to erase this place and turn everything into nothing.

“Alcell! If that octopus can be stopped, what’s with ‘Just trust me’?”

You ruined everything!

Ahhhh! Really!

Hysteria surged as I scratched my head and stomped my feet.

This messes up the entire plan! What am I supposed to do!

Thud. Snap.

Could it be again?

Didn’t they say that if you think it can’t get worse, it will?

Once more, the ground crumbled beneath me.

Just like before, I plummeted downward.

I should do something, but I couldn’t think of what to do in this situation.

Help me! Memories!

So, I dug into the minefield of memories, praying for one last bit of help.

[Ah. Falling? I can’t help with that. Just fall.]

This damn father!!!


I landed on the next floor.


Again that ominous sound rang out.

It seems the whole building has weakened from the earlier tremor.

I need to get out of here before I fall again.

Just as I thought about jumping…


A groan echoed.

The moan of a human in pain.

The source was the man in the reinforced suit I knocked out.

As I fixed my gaze on him, I saw red.

A twisted steel pipe protruding through the black reinforced suit.

The pipe had emerged through the man’s body like a tumor.

And down that pipe flowed red fluid.

A penetrating wound.

Unconsciousness induced by drugs.

Severe blood loss.

My body stirred up memories I never asked for.

The demise of heroes.

The moment I recalled that, I stopped the urge to flee and reached out to the hero.


The ground began to sink immediately, but thankfully, I managed to catch the hero.

My body was starting to descend, but what should I do?

First, I should pull out the pipe… right?

I thought as I placed my hand on the pipe.

(Calm down.)

The presence inside me stopped me.

And the necessary memory surfaced.

Strip the black reinforced suit off, leaving the pipe be.

Another fall occurred, but ignoring it, I focused on saving the hero before me.

Tearing apart the blood-soaked clothing, I wrapped it around the wound.

Internal damage.

Not enough to have a massive impact.


Breathing was fast, but there was no sound of air leaking.

Unconsciously, I carried on with my actions.

With my hands inside, I doused the treatment meds provided by the alliance without restraint.

Regeneration of the lost area was impossible, but the clotting effect around the penetration would suffice.

When I came to my senses, I found myself far removed from my original location.

Looking up, all I could see was a towering ceiling.


Falling again it seems.

I managed a wry smile as I lifted the man high.

To absorb all the shock. Focusing on that.

Then, I fell with the dust.

The bottom floor?

I knocked around slightly to see if I’d fall further, but no signs of descent appeared.

Surrounded by thick dust, I could see nothing, but I certainly felt the presence of someone.

Things have become quite tangled today.

Thinking it couldn’t be helped, I cautiously laid the man down on the ground.

If a fight broke out, the recently healed wounds would reopen…

And then, I readied my stance, waiting for the dust to settle.

About ten seconds passed.

A familiar face came into view.

Han Abin.

My father’s student.

Then they should be adhering to the 1+1 rule, right?

“Where’s Baek Sihyeon…”


A monster charged at me.

With eyes bloodshot and murderous intent aimed right at me.

What now?

It clearly looks weak, but…

As I reached out to brush off the monster,


The building shook once more.

Consciousness began to slip away.

A pitch-black awareness.

Extending towards us, a will of dominion.

[Kill everything.]

The command had been given.

So, let’s kill.

I swung the hammer at the monster before me.

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