Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 152

Chapter: 152. Mobilization Training – Patrol-

Inside the Great Barrier, in the contaminated area.

About twenty people walking inside.

No matter how many heroes and defense forces are gathered here, given that it’s a contaminated area inside the Great Barrier, everyone should be on edge…

“There’s really nothing here.”


“Then let’s go look for something!”

“Smil is good at searching!”

“Don’t. Making two fools out of one is a recipe for zero tension.”


Even Han Abin seems to agree with my feelings, letting out a sigh.

It’s unclear whether she truly agrees with me, but seeing her clutching her head likely means she’s feeling similar.

“Isn’t it better if we finish quickly and go back?”

“That’s right! My grandfather always said, ‘Hunt swiftly and accurately!’”

Yeah, hunting and exterminating would be nice, indeed.

“Hey, you guys seem to be mistaken…”

I can’t help but exhale.

“This is… not hunting or extermination; it’s just simple patrolling.”

“But if we can reduce the number of enemies while we’re at it, wouldn’t that be good?”

“Smil is getting bored too!”

This is maddening.

Having just Baek Sihyeon alone is exhausting, and now with Chris doing this, I really feel like I might die.

I had thought a typically dull mobilization drill would be fine, but if I keep getting tormented by these two, by the time the training ends, I might also have my hair turn pure white like them.

“Alright, son. Let’s think this through. Why are we patrolling?”

Still, what can I do? As the adult, I need to calmly guide them.

“To take down the enemies!”


No, it’s not hunting! For heaven’s sake!

“…First off, to maintain a consistent number of enemies.”

“So we just take them out, right?”

“The second is mana, right, teacher?”

Let’s ignore that.

“Okay, then what should that ‘consistent number’ be based on?”

“I don’t know!”

“Shouldn’t we count one by one?”

“How many people can actually enter deep into the contaminated area? It feels like it would take you a lifetime to get an answer, so let me tell you. It’s a lot simpler than you think.”

Surprisingly, the Association operates on a rather rough estimate.

“It’s an innovative method of ‘not seeing any enemies while patrolling along the Great Barrier.’”

As I casually mention this ridiculous approach, even the two with their immature mental ages couldn’t help but tilt their heads in confusion.

“Oh, yeah, that does sound nonsensical to you guys. But surprisingly, it works. Now, let’s think. How often do the enemies from the Otherworld come close to the Great Barrier?”

Forced to give an impromptu lecture, I began gesturing as I spoke between the two.

“When there are too many to count, when a commanding entity appears, or when there’s a large-scale attack.”

I cut Baek Sihyeon off before she could babble some nonsense, immediately spitting out the answer.

Before getting dragged into their pace, let’s finish this off. I’m sure whatever nonsense follows will not be reasonable.

“Unless it’s a situation like that, they end up fighting among themselves for territory or having a special being crawl up the wall. If left alone, they’ll reduce their number on their own, so there’s really no need to poke the bear.”

Of course, there’s a certain estimation formula. If, for a period of time, the number of visible enemies is drastically low, we’ll assess that as an abnormal situation and send in scouts. But if I told them that, Baek Sihyeon would surely…

‘If I can’t see it with my own eyes.’
‘It’s an abnormal situation.’
‘Let’s poke at it.’

…predictably leap to absurd conclusions.

I’ve gotten somewhat used to handling those wild beasts by now.

“I got it!”

“I see! Of course, Baek Sihyeon’s teacher is really something!”

Looks like one eager child understood.

I guess the beast just acted as a supportive cheerleader…

“Alright then, that’s settled. Let’s continue this boring patrol.”

Just as I thought that,

“Teacher! Then what’s the second reason?”

Our Great Genius wouldn’t let me be.

“The second reason?”

“You said adjusting numbers was the first! So what’s the second?”

“Ah… that.”

That’s actually a simpler matter than I thought.

“See those soldiers over there? Oh, let me rephrase. Those defense members.”

There’s no military in the Association. They’re all civil servants working for defense.

“If they encounter a monster, it could be a big problem, right? Of course, there are heroes affiliated with the Association, but most are just trained ordinary folks.”

“That makes sense!”

“And that’s why.”


“So let’s patrol hard for their safety.”

“Got it! Teacher! Leave everything to me!”

Was it perhaps a sense of justice sparked by protecting others? Baek Sihyeon suddenly zipped her mouth shut and started looking around with a serious expression.

Then, perhaps influenced by that, Chris followed suit.

Perfect ending. Everyone quieted down.

“Haha. Now even the senior has gotten used to dealing with Sihyeon.”

“If I don’t want to mentally die, I have to get used to it.”

Thus, I withheld the third reason as well.

In fact, the number of patrols can be significantly lower than this. Various electronic devices could easily replace patrol duties… After all, the Great Barrier is what it is. It won’t just crumble under ordinary circumstances.

Utilizing the infinite energy drawn from the heart of the Association and transmitters, a comfortable living space exists.

Even minor damage triggers an alarm. Using multi-dimensional realities to fend off nearly all physical forces unless it’s space interference, and even partially blocking Otherworld Invasion with reality stabilization; it’s practically a miracle of a construct.

There’s no way something like this would collapse just because we leave it alone for a day.

Of course, there are those mysterious monsters like the one in Hokkaido…

But if such a being appeared in the first place, the patrol unit wouldn’t be able to deal with it.

Yet, the reason we patrol so frequently is…

Because the seniors find it unappealing to just gather us under a mobilization order and let us idle around.

Primarily thanks to the Infinite Architect or, let’s just say, senioria or something…

Though I did cast a vote as well, I’m not like them, who despise idleness.

No way. I can’t be like those two old folks.

In the midst of everyone admiring my flawless explanation,

“That’s quite an amusing explanation. Are you perhaps an early hero?”

Suddenly, a male voice caught my attention.

“Oh, if it’s early heroes, then sure, I’m a hero. Why?”

Turning to address the question, I spotted Li Shuguang smiling innocently.

Originally, he was walking with his students at the back, but he seems to have wandered up to me, intrigued by my tale.

“I see. First, I apologize for eavesdropping.”

“Oh, it’s quite alright. It’s not a secret or anything.”

Initially, even the defense members were chuckling at the somewhat vacant expressions of the students.

Just as we finished the conversation and I raised my hand to shoo him away,

“No! This great teacher! Someone like you should be treated with proper respect. I’m terribly sorry it took so long to show my respect.”

Li Shuguang bowed his head with both hands clasped.

As if addressing his own teacher.

…What’s this all about?

It’s awkward.

Did my discomfort convey?

Li Shuguang quickly lifted his head and returned to a natural posture.

“If I’ve upset you, I apologize. In our Munin Alliance, it’s a fundamental rule to show respect to the elder generations.”

“Oh, is that so? Other martial artists don’t usually do that.”

Truth is, other martial artists are more or less just the one swordsman type of people.

My human connections are quite limited in that regard.

But on a professional note, I’ve met them, so I can understand if such a culture exists…

“Hmm. Since you practice with a senior, you seem to understand martial artists well, yet my behavior seems to have burdened you. I sincerely apologize.”

“Let’s just drop this. Rather… what does ‘this great teacher’ mean…”

I reached out towards Li Shuguang, who was bowing his head again.

This is uncomfortable. Please, just stop.

“Would this be alright?”

“That’s sufficient. Even if I’m classified as an elder generation hero, I’m still a hero like any other.”

At least it’s a common point of being a hero.

“I understand. Then what should I explain first…”

As he spoke, Li Shuguang seemed to contemplate.

Is it a habit of his?

He fiddled with the spear hanging behind him, nodding his head back and forth.

As his head swayed left and right about ten times.


Finally, Li Shuguang opened his mouth to start explaining, but—


Suddenly, the screech of a hawk interrupted his lengthy explanation.

“Monster sighted! I’m heading out! Older sisters and brothers,”

And with the loud commotion, a magical girl zoomed off like the wind.

“A monster? Where?”

“Combat mode! An enemy appeared!”

“Where? I can’t see it!”

Were they stirring up trouble with all the noise?

A chaotic uproar broke out as they looked for an unseen enemy.

In that chaos, I calmly tracked Chris with my eyes.

A monster? Or a kaiju?

To confirm the veracity of this claim, I expanded my senses and spotted a wriggling monster in the distance.

“About 1.2 kilometers ahead. Three amorphous monsters. Probably around B-Rank judging by their size and strength.”

A big catch for a B-Rank.

Of course, given my sluggish estimation, it could very well be high-end C-Rank or low-end A-Rank.

“Are you sure?”

The defense officer questioned as if he couldn’t trust my words.

“= They could potentially be zero. It’s sure to be around E = this is certain.”

…Move out! B-Rank monsters ahead! Everyone, move quickly!

“Draw the weapons! Followed by rapid movement—”

My single command caused an uproar.

The Munin side also drew their weapons and started to gather energy.

The defense forces quickly adjusted their equipment and prepared for swift movement, but I slammed my hammer into the ground, halting all actions.

“Alright. Thank you for your attention. Everyone, please extinguish your battle modes and calm down.”

“What do you mean by that! You just said there are three B-Rank monsters, and you think sending out a single magical girl is enough…”

“I agree! That magical girl has a mana capacity equivalent to a mid-ranking soldier…”

Ah, truly Munin indeed. So sensitive to the otherworldly powers that others possess.

But what can I say?

“Trust me. Don’t worry. She’ll handle it well.”

As I spoke, I shifted my gaze to the distant location.

“Attack, Smil!”


Thus, what I witnessed was an absurd scene where the hawk, cloaked in mana, dove straight for the monster.

Additionally, there were bears trampling down with their kicks and various canines engaging in a lively mob attack, but the most striking was surely the hawk shooting through the air like a missile.

That looked way more painful than I expected.

No matter how it seems like a scene of wild animals clashing, each one of those energies is a blow from a *Rank hero.

I myself was left in disbelief after getting hit during training earlier.

About thirty seconds elapsed as I watched that scene unfold.

Due to overwhelming numbers, the three B-Rank monsters were ripped to shreds.

Though they didn’t actually die since they’re goo-type, I doubt Chris would realize that, so I’d better go and take care of it.

“Looks like it’s over. Let’s go and clean up.”

Leaving behind the absurd sounds, I slowly made my way toward Chris.

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