Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 155

Chapter: 155. Get-Together Get-Together Drinks Get-Together

In a shabby corner of a restaurant.

It’s hard to believe that this was our first awkward meeting, as the squad members have now become so friendly,

gathered together, chattering away.

Especially, seeing Li Shuguang, who had been actively keeping his distance from us, leading the squad members in my place makes me unsure of what’s going on anymore.

Not long ago, he handed Haram Abin a bunch of strange A4 papers claiming it was a secret technique…

For reference, that secret technique wasn’t something I could mimic, so I politely returned it.

A person has to have some shame.

Of course, somewhere in the back of my mind, I remembered it. It might come in handy someday.

While everyone else was bonding with the squad members they had become close to, ding ding ding.

A clear sound rang out, causing everyone, including me, to shut their mouths and turn to look at the source of the noise.

“Alright! Let’s pay attention!” Li Shuguang said as he tapped a glass with chopsticks, opening his mouth.

“Ah, first of all, before we begin the gathering, it would be right for our esteemed elder to give the opening remarks.”

Standing up, he started a speech while glancing at me.

Well, I don’t want to do it.

Dragging my heavy body here was just for the sake of the students and considering my face as a martial arts mentor.

With those thoughts in mind, I took a sip from the glass in front of me.

It was a drink with a rich sweetness, a white, sweet, and sour beverage.

“Since you said you don’t want to, I’ll start in your place,” he said, clearly perceptive.

If I had forced him, he would have just said something half-hearted and wrapped it up.

“Eat well, retire healthily, or find enlightenment. Hmm. This is a bit long too. Is there a way to shorten it?”

While I got lost in thought, he continued, “Then, before we start, let’s take a moment to be grateful for this chance encounter. We come from completely different powers and backgrounds, and each of us has our own stories, yet meeting like this is a true blessing from the Sky.”

Hmm. That doesn’t seem quite right; there are six from your faction, three magical girls from the same group, and only one outsider, Chris.

Oh, but since I see some among your group who are of Caucasian descent, perhaps the origins differ.

And it’s not a blessing from the Sky; it’s rather the result of the management’s blunders.

“Despite our differing factions, I appreciate everyone openly sharing everything for each other’s growth.”

Calling it a faction is a stretch considering the systems were completely different, right?

Well, there was indeed something to learn.

My mentor, the Thunder God, hadn’t thought much about efficiency either, but thanks to the words of the martial artists, even I, who hadn’t had a smooth flow of mana, could slightly improve my efficiency.

By about 1%?

For someone at my level, that 1% is significant, though.

“I won’t say I hope this bond continues forever or anything cliché. I’ve been through quite a few mobilizations myself, and I know how those usually end.”

Yeah, it’s always the same; we meet often, yet there’s no contact afterward.

I’ve even had more drinks with random guys I met in bars.

“Still! This moment is not without its shine!”

Yeah, yeah. If everything ends well, that’s what matters!

“Now, let’s all raise our glasses!”

Everyone raised their glasses cheerfully, but I raised mine with a half-hearted smile.

What’s in this glass isn’t alcohol, after all.

It’s probably some goat or mare’s milk yogurt drink or something.

I can’t recall the name, but there’s a drink made from that; if only they served me that.

Of course, being part of the Defense Force, I know it’s strange to have alcohol around, so it’s just a simple complaint.


This isn’t a toast, though. It’s not alcohol, remember?

Despite my inner thoughts,


everyone shouted in unison and clinked their glasses.

Well, not everyone.

There might be two who have never experienced a drinking party before.

“Uh…! Che-er?”

One magical girl from the Soviet Union was holding her glass high, unable to lower it as she just kept clinking with all the approaching glasses.


And a fool was burping with a little patch of beard around his lips without clinking with anyone.

Yeah, that would be Baek Sihyeon.

Good grief, Baek Sihyeon now looks like she has a lower mental age than Chris.

If she were on her own, she might have been somewhat ostracized even at a drinking party…

“This is about clinking and drinking, you know.”

The female martial artist sitting next to Baek Sihyeon offered her advice with a smile, filling Baek Sihyeon’s empty glass.

That’s the result of Baek Sihyeon’s charm.

They are squad members who’ve been living together for about two weeks, meaning they’ve already experienced Baek Sihyeon’s foolish antics multiple times.

If viewed negatively, she might seem a bit lacking, but if you share time with her affectionately, you notice it’s just a minor immaturity.

Like a senior, she gives off a warm vibe like that.

I and Haram Abin might have different views after experiencing some major incidents, but the martial artists likely haven’t faced such things.

“Oh, really?”

“Well, it’s probably your first drinking party.”

Isn’t it a bit odd to say it’s their first, considering we often do cheers since childhood?

Like during birthday parties.

Chris actually just didn’t know the chorus of ‘Cheers’ and was confused about when to act.

Though in reality, even with these distorted perceptions,

“Alright, let’s do another toast! Hero Baek Sihyeon!”

“Right! Cheers!”


The two of them, who hit it off well, did another toast just for themselves.

Well, if the ending is good, that’s all that matters.

Although Baek Sihyeon’s beard got thicker.

Thinking I could finally take my eyes off that fool, I looked around.

“So, does that mean you don’t always need to maintain mana in the bow?”

“That’s right! After all, the arrow itself flies, and the bow is just the tool to shoot! In that case, the bow’s tension is effectively just for show, and it was concluded on our side! Of course, if you use an endowment magic, the bow becomes important! But your weapon seems to be a type similar to our illusion weapon, so there’s no need to enhance the bow!”

“I see, thank you for this precious and important information.”

“Oh, no! It’s not even that important! We hardly use bows, to begin with! We should help each other out as ranged weapon users!”

Not long after, as if he wanted to laugh heartily and chug his drink, he’s ah, happily chatting about endowment magic with Haram Abin.

But wait, do you really call yourself a ranged weapon user?

With muscles the size of my waist on your arms?

Even swinging a blunt weapon wouldn’t seem out of place.

I thought this in my mind, but I didn’t bring it up.

I didn’t feel like stepping in.

“So, how does the form work? I’ve read some papers claiming that unlike magic circles, putting a formula on the puppet doesn’t activate it!”

“Oh, that was also a subject of discussion among us martial artists. Some believe that because humans are the center of all things, it’s possible, while others think the very existence of humanity functions as a form…”

“The center of all things seems a bit too metaphysical. The concept of a human being itself as a form seems quite reasonable! It’s not my field, though!”

“Hero Baek Sihyeon, you’re quite clever… you do this often, don’t you?”

“I always do this!”

“Yes, yes, clever Hero Baek Sihyeon, wipe your mouth.”

He had shown off his intelligence after a long while, but in the end, he got his mouth wiped by the female martial artist who seemed about 4-5 years older than him.

Are they mother and daughter?

The age difference isn’t that much, what are they doing?

While such thoughts swirled in my heart, I didn’t step in this time, either.

I just quietly watched them, tipping my glass.

How long has it been since the get-together started?

“Are you having a good time?”

The question returned to me as I quietly observed the children, sipping my drink.

I turned to look at him, to the familiar voice I recognized over these past weeks.

“Well, how does it look to you? I replied with an irritable tone, unlike our first meeting.

There’s no need for pretense with someone who already knows my personality.

“You don’t seem to look too happy.”

Even with my sharp words, Li Shuguang smiled and sat beside me.

“Well, I think I’m alright, but instead of being with boring me, how about you talk with the others?”

While I may as well have been spitting out magic words, it was only because I had no stories to exchange with Li Shuguang. I think I’m enjoying this gathering.

Being alone is nothing new to me, and the lively atmosphere isn’t bad either.

Despite hearing that,

“Do you remember that time on our first patrol?”

Li Shuguang kept smiling and opened his mouth.

Our first patrol…

Is he talking about the time the jelly monster showed up?

“Sort of, but why?”

Since I had disregarded the spirit calling, whatever I said wouldn’t come back, so I just went along with it.

“Do you remember the grandmaster I mentioned back then?”

Grandmaster? Did I even say something like that?

I frowned as I tried to recall that moment.

“Uh, since that situation was what it was, I can’t say I remember well.”

Li Shuguang looked at my face as if to say he understood and then continued.

Since I nodded, he explained further.

“You know well that even retired martial artists retain some strength, right?”


“Then you’re probably aware that retired martial artists remain in the alliance to nurture their juniors. We refer to those who have contributed since before the founding of the alliance as grandmasters.”

Hearing this explanation, I found myself speechless. It felt like it described someone specific.

“In fact, these grandmasters always have a shadow cast upon their faces. Some have even been unable to sleep properly and are in distress…”

A slight darkness fell over Li Shuguang’s formerly bright voice.

He’s probably feeling it.

The grandmaster and the person in front of me are the same.

“So, are you saying I have the qualifications to receive that grandmaster treatment and should fill my drink?”

Did my emotions shake?

I thought that was a rather inconsiderate thing to say to Li Shuguang.

Adjusting my voice just low enough for the others not to hear was the only sanity I had left.

The noisy atmosphere of the gathering began to clash with where I sat.

An uncomfortable, pressuring atmosphere.

In the midst of that turbulence,

“Yes, I saw the same shadow. Grandmaster Haram Lee.”

Li Shuguang bowed his head.

Then he lifted his head and continued speaking.

“Because of that, I wanted to do what I could.”

Saying that, he filled my glass.

Before I knew it, my empty glass was filled.

“Firstly, I arranged this gathering, but… if it made you uncomfortable, I apologize. But I just want to say one thing, this…”

The martial artist quietly bowed his head.

Then he opened his mouth.

“Thank you.”

At those words, I quietly nodded, turning my gaze toward the outdoors.

Beyond the window was a pitch-black night, but a few beams of searchlights shone down from the Great Barrier onto the ground.

It wasn’t so bad. I felt good.

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