Mr. Magical Girl

Chapter 162

Chapter: 162. Dance with the Machine (2)

“This aircraft is Asian Express flight 923, heading to Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow.”

First class seats on the passenger plane. Luxurious and always fully booked, yet right now, all the seats are empty except for the one I’m in.

The flight attendants are busily preparing for takeoff, but none of them seem to give me a glance. I thought first-class seats would warrant some courtesy.

That said, I have no plans to complain about the crew. That’s just how it is. The fact that the first class is completely empty and that they aren’t paying attention to me is normal. To them, I’m probably just a high-ranking official from the Association on an official duty.

After all, even if I’m not part of the high-ranking officials, they probably see me that way, so this is why I hate flying commercial.

By the way, where the hell is this guy? I’m already annoyed by the crew’s deliberate attempts to ignore me, and my partner hasn’t shown up until just before takeoff.

“Passengers, please ensure your seatbelts are fastened, and refrain from smoking in all areas, including the restroom.”

What gives? The announcement is wrapping up, and am I really flying to Soviet land all by myself? I really don’t want to argue with the guys there.

Amidst my worries, just as the flight attendants begin to sit down and fasten their belts for takeoff, thud, thud, screech.

“Sir, this is unacceptable…”

With a bizarre metallic sound, chaos erupted in the front. Normally, passengers wouldn’t notice such commotion, but since I’m in first class, if I just turn my head slightly, I can see the front door.

I can somewhat guess what’s going on, but with a half-curious mind, I lean out of my seat.

What comes into view is my dear friend.

Throwing aside his greasy research garb, he’s dressed neatly in casual clothes and looks like a model. With his sharp features and blonde hair, a universal handsome face.

As if to validate my thoughts, the stationed hero in front gets flustered while talking to him.

“I assume you’re a hero, but demonstrating heroic powers on the plane is punishable unless it’s an emergency. Especially since we’re about to take off, so please be careful…”

No, just label him a danger and restrain him for now.

Even though the words come out rigidly, his voice is full of confusion.

“Ah, I’m sorry. I have something urgent…”

“Even if it’s urgent, the norm states that what you did is considered quasi-terroristic behavior…”

No, just restrain him already.

“Apologies. It’s truly urgent. Could you please read this document?”

Was he trying to escape that bureaucratic conversation? The ‘terrorist’ pulled something from within his coat.

An A4-sized sheet and a neat hero identification card.

“Please wait a moment.”

The stationed hero received the two items, scanned them with the machine, and then:

“…Confirmed. Please proceed. But refrain from such actions in the future.”

“Yes, I apologize for the trouble.”

“Not at all. Have a pleasant flight.”

The ‘terrorist’ confidently boarded the plane and threw himself into the seat next to me.

No matter how he dresses it up, his true nature can’t be hidden; as soon as he sat down, a faint smell of grease wafted into my nose, and I couldn’t help but ask him.

“Why were you so late?”

“Haha, well, you see…”

Hearing the flight announcements while fastening his seatbelt, he seemed a bit sheepish and turned his gaze away.

“It was supposed to be a perfect arrival according to my calculations, but there was an… accident in between…”

“What kind of accident?”

“I was in such a hurry that I crashed into a tollgate.”

Well, before even talking about your calculations, that means you were already late before getting into the car. It was obvious you would have been late regardless of any accidents.

Whether or not he’s turning into a machine, that’s just a fact of life.


After a brief chat, the entire plane began to shake.

As if gathering strong power to lift the massive steel into the sky, the plane trembled and then released that gathered strength.

Amidst the vibrations and noises, I tossed a question that I should have asked earlier.

“What’s with the sudden wind? Are we going to meet the enemy?”


A bleak answer returned.

Just as bleak as the vibrations felt.

“Are you retiring?”

“No, not at all.”

There was a hint of emotion in that response, a sigh mixed with the scent of machinery.

“I just have something I want to know.”

“Something you want to know?”

The plane started to ascend against the gravitational pull of the earth.

“Back when you visited my lab, you said a scientist pursues all knowledge for one answer.”

“Did I say that?”

“Yes, you did.”

I don’t remember saying such a thing. Hmm. I guess it was mindless chatter?

Unless he’s lying, the Librarian’s memory can’t be wrong.

“After hearing that, I’ve thought of something. It’s about something I can’t turn my eyes away from indefinitely.”

“And to find that out, are you going to see your last enemy?”

The conversation was short, but the plane had already stopped gaining altitude.

Perhaps we were talking too slowly. A question and an answer. An answer and a question.

In the midst of those long intervals.

Then breaking the silence that lasted far too long.

“…For knowledge that might change my heart?”

I carefully crafted and threw out my question.

To that, the Librarian simply responded.

What knowledge could it be?

What information is he after that might lead to his corruption?

Yet, being able to stay calm like this, why is that?

Is it because he’s a machine?

No, he’s human.

A human that resonates with me entirely differently than the plane does.

My friend, my old hero.

The Librarian.

“Seriously, that serious expression doesn’t suit you, so cut it out.”

He interrupted my thoughts with a single line.

“…Did it show?”

“Yes, very much.”

“Then why say anything? You’re asking for trouble.”

He spoke as if he were about to die.

“Preparing for the worst-case scenario is a lesson we learned on the battlefield. I was merely following that.”

Yeah, yeah. Well done you.

Should’ve just saved my worry.

I waved at the Librarian, maintaining a sullen expression as I gazed out the window of the plane.

Having quickly ascended, only the blue sky and white clouds were visible outside the window.

I stared blankly for what felt like minutes.

“Hm. I know you’re dissatisfied with me, so please accept this.”

The Librarian said, handing me something dark beyond my head.

It obstructed my vision, so I snatched it, still not having deciphered the black lump.

However, as soon as I grasped it, I quickly understood its nature.

A handheld gaming console.

The latest portable gaming device.

“Let’s have a match.”

Hearing that, I turned my head to see him holding the same model.

Ah, there’s no helping it.

Cautiously grabbing the handheld, I powered it up.

The blue screen lit up.

“This time, I’ll win.”

I declared victory.

“43 wins and 21 losses. That’s my overwhelming dominance.”

“No, that’s cheating! Why the hell does that count?”

I hadn’t held the game in a while, but the results were too horrific.

I have no clue why the forced connection isn’t working.

It seems I put it in right, yet the character on-screen isn’t responding.

It must have been rigged; the character the Librarian picked is, of course, chaining some moves.

In my rage, I engaged my cognition acceleration and inputted commands, but—


K! 0!

The gaming device in my hand coolly declared my opponent’s victory.

“44 wins and 21 losses.”

This damned thing!

“Hey, you, this game is hacked, isn’t it? Just admit it!”

This rubbish lowered my overwhelming dominance and leveled up its character while turning mine into trash.

It’s clearly impossible for the feminine character dancing around on the screen to defeat my muscular dude.

“I didn’t do anything like that.”

Don’t lie, game noob.

Even with cognition acceleration, I inserted the commands—but it didn’t trigger the skill at all!

“I put in the commands.”

“Hmm? Didn’t you know?”

“Do I look like I’m not aware?”

“Well, it’s better to have me tell you than…”

“Please wait a moment, let’s go back to the title screen.”

Title screen? Why?

Despite the Librarian pressuring me with something strange, my curiosity about this situation was stronger, so I quietly went back to the title screen.

“Alright, here. Look here. Doesn’t something look off?”

The Librarian pointed to somewhere on the screen.

“Super… Ultra?”

What’s this ‘Ultra’?

The last I saw was ‘X’!

“It’s a new version from a few weeks ago. They sold it again.”

You didn’t think I wouldn’t know that, did you?

Thanks for solving my doubts, said the Librarian.

So this is it.

These guys are patching balances again and selling it as an expansion pack.

Probably an expansion pack worth eight dollars.

Oh, so that’s why I couldn’t play properly?

I was furious at the game company for such nonsense.

“Send me the change notes.”

But now, defeating the game noob was more important than the game company’s nonsense.

“Just wait a moment. I’ll look it up.”

Just as I was about to have such a cordial conversation when—


Suddenly, an alert sound rang out.

The sound echoed throughout the plane.

Then, a frantic voice came through the intercom.

“Dear passengers, the plane is shaking. It’s due to turbulence, so please fasten your seatbelts and remain seated…”

Left speechless, we stared at each other, our gazes crossing.

I’m pretty sure we were both thinking the same thing.

“Ah, whether it’s a monster or something, it’s bound to be here.”

Turbulence, my ass. It’s probably another monster.

The stationed hero in front is panicking and not preparing equipment.

…Isn’t aerial assault only about 5 to 8 times a year?

“I checked the database, and that’s the statistical data.”

“Then why is this the second time this year for me?”

“It seems to be because of Haram Lee.”

What? You, too, are using that excuse?

Am I really cursed to board such rides?

While I lamented that thought, I considered briefly jumping out.

But soon shelved that idea.

“Sigh. Do you think you can handle it?”

“Leave it to me.”

Right next to me is an expert in this area.

So, I placed the gaming device on my knees to observe my hero colleague’s actions.

Click. Whirr. Whoosh. Vroom.

The sounds of gears turning, hydraulic presses, and coolers echoed around us.

Various sounds filled the space.


Finally, as the Librarian glowed red, there was an explosion sound from outside the aircraft.

“Is it over?”

“Then let’s continue the game.”


So the two of us grabbed our gaming devices once more.

“What’s going on?”

“A weird explosion just happened!”

“Where’s the flight attendant?”

“Ladies and gentlemen, please remain calm. We’re currently evaluating the situation…”

There’s noise coming from the back, but it’s not worth worrying about.

The evil has retreated, and we were in a serious match.

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