Multiverse Heroes: Magical Destinies(AmphibiaxSVTFOExTOH)

Chapter 13: Friendship and Romance

The following day was a surprise for sure. No battle to prepare for, no portal hopping, no royalty squabbles, for this day was the preparation of the wedding between the musician Ruberiot and the jester Foolduke.

The room itself was being prepped by many guards, being overseen by Moon while Star, Marco, Anne, Sasha, Marcy, Amity and Luz watched on.

" I the only one who thinks it's weird that they're preparing for a wedding now?" Sasha asked. "I mean, I know Belos is missing but isn't Mewni still technically at war with The Boiling Isles?"

"Mom said the Coven Guards haven't really come through, plus that army King Andrias sent has helped big time," Star said.

"Besides, Ruberiot and Foolduke deserve this wedding," Marco said. "Though I am surprised they've having one, months ago those two hated each other."

"They probably had trouble expressing their true feelings," Luz said. "Once they got past all that, it was nothing but love."

"Sounds like a fairy tale," Amity said, the girl oddly curious by this turn of events.

"Still, a musicina and a jester? That's quite the combination," Anne said.

"They're both entertainers, that must be their common ground," Marcy theorized.

Suddenly the sound of a party popper startled the seven kids, each of them turning to see Janna, who had a bunch of supplies in a party box. "Sup?"

"Oh Janna, you're helping too?" Star asked.

"Well yeah, been a while since I was invited to a wedding, most people don't seem to like inviting me to social gatherings," Janna said.

"Gee, wonder why?" Marco sassed. "Anyway try not to get carried away here, weddings are special occasions."

"Even I know that, and don't worry, I'm not gonna screw over Ruberiot or Foolduke, they're cool," Janna said.

"So important are these two anyway?" Sasha asked. "Like, did they really help liberate Butterfly Castle or was that an exaggeration?"

"I mean, it wasn't smooth, but we got it done, along with help from a mime," Marco said.

"A mime?" Sasha asked. "You really had one weird team. Then again I've had some strange allies too from Grime's army, so I can't really comment much."

"Hey their talents really came together well, until they started bickering," Marco said. "Like, what do you girls think is more art? Being a jester? Or being a musician?"

"I'm pretty biased toward the musician part," Sasha said.

"Same, but being a jester means you know how to make people laugh, and that takes talent," Anne said.

"I'm with the jester, because laughter is a fun thing," Janna said.

"It depends on the mood," Amity said. "Granted I've never cared that much for either."

"That's a bit of a grump thing to say Amity," Marcy said. "I mean, isn't there anything that could bring a smile from you? Anything growing up? Or any music that you liked?"

"My upbringing was anything but fun," Amity said, thinking back a bit. "Well, not true, I did have fun playing with Willow, but then my idea of fun became a little more mean."

"Mean?" Marcy asked.

Amity shook her head, "It's nothing, it happened forever ago. I'm moving past it all."

"Sounds like you have quite the backstory," Sasha said. "Out of all of us, you have been the most aloof, like the cold loner type."

"Oh yeah, you really do fit that trope Amity," Marcy said. "But that just makes you really cool."

"Uh, thanks Marcy," Amity said. "Hey, I'm gonna go see if anyone needs help, maybe the bride."

"Oh right, neither of you have met the bride or groom," Marco said.

"Guess we haven't," Anne said. "What are they like anyway? Is that jester girl really funny?"

"Eh, she tries,'s not what I call comedy really," Marco said. "It's typical stuff like, slip on a banana, which someone would find funny, I admit, but...yeah, she needs a bit of work."

"So kid stuff then?" Sasha asked, looking bemused.

"Don't undersell her Marco, she can do more than that. She's actually great in theater and dancing," Star said.

"What about that Ruberiot guy?" Sasha asked. "What's he like?"

"Is his music good?" Anne asked.

"What instrument does he play?" Marcy asked.

"Well, Ruberiot's a talented Lute player, though he knows more instruments than that," Star said.

"A Lute?" Sasha asked.

"Remember that instrument that Eda had when she was going to play at the Battle of the Bands?" Marco asked. "Something like that."

"Oh, you mean that tiny guitar?" Sasha asked, recalling Eda's Malodin.

"Something like that," Marco said. "He's pretty good, he plays shows here and there, and once made a song for Star. It's a Mewni tradition to make a song in the honor of the hei to the throne."

"Oh yeah...that fun night," Star lamented, leaning back against the wall, slowly dragging down. "I'm still ticked off at Ruberiot for pulling that garbage."

"Oh, did something happen?" Luz asked.

"You bet something happened, it's so embarrassing," Star said, covering her face in shame. "It pretty much started the decline of the Butterfly Family's relationship with the Magic High Commission so to say."

"Oh, I think Hekapoo was telling me about this," Sasha said. "Something about that Ruberiot guy revealing that secret you and your parents hid from them regarding that magic book of yours."

"He wasn't supposed to put that in the song, I don't know what he was thinking," Star said. "I was just kind of venting a bit."

"But that's Hekapoo's problem, you hid secrets from her then complained she did it to you," Sasha said. "How is that fair?"

"I did what I did to keep the Kingdom from panicking," Star said. "Hekapoo did was she did because she just didn't want a monster kid on the throne."

"Didn't Eclipsa cheat on her husband? It'd be bad either way if that kid took the throne," Sasha said.

"She didn't want to marry the guy in the first place," Star said. "It's not cheating if there's no love."

"That sounds like a bogus excuse," Sasha said. "You mean to tell me that this Queen couldn't marry the guy she wanted to?"

"No, because The Magic High Commission wouldn't allow her too, that's the whole point!" Star frustratingly insisted. "Eclipsa had to go and find her true love! She deserved to be happy! What she didn't deserve was to be encased in crystal like her husband while her baby was traded away for another baby! That's just cruel!"

"I still think they could have worked something out, I mean for all we know, Eclipsa just wanted to cause a bit of drama, she is The Dark Queen after all," Sasha said.

"Oh don't act like an expert just because you heard one person talking about her!" Star said. "I've done my research!"

"Well, Hekapoo was actually there, I think she knows what she's talking about," Sasha said.

"You...are such kiss-up!" Star said. "How did Hekapoo already get you wrapped around her finger!?"

"Excuse me, no one wraps me around their finger, if anything I get people wrapped around mine," Sasha said.

"Wow, that is probably the most honest thing I've heard out of you since the first time we met," Luz said.

Sasha angrily turned to the girl, "What was that?"

"Luz, please don't make Sasha mad," Anne said, Luz shrugging it off. "And Sasha, maybe don't say stuff like that. If you do, it could make you sound manipulative."

"I prefer to see it as...encouraging," Sasha said, then heard an alert on her phone. "Well, gotta go, Hekapoo has some practice sessions for me to run, gotta stay in tip-top shape."

"Say does Grime mind you training with Hekapoo nowadays?" Marcy asked.

"Oh he's cool about it," Sasha said. "Mostly at least. But hey, a warrior of my skill needs to show her talent to the world, and there's no law saying I can't be part of two armies. Honestly with my skills, I can help those Coven Liberators more as well, a girl of three armies so to say."

"Sounds like you're enjoying yourself," Amity said.

"What can I say? It's great being part of something," Sasha said, making her leave. "See ya!"

Anne shrugged the situation off, "At least she's motivated about something."

"Yeah but I feel like she enjoys the fighting too much," Luz said. "What's she planning to do once the war ends?"

"Find another battle probably," Marco said. "With Hekapoo by her side, there's no telling what she'll find out in the multiverse."

"At least she has a continuous adventure, and with those scissors, she can go home any time she chooses to," Marcy said. "Lucky her."

"Hey we'll be able to go home ourselves soon, Mar-Mar," Anne said. "We just need to wait for confirmation that this war's over."

"Not what I mean by lucky," Marcy said.

Marco knew what Marcy meant, he figured her main reason for wanting those scissors is to make sure she can continue with adventures of her own. Part of him wished to ask Anne about it, but doing so would only arouse her suspicion, and he promised Marcy he wouldn't tell her or Sasha.

"Well, still, not much longer before I can go home," Anne said. "Also Marco, you probably want to go back home for a bit yourself."

"Huh? Why me?" Marco asked.

"Well your brother's going to be born soon, don't you want to be around for that?" Anne asked.

"Oh yeah...I should be around, I am going to be an older brother," Marco said.

"I'll make sure we stay up to date on that," Star said. "It's so exciting that soon you're going to be Marco Sr."

"Yeah, I don't think that's happening, before I left last night, I wrote down a list of names and left them for my parents," Marco said. "Hopefully we get something better than Marco Jr."

"We all hope so, I mean imagine if I go back home and my mom's pregnant with a sister she plans to call Anne Jr.," Anne joked.

"Or if I went back to see a Luz Jr.," Luz joked, then felt some heaviness in her heart. "Though, that'd be tough since I only have a mom, the odds of me returning home to a sibling are really low."

"Wait, hold on," Amity said. "Luz...did your dad pass away?"

"You never told her Luz?" Anne asked.

"Wait, you knew!?" Amity asked.

"Yeah, she mentioned it the other day," Anne said.

"It just came out, I don't even know why, it's a really touchy topic for me," Luz said. "Maybe because I heard about what happened to Sprig and Polly regarding their parents, and I just began to relate to them."

"Did their parents pass away too?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, long time ago," Anne said. "That's why their grandfather's raising them."

"," Marco began to empathize with the two kids. "Hope I'm not taking my parents for granted."

"Don't sweat it, I mean you just visited them yesterday and you clearly care about them, so you're all good," Anne said.

"Yeah, I guess so," Marco said. "Still, I feel like I should do more."

"Marco, you know I care about your feelings, but can we back up a bit?" Amity said. "Luz, you told Anne about your father before you told me?"

"Yeah...?" Luz said. "I mean, like I said, it's a touchy subject, I only mentioned it because Hop Pop talked about his son and daughter-in-law."

"Well, I guess that makes sense, but still, you just met Anne, and you've known me longer," Amity said. "I just thought I'd learn about this from you first."

"Hey, there's probably plenty you know about regarding Luz than I know," Anne reassured. "Take comfort in that."

"Right, plenty I know about you," Amity tried thinking for a second. "What do I know about her..."

"Amity, it's not a competition," Marco said.

"Yeah, what Marco said, it's no big deal if I found out first, if you were there you'd know about it too," Anne said.

"Right, of course," Amity said, still feeling bitter about this.

"Let's move on from this please, I'd rather not stay stuck on this topic," Luz said.

"Oh, yeah, totally," Marco said. "But hey, the fact that you're comfortable enough to mention it is good progress, and we're all here for you if you need any of us."

"Thanks, I know I can count on you all," Luz said.

"Do Willow and Gus know by the way?" Amity asked.

"Amity, drop it, it's not important," Anne said.

The witch turned away in annoyance, "Fine..."

"Look, why don't we all see if there's anything we can do, beats standing around here," Marco said.

"Yeah, sure," Amity said, immediately making her leave.

" she in a bad mood or something?" Janna asked.

"I'll go and check on her," Luz said, making her way after Amity as Sasha made her way back.

"Hey Marco, I just spoke with Hekapoo," Sasha began. "That girl Kelly had to go home for something, she asked if you can swing by and pick her up so she's on time for the party, and possibly be her ride home."

"Oh yeah, I can help her with that," Marco said. "I actually do have a ride."

"You own a car?" Anne asked.

"Better, I own a Dragon Cycle," Marco said. "Her name is Nachos."

"Oh, you named it?" Anne asked. "Guess that makes sense, seems like a guy thing to do."

"That sounds amazing, I'd totally love to check it out," Marcy said.

"I can show you later, right now we should help set up," Marco said, going to check on the decorations.

"Right behind you!" Marcy said, following Marco.

"Wait, why does Kelly need a ride? What about the scissors?" Anne asked.

"Hey she told Hekapoo and Hekapoo told me, I couldn't care less about her lack of logic as long as it doesn't affect me," Sasha said.

"I totally relate to that. Anyway I'm going to 'supervise' the snacks," Janna said, making her own exit.

"I'm going to go make sure she doesn't go overboard," Star said, leaving after Janna.

"That Janna girl better not eat everything," Sasha said, tempted to drag her back over.

"She seems like the type to intentionally say things just to annoy people," Anne said. "But she also seems like the type to follow through on it too."

"I wouldn't put it past her," Sasha said. She focused her attention back to her friend, "So, Anne. What was Marco's house like anyway?"

"It looked nice, had a Mexican aesthetic to it with the cactuses...or is it cacti?" Anne couldn't recall. "Still, nice home, basically what you would expect from a house near Santa Monica."

"To think the first boy we'd run into in this multiversal traveling would be another LA boy," Sasha said. "Gotta say though, he's a really nice kid."

"Super nice, with a bit of awkwardness to him but hey, who among us isn't awkward?" Anne said.

"You mean besides yours truly?" Sasha said, earning a glare from Anne. "Just a joke Anne, chill."

"Well anyway, Marco lives in a really nice neighborhood, and I wouldn't mind taking a ride down there sometime," Anne said. "I mean, Marco even mentioned a potential beach day, we'd just need bathing suits."

"Oh yeah, you definitely need a good one, and not that trashy school gym one you wear," Sasha said. "Get something that really shows off the goods, get what I mean?"

"Uh..." Anne started blushing a bit. "What goods? I'm a scrawny teenager. Compared to Luz and Amity, what do I have?"

"Don't be so hard on yourself, that's just another reason we need to pick something nice," Sasha said. "One for you, me and Marcy."

"I can't see Marcy wearing anything like that," Anne said. "Then again, she probably would just to be bold."

"Speaking of Marcy, has something been off about her to you?" Sasha asked.

"Now that you mention it, she has been a little jumpy, especially yesterday when she was back home," Anne said.

"You think someone's bothering her?" Sasha asked.

"If there is, she's not telling us," Anne said.

"I bet I can get it out of her, put on the old Sasha charm," the blonde girl said, boasting her charisma.

"I'm not sure if we should pry just yet, I mean, if she wants to tell us then she will when she's ready," Anne said.

"Anne, we're her best friends, we have a right to know if something's up with her," Sasha said.

"There's a difference between checking up on her and basically bullying the information out of her," Anne said.

"Bully? Wow, nice choice of wording Anne," Sasha said, looking a bit offended.

"Didn't mean to offend you or anything, what I mean was that we shouldn't pester," Anne said. "Even if we are supposed to be best friends, that doesn't give a right to force anything out of her right now."

"Look, I can get her to talk, I'm good at doing things my way," Sasha said.

"Sasha, this is not about doing things your way, it's about doing things the proper way, the best way for Marcy," Anne said.

"Anne, everything I do is for you girls, I'm trying to get you both to toughen up," Sasha said. "I mean, you've gotten so much tougher since coming to Amphibia. Now you're fighting in a war alongside witches, demons and other fairy tale stuff!"

"Sasha, I didn't get tough because of what you did, I got tough because of how you are," Anne said. "I didn't want you to keep walking all over me."

"Ugh, why does it always come back to that!?" Sasha shouted, loud enough that even the nearby Sprig and King overheard.

"Because Sasha, it's still an issue we have to work out!" Anne said. "You keep saying you want to be better but you keep falling back into this 'My way or the highway' routine. I get it, you're a take charge girl and I respect that, but you still need to compromise better, otherwise everyone else starts to hate you."

"I don't care about everyone else though, they're not important," Sasha said. "What matters is you, me and Marcy."

"Even that you're not doing properly," Anne said. "Sasha, I don't mean to upset you, I know you said you want what's best for us. Well I want what's best for you. I'm tired of having this conversation, I just want you to not only make an effort, but stay the course. Can you do that?"

Sasha groaned in frustration, but she knows that Anne just worries about her, or at least she hopes she is. "I'm trying, it's not easy for me though."

"I know you have it in you, just try harder," Anne said. "Look, I'm gonna go see what I can do to, please try your best to make nice with everyone."

"Uh-huh..." Sasha said as Anne left, the girl still unsure about her friend's chances at getting socially better. "This is such a pain in the ass."

Nearby with Sprig, the boy was suspiciously eyeing Sasha, "Sometimes I don't know why Anne cares so much about her. She's clearly a lost cause."

"They've been friends since they were little, right?" King asked. "Anne must have fond memories with Sasha, especially if she's going through this much trouble to keep her in good social graces."

"I guess, I just don't want Anne to get hurt," Sprig said. "I just don't trust Sasha and I feel like Anne's wasting her time with this."

"Well, I don't know Anne or Sasha as well as you, but I feel like Sasha does want to be a good friend to Anne, she's just not good at playing nice with others," King said. "Girls like Sasha, they put on this tough act because they're hiding something vulnerable about themselves. Eda can be the same way at times."

"Yeah but Eda's nice," Sprig said.

"Because she had good friends and family to help her see that about herself, which is what Sasha needs," King said. "She loses her friends and family, she might not get better, she might get worse. She could very well end up cold and distant, like the lone mercenary or something."

"Still though..." Sprig said.

"You want another example? Amity used to be a bully, then Luz got to her on an emotional level, and boom, no more bully Amity," King said.

"Oh right...hard to imagine Amity being mean though, she seems really chill," Sprig said.

"Well Luz remembers more than her being chill, though if you really want to get to the nitty gritty about Amity, you're better off asking Willow," King said.

"Which one's Willow?" Sprig asked.

"The girl with the glasses who showed up with the short kid," King said.

Meanwhile elsewhere, Gus looked around with a raised eyebrow, "Why do I get the feeling someone's trash talking me?"

"You're imagining it," Willow said.

Back with Sprig, he spotted some party poppers, the boy's mischievous mind churning, "Hey, King, wanna raise a ruckus?"

"Should I get the girls?" King asked.

"Let them enjoy their spa, it's guy time," Sprig said.

"Eh, why not," King said, the two ready to cause a little trouble.

Meanwhile, Amity was helping Rhombulus move some supplies around, when Luz had gotten her attention, "Hey, Amity."

"Hey Luz, here to help?" Amity asked.

"Just set the hats and plates on the table," Rhombulus said. "Hekapoo says no one's going to use them, buuuuut, there's always a few exceptions, and we try to make everyone feel included."

"That's nice of you," Luz said, grabbing supplies. "Hey Amity, you're not upset are you?"

"I'm fine," Amity insisted as she placed the supplies down. "You're just making a new friend with Anne, and I guess you feel close to her since you're both stranded girls or something."

"Well, it's more than that, Anne's just a super nice girl," Luz said, also placing the supplies. "I mean, don't you like Anne?"

"I don't dislike her..." Amity wasn't sure if she was being honest or not. "I just feel like...honestly I don't even know what to feel."

"You know you can tell me," Luz said. "Is there something on your mind?"

"Uh..." Rhombulus had gotten their attention. "Do you need me to leave? I can take five if you want."

"That might help, thanks," Luz said, the Commision Member leaving. "Well? Do you want to tell me?"

"Well, for starters, what do you have to say about that night before you got stranded in Amphibia?" Amity asked. "The night when I kissed you?"

"Oh right...we were gonna talk about that before, then things happened," Luz said, recalling the night she, Amity and the Calamity Trio got sent to Mewni. "'s hard to say. I certainly didn't see it coming."

"I do you feel about it?" Amity asked, the girl's nerves rising. She felt totally anxious, wondering if this was the right thing to be discussing now.

"I felt...different," Luz said. "Like...I mean...I've just never really had anyone flirt with me like that. Unless you count Anne being playful."

"Forget Anne for a second, I'm asking about me!" Amity shouted. "How do I make you feel?"

"Well right now, you're kind of making me nervous, you gotta dial it back a bit," Luz said. "Look, this is awkward for both of us, not a bad awkward, but...I'm just not good at expressing my emotions. I mean, I am, just not...romantic emotions. It's new territory for me."

"Yeah, I get it, it's hard for me too..." Amity said. "But, would you ever consider dating me or anything?"

"I would...but," Luz wasn't sure how to word this. "I'm sorry, so much has happened lately that I can't give you a straight answer, I have a lot to think about."

Like that, Amity felt a little heartbroken, while Luz didn't flat out reject her, it did feel that way. "Alright..."

"Amity, I'm not telling you 'no', it's more of a 'not yet'," Luz said, taking the other girl by the hand. "How about this, after this whole Mewni thing is done, and I think it's going to be done soon, you and I can...go on a date or something, see if anything does manifest."

"Sure...I'd like that," Amity said, wiping her eyes. "I'm holding you to that though."

"Hey, I'm Luz Noceda, and Luz Noceda does not break promises," the girl boasted.

"You better not, or I'll put a hex on you," Amity said.

"Pfft, try it, I bet I can counter it," Luz said.

"You wish, talented as you are, I have a bit more experience with magic," Amity said, showing her skills off a bit.

"You have the talent, but I have the drive to surpass all the great witches," Luz said, the two girls laughing a bit together.

"I don't even know why I was upset," Amity said. "I guess I got a little jealous of Anne, I thought you were developing feelings for her."

"Would that have been bad. I mean, we're not dating yet," Luz said. She immediately regretted saying that the moment Amity started glaring at her. "Uh...that was dumb of me to say, wasn't it?"

"Kind of," Amity said.

"I'm sorry, it just slipped out," Luz said. "I really am looking forward to our date though, I swear it."

Amity continued to glare a bit, hoping to ward off any second thoughts Luz might have, or feelings she had for Anne. "Alright, well I'll be counting on you. I really like you Luz, and this date means a lot to me. Please, don't let me down."

"I won't," Luz said, holding up a peace sign. "I promise."

"I'm counting on you," Amity said about to leave. She then leaned in to kiss Luz on the cheek, taking the other girl by surprise. Even Amity couldn't believe she managed to do that again. "Just a reminder."

Luz began to blush as Amity left again, leaving the girl in a state of surprise. Feelings for Amity began to resurge. Despite that, she did have to consider just how Anne was making her feel now, especially after Amity's words.

"Even if I did like Anne, would she even like me back?" Luz wondered to herself.

A bit later, Marcy was waiting outside for Marco, the boy having left to pick up Kelly as promised. It wasn't long before Marco showed up with the Woolett girl on his Dragon Cycle, something Marcy marveled at.

"This looks so amazing!" Marcy said, about to touch it when it bleated, freaking her out.

"Easy Nachos, she's a friend, "Marco said.

"It's alive!?" Marcy asked in disbelief. "Wow, that is so cool!"

"Goes fast too," Kelly said, marveling at the vehicle. "I bet it goes faster though."

"She can but I prefer slow and steady," Marco said. "Unless I'm in the Neverzone, to which I ride like the wind, total boss style."

"I bet you look amazing," Marcy said. "I'd love to be able to ride on this too."

"Well after I drop Kelly off later, I can give you a ride," Marco said.

"Wow really!?" Marcy excitedly asked. "That would be SO fun!"

"I like this girl, she's always so excited about something," Kelly said. "You have a lot of energy, Marcy."

"Marco!" Star called from the castle. "Hurry up! The wedding's about to start!"

"Your dragon cycle is cool!" Anne called as well.

"A bit unusual but that's what makes it so neat!" Luz called from right near Anne.

"That's our cue, let's go ladies," Marco said, leaving his cycle outside as the two girls joined him in the walk inside.

It wasn't long before the wedding itself, both Ruberiot and Foolduke reciting their vows before cementing their bond with a kiss. The audience were thrilled to see the two joined in Holy Matrimony.

Luz seemed rather enamored with the sight, finding the couple to be adorable, with Amity constantly looking between the two and Luz, wondering what it would be like if it were the two of them up on the altar.

Anne, Sasha and Marcy had no strong reactions, though the latter had her own fantasies that involved Marco. Sasha was just impressed knowing that the two managed to find love despite hearing of their rivalry, though she figured it was just some minor spats, not that she cared much either way.

But curiously she glanced over to Anne, wondering what her friend would look like in a wedding gown herself. She stopped herself before she wondered too much, not wanting to weird herself out.

Sprig sat back somewhat bored while Ivy had her own fantasies. Polly herself wondered what her wedding day would look like, the girl curled up next to King as the thoughts raced through her mind. The one day she's allowed to be special, even if she feels that should be every day.

Even Hop Pop seemed a bit emotional about it, having used a handkerchief to wipe his eyes. Eda liked it too but she wouldn't dare let anyone else see her getting too into it.

Once the wedding was over, the party began.

"This is so sweet," Star commented, leaning up against Tom. "Too bad Pony Head couldn't make it."

"Yeah, what a shame," Tom sarcastically commented. "Nice photo booth though."

"Photo Booth!?" Star excitedly stated, running toward the machine, staring in awe.

"Well, Star's being...Star, again, I'm gonna go get some pie," Tom said.

"Better hurry," a nearby Sprig commented. "I think Eda's nabbing some snacks for later, and Polly's helping."

"She's what!?" Tom immediately went to check on the catering to make sure everything was in order.

"This so cool!" Star shouted, taking a look around, spotting Marco walking with Kelly and Marcy somewhere. "Marco! Come here quick!"

"Can this wait Star, I gotta take Nachos home and feed her," Marco said, showing off his keys. "Plus I promised Marcy-"

"Give me!" Star said, grabbing the keys and tossing them to the Woolett girl. "Kelly, take care of Nachos!"

"Wait, hold on!" Marco said. "What about Marcy!?"

"Kelly can feed her too, let's go!" Star said, dragging Marco away.

"Feed me what?" Marcy asked. Curiously she followed after Marco and Star.

"Kelly! Please do not take Nachos for a ride!" Marco said, getting no immediate response as he was dragged into the booth. "Kelly! You heard me right!? Kelly!"

"Yeah, uh-huh, for sure," Kelly said, the girl staring in awe at the keys as she left.

Anne curiously glanced at the situation unfolding, not sure what to immediately make of this, "Something strange is happening."

"It had to do with that photo booth, Star got really excited about it," Luz said.

"Maybe it's magic! Come on, let's check it out!" Anne said.

"Wait, shouldn't we make sure Kelly takes cares of Marco's...motorcycle thing?" Luz asked.

"Uh, Amity, you keep an eye on Kelly," Anne said, taking Luz by the hand and dragging the now blushing witch in training along.

"Wait, why me!?" Amity asked in annoyance. She turned her attention to the nearby Frog boy, "Sprig, go check on Kelly!"

"Huh? Why me?" Sprig asked.

"Because I said so!" Amity said, following Anne and Luz.

Sprig huffed in annoyance, "Bossy."

"Come on Sprig, something tells me that this will be fun," Ivy said, dragging Sprig along.

Sasha just stood there, not sure what else to do and went about her own business.

Inside the booth, Star was oogling at everything, feeling nostalgic as she looked over an old group of pictures that she and Marco took once. "This is so amazing! So many amazing memories!"

"Star, can I go now?" Marco asked. "We can take photos another time."

"Yes, and we can take photos now too," Star insisted, much to Marco's annoyance.

Outside Marcy was trying to listen in without peeking her head inside, curious by what the two were doing, "She sounds really excited..."

"Mar-Mar?" Anne said, accidentally startling her friend.

"Oh, hey Anne," Marcy nervously said, turning to face her friend as well as Luz.

"What's going on in there?" Anne asked.

"Something weird I think," Marcy said.

"Weird how?" Amity asked, making her way over.

"Hey, didn't I ask you to watch over Kelly?" Anne asked.

"You can't tell me what to do," an annoyed Amity said.

"Amity, be nice," Luz scolded.

The young witch puffed her cheeks in annoyance, "Me? She's the one who-"

"Hold on!" Marcy said, trying to listen in.

"Star! Get your hand out of there!" Marco scolded. "This is not appropriate!"

"Uh, what's going on?" Luz asked, certain thoughts passing through her head.

"Give it to me, give it all to me! Don't you hide the goods from me, Marco!" Star said, in a manner that sounded almost seductive.

"Uh...maybe we should give them some space," Luz said. "It sounds private in there."

"Doesn't Star have a boyfriend? You don't think she's cheating on him, do you?" Anne asked.

"We can't let Marco get dragged into that!" Marcy said, barging through the curtains. "Star!"

"Gah!" Star shouted, nearly falling over while holding a wad of cash.

"Marcy!?" Marco asked.

"Marcy!" Anne scolded.

"Anne?" Marco said.

"Marco!" Luz said.

"Luz!?" Star asked.

"Star?" Luz said.

"Marcy!?" Star said.

"Amity..." the witch introduced, feeling a bit silly about it afterwards, "Sorry, got caught up in that."

"What are you girls doing in here!?" Star asked.

"Sorry, we heard something and...wait, why do you have Marco's money?" Anne asked.

"For the photo booth," Star said. "It needs money."

Anne furrowed her brow, "Star, Marco spent over a hundred dollars buying tacos for everyone yesterday, don't you have any money?"

"It's fine Anne, if it will make Star happy, a few more bucks wouldn't hurt," Marco said. "Though I would have rather Star not basically mug me for it."

"You're so dramatic," Star said, taking a five-dollar bill out. "Now if you girls are done, Marco and I have some Best Friend Photos to take. You can have the photo booth after we're done if any of you want to do best friend photos."

"Best friend photos doesn't sound like a bad idea actually," Marcy said, checking to see if she had any money. "Wait, does this machine take all currency?"

"Not that I know of, just know it takes Earth money," Star said. "Seriously though, if you want proper currency, trade for it. Copper is basically exotic stuff, so are Snails."

"Sure, guess I have time to now," Marcy said.

"I'm really sorry Marcy, we'll ride Nachos another time," Marco said.

"No worries, take your time," Marcy said, taking her leave, everyone else still waiting around.

"Well, what are the rest of you waiting for? Go..." Star said, shooing them off. "Vamoose, back to where you came from."

Anne, Luz and Amity took their leave, not without one final glare at Star in the process.

"Uh, Star, was it a good idea to just shoo them off? I mean, they're our friends too, maybe they could have joined us," Marco said.

"Now, now Marco, this is not just a Friendship Photo, this is a Best Friends photo," Star said. "And while yes, those girls are our friends, but they're not our best friends. Anne already has Marcy, and I guess Sasha. Luz has Amity. That just leaves you and me."

"I guess," Marco said.

"'s photo time!" Star said, placing the five-dollar bill in the machine. "Now first, a silly one!" Star made a funny face while making a silly noise while the booth took their picture. "Now a fighting stance!" Star put her fist up in a mock stance as the other picture took. "Now one where we're drowning in the belly acid of giant monster!" Star made a mock melt pose as a third picture took."

Marco furrowed his brow in annoyance, "Can I go now?"

"Wait, one more!" Star placed a peace sign on her head. "Best friends pose!"

The final picture took as Star excitedly reached out to grab it, unaware that three of the prior girls were still waiting outside.

"Star is a really confusing girl," Anne said. "I mean, one minute she's all gloomy and worried about stuff, the next she's super random."

"Well we did first meet her when her Kingdom was at war, plus she's worried about a bunch of other stuff I think," Luz said.

"Yeah, namely what the Magic High Commission's been doing," Amity said. "This is probably her way of trying to cope with things."

"Hey..." Gus said, making his way over with some snacks. "What's up?"

"We brought some goodies, just in time, Eda and Polly ran off while Tom and King were chasing them.

"Eda..." Luz lamented.

"Polly too...wait where's Sprig?" Anne asked. "Willow, Gus, you two see any other frogs?"

"Maddie should be around somewhere," Willow said.

"The other two were with Kelly, they seemed to be sneaking off somewhere," Gus said.

It took Anne a second to register that, "Wait, they're doing what!?"

"Hey," Sasha said, getting their attention. "Party's just about over, and everyone's cleaning this place up. Time to hit the road."

"We will, Marco and Star are taking pictures though," Anne said.

"I'll get them, you five, go," Sasha said, clapping her hands in a commanding way."

"Uh, Sasha, we don't just do what you say," Luz said. "You're not in charge of us."

"Hey, my good friend Hekapoo wants me to keep the order, so I'm doing that," Sasha said. "If she wants everyone to amscray, then amscray."

"Sasha..." Anne said. "Remember what we talked about earlier."

Sasha groaned in annoyance, "Would you all mind leaving please? We need to get this place cleaned up, and we can't with you around."

Anne rolled her eyes in annoyance, "Wow, so much better. Fine, you can get Star and Marco out of the booth for all I care. Girls, Gus, you coming?"

"Right behind you," Luz said, following Anne, with Willow and Gus doing the same.

Amity stayed behind a moment, while she wanted to follow the two, especially as to not leave Luz alone with Anne, she did recall one thing. "Sasha...if you're gonna stay and check on Marco, keep an eye out for Marcy too. She went to go find some money for the Photo Booth."

"Sure, I'll let her know to come back," Sasha said.

Amity decided to take her leave while Sasha herself turned her attention to the photo booth. She could see the flashes of more pictures being taken as she made her way over, ready to send the two packing.

Star peeked her head out to grab the pictures, to which Sasha caught onto her. "Hey Star, hurry up in there, Hekapoo wants this place cleared."

"Give me a second, we're doing Best Friends photos," Star said, going back inside.

Sasha waited outside, listening in to their conversation, expecting it to be a finale to their photo session. It sounded to be the case as Marco readied to leave.

"See, perfect. Well see ya," Marco said, about to leave when Star stopped him from going. "Uh, Star, you know you have my ankle right?"

"Something's...just not right here," Star said.

"How?" Marco asked, looking at the new photos he just took. He made sure to replicate old photos he and Star took in the past. "These are exactly the same though! What more could you want?"

"I want your face to look like this face!" Star said, gesturing to the pictures.

"But I did make that face!" Marco said.

"Yours here is a fake face, the one here is a best friends face," Star said, placing more money in. "I know the difference!"

Sasha groaned in annoyance, hoping that Star would be satisfied after the next round of photos. Unfortunately it still wasn't enough as she continued to take more photos alongside Marco.

"How long is this going to take?" Sasha lamented. "Hurry up you two!"

"I'm trying!" Marco said.

"Yeah! Don't rush us!" Star said. "We're going for perfection!"

Sasha banged her head against the booth, she was trying to be nice here, but her patience was wearing thin.

"Hey Sasha!" Came the voice of Marcy, the young girl finally making her way over.

"Oh good, you're here, maybe you can convince Marco and Star to hurry up," Sasha said.

"Oh, are they still in there?" Marcy asked. "It's been like, ten minutes, maybe more."

"Yes, they've been taking the same photos for the longest time now," Sasha said. "I'm amazed they even have that much money."

"Well, Marco is pretty wealthy since he's kind of famous around here, hence why he came by with a lot of tacos yesterday," Marcy said. "Hope he's not blowing through the rest of his money on this."

"Sounds like it," Sasha said.

"Uh, Star...that's $100," they heard Marco said.

"Yeah, too big to fail," Star said. "We're gonna be here a while."

"NO!" Sasha peeked her head inside, "I've tried being nice, but you need to GO! This place needs to be cleared off, now!"

"Oh what's the rush? Setting up another wedding?" Star taunted. "For you and Hekapoo?"

Sasha furrowed her brow at Star, "I don't care if you're a Princess or not, I will knock you the hell out."

"That so!?" Star said, peeking her head out and making Sasha take a step back. "Well bring it on, blondie!"

"You're blonde too!" Sasha pointed out.

"But I'm a natural blonde, I bet you're a fake!" Star said.

Sasha rolled up her sleeves, "Girl, you are crossing the line with me."

"Marco, hang tight," Star said, bringing out her wand. "Mama's gonna take out the trash."

"Whoa, whoa, try not to fight here!" Marcy said, getting between the two. "Let's just calm things down and-"

"Move!" Sasha said, pushing Marcy away, the girl tripping and landing inside the photo booth. Marco was quick enough to notice and catch her before she bumped her head.

"Whoa, that was a close one," Marco said. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, but Sasha and Star are about to fight," Marcy said, standing back up. "I gotta put a stop to it."

"Let me," Marco said, stepping out of the photo booth.

Both Star and Sasha still looked like they were about to clash, Star readying her wand's magic while Sasha gripped her sword.

"Your move, Princess," Sasha said.

"Oh, you do not want me making the first move," Star warned.

After a bit of glaring, the two lunged to attack, to which Marco quickly jumped between the two, "Wait up!"

"Marco!?" Star immediately turned her blast away while Sasha skidded to a halt, hoping to not collide with the boy.

"Geez Marco, I could have sent you to the hospital just now!" Sasha said.

"Let's please work this out," Marco said. "We're supposed to all be on the same side here!"

"She started it, all I did was tell you to leave the photo booth," Sasha said. "Then she started being rude for no reason."

"Hey, I'm trying to capture memories that will last a lifetime, so pardon me for trying to create them with my best friend!" Star shouted. "Just because things are bad with you and Anne, doesn't mean things have to be bad with me and Marco!"

"What the hell does Anne have to do with this!?" Sasha shouted.

"Girls, please," Marco said.

"I can see that you call her your best friend, yet she seems a lot chummier with Luz, a girl she just met a few days ago!" Star said. "You two are way off sync in the Best Friend department!"

"Oh so now YOU want to act like you know us!?" Sasha shouted in annoyance as she began cracking her knuckles. "I am so tired of the likes of you and Luz, thinking you know everything about me when you barely even took the time to really know me!"

"First impressions matter, and you haven't been much better lately," Star said. "You're bossy, you look down on others, I don't even recall you being that worried about Anne or Marcy when Hekapoo put them through that hellish training."

"Star, come on!" Marco said, trying to get through to the girls.

"You 'come on' Marco, you've seen yourself how Sasha is, and now she wants us to be like how she is with Anne!" Star said. "Doesn't that upset you!?"

"That's it, you and me now, Princess!" Sasha said, lunging to attack but Marco held her back.

"Sasha, take a few steps back!" Marco shouted.

"Let me pass!" Sasha said, trying to push Marco out the way. However to her surprise, Marco had grabbed her arm and did a judo type flip that sent Sasha hard to the ground, an action that impressed Star.

"Nice moves there, Marco," the princess complimented.

"Not looking for praise right now, I didn't even want to have to do that," Marco said. This brief distraction allowed Sasha to stand back up and sweep kicking Marco, but the boy quickly rolled back onto his feet.

Sasha went for a kick that Marco parried and hit a hard strike to her abs. She went for a backhanded punch but Marco ducked out the way, then quickly blocked a knee strike and blocked an oncoming punch and threw one of his own to Sasha's chest, knocking her back.

"Are you done!?" Marco shouted.

"Not until I beat you, then after that, I'm going for the Princess!" Sasha leapt to attack, but Marco grabbed both her wrists, holding the girl back as she tried standing in place. This didn't come as too much of a surprise to Star, but Marcy was amazed at Marco being able to hold Sasha back.

"I don't even want to fight you!" Marco said, glaring into the girl's eyes. "Look, I get that you're angry, Star crossed the line a bit, but you're only making things worse right now. The last thing you need is Anne finding out you tried picking a fight with Star, even worse would be if Luz found out, it'd be one more reason for her to mistrust you and one more reason it would seem like she wants to take Anne from you."

Sasha immediately came to that same realization, she's unknowingly giving Luz more reason not to trust her, and more reason for Anne to prefer her instead.

"As for you Star, I don't know what's going on with you or why you're so obsessed with these pictures all of a sudden, but now you're allowing this to take over, making poor choices and intentionally upsetting others," Marco said. "Is that really the type of girl you want to be?"

Star suddenly felt very guilty, realizing she was acting very out of line here.

"I'm...I'm really sorry, I don't know what I was thinking..." Star said, feeling a bit guilty. "I should go..."

"Star wait!" Marco said, but Star had already left. The boy furrowed his brow and focused his attention to Sasha, the girl nervously waving. "You have issues to work out."

"Hey she was being mean to me, just like you just pointed out," Sasha said. "Plus you didn't exactly enjoy being there, now did you!"

"Well, you have a point there, but still," Marco said. "Sasha, is there something that makes you act so angry all the time? If you need someone to vent your problems to, I'm your guy."

"I don't have anything to vent!" Sasha insisted.

Marco face palmed in annoyance, "Sasha, what do you have to lose by telling me anything? I'm not going to tell your friends, and at least you know me enough to trust me but not well enough that you're worried about breaking some image. I wouldn't be surprised if you never told Marcy or Anne anything because you're worried about your image. Well, I want to help you out, so please, trust me!"

Sasha turned away in frustration, still refusing to talk, "What difference does it make if you know about my problems? Not like you can fix them."

"You're right, I can't, but you can get them off your chest," Marco said, extending a hand to the girl. "Trust me."

Sasha couldn't believe this boy, though she had to admit, he had guts. However just seeing Marcy nearby made her very reluctant to talk. "I'm sorry..."

She immediately ran off, leaving Marco behind, "Dang it...I gotta get that girl to open up."

"Trying to help Sasha?" Marcy said, making her way over.

"You know her well, do you know what's up?" Marco asked.

"She's just having troubles back home, it's not my place to tell you though," Marcy said. "I should warn you, she is not one to open up."

"I know but..." Suddenly he heard something outside, of what sounded like a motorcycle. Marco's pupils began dilating. "Oh no..."

Outside Kelly was seen revving up Nachos, and she wasn't alone. Both Sprig and Ivy were with her, just as eager to see this goat in action.

"Ride like the wind!" Sprig shouted.

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna!" Kelly said, fully revving the beast. "You two hang out tight!"

Back with Marco, he frantically started looking around, "Nachos!"

"Huh?" Marcy could see him panicking.

"I knew Kelly was going to take her on a joy ride!" Marco said. "Marcy, follow me!"

The two ran outside where Marco last parked his dragon cycle, seeing it flying into the distance with Kelly and the two frogs in the back seat.

" that Sprig and Ivy?" Marcy commented, then saw Marco fall to his knees. "Uh...Marco?"

" ride's gone," Marco said.

Marcy sat beside the boy, "She'll bring it back, probably."

"I hope so," Marco said. "I'm really sorry Marcy, I know you wanted to go on a ride."

"It's fine Marco," Marcy said. "Look, maybe we should go check on Star and Sasha, I think they have some issues to work out."

"Before we do that, why don't you tell me about what's bothering you," Marco said, catching the girl before she left. "You mentioned something about your parents. Why don't you want to see them? What did they do to make you angry?"

"It's nothing...really, I'm fine," Marcy insisted.

Marco groaned in annoyance, "You know, usually its the girl who needs to get the guy to talk about emotions. Now me, a guy, can't even get the last three girls I've talked to in a row to tell me what's going on. Star has her secrets, Sasha, and now you. I could only wonder if I would have had any luck talking to Amity."

"You don't need to worry about me, it's my problem, I don't want to burden you," Marcy said.

Marco stood up, facing the girl with as much seriousness as he could muster, "Marcy, I want to be friends with you. I know we haven't known each other long, but I already really like you, Anne, Luz and Amity. I could probably like Sasha if she spoke more. Now please, tell me what's bothering you, let me hear at least one of you girls out!"

Marcy had to admit, she liked how caring Marco was. She could easily tell he just wanted to be there for her. "Promise you won't judge?"

"Judge? I won't judge you for a mistake you might have made," Marco said. "Just tell me what happened so I can help you fix it."

"It's...pretty bad actually," Marcy said. "See, my dad got a new job, but it meant having to move to another city, away from Sasha and Anne. I was so mad, my parents didn't even consult with me, nor did they consider how this would affect my life! Anne and Sasha mean so much to me, it would have been heartbreaking to leave them."

"That's totally understandable, I've been in your shoes," Marco said. "But go on."

"When my dad told me, I ran out of the house, I wanted to be as far away from him as possible," Marcy said. "As I walked through town, I saw this chest, the same chest that we mentioned before when talking about King Andrias."

"That Calamity Box, right?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, that," Marcy said. "I remembered seeing a picture of it somewhere, and read a rumor that it can take you to another dimension."

"Wait, so you knew this box could take you to another world?" Marco asked.

"I didn't know for sure, but...I wanted to try it out," Marcy admitted, the girl now hugging herself in shame. "Then, it was Anne's birthday, and that was my key to having an excuse to get the box. It was meant to be a 'birthday present' for her. I called Sasha and she had Anne go in and get it."

"She made Anne buy her own birthday gift?" Marco asked.

Marcy looked away in shame, "She...didn't buy it. When we found out we were broke, Sasha suggested 'borrowing' it."

"Wait, did you shoplift!? That's not an okay thing to..." Marco stopped himself, remembering his promise not to judge. "Sorry, I know you probably feel bad about it."

"Yeah, it was rotten but I was desperate to see if it worked, "Marcy said. "And it did, we got sent to Amphibia, I ended up in the city of Newtopia. It was such a wonderful sight too. I was so amazed, I didn't even notice that I fell down some stairs and ended up in the emergency room."

"...Wow...At least you're alright," Marco said. "But wait, if you wanted to use that box, how did Anne and Sasha come along with you? Also why did you want it in the first place? Did you plan to leave your parents just because they wanted to move? Wouldn't it be just as bad as leaving Anne and Sasha behind?"

"That's the thing, I intended to bring them to Amphibia with me," Marcy said. "I didn't think we'd get separated. Anne ended up in Wartwood where we met and Sasha ended up near Toad Tower."

"So, you intentionally brought your friends to another world? All because of what your parents did?" Marco asked. He was trying not to judge but was just too blown away by this. " do you think this makes Anne and Sasha feel? Do they know?"

"They don't, the only person I've talked to about this with was King Andrias," Marcy said. "He seemed understanding. But that's why I hoped he could help me with the chest. If I could get it to work, me, Anne and Sasha can go on many adventures together across the multiverse. Now with these dimensional scissors, the possibilities are even greater! We can journey across the multiverse, just like you and Star do!"

"Marcy...I get that you wanted to be with your friends," Marco said. "But you know what you did was terrible. You took Anne and Sasha away from their homes. I know you don't care about your family, but what about there's?"

"I mean, Sasha's family life is pretty screwed up so I did her a favor, now she's the lieutenant of an army," Marcy said. "Anne...alright I'll give you that one, but it's thanks to me that she met Sprig. Now, we have friends like Luz, Amity, and you too. I'm so happy that I got to meet you, and it wouldn't have happened in I didn't take that Calamity Box."

"Marcy, you have to tell them," Marco said.

"Huh? Are you nuts? They'll probably hate me!" Marcy said.

"If you know that then that means you know you did something wrong," Marco said.

"You said you wouldn't judge me!" Marcy reminded.

"I'm not judging you, but I do need to tell you how you messed up," Marco said. "You love your friends don't you? You owe them the truth!"

"I can't do that...I..." Marcy wiped a tear from her eye. "What if they hate me? I did this to be with them, not against them!"

"Marcy, you're a good kid, which is why I don't want you keeping this secret," Marco said. "What if they find out? They'll hate you for sure!"

"I...might have a way to work around that," Marcy said. "Look, if I get the scissors, then it works out better. They can see their families whenever they want while we go on adventures."

"Marcy, I think Anne would rather just go home and be done with this," Marco said. "She's not like you. She probably doesn't crave this type of adventure."

"But she's having fun with it," Marcy said. "She might want to keep going."

"Well you're gonna have to leave that decision to her," Marco said. "Anne isn't like you, me or even Luz. She got something out of this it seems, I mean now she can stand up for herself, but this was too extreme."

"I know it was but..." Marcy again teared up. "I just..."

"Marcy, please," Marco wiped a tear from her eye. "I don't like seeing you cry. Look, you don't have to tell her just yet, but I hope you make the right decision. Sometimes, these secrets just find a way out. I mean, even Hekapoo couldn't keep the secret of that baby swap she did like five hundred years ago, and Star...oh boy. That night Ruberiot sung her song, so many secrets. Losing the book to Ludo, lying to her Kingdom, that crush she had on me."

"Crush?" Marcy asked.

Marco's eyes widened, "Crap...spoke too much."

"Star has a crush on you?" Marcy asked.

"Well, I already knew because she told me once before," Marco said. "I thought she got over it but..."

"Does she still like you?" Marcy asked.

"I hope not, she has a boyfriend," Marco said. "Tom's my buddy, I couldn't take Star from him. But, I will admit, sometimes even I got a little jealous of the two when they were together. Maybe it's because I had a girlfriend before and she ended up breaking things off with me."

"I'm sorry to hear," Marcy said, twiddling her fingers. "Well, I hope you figure this Star situation out soon."

"Me too, it's just so weird though," Marco said. "She was all, 'Let's take a best friend picture' tonight, like I don't get why she got that way all of a sudden. I know she's going through a lot so this is how she processes things but...still."

"Seems like Star and Sasha have best friend issues," Marcy said. "Well, I wish you luck on that."

"You too," Marco said. "And please, consider what I said. If you need help, I'll be here, but you do owe your friends the truth. It's not even that they might find out, you don't want to feel guilty. I mean, if something happens to them out there, you're going to end up blaming yourself, and I don't want that for you."

Marcy turned away in shame, knowing that was completely true, "Yeah, you're absolutely right."

"You're not a bad kid Marcy, you made a poor choice but, we all make poor choices," Marco said. "It's how we rectify those choices that make us who we are. I know you have it in you to rectify this, and I will be right there beside you."

"Times like these, it reminds me of why I feel like that Calamity Box worked well for me," Marcy said, affectionately gazing at Marco. "It allowed me to meet you."

Without warning, Marcy leaned in to kiss Marco's cheek, taking the boy by surprise. Marcy pulled back immediately, a blush appearing on her face, Marco's blush matching.

"Wow...that's a surprise," Marco said.

"Yeah..." Marcy said, glancing back at the boy

After a few seconds, the two leaned in again, this time catching each other in a full on kiss. The two held this position for a bit, unaware of the company that was nearby.

Star, who regretted leaving, went to find Marco, looking outside when she saw he was no longer in the room. She caught sight of the two kissing, the girl's heart aching for some reason. She shouldn't be jealous, she has a boyfriend, yet somehow, this bothered her.

She wasn't the only one there, Sasha had also caught up and spotted the two. But unlike Star, she seemed happy. She was glad Marcy found a nice boy to be with, and had faith in Marco to be a good boyfriend to her.

She noticed Star just staring, feeling curiosity, she walked over to the Princess, "Hey..."

"Oh...Sasha," Star said.

"I'm sorry things got heated before," Sasha said.

"No it's fine, I shouldn't have acted so rudely," Star said.

Sasha looked ahead again, "So, Marco and Marcy. Heh, it's funny because their names match."

"Yeah, they do," Star said.

"You feeling alright?" Sasha asked.

"I am, I'm just confused," Star said. "Have you ever wondered if your life choices were the correct ones? Like you think you should be happy with what you have, but wonder if you're missing out on something better?"

"Honestly, I'm struggling to make sure I have anything to keep me happy at all," Sasha said. "I keep worrying about driving Anne away. Luz, she just came in and swooped her up, she judged me from day one and it ticks me off. I know I can be too much but still, what gives her the right to decide that she's a better friend for Anne than me?"

"Do you worry about that with Marco and Marcy?" Star asked.

"Marco at least made an effort to reach out to me, I'm just...not too ready to open up to him," Sasha said. "But, I appreciate the effort, he did more than Luz has for sure."

"Marco's a nice boy, he connects with a lot of people," Star said. "I guess Luz has a harder time. She got Anne and doesn't want to let go, because Anne probably did something for her that she never got."

"Probably...still pisses me off," Sasha said.

"Maybe you should open up to Marco, he'll help you out," Star said, glancing back at the boy she may or may not have a crush on. "Just do it before you lose out on something you could have had."

"Yeah, I'll think about it," Sasha said.

Even near a window, the trio of Anne, Luz and Amity could spot the duo of Marco and Marcy kissing.

"I knew they liked each other!" Luz said. "Score one for Marco and Marcy...uh, what would their couple name be? Their names have the same first four letters."

"Figure it out later, I'm tempted to go and get the deats from Marcy," Anne said. "Finally with a boyfriend, and they said it would never happen."

"They who?" Luz asked. "Who thinks Marcy never had a chance with a cute boy?"

"Cute?" Amity asked.

"What, you don't think Marco's cute?" Anne asked.

"Uh...well objectively speaking, he is pretty handsome," Amity admitted.

"I'm speaking objectively too, Amity," Luz said.

"Of course...still, I'm happy for Marco and Marcy," Amity said. "I mean, Marcy's not the only one who deserves the respect. This is proof that Marco gets cute girls, nice guys like him deserve this type of romance."

"Wonder if I'll find someone to be with?" Anne said. "Too bad there aren't many guys to pick from."

"What about girls?" Luz asked, Amity freaking out.

"I don't think I've considered girls, but that is always a possibility," Anne said.

"If only you knew a girl to ask out," Amity said, Luz glaring a bit.

"Yeah, all you girls are my friends. Oh well, I've got plenty of time to figure that-" Anne spotted Kelly riding Nachos with Sprig and Ivy in the back. "What the crap!? What's Sprig doing on that...that...thing!?"

"Riding hard," Luz said.

"Wow, when I asked him to stop Kelly, I didn't think he'd join her," Amity said. "Let alone bring his own girlfriend."

"Amity...this is why I wanted you to go and check on Kelly! Not pass it off to an irresponsible kid!" Anne groaned and ran downstairs to try and see if she can catch up. Or at the very least, find Eda and have her fly her to the trio.

"Since when does she tell me what to do?" Amity said.

"Amity, chill, don't be like Sasha," Luz said.

"Sasha!?" Amity asked.

"I know you like me, and you're worried about Anne, but I'm not comfortable with how you're acting," Luz said. "Can you please try to be cool? Anne's my friend, she watched over me when I was stuck in Amphibia. Can't you be grateful?"

Amity nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm sorry. I guess I can get a bit jealous. I'll do better around Anne."

"Good to know," Luz said.

"Hey Luz! Amity!" Gus called. "King can't find Polly, can you lend a hand!?"

"Oh crap, I hope she's alright," Luz said. "Let's hurry."

"Right behind you," Amity said.

It wasn't too long before Marco and Marcy had pulled apart, enjoying the night sky together, hoping to make what they had now last, and to get that cycle back from Kelly, Marco still owes Marcy a ride.

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