Multiverse Heroes: Magical Destinies(AmphibiaxSVTFOExTOH)

Chapter 27: Blessings of Romance

After a long and restful night, the heroes were refreshed once again. Marco had shown up in his kitchen a bit earlier than the still sleeping girls, looking for something to put together for breakfast. So far it was empty, though he suspected that Luz or Marcy would be in the kitchen soon themselves.

Marcy of course had been on his mind since last night, especially after her surprise show of affection. But that pleased him, it just means he can finally have her back, he just needs to not mess up.

"I wonder if I should make something for Marcy?" Marco wondered aloud. "Maybe some pancakes or something. With some eggs. But would she prefer fried or scrambled? Maybe I should try both. With a side of bacon. Or should I use ham instead?" Marco grabbed some ingredients. "Guess I'll improvise."

The morning went by, both Marcy and Luz made their way into the kitchen, each of them having freshened up in the bathroom beforehand and spotting the buffet.

"Whoa, did Mr. Diaz cook all this?" Marcy asked.

"Actually, I did," Marco said, placing some drinks on the table. "I hope you like it Marcy."

"You made breakfast for me? You're so sweet!" Marcy said, taking a seat and grabbing some food.

"It's not high quality but I hope you like it," Marco said.

"Hey, you did something nice, and that's all that matters to me," Marcy said, taking a large bite.

Luz giggled to herself, "You really went all out, huh Marco?"

"After the long day yesterday, I figured we needed a better start," Marco said, taking a seat. "Help yourself, there's plenty for you too."

"Gracias amigo," Luz said, taking a seat and grabbing some food. "Wonder if Anne's awake by now? Or Amity."

"Anne should be by soon, she's got the scissors," Marco said. "As does Amity."

"I hope she's not in trouble or anything, she seemed really worried last night," Luz said. "Her parents sound really strict."

"Anne's parents have always been kind of strict," Marcy said. "They just worry."

"Are your parents that strict?" Luz asked.

"Yeah, but I get by," Marcy said, digging in and eating her food. "Dang, this is some good stuff, Marco."

"Well I'm happy I can cook for you," Marco said.

Luz took a bite as well, her face lighting up with joy, "I'm with Marcy on this, good stuff Marco."

"Thanks, glad you girls like it," Marco said. "Enjoy your meal, we got a lot to do today."

"That so? What's on the agenda?" Luz asked.

"Well, I want to check in with Polly after that whole Frobo thing, make sure she's holding up," Marco said. "Maybe even see Jess and Ally."

"That's nice of you," Luz said.

"I also need to see Jackie, see how she's handling this drama regarding Hunter and Cloak-Bot," Marco said.

"Right, Jackie," Marcy said. "Too bad we met because of a conflict with Hunter and his robot, but that's life for us."

"That's an understatement, but sometimes even when bad things happen, good things will come out of it," Marco said.

"Oh totally, even when I got stranded in The Boiling Isles, I met Eda, then King, then Willow, then Gus, and eventually Amity," Luz said. "And that's all before I ran into all of you."

"Same, getting stranded in Amphibia let me meet Olivia and..." Marcy's excitement quickly faded as she was quick to change paths. "And eventually the rest of you as well."

"Well I was more than happy to meet you Marcy," Marco said.

"Same here, you're our pal," Luz said, rubbing the girl's back.

"Thanks, it's amazing too," Marcy said. "I never thought I'd have friends aside from Anne or Sasha."

"Bit of an outcast among your peers, right?" Luz asked. "I've been there too."

"Same here, I didn't always get along with other kids my age," Marco said.

"Like that Brittney girl, right?" Luz asked in disappointment. "Stupid floozy."

"You and Anne really let her have it," Marco said.

"Of course, she was saying mean things to you," Luz said. "I'm the type of lady who always keeps an eye out for her friends."

"And that is very much appreciated in my book," Marco said.

"She must be one mean girl," Marcy said.

"Basically, she hated Star too, found her to be weird," Marco said. "Of course Star probably annoyed her because she mistook a football game for some type of battle between fierce warriors."

"Well it is a battle, but I'm guessing it's not the battle Star expected," Luz said.

"It was chaotic to say the least," Marco said. "Funny though, as hard as things got then, life was still pretty simple compared to now. Back then, the only evil we had to worry about was either one of Star's spells going wrong or Ludo invading with his goons. Things really got bad once Toffee tried taking over, then Eclipsa showed up, then this stuff with the Magic High Commission."

"No one's seen Hekapoo since Andrias betrayed us, right?" Marcy asked.

"Well I haven't, I bet Sasha has," Marco said.

"We should meet up with Sasha, add that to the list," Luz said.

"Noted," Marco said. "Before we do anything, let's call Anne."

"How about we wait until we finish eating first," Luz suggested.

"Uh...yeah, good idea," Marco said.

At her house, Anne slowly woke up, the girl stretching and rubbing her eyes. "Oh man...I really slept that night."

"You sure did, sleepyhead," came Amity's voice, the girl sitting on a nearby chair and startling Anne.

"Amity!? Geez where did you come from!?" Anne asked.

"A portal," Amity said, gesturing to her scissors.

"Well, any reason you're here so early?" Anne asked.

"I just needed to get out of my house for a bit," Amity said. "Family's ticking me off a bit."

"Everything alright?" Anne asked.

"Not exactly," Amity said. "I've told you about my mom, right?"

"You mentioned that she's hard to deal with," Anne said.

"Understatement," Amity said. "She was not too happy about me being placed on wanted posters since she works with Belos and his Coven. As it turns out, my mom basically bribed someone working with Belos to look the other way when it came to me."

"Oh...that's good, isn't it?" Anne asked.

"Well thing is, this morning I asked her about you and my friends and you know what she said?" Amity then put on the best impression of her mother. "You don't need those human friends, I can get you better friends, like dear sweet Boscha."

Annes scratched her head in curiosity, "Does your mother really speak like that? With an accent?"

"If it makes her sound fancy, she'll sound how she needs to," Amity said. "I got mad and left, so now I'm here."

"Well, I'm sorry you went through that," Anne said. "But, is there a reason you came here? Rather than go to Marco's house? Luz should know about this, she's met your mother after all."

"I will, but I guess I kind of felt bad because everyone's always gathered at Marco's house and you're the only one who's basically confined here," Amity said. "Even the Plantars sleep over at Marco's."

"Not Sprig," Anne said, gesturing to a little hammock with the snoring frog.

"Huh...didn't even notice him there," Amity said.

"Sprig decided to stick with me so I don't get too lonely," Anne said. "He's a cool little guy."

"Yeah, you two are pretty close," Amity said.

"He's like my little brother in a way, I was basically adopted by Hop Pop after all," Anne said. "As a granddaughter I mean, otherwise Sprig would be my nephew."

"That could work too," Amity said.

"Yeah, but sister's cooler," Anne said.

"Still, I get what you mean, it's basically like how Eda adopted Luz," Amity said. "What was it like for you, being away from home?"

"It was not easy," Anne said. "Spending five months away from home can get to you, but the Plantars helped me through it. Part of me didn't even want to go home because of how close I had gotten to them. But, I can't just be away from my parents."

"I guess that's how Luz felt with her mother," Amity said.

"Have you ever talked to her about it?" Anne asked.

"Sometimes," Amity said. "Truth be told, it wasn't until recently that I became more friendly with Luz. You probably know by now that I used to bully her."

"Yeah, I'm aware of that," Anne said. "How did you become a bully? You seem so chill. I mean, you have a bit of sass to you and you're definitely not someone I wanna tick off, but beyond that, you just seem too nice to actually want to bully someone."

"I got mixed up with a bad crowd," Amity said. "When I was little, I was best friends with Willow. But my mother considered her a waste of a friendship. So she made us stay apart and eventually I befriended Boscha, who was mean to just about everyone, especially Willow."

"Kind of sucks that your mom didn't like Willow, " Anne said. "She's such a nice girl too."

"She is a nice girl, and I kind of want to rekindle my old bond," Amity said. "Things just got complicated. Especially when it came to Luz."

"Because you have a crush on her, is that right?" Anne asked.

"I suppose it's obvious by now," Amity admitted. "It's why I was so jealous of you Anne, because I think Luz might be into you."

"Uh...right, I kind of figured that," Anne bashfully admitted. "I never thought about dating her though, I don't even know if I'm ready for romance. I never thought about having a boyfriend, let alone a girlfriend. I haven't even had the chance to experiment."

"...Wanna experiment now?" Amity asked.

"" Anne asked, the girl very curious but also nervous.

"However you're comfortable," Amity said. "It doesn't have to be extreme. I could just kiss you on the cheek or something."

"Just a kiss on the cheek?" Anne asked. "Well, I guess. Is that going to be enough?"

"I don't know, but it's up to you if you want to try," Amity said.

"...I suppose it couldn't hurt," Anne said, feeling weird. "One kiss, that's all."

"Of course," Amity said, positioning herself better. "So...ready for it?"

"I guess..." Anne said, the girl trying to calm herself. "It's just a kiss on the cheek, not like we're gonna make out. Unless that's what she wants to build up for! No, I'm overreacting, just play it cool and let Amity get the kiss in. Who knows? Maybe we'll end up finding the humor in it and-"

While Anne was mentally debating things, Amity leaned in to kiss her cheek. It felt different than doing it to Luz, no real passion, just curiosity. "There." Amity noticed that Anne barely even registered the kiss, much to her annoyance. "Uh, Anne?"

"Huh?" Anne looked to the witch girl. "Are you gonna do it?"

"I did, you were too busy freaking out," Amity said.

"I was?" Anne felt her cheek. "Wow, that was...quick."

"Well it's a kiss on the cheek, not an actual kiss of passion," Amity said. "But it seems like you didn't really feel much, did you?"

"I really don't know," Anne said.

"Well, if you want, we can do another test," Amity said, the girl developing a blush on her face.

"What kind of test?" Anne asked, sweating a bit as Amity leaned in close, puckering her lips. "Should I? I am curious but what if Luz finds out? Will she be mad?"

Before the two could make contact, they heard Sprig yawning, causing Amity to abandon her idea as she sat away.

Sprig looked aside and spotted both Anne and Amity sitting next to each other in bed, "Morning Anne. When did Amity get here?"

"Just now, I wanted to check on you two, make sure everything's alright," Amity insisted. Which was partially true in her end.

"That's nice of you," Sprig said, leaping off the hammock. "So, what's the plan for today? Going after Hunter and Cloak-Bot? Bringing the fight to Andrias and Belos?"

"First, we gotta meet with our friends at Marco's house," Anne said, then felt her stomach grumble. "After breakfast of course."

"I'll let you eat, I should leave before your parents catch me in here and start asking questions," Amity said.

"Sure, meanwhile-" Anne heard her phone ringing. "Hm? It's Marcy." She picked up to answer, "Yeah Mar-Mar?"

"Hey Anne, hope we didn't wake you," Marcy said.

"I was already awake, so don't worry," Anne said.

"Is that Marcy? Tell her I said 'hi'," Amity said.

"Me too," Sprig said.

"Amity and Sprig say 'hi'," Anne said.

"Amity's there? Did she sleep over too?" Marcy asked.

"She just came this morning," Anne said, checking the time. "About ten minutes ago. Wow, it looks like I really slept in."

"It's fine, so did we, aside from Marco," Marcy said. "He got up early to make breakfast."

"Oh for real? Was it good?" Anne asked.

"He's quite the cook," Marcy said. "Anyway, just wanted to see if you were awake, and when you'd be coming over."

"Mom's probably making me breakfast now," Anne said.

"Surprised she let you sleep in," Marcy said.

"I don't think she cares, so long as it means I'm home and not out there," Anne said. "Anyway, it's late in the morning but not that late, if it were noon then yeah."

"Well, we'll see you when you're ready," Marcy said. "Amity too of course, and Sprig."

"Catch you later," Anne said, hanging up. "Looks like everyone is ready for the day."

"You get ready too, I'll see you later," Amity said, using her scissors to leave.

"See ya," Anne said, still feeling a little weird about before. "Amity's quite the mystery at times."

"Yeah, but that makes her kind of cool," Sprig said.

"Yeah, I think she's cool too," Anne said.

Back in Marco's house, Marcy had let the boy and Luz know about her call, "Anne will be ready soon."

"That's great," Marco said. "Also, did I hear Amity's name?"

"Yeah, she was at the house this morning, not sure why," Marcy said.

"That is strange, but maybe she got worried about Anne," Luz said. "It really sucks that for the most part, Anne's the only one who can't sleep over here. Too bad her parents don't know what's going on and why we need to stick together."

"It's also too bad that Vee doesn't have a friend who can take Anne's place," Marco said. "Because somehow, I feel like Anne's parents would flip if they knew about Belos and Andrias."

"Hey they seem pretty cool about Amphibia," Luz said. "Now that they seem used to it, Anne should have also told them about The Boiling Isles, and Mewni."

"To be fair, you haven't told your mother any of these things either," Marco said.

"That's because I don't need to," Luz said. "Vee's covering for me."

"Honestly that worries me too, like what if something happens and her true form gets exposed?" Marco asked. "It might startle your mother and she'd assume Vee did something to you."

"Ugh, why must you put that worry in my head!?" Luz asked, the girl now feeling a bit anxious. "I'll think about it then, but let's focus on the here and now."

"Luz is right, we have so many other things to worry about," Marcy said. "I'm gonna go get ready."

"You do that, I'll clean up here," Marco said as Marcy made her leave. He saw that Luz was still nearby, "You can go too if you'd like."

"First thing's first...what are your plans regarding Marcy?" Luz asked.

"Huh?" Marco scratched his head. "What does that mean?"

"The Blood Moon Curse got lifted, right?" Luz asked. "That means you're no longer in love with Star, which also means that you can get back together with Marcy."

"Hey it's not that simple," Marco said. "Look, I like Marcy, a lot, but I still need some time."

"What are you so worried about?" Luz asked. "Do you still feel emotions for Star? Do I need to get the Marshmallows again?"

"I don't think you'll need those," Marco said. "Look, I'm just...I really want to figure things out, make sure Marcy is right for me."

"Well make it snappy, don't keep a girl waiting," Luz said.

"Hey, if it were up to me, we'd still be dating," Marco said. "She broke it off with me, not the other way around."

"You showed doubt, that's why," Luz said. "Look, I don't mean to be mean or harsh, I'm just doing what's best for you and Marcy. A handsome guy like you deserves a nice and pretty girl like Marcy."

"Wow, handsome?" Marco said, blushing a bit.

"Hey I'm no fool, I can tell a handsome guy when I see one," Luz said. "If I met you much sooner, like before I knew Amity, or the other girls, I definitely would have wanted to date you."

"Does that mean you held back your feelings when me and Marcy broke up?" Marco asked.

"Don't get the wrong idea, I have my own issues to figure out," Luz said. "But, I guess you have a point, I never even thought to ask you out after Marcy broke up with you. Not that I would. The two of us probably wouldn't work out."

"Maybe," Marco said. "I gotta admit though, I would have totally dated you if given the chance."

Luz began to blush, then immediately shook away whatever she was feeling. "Don't flirt with me! I'm trying to hook you up with Marcy, getting weighed down by the what-ifs is not a good idea."

"Of course, I don't want to date Marcy just so that a year from now I think about what it would be like to kiss you," Marco said.

"...Did you say, 'kiss'?" Luz asked.

Marco blushed a bit, "Sorry, that was oddly specific."

"...You know...I don't have a lot of experiences with kissing, and I do want to be ready so that when I ask out A...a girl I like, I'd be ready to kiss her," Luz said.

"It does take some practice to get it right," Marco said. "A head start helps though."

"...Should you and know...just so we don't think about it later?" Luz asked.

Though cautious at first, Marco pulled Luz close to him, wrapping his right arm around her and using his left hand to bring her head in close.

In spite of a brief hesitation, Marco engaged Luz with a kiss, the two maintaining their position for a few seconds. Luz felt tingles running through her body while Marco just let his prior experiences guide his movements.

After nearly a minute, the two broke off, feeling the heat of excitement as they looked away from one another, still feeling a bit shy.

"Wow, you're quite the kisser," Luz admitted.

"It was my pleasure," Marco said.

Luz began to shyly twiddle her legs, "Say...if I ever end up marrying this girl I like, and I want to be a mother, would you be able to help with that part?"

Marco didn't need much time to figure out what Luz was asking, the boy's eyes widening in disbelief. " would depend on your wife and if she's comfortable with it."

"I can probably talk her into it, maybe she can join us in our 'preparations'," Luz said.

"Leeeeeet's discuss this when we're a bit older!" Marco nervously insisted. "It's too early to think about marriage anyway."

"Yeah, maybe," Luz said. "Still, thanks for indulging with that kiss. If I were you, I'd bring that to Marcy ASAP."

"Yeah, I will," Marco said.

"I'm gonna get ready," Luz said, winking at Marco. "Catch you later."

"Sure..." Marco began to lament the situation. "Please tell me Luz doesn't have feelings for me now. It's fine, just remind her that she likes Anne...or Amity...great, I don't even know which one. Whatever, I just need to-"

"Marco," Polly said, interrupting his thoughts as the boy freaked. "Sorry, did I scare you?"

", you just surprised me," Marco insisted, clearing his throat. "What's up?"

"Any chance we can check on Frobo today? I want to see if he's ready," Polly said.

"Polly, it's going to take a while," Marco said. "Try to be patient, alright?"

"But it's too hard," Polly whined. "I hate waiting for things."

"I know it's not easy to wait, but sometimes in life, you have to practice patience," Marco said. "What's more important, letting those girls take their time to make sure Frobo's okay, or rushing this so he can explode again? This time for good."

"...I see your point," Polly said.

"Polly," Marco knelt next to the girl, rubbing her head. "I promise that everything will be fine, just let those girls do the work that they need to do."

"I will," Polly said. "I'm just worried it will take too long, like what if it takes beyond stopping Andrias and Belos? Once the war against them is over, me and my family are back to Wartwood."

"We'll come bring him, it's not hard to get there," Marco said. "Not like Star's gonna take all the scissors and never let anyone see each other again. She for sure won't want to do that to me."

"Yeah, maybe I'm worrying over nothing," Polly said. She leapt up to hug the boy, "You're the man, Marco. Talking to you is so easy, probably because you don't nag me."

"It's nothing really," Marco said. "Anyway, I gotta wash some dishes."

"Need some help?" Polly asked.

"Wow, you want to help me?" Marco asked. "The way your grandpa makes it sound, you're not one for chores."

" somewhat accurate I will admit," Polly said. "But I respect you, so I want to help."

"You're a sweetheart," Marco said, taking the girl into the kitchen with him. "After this I'll take you to get some tacos."

"Sweet!" Polly cheered as Marco brought her into the kitchen.

Not too long later, Anne, Sprig and Amity arrived in Marco's house, just as Marco and Polly finished with the dishes, much to the amazement of Hop Pop.

"And you didn't need to make her? She just offered?" Hop Pop asked.

"Yes Hop Pop, I willingly helped Marco, now stop making a big deal about it!" Polly snapped.

"Polly, be nice, that's your grandpa," Marco scolded.

"Sorry about that," Polly said.

"Marco, I don't know what you did, but by golly, you're gonna make quite a father one day," Marco said.

"Ugh, such a weird thing to say after what Luz asked of me," Marco bashfully nodded his head. "Thank you sir."

"Hm, sounds like Marco got on Hopediah's good side," Amity said.

"For good reason," Eda said, getting the kids' attention. "He's really good at getting through to Polly. That boy has quite a magic tough when it comes to girls."

"Funny, he seems so unsure of himself around them," Amity said.

"He's humble, girls like that in a guy," Eda said. "The best part is that he's also willing to fight like a man when he needs to. The only thing he needs to work on is how skittish he tends to get, and maybe not panic so much, it's just gonna leave stress marks. But beyond that, he's a great guy."

"Here's hoping he hooks up with Marcy, those two belong together," Anne said.

"I second that," Amity said.

"Third," Sprig said.

"Speaking of whom," Eda gestured to a fully dressed Marcy.

"Mar-Mar!" Anne called.

"Hey, Anna Banana," Marcy called back.

Amity chuckled to herself, "That's so adorable. Might have to steal that one day."

"That's fine, but that means I can call you 'Mittens'," Anne said.

Amity blushed at the thought, "Oh right, you have that over me."

"Hey it's not a bad name, it's just a reminder of how cute you can be," Anne said.

Amity turned away from embarrassment, "Wow, that was kind of forward of you."

"Sure was," Luz said, the girl heading into the living room. "You two aren't flirting, are you?"

Anne and Amity nervously glanced at each other, then glanced back at Luz.

"No way!" Anne said.

"I would bever," Amity insisted.

Luz started laughing to herself, "I was just joking, it's fine."

"Heh, to be young and weird," Eda said. "So, what's on your agenda today, kids?"

"I don't even know where to start," Anne said. "But I think we do need to meet that Jackie girl."

"And explain everything to her," Luz said. "Fortunately it sounds like she's familiar with this type of chaos."

"Marco would know better," Anne said.

"Know better about what?" Marco asked, stepping into the kitchen with Polly.

"Yo Marco, heard you got my sister to be useful for once," Sprig said.

"Hey, remember you'd have been eaten if not for me that one time," Polly said.

"...Which time was this?" Hop Pop asked.

"Not important," Spig insisted.

"Excuse me, but what's this thing I'm needed for?" Marco asked.

"It has to do with your friend Jackie," Anne said.

"Oh yeah, we should probably go to her house," Marco said, grabbing his phone. "Wait, I think I still have her number."

"You never got rid of it?" Luz asked.

"I didn't think I needed to," Marco said, dialing the number.

In her house, Jackie, who was playing some video games, picked up the phone. "Yeah?"

"Jackie, it's me," Marco introduced.

"Marco?" Jackie asked, pausing her game. "Oh, you still have my number?"

"Sorry, hope it's not weird," Marco said. "I just wanted it around just in case."

"That's actually kind of sweet," Jackie said. "I take it you want to explain this situation regarding Hunter to me."

"Yeah, and introduce some friends of mine," Marco said. "Wanna meet at Britta's Taco Stand?"

"Sure, that'd be great," Jackie said. "Should I bring Chloe?"

"If you want," Marco said. "Meet there in two hours, see ya."

"Yeah, see ya," Jackie said, hanging up. "Some things just don't change I guess."

"Alright, Jackie's gonna meet us as Britta's Tacos," Marco said. "We have two hours before we go there."

"Oh sweet, I've been hoping to go back there," Anne said. "Those tacos rule!"

"Yeah, they do," Marco said. "Let's get ready."

"What about Sasha?" Amity asked.

"Oh right...I'll go and get her," Marco said. "You girls can wait here."

Marco used his scissors to step into Wartwood, leaving the other girls behind for the moment.

"So...Marcy..." Amity said. "He's single again, make full use of that."

"Geez Amity, be more forward why don't you?" Marcy said.

"Speaking of boyfriends, I should check on King," Polly said, making her leave.

"It's really weird that they're dating," Sprig said.

"Cute though," Amity said.

"Maybe," Sprig replied.

Marcy thought this over a lot, she does want to be with Marco, she just hopes he's ready. This time, she does not want to let go.

With Marco, the boy made his way through Wartwood, keeping an eye out. "Sasha, are you around!?" No response. "Sasha!?"

"Marco my boy!" Grime said, getting his attention. "Good to see you."

"Hi General, where's Sasha?" Marco asked.

"In the forest grabbing some water," Grime said. "About west of here."

"Alright then, I'll go look," Marco said. "How's the town doing?"

"The town's doing well, nearly cleaned up after that robot attack," Grime said.

"Well let us know if you need anything" Marco said, making his leave. "Catch you later."

"Of course," Grime said, making his way back to his own business.

Near the river, Sasha was grabbing buckets and filling them with water, having two placed by her side, "Alright, half for the bakery and half for the Sundew Place."

"Sasha?" Marco said, getting her attention.

"Marco? This is a surprise," Sasha said.

"Hey, I came to get you," Marco said. "We're heading to Britta's Tacos in a couple of hours."

"Any occasion?" Sasha asked.

"To explain everything to Jackie," Marco said.

"Oh...that girl," Sasha said, the girl feeling bitter.

"You're not still mad about what she said, are you?" Sasha asked.

"More like I'm ticked off she got in the middle of my fight with Hunter," Sasha said.

"She didn't know what was happening, from her perspective, you attacked a friend of hers," Marco said. "You gotta be more understanding of that."

"Even so, it still pisses me off that her interference gave that little shit a win over me," Sasha said. "Then she had the nerve to call me 'crazy'."

"Look, I don't know the full story, aside from Marcy saying you got aggressive," Marco said. "This is a good chance to explain yourself."

"Ugh, the thought of having to do, people should just trust what I'm doing," Sasha said, grabbing the buckets.

"Need me to hold one?" Marco asked.

"I can handle it myself," Sasha said, about to walk off.

"I know you can," Marco said, getting in her path. "I still want to help, it's what friends do."

Much as she didn't like having to accept help, she couldn't deny that Marco's kindness was appealing to her. "Alright, but only because you really want to for whatever reason." She handed a bucket over. "This is going to Maddie's house, if you need to know which one, I can point in the direction."

"Fine with me," Marco said, walking along. "So...still want to come along?"

"I guess," Sasha said. "Still, if that girl says anything to piss me off..."

"Sasha, why do you have such a chip on your shoulder?" Marco asked. "What are you trying to prove?"

"It's nothing deep, I just want to be the strongest," Sasha said.

"But why though? Why are you so fixated on strength?" Marco asked.

"You wouldn't get it," Sasha said.

"Try me," Marco said. "Is there something bothering you? Do you feel the need to prove yourself? What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Nothing, I just want to be strong so I can protect everything of importance to me," Sasha said. "You know, like my friends. Anne and Marcy."

"Right, you want to be strong for them," Marco said. "I can respect that. Still, what drives you? Why do you feel like you need to prove your strength to them? Is there something that bothers you? Something you need to compensate for?"

"I don't need to compensate for anything, I just want to be strong," Sasha said. "When you're strong, nothing can hurt you. Anyone who tries will feel your wrath."

"That's quite telling," Marco said. "Anything else?"

"What are you, a therapist or something?" Sasha asked. "What do you want me to say that my reason for being strong is because I'm trying to cover up my own insecurities? Because I threw those away years ago. I'm not letting anything hurt me again, and I will fight anyone who tries to do so, even a friend."

"Something bad happened to you?" Marco asked. "Is that why you're so defensive?"

"No! I mean...yes, I mean..." Sasha shook her head. "Look, if you really have to know, my parents got divorced when I was a kid. It messed me up a little but I'm fine now. You know why? I got stronger, and I will keep getting stronger until that memory is nothing but a bullet point in the book of my life."

"Sorry to hear about your parents splitting up, divorce could he hard on a kid," Marco said.

"Whatever, at this point I really don't fucking care about it much," Sasha said. "I couldn't care less if I ever saw my parents again, probably didn't even notice I was gone for so long."

"Sasha...I'm sorry if it did hurt you," Marco said. "I want to be there for you if you need it. You don't have to be strong along, let us in. We won't judge you."

"Yeah, I know, but that's why I want to be strong," Sasha said. "If anyone knows I worry, then Anne and Marcy are gonna be distracted by my feelings. I don't want them to worry about me, I just want to protect them."

"But they'd want to protect you too," Marco said.

"That's the whole point!" Sasha shouted. "Let me worry about them, not the other way around! Geez, you're cute but kind of dumb sometimes."

"At least she's still able to act like herself, even when she's stressed," Marco shook it off. "Sorry, I don't want to pry. I just worry for you."

Sasha rolled her eyes, "Literally just said I don't want anyone worrying about me."

"Hey sorry to tell you, but I care about my friends, and that includes you," Marco said. "I respect your desires to be strong, please respect that you have people who care about you and want to help you when you clearly need it. All you're gonna do is push people away, and I know you don't want that."

"Duh..." Sasha said. "Probably did anyway."

"No, they care about you still, and I will make sure it stays that way," Marco said.

Sasha stopped in her tracks, the girl chuckling to herself, "You know, it's funny. You're exactly like Hekapoo says you are. Super annoying, yet so damn charming. You're so single mindedly good that any promise you make, we just know you're gonna go above and beyond to keep it."

"Guess I am like that," Marco said. "I suppose it is annoying but, it's just who I am as a person."

"Well, I personally like it," Sasha said, placing her bucket down. She went to grab Marco's bucket, pulling it from his hands, much to his confusion.

"What's up?" Marco asked.

"Be honest with me on care about Marcy, right?" Sasha asked.

"Yeah?" Marco replied.

"Like a lot? Do you love her?" Sasha asked.

"...I might," Marco shyly admitted.

"Heh, you're cute when you're nervous," Sasha said. "Actually, you're cute all the damn time."

"Is there a point to this?" Marco asked.

"Marco...I respect that you want to be with Marcy, but you need to satisfy my curiosity about something," Sasha said.

"About what?" Marco asked.

Without warning, Sasha pulled Marco into a kiss, taking the boy by surprise. Despite his uncertainty, he did not want to pull away, rather he was curious himself.

"Wow, she's not a bad kisser, still this is kind of weird," Marco thought to himself.

"Wow, I actually went through with it, probably my boldest move," Sasha maintained the kiss a bit longer before pulling away, the girl looking satisfied. "Glad I got that off my chest."

"," Marco said. " was it?"

"To be honest...not as great as I thought it'd be," Sasha said.

Marco looked a bit offended, "Excuse me!?"

"Hey don't get me wrong, it wasn't terrible, but I was expecting more," Sasha said. "Guess we're just not meant to be together. That means Marcy's all yours."

Sasha picked up one of the buckets as Marco grabbed the other, "So...that's why you kissed me? To see if we worked as a couple?"

"Duh," Sasha said ."Doesn't matter. I leave you to Marcy. You two will be happy together."

"Yeah...assuming we do hook up again," Marco said.

"Oh you will, and you'll be happy together," Sasha glared at Marco. "Otherwise, you'll be missing an eye."

Marco nervously placed his hand over his eye, chuckling to himself, "Right, of course."

"Let's hurry, the sooner we finish, the sooner we can go to Britta's," Sasha said, making her leave.

"Right," Marco grabbed the bucket and followed.

Later, after Marco and Sasha had finished, the two had rounded up Sprig, Polly, King, Star, Marcy, Amity, Anne and Luz to meet up at Britta's.

"Hope this doesn't take too long, I gotta get back," Star said.

"You can spare a few minutes Star, Mewni will be fine without you," Anne said. "Jackie needs to know what's happening, and you're the best person to help Marco."

"I guess so," Star said, then noticed two girls skating over. "Here she comes, and she has her friend."

"What's with her hair? She looks like a dude?" Sasha said.

"Hey, be nice," Anne said.

"She's not wrong though," Polly said.

"Polly..." Marco scolded/

Jackie stopped short of the table, "Yo, Diaz! It's been a long time!"

"Hey Jackie," Marco said. "And hi again Chloe."

"Nice to see you again, Marco Diaz," Chloe said, sitting by the table.

"And you brought a lot of friends too," Jackie said.

"Yeah, these are girls I met during my travels," Marco said.

"Are they Mewman?" Jackie asked. "Uh, aside from those frogs and that dog?"

"Not a dog," King said.

"They're all human," Marco said. "All except for one. Some of them even live not too far away from here."

"Well, why don't we introduce ourselves," Jackie began. "My name's Jackie Lynn Thomas. I'm one of Marco's Classmates from Echo Creek High School. He and I used to date before I ended up with Chloe."

"Oh, you two are dating?" Marco asked. "Didn't know you liked girls."

"I didn't know either, until recently," Jackie said.

"How do you not know? It's something you're born with," Sasha said. "No one wakes up gay."

"Please don't word it like that," Marco scolded.

"Hm...Sasha has a point, do you really just know forever?" Marcy asked.

"Uh...worry about it later," Marco said, not wanting to consider this as he focused back on Jackie. "I'm happy for you, I hope you two are happy too."

"We are," Chloe said.

"Yeah, it's been quite a fun time," Jackie said.

"Well, my name is Chloe, I am from France, where Jackie and I met," Chloe said.

"You went to France?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, I needed to do a little traveling to figure myself out a bit," Jackie said. "Just like you seem to have done."

"All of us have," Anne said.

"I like your hair," Jackie said.

"Thanks, my name's Anne Boonchuy," the girl introduced. "I'm from Hollywood Hills. My parents own a restaurant called 'Thai Go'."

"I think I went there once, the food was great," Jackie said.

"Glad you liked it," Anne said.

"Her parents are good cooks for sure," Luz said. "So my name is Luz Noceda, I come all the way from Connecticut."

"Whoa! A girl from the East Coast," Jackie said. "How are you liking LA?"

"It's so pretty," Luz said. "Never would have imagined I could come here."

"We're happy to have her too," Marcy said. "My name's Marcy Wu, I'm a childhood friend of Anne. And I...used to date Marco."

"Oh wow, so you dated Marco?" Jackie asked. "Does that mean he's not with Star?"

"Star and I never hooked up," Marco said. "Marcy and I hooked up a couple weeks ago, but things just fell apart."

"I might know why," Jackie said. "Still, nice to meet you Marcy."

"I'm Sasha Waybright," the girl introduced. "A friend of Anne and Marcy, and head cheerleader of my middle school. SJMS. I'm also a General of the Toad Army."

Sasha raised her eyebrow, "Toad what now?"

"That's a long story, let's save it for after the introductions," Marco said. "Amity, you're up."

"Right," the girl turned to Jackie. "My name is Amity Blight, and unlike everyone here, I'm not human."

To prove her point, Amity pulled her hair back to reveal her ears, Jackie scratching her chin for a second, "'re an elf?"

Amity furrowed her brow in annoyance, letting out a large groan, "I'm not an elf! I'm a witch!" Amity pouted in frustration. "Why does everyone keep calling me a freaking Elf?"

"You have pointy ears, that's why," Marco said. "Not trying to be mean but you gotta understand why they're making that mistake."

"Wait, so you're a witch?" Jackie asked. "I thought witches were green. With pointy hats."

"Hey, the pointy hats went out of style before I was even born!" Amity said. "I'm a modern-day witch."

"Sorry, didn't mean to offend," Jackie said.

Amity nodded her head, "It's fine, I just have a bit of a temper sometimes. So you'll have to excuse my tone of voice."

"Amity's from The Boiling Isles, a realm outside of this one, and Mewni," Marco said.

" does she know magic?" Jackie asked. "Can she hex someone?"

"I focus on abomination magic," Amity said, showing it off by generating a little monster. "You might have seen this spell yesterday."

"Oh, so that was you?" Jackie asked. "Interesting."

"I'm Sprig Plantar," the boy introduced. "I'm a frog from Amphibia."

"A country with frogs, toads and newts," Marco said.

"Oh, that explains the Toad Army thing," Jackie commented.

"Name's Polly Plantar, I'm a frog too," Polly said. "Well mostly a tadpole but still."

"I'm King, I'm a demon, not a dog," King said. "I'm from The Boiling Isles."

"Your friends seem rather interesting, Marco," Chloe said.

"Yeah, and pardon me for saying, they seem to come from different cultural backgrounds too," Jackie said.

"Oh, I didn't even notice that," Marco said. "Yeah, Luz here is..."

"Dominican," Luz said. "My mother moved to America when she was younger. Which means I was born here, and English is my first language. But I do know Spanish thanks to my mother, though a native speaker will tell me I have an American accent when I speak."

"Lucky Luz, I still haven't learned Spanish," Marco said.

"It takes practice," Jackie said. "When I went to France, I learned how to speak French through practice. It really helps."

"Maybe I'll go to Mexico one day," Marco said.

"And Anne, you mentioned your family has a Thai restaurant," Jackie said.

"Yeah, they also moved to America before I was born," Anne said. "They speak fluent Thai. Unlike me, I only understand it."

"Ǹā laxāy," Polly said.

Anne raised her eyebrow, " speak Thai?"

"I learned in my spare time, it's not that hard," Polly said. "I bet I can learn Spanish too, speak it better than Luz."

"Solo inténtalo," Luz replied in a boastful tone.

"Ha, that's kind of awesome," Jackie said, then turned to Marcy. "And if I were to guess by your last name, you're Chinese?"

"Taiwanese actually," Marcy confirmed.

"Cool, got it," Jackie said. "Kind of fun learning about other cultures, that's one reason I went to France."

"Well we're not experts on our own cultures," Anne said. "We're obviously in tune with it, just not too deep."

"Sasha, what's your family's culture?" Luz asked.

"I know I'm part German at least, but I never really looked into it," Sasha said. "I'm me and that's all that matters."

"I respect that," Jackie said. "Anyway, sorry for bringing it up, I know it was random, I just found the coincidence kind of cool."

"Maybe we can form our own United Nations," Sasha teased. "Be ambassadors to Mewni and stuff."

"How? None of us are from our families' homelands," Anne said. "Aside from Amity, Polly, Sprig and King."

"Yeah, in the end, all of us humans are American, this country is our home first and foremost," Marcy said.

Star felt a bit strange hearing that, "Right...this is your homeland, isn't it?"

"Is there something wrong Star?" Marco asked.

Star shook it off, "It's nothing. Let's just move on with explaining what happened to Jackie."

"Right," Marco focused on the girl in front of him. "That guy, Hunter, he and his robot work for two villains that are a threat to Earth. King Andrias and Emperor Belos."

"King Andrias is a giant newt person from the land of Amphibia," Anne said.

"Emperor Belos is a witch from The Boiling Isles," Luz said.

"Together they mean to take over Earth," Marco said.

"...So that's what Hunter meant by his uncle and a business partner," Jackie said. "Still, Hunter seems really nice."

"We understand that you feel that way, honestly he is kind of nice thinking about it," Luz said. "I think he's more misunderstood than evil."

"And maybe that robot with him isn't too bad," Marcy said. "Even if it did try to kill us."

"Actually, it seems like that robot is more interested in capturing you Marcy, not killing you, Amity said.

"That's a bit concerning," Marco said. "But anyway, that's the story Jackie. At least part of it."

"Got anything else to tell me?" Jackie asked.

"Let's talk over tacos," Marco called to the vendor. "We're ready to order."

"Coming right up!" came a familiar voice. At the window was a man Marco instantly recognized.

"Sensei Brantley?" Marco asked.

Brantley looked out, "Marco Diaz! What's up!"

"You know that guy?" Anne asked.

"He's my martial arts teacher, he taught me all of my moves," Marco explained.

"Oh wow, a real sensei!" Luz said. "Is it like in anime? Where he noticed your hidden potential and trained you?"

"Not really, I just went to his dojo and paid him to teach me about fighting," Marco said. "Got me all the way to a Red Belt."

"Ever gonna go for black?" Sasha asked.

"I'll think about it," Marco said.

"Whoa...big crowd," Came another familiar voice.

"Oskar?" Star asked, seeing the musician.

"Hey Star, it's been a while," Oskar said. "How are things going with you and Tom?"

"Going good," Star said. "You both work here?"

"Just part time," Brantley said. "Helps pay the bills."

"Well, we'd like to order some tacos," Marco said.

"And make it snappy!" Polly said.

"Wow, that's one loud little ball," Brantley said. "Alright, tacos coming up."

While they enjoyed their food, Andrias was trying to contact his agents on Earth, "Hunter! Cloak-Bot! Answer!"

"Yes sir?" Hunter asked.

"Any progress on destroying our enemies?" Andrias asked.

"Uh...define progress?" Hunter asked. "Because I beat some of them in a fight once."

"Did you kill them?" Andrias asked.

"N-no," Hunter said.

"Then that's not progress," Andrias said. "Hunter, I am beginning to lose my patience. If you can't do this, I will have to pull you out of this mission. I don't think your uncle will be happy to know that you failed."

"Give us one more chance," Hunter pleaded.

"...Fine," Andrias said, pressing a button. Suddenly a timer activated on Cloak-Bot that began counting down, worrying both Hunter and the robot. "You have 24 hours. If you don't make better progress, then Cloak-Bot is done and you come back."

"Wait, done how?" Hunter asked, frantically checking on his friend. "This isn't necessary, turn off the timer!"

"Too late!" Andrias said. "The clock is ticking, Hunter. Get to it!"

"But...they could be anywhere, even in Mewni!" Hutner said.

"That's why I gave you one day," Andrias said. "If I wanted to, I could limit it to an hour but I'm being nice. Do not test the limits of my kindness!"

"...Yes sir," Hunter said, disconnecting.

Andrias shook his head, "Geez...I wonder how Belos is doing?"

Meanwhile in his throne room, Belos himself is making plans regarding Earth and Mewni.

"Hey! Belos!" Came a voice from his wall. "How's that Newt Guy doing? Is he coming to visit? I wanna see how tall he is."

"Later Collector, right now I am busy with plans of my own," Belos said. "I will be meeting with Andrias later, just to see how Hunter is doing."

"Man, all this waiting is so boring, take action now!" Collector said.

"Patience my friend," Belos said.

"But if you're too patient, what if your goals just, you know, slip away!?" Collector asked.

"I am aware that taking too long is detrimental, but going too fast is hazardous," Belos said. "Fret not, I have a feeling that soon, we're going to be rewarded for our patience. The time is at hand. Tonight the Coven Day Parade begins, and it will be glorious."

In LA, Hunter was determined to find who he needed to find, "Don't worry, I won't let you explode! Fortunately I have a good lead. Maybe Jackie can tell me where Marco lives, and strike there. Come on."

"Following," Cloak-Bot said, hoping Hunter was correct.

Later on, Marco had finished explaining everything to Jackie, "Now you're all caught up."

"Alright, well thanks for the heads up," Jackie said. "Seems like you have a big fight ahead of you."

"I'm hoping things won't get bad, but if they do, you gotta be ready to run," Marco said. "Both of you."

"Run where?" Jackie asked.

"I don't know, just run," Marco said. "I don't want either of you getting hurt."

"Do not worry Marco, I will protect Jackie," Chloe said.

"Hey, who's gonna protect you?" Jackie asked.

"We'll protect each other," Chloe said. "But, I have faith in Marco. I think we will be fine."

"Thanks for the support, Chloe," Marco said. "I don't know you that well but you already seem like a good friend to have."

"Merci Marco," Chloe said. "Toi aussi tu es un bon ami à avoir."

"Thanks...I think," Marco said.

"She says you're a good friend to have too," Jackie said. "Anyway, we should head back."

"That's fine, we'll chat later," Marco said.

"Next time we come here, we can bring Janna," Jackie said.

"Sorry, but Janna Ordania is banned from Britta's Tacos for breaking and entering," Brantley said.

"...She did what!?" Marco asked.

"Wow, big surprise," Anne sarcastically commented.

"The less of Janna, the better," Luz said.

"Oh well...just us again then," Jackie said. "Au revoir."

"Adiós," Marco said as both sides went their own way.

"Hey, Marco, can you and your friends come to Mewni quickly?" Star asked. "I'm doing a knighting ceremony, and I want you all there."

"Uh...sure," Marco said.

"Good, let's go," Star said, opening the portal, everyone following her.

From afar, Jackie took one last look at the group, "Everything is so strange when Marco's around, but kind of fun."

"He is a nice boy, are you sure you wanted to let him go?" Chloe asked.

"Yeah...I think it works out better this way," Jackie said. "Come on, maybe we can find Hunter, get his side of the story."

"Oui," Chloe said, following Jackie.

At Star's castle, all the would be knights were lined up together, Marco taking a good look around, "Wow, this is big. All of these knights are going to protect Star going forward."

"Hope they're up to the task," Anne said.

"No way..." came a voice. Marco turned to spot a familiar knight, "You're here too?"

"Higgs?" Marco asked.

Indeed, the squire Higgs was standing not too far away from Marco and his friends. "Well, I would say I'm surprised, but I guess buttering up Princess Star, or rather, Queen Star, would get you here, would it?"

"That's Higgs?" Anne asked. "The girl who's been mean to you?"

"Who's this?" Higgs asked. "Who are these other girls!?"

"Friends of mine," Marco said.

"Let me guess, they're human too, right?" Higgs asked. "What is Queen Star recruiting from the Human World?"

"Acting Queen," Marco reminded. "Once Moon regains her memory, she'll be Queen again."

"If she regains it, I've heard rumors," Higgs said.

"Also what's wrong with us being human?" Luz asked. "You make it seem like that's a bad thing."

"I'm just trying to understand what's going on," Higgs said. "Are you all being knighted too?"

Before Marco could deny it, Star spoke up, "Yes, they are."

"Huh?" Marco turned to Star. "You never mentioned that part."

"Marco, you and your friends did a lot to protect Mewni, I think it's only fair that all of you get knighted," Star said. "Gus, Willow and Maddie are getting knighted too."

"Wow really?" Luz asked. "That', very unexpected."

"Are you sure Star?" Anne asked.

"Positive, you all should be rewarded for all you've done for Mewni," Star said.

"Oh that's just perfect, I've been training since birth to get where I am, and suddenly Marco shows up as the Princess's Squire? What work did he do?" Higgs asked.

"I did work, I learned to fight, I fought enemies," Marco said. "I actually helped push back Meteora!"

"I heard you lost your soul," Higgs said.

"Oh boy, I've seen this before," Marcy said. "The one who trained hard is jealous of the one with natural talent! She really is your rival, isn't she Marco!?"

"I'm not jealous! I'm annoyed!" Higgs said. "I bet none of you trained since childhood the art of knighthood."

"Hey, we've been to the Neverzone, for sixteen years, we're not as young as we look," Sasha said, aiming her sword. "So watch how you address your future fellow knights!"

"What the hell is a Never Zone? Sounds like you made that up," Higgs said. "Whatever, I'm still going to outshine you losers."

"Hey!" Amity showed off some magic, startling Higgs. "Just so you know, I'm not a human, I'm a witch. I've been training for years too, so watch how you address us, unless you want to feel my wrath."

Higgs stepped back, trying to look tough to hide her worry, "You don't scare me."

As she left, Amity put her magic away, "Tell that to your trembling legs."

"Easy, don't let her get to you," Marco said.

"Wow...I'm gonna be a knight," Luz said. "I gotta tell Eda!"

"Oh! I'll get Hop Pop!" Marcy said.

"I want Grime here too," Sasha said.

All three girls ran off, leaving Marco with Anne, Amity and Star.

"I'll make the preparations," Star said, making her own exit.

Marco sighed in amazement, "Wow...becoming a knight. Didn't expect that in our plans today."

"Same," Anne said. "But wow, that Higgs girl."

"Yeah, she's not nice, but I do understand her frustrations," Marco said. "She probably trained really hard as a squire, to have some guy like me step in and stomp on her hard work? I bet it sucks."

"You're not though, you earned this," Amity said. "You're a strong guy Marco. You're caring too, and you're always there for others. You'll make a great knight."

"Thanks, so will all of you girls," Marco said. "It's an honor to be with you."

Amity looked on the floor, "Say ,where did the kids go?"

"I think they were serving cake somewhere, Polly went after it," Anne said. "Sprig and King went to calm her down."

"I'll go check on them," Amity said. "Oh...and later, Marco, we may need to discuss some matters that involved my parents."

"Uh...alright," Marco said as Amity left. "What matters?"

"Not sure, when she came by this morning, she seemed nervous," Anne said.

"It's nice she came to see you," Marco said. "You two must be becoming good friends now."

"Well, she's trying to understand me," Anne said, the girl blushing a bit. "Also, can you keep a secret?"

"Sure, what is it?" Marco asked.

"This morning...Amity and I...we almost kissed," Anne said.

Marco's eyes widened, "Wait, you did? Does that know..."

"Well, she kissed me on the cheek, I wasn't sure if I felt anything because I was too nervous to do so," Anne said. "So we tried kissing for real but...Sprig interrupted. I just wanted to know if I liked girls or not."

"So, do what Jackie did," Marco said. "Guess Sasha was wrong, you don't just wake up gay."

"Well, I could like both," Anne said. "Never really tried with a guy."

"...Sorry if I seem like a creep for asking you want to try with me?" Marco asked.

"Huh? With you?" Anne asked, the girl's face turning red. "I mean...if you want."

Marco didn't think about it too much, he brought Anne in and placed her into a deep kiss, one Anne wasted no time returning. The two hugged each other close, enjoying the moment thoroughly before breaking it off, both taking a moment to catch their breath.

"Dang...that wasn't bad," Anne said.

"Glad you liked it," Marco said. "Hope that helps."

"I might," Anne said.

"Ahem..." Amity said, getting their attention. "I came back because Polly was already long gone and I needed your help, only to find you two kissing."

"Uh...Anne was just curious, that's all," Marco said. "You won't tell anyone, will you?"

Amity flashed a sinister grin at the two, "Who me? I wouldn't dream of it."

"...Is that sarcasm?" Anne asked. "We're serious, none of us want anyone to get the wrong idea and-"

"Chill, I won't tell anyone, not that it matters," Amity said. "Besides Anne, did you forget this morning?"

Anne bashfully rubbed her head, "Not exactly."

"Did you like Marco's kiss?" Amity asked. "Does this mean you like boys?"

"...Yeah, I guess I do," Anne said.

"That's half down, now the other," Amity said, walking over to finish what she started just earlier.

"Amity, what are you-" Anne was then kissed by Amity, the witch girl holding the position for a few seconds, relishing in the moment while Anne wasn't sure what to think.

Once Amity was finished, she pulled back, smiling at Anne, "So? How was I?"

"Uh, wow, you are actually amazing," Anne said, a huge blush on her face.

"Ha, so you like both, just like Luz," Amity said. "Unlike me or Marco, we prefer girls only. Unless Marco wants to find a boy to experiment with, like maybe Tom?"

"I'd rather not kiss a guy who's got a girlfriend," Marco said.

"Funny that's what you're more concerned about," Amity said, walking over to Marco. "Still, you're a good guy Marco. Good guys deserve a reward."

"What type of reward?" Marco asked.

This time, Amity pulled Marco into a kiss, surprising the boy as well as Anne. What surprised them more was how into Amity was, seemingly enjoying her kiss with Marco, holding it for a bit before breaking off.

"Amity!? What was that about?" Marco asked.

"What? Didn't you like kissing a pretty girl?" Amity asked.

" don't, I just said you only like girls," Marco said.

"I do, but I made an exception for you," Amity said. "I'm gonna wanna be a mom someday, and I may need a guy to help me with that. Congrats on being the only guy I'll trust to give me a baby to carry."

"This again? When did I become the go to for wives who want babies?" Marco chuckled nervously. "Wow...not gonna lie, I feel very flattered."

"You should be, now let's go," Amity said.

"And this stays secret right? I don't want Marcy to find out," Marco said.

"Chill, it'll be fine, "Amity said. "Worse comes to worse, I give her a kiss and make her worries go away.

"Don't joke about that," Marco said.

"Wow, you actually got worried, gonna consider dating Marcy again?" Anne asked.

"...I admit, I do want to," Marco said. "But I don't need the worry that she might be into girls, she already got me worried earlier today."

"Don't worry, I've known Marcy for years, I don't think she's into girls," Anne said.

Meanwhile in another room, Luz and Marcy were sharing a kiss together, the clumsy girl pulling away after several seconds. "Crap...I think I liked that."

"Oh boy...but you like Marco too, don't you?" Luz asked.

"I do, I really do," Marcy said.

"Then don't worry if you like girls too, just don't cheat on Marco," Luz said.

"Right, don't cheat on Marco," Marcy said. "That's common sense. Anyway thanks for helping, didn't expect you to actually do so."

"What are friends for?" Luz said. "Plus I already kissed Marco earlier so now it feels even."

"Squires, get ready!" Star said.

"Quick, let's find Eda and The Plantars," Luz said.

"Right," Marcy agreed.

Minutes later, all the squires were gathered, awaiting Star to knight them and make it official. Higgs was still jealous but she vowed to turn that jealousy into motivation.

Star was going down the rows, knighting everyone, including Willow, Gus and Maddie, with Higgs being the last before she got to the next row of friends.

"Anne Boonchuy, for bravery in the land of Amphibia, I hereby knight you, Lady Anne of Earth," Star said.

"Thanks Star, I won't let you down," Anne said.

"I know you won't," Star said.

"Congrats Anne!" Hop Pop cheered.

"You did it!" Sprig cheered.

"Best knight in Mewni!" Polly cheered.

Star turned to the Plantars, gesturing them to be quiet before heading to the next girl. "Marcy Wu, for your cunning in the throne of Newtopia, even in the midst of betrayal, and for fighting for great causes, I hereby Knight you, Lady Marcy of Earth."

"Wow, so cool!" Marcy geeked out.

"Yay Marcy!" Polly cheered.

Star rolled her eyes as she approached the blonde of the group, "Sasha Waybright, talented General of the Toad Army. I hereby knight you, Lady Sasha of Earth."

"Ha! I knew I'd rule two different armies!" Sasha boasted.

"Way to go, Sasha!" Grime cheered. "Glory to the Toad Army!"

"Grime!" Star scolded.

"Eh, sorry," Grime said,

Star moved to the next girl, "Luz Noceda, talented up and coming witch who has fought bravely on the Boiling Isles. I hereby Knight you, Lady Luz of Earth."

"I had goals of being a witch, didn't think I'd be a knight too," Luz said. "But it makes me a good witch, just like Azura."

"Congrats Luz! Wait to go!" Eda cheered.

"We're proud of you!" King cheered.

Star moved along, "Amity Blight, another talented witch from the Boiling Isles. I hereby knight you, Lady Amity of The Demon Realm."

"Demons represent!" Tom cheered.

"Tom! Not now!" Star said. "Also she's not a demon!"

"Sorry babe," Tom said.

"Well, I'm proud to be a knight for you, Star, I'll do my best," Amity said.

"That's all I want," Star said, then focused on her best friend from Earth. Mixed feelings ran through her, but she knew this what she wanted to do. "Last but not least, Marco Diaz," Star began knighting the boy. "Also known as Princess Turdina."

"Does he really want everyone to know about that?" Sasha asked.

"He's not ashamed of it," Amity said. "He's perfectly secure in himself in that regard."

"Wow...kind of jealous," Anne said.

"Same," Luz admitted.

"For your noble and dedicated service to the throne of Mewni, I hereby knight you Sir Marco of Earth," Star said, knighting the boy.

"Any chance you can talk about me freeing the Never Zonians from a Fire Sphere that plagued them for about a century?" Marco asked, glancing at Higgs. "Care to mention that?"

"Don't get cute, Marco," Star said, turning to everyone. "Please give a standing ovation for your new Knights of Mewni!"

Everyone clapped and cheered for those in front, feelings of pride welling up in them, along with accomplishment.

"Wow, me, a knight," Marco said. "Sir Marco, has a nice ring to it."

"Alright, bring out the champaign!" Sasha cheered. "Let's party!"

"Hey, take it easy!" Star said. "No getting drunk!"

"Besides, you're too young kid," Eda said.

"Hey I fight and kill enemies for a Kingdom, I can have a drink," Sasha said.

As everyone started trying to ease Sasha's ambitions, Marco got Marcy's attention and led her away to a balcony.

The two glanced across the distance, seeing a clear blue sky with birds flying overhead, the sunlight shining down on Mewni.

"Feels like the sun itself is knighting us," Marco said. "Gotta say, I didn't expect Star to just spring this on me. I figured I'd have time to prepare."

"She probably has her reasons," Marcy said. "It made for a nice surprise."

"Surprises are hit or miss, but this is a good one," Marco said. He turned his attention fully on the girl beside him. "Listen...Marcy...I know things have been hectic, what with the Blood Moon Curse and all. But, I really do feel like I've moved past those feelings for Star. If you're worried about taking me away from her, or getting in the middle of fate, then don't. I make my own destiny, and so should you."

"You really think so?" Marcy asked.

"I know so," Marco said, taking her hand in his. "Marcy're the girl I want to be with. These last couple of days, they ached without you. Please...come back to me, fill that void in my heart that's meant for you. I love you, Marcy. I really do."

Marcy's face turned bright red, the honesty in Marco's voice being soothing to her ears, "Marco...I...I..." Marcy couldn't think of words, instead she pulled Marco in for a reunion kiss.

After holding it for a bit, the two broke away, blushes on their faces, both gleaming with happiness.

"So...that's a yes?" Marco asked.

"Was it that obvious?" Marcy playfully asked and then pulled Marco in for another kiss.

Getting knighted was not the highlight moment of this day for Marco, reuniting with Marcy was, the boy held the girl close and maintained the kiss, never wanting to let her go again.

This moment was did not go unnoticed by Star, who went to check on Marco and found him back with Marcy. She felt conflicted, but she also valued Marco's happiness. "Treat him well, Marcy."

Star left the two to themselves as they continued to bask in the happiness of their reunion. However, looming dangers still awaited, and the new Knights of Mewni had more trouble on their hands.

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