Multiverse of Marvel

Chapter 97: An unexpected superhero

Chapter 97: An unexpected superhero

John and Emma went back home taking the devices. John went to his father's place at night and gave them the devices. He even gave one to Val for her safety as he trusted her.

Another month went by but there was a very surprising thing that happened in the following month which astonished even John. One fine night while John and Emma were at home talking there was a green light shining outside the window. At first John thought that Hal had come to meet him but when he opened the window a green lantern ring flew past him.

The ring flew towards Emma and floated in front of her. John and Emma were astonished to say the least. Emma stretched her hand to catch the ring but it floated away and entered her finger. The very next second a green suit got woven around her body and soon it replaced her dress.

John who looked at the new lantern was conflicted. He really regretted now bringing Oa to this world. Emma would now be exposed to a wider and dangerous world. Even though green lanterns are powerful but they die too and new lanterns take their place. But Emma was excited and checking out her suit.

"Emma are you sure you want to take this mantle?" John asked.

"Love, all this time I felt unworthy as I thought your world is wider. But finally now I can follow your footsteps. Be an Avenger and a protector of the galaxies. I have never wanted something more in my life."

"What a headache! I need to talk with Appa for this. Say the words that you are supposed to. I guess you remember the oath."


In brightest day, in blackest night,

No evil shall escape my sight.

Let those who worship evil's might

Beware my power--Green Lantern's light!" Emma thus took her oath. The ring shined brightly for few seconds and dimmed down.

At this moment, the universe had a second green lantern. The ring then projected a image in front of her and on the picture there was Appa floating.

"Miss Emma Watson, you are required to report yourself to duty in sector 21 of Oa and take the mantle of being a green lantern."

"Sir, yes Sir. I will report as soon as I arrive in Oa."

"Appa we need to talk. Can't the green lantern choose someone outside Earth?" John was anxious when he said that. Emma pinched him from behind but he still maintained his position.

"I am sorry John, the ring chooses according to its wishes. We can never interfere."

"F**k, Emma better be safe with you all."

Appa didn't reply to that and the image projection from the ring closed by itself. John looked at Emma who seemed angry.

"What? I am scared for your safety" John defended himself.

"I know but I too wish to follow you on this journey."

"Alright! Go to Oa. After you come back I will teach you alchemy. And take this USB drive. It has the knowledge of shielding technology. Tell the Guardians that it is a gift for them to use. They will know how to use this technology properly." John said while handing her a memory stick.

John knew he could stop all this by just recalling Oa but the look on Emma's face convinced him otherwise. He didn't want to break the dreams of Emma. All John now had to do is to be stronger to protect Emma along the way.

Emma took the USB drive, kissed him deeply as she understood that being a lantern is scary but nonetheless she had to undertake the journey. John was just worried about him like a normal boyfriend.

Emma came upto the window, smiled at John one last time and flew away to the sky. John sat on his sofa and spaced out.

"She learnt to fly so fast? What a genius."

After few seconds his phone rang. John picked it up as it was from Fury.

"John has there been a new green lantern? The satellites picked up a new person going out of earth. I remember Hal had already left for Oa." Fury asked as John picked up the phone.

"Yes the new recruitment have started. That person was the new Green Lantern. There will be others soon, but I don't think there will be any more from earth."

"Do you know who the new recruit is?" Fury asked.

"I do know but I won't tell you. Figure it out yourself." John said as he ended the call. He didn't care if SHIELD came to know of Emma's new identity as the time was approaching soon to deal with Hydra.

From the memories of Naruto's world, John knew that after New York war Hydra had been very impatient and had started making moves. John had let Hydra make their moves in Naruto's world, in order to bring them together and deal with this hidden snake. Having Hydra around was a danger in itself.


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