My America

Chapter 23: No one loves nature

The United States is not an opponent of the British Empire. Is this still said by Bogood? The elite have a clear understanding of this. They are not farts who do n’t understand anything. They are hula la and walked into the streets by the rhythm of public opinion. They are directly turned into cannon fodder. Many people are willing to die for the sake of the United States. What are some people?

In this matter, Annabel can't really do anything, and can't even exert influence on the Democratic Party. Because the Democratic Party has never had anything to do with peace. It is now the nineteenth century. Until the time before and after the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Democratic Party was a standard war party. The fateful expansionism of the Destiny was proposed by the Democrats and their supporters to build an agricultural empire. The better, never less.

Contrary to many countries, the supporters of expansion in the United States are farmers, Dixis in the south. Even before the start of the Civil War, many plantation owners believed that if they were destined to part ways with the United States. The coalition countries must eliminate Mexico, push the border to the equator, and build a great agricultural empire.

Now that thirty years have passed, Annabel naturally knows the absolute advantages of industry over agriculture, and naturally will not think about it. But she is equally interested in the expansion of the influence of the United States across the Americas.

Because it is beneficial to the southern states, Latin America is in the south of the United States, and the southern states will benefit from it. The geographical factors occupy a great advantage in this. What she was thinking about was the status of the Dixie in the United States before regaining the Civil War.

At this time, the friendship between the Sheffield family and the British Empire was not important. As her precious heirs said, the United States is still economically irrespective of the size of the cutting edge and the British Empire. With a population of 70 million as the backing, comparing with the home country, it is already true to the British homeland. For a long time, the relationship with the United Kingdom will not be improved.

In addition to taking into account the geographical advantages of the southern states for Latin America, the Sheffield family itself can also obtain benefits, there is now a factor, the plantation owners who emigrated to Brazil after the war, are now watching the Venezuelan crisis, if The United States can achieve its purpose, and their determination to return will be more firm.

The Democratic Party ’s ideals, the interests of the southern states and their own homes, and the plantation owners in Brazil who returned to their nests are not more important than the traditional friendship with the British Empire.

Bogud didn't get the results he wanted at Annabel, and he was not disappointed. This is just a move that must be played. He believes that even if it is really the final stage, the British Empire will not be a problem to clean up this disobedient former colony.

With a weak navy and a weaker army, the British Empire, regardless of the deployment of a squadron from anywhere in the world, can make this country, who does not know the heights and heights, understand who is the master of the world today.

"For God's sake, I hope the Americans can wake up." Bogud, who left Sheffield Manor, randomly selected a few newspapers in the newsstand. As long as Venezuela was mentioned, all of the above were full of right. British hostility.

This made Bogud wonder. Why is this country so hostile to Britain? I don't look at how weak his military is.

"Madam, a policeman just called and said that our guests had just boarded the train and left Arlington." The servant pushed open the door and bowed his head slightly, reporting to Annabelle on the sofa.

"Let's go!" Annabel said, holding her glasses indifferently. "Our family is just a businessman. The distinguished British guests still look up to me."

This perfunctory has a fight with Grandma Wolf, how could a businessman like her not be linked to politics? Otherwise, how did the Democratic Party ’s campaign funding come from? It is because of too much involvement with politics that we know which side is more profitable.

"I'm in a bad mood, telling the Agriculture and Livestock Association where if the amount of purchases in the North hasn't decreased, the prices of meat and grains shipped to the North will still increase." Annabel rubbed her dry eyes and emphasized, " I have been given to the northern states for planting, followed by the policy of which side of the congress, and waited for the dumping season after the dumping. I used this economic depression to give the northern farmers a chance to learn. "

"Yang Gilao always thinks that they are the biggest asset for making things. This year they should let them know that being able to eat is the greatest asset. Staring at the countries in Latin America, we will immediately send a telegram to our customers. I add chaos. Or wait for the slave hunting team to come and be a guest. "Annabelle said with a head," Do n’t forget what I did before marrying. "

Sheffield is the plantation owner, Annabel is not, at least not all, her family used to do transportation, transporting African labor to the Americas. After the Civil War, this business did not end. Isn't Brazil still there? At that time, it was also smuggled.

Annabelle's slave hunters and many plantation owners in Latin America are in customer relations. Once the domestic agricultural products in the United States rise, the North will inevitably not import, because the Democratic government has lowered tariffs. Once the prices of agricultural and animal husbandry products in the South are higher than those of imports, prices may be suppressed.

She now wants to avoid this situation in advance and let the servant convey the meaning.

"Now the British guys are bullying the United States. The international situation is so sinister. The domestic climate is abnormal. It is not surprising that some illegal traders are hoarding." Annabel greeted the servant who was about to leave, and said slowly. It is undeniable that some people may be disobedient, write down the list that does not follow the advice of the Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Association, and give it to me when the time comes. "

In her eyes, those who do not cooperate with the price increase and do not agree with the Texas Farming and Animal Husbandry Association are illegal vendors. The reason for the price increase of domestic agricultural and livestock products is the existence of these illegal vendors, which should be severely cracked down.

"That's it!" Sheffield put down the pen and looked at his graduation thesis with satisfaction. After reading a paragraph that even ran out of teeth, it was simply a collection of articles on environmentalism. Several elements that advocate refining firmly occupy the moral high ground.

The article starts with the situation of North American bison and accuses human beings of cruelty in extinct wildlife. And issued an appeal to protect North American bison, which has been extinct at any time, this native species belonging to North America.

"William, how do you pay attention to this problem, but it seems to be really serious. If the original species of bison is extinct, it is really a pity." Carter took the Sheffield article and gave it to several clubs beside him. Members circulated, a few people could not believe it, Sheffield is a person who loves nature? Not like it!

"Grandmother often taught me to be awesome about nature! She loves nature very much." Sheffield lied, not blushing. People who love nature, not nature. These are two meanings, and Carter misinterprets this meaning.

The love of nature does not include the love of people in nature, just as environmentalists protect the African environment, but ignore the famine of African humans. In the eyes of environmentalists, animals are far more important than people.

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