My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 11

Anton saw that Anna was sad that he would not be able to teach her to wield magic but then again, he saw her expression change.

“That’s okay Anton. Having a wizard in the family is enough. Once you’re ready to tell it to the world, I’m sure we will be rich! What other spells can you do?” Anna asked remembering that Anton told them there was one other spell that he learned.

“I’m able to move things with my mind.”  Anton showed his father and sister by lifting a branch from the ground using Telekinesis.

“Your spells will be a great help on the farm. We can use it to water the plants.” Anders said, ever the practical farmer which made Anton laugh.

The family went back inside, and Anna continued cooking breakfast for them. Once it was done, Anton, his father, and Anna sat at the table and started eating their breakfast which was some sort of grain porridge and mugs of milk. Anton liked the milk since it was delicious, but he missed coffee so much.

While they were eating, somebody knocked on the door and Anna got up to check who it was.

“Father, it’s Uncle Randu from the next farm.” Anna invited the man inside the house.

The man saw Anton seated at the table.

“Anton! You’re okay now, I’m so glad. We saw your father running to the village to look for a doctor for you but unfortunately, a lot of people got sick, and the doctor couldn’t attend to you,” The man called Randu said with obvious relief on his face.

Anton remembered in his readings that farm folks tend to treat each other well and he was experiencing it for himself which brought warmth to his heart. When he was living in his previous world, he had never experienced any care from other people except his parents when they were alive. People from his world felt like they didn’t care about anybody but themselves. It was so sad to be surrounded by people while he was working at the convenience store but still be so alone and when he got sick from the pandemic, that loneliness was magnified.

“What brought you here?” Anders asked his neighbor.

“I want to tell you that we heard some dire news in the village. The undead coalition attacked the city of Vondi.”

Anna gasped and even Anders looked grim.

“Vondi is the city next to Mendi. It’s a couple of weeks horse ride from Mendi to Vondi,” Anders informed Anton which put a questioning look on their neighbor’s face.

“Anton’s memory is gone just like Elizabeth and Luondi from the village,” Anna informed Rondi.

Randu nodded understandingly and continued with his news.

“According to the messenger, they would give the city of Vondi at least a week before it was fully conquered by the undead. We also feared that the next city they would attack would be Vondi, so my family was thinking of migrating to the city of Nurmeno.”

“Nurmeno is so far! It’s at least two months horse ride from here!” Anna exclaimed.

“We wanted to be far enough, so we won't be affected by the undead. Between the city of Nurmeno and Vondi was the holy city of Tiande. I’m sure that the pope from Tiande will not allow the undead to run rampant so I’m thinking that we would be safe in Nurmeno, and we have relatives there,” Randu said with a worried expression on his face.

“Thank you for the news Randu. I will need to talk to my family to decide where we will go.”

Randu left saying that he took it upon himself to tell the news to the surrounding farms which Anders told the man that he was a good one for caring for his neighbors. It made the man shy, and he left with his bad news.

“What are we going to do Father?” Anna asked Anders.

“We have no choice. We will need to leave our farm as well. It’s a given that Mendi will also fall. Randu informed us that the messenger said that Vondi would fall within the week, but I reckoned that it would be less than that, and then the undead would travel immediately to Mendi which would probably take at least less than two weeks because the undead don’t need to rest. We need to prepare so we will give ourselves three days to do that and then we will leave for the city of Nurmeno as well, but it will only be a stopping point,”

Anders paused a bit and drank a mug of water which seemed to give the farmer a boost.

“I’m planning to bring our family to the wizard city of Zalnothel. Your brother being a mage will help us a lot in that city.”

“I have to tell you something, Father. I have magic that will let us store a huge number of things and everything that we store in my private dimension will not decay meaning we can store a lot of food like fruits and meat, and they will not rot. They will need to be in a barrel or a box or even a sack that I could physically lift before I can store it, but I can be stronger and learn more spells if I meditate for the three days that we prepare.”

Anton told his father that he would need to meditate but in reality, he would play constantly during his waking hours for the three days allotted time so he could level up and learn more spells that would assist them in their travels. Having more power will give him and his family more security.

“Okay, we will let you do that. Having you learn more spells will guarantee our safety. I will go ahead and go to other farms to collect some boxes, barrels, and sacks that they don’t need and then I will hunt animals in the woods so we could have a huge amount of meat that we can store. Anna will gather all the things on the farm that we can carry like the grains and clothes. We will also kill every animal we have for their meat.”

Anna became sad when she heard that they would need to kill all their farm animals since she treated them almost like pets, but she didn’t say anything. Such was the life in a farm that all animals would become food in dire times.

After that statement, Anders gave some instructions to Anna and then went outside to go to the surrounding farms to ask for empty barrels and boxes that they could spare. Anton went and sat in front of the fireplace so he could continue playing the game to increase his level. He needed to make sure that he could protect his new family from danger.

Anton first thought that he wouldn’t need to rush. That he could take his time leveling up and learning how to use the spells properly but apparently the world would not give him a break.

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