My Favorite Game Followed Me!

Chapter 22

Based on his father's statements, there were no dungeons as Anton knew them in this world. Anders told him that there were places like ancient labyrinths, ruins, and places with monsters and they only gathered there because of the lack of humans in the area. Like animals, they used those places to nest and reproduce.

Sometimes a location with a monster would become a big problem for the local lord and he or she would hire mercenaries or wizards to clear out the place. Wizards would also commission mercenaries as guards to hunt a specific monster because that monster has parts that the wizard would use for item making.

Anton didn’t know how to feel about the lack of dungeons that would endlessly spawn monsters that would drop loot when you killed them. He thought that being transported to a magical fantasy world, dungeons would be a part of it, and he would have to do a dungeon dive to earn funds and grow stronger at the same time, but he guessed nothing as convenient as that existed in this world.

Anders did tell him that the world was incredibly vast and that empires were born and had died left and right and in a lot of places their ruins remained that a person could explore. His father told him that what this world didn’t lack were monsters and forgotten cities which was why he was incredibly lucky to receive a legacy that would allow him to defeat those monsters even if the cost of that legacy was his memories. He told his son that very few people become mages, only the very lucky ones who were born with mana on their body and had the money to enter a mage school or the opportunity to apprentice themselves to a wizard which would take several years.

“The fact that you learn spells immediately by staring at nothing is like a god looked upon our family with favor,” Anders told his son while smiling, showing that he was only joking.

“Don’t worry Father. I will make use of this power to make our family safe and rich,” Anton promised.

“Yes! I would like to buy beautiful clothes and ride a magnificent carriage in the city while leaving our mansion and going to cafes to eat sweets and drink tea!” Anna said daydreaming and Anders and Anton laughed.

After a couple of hours of learning how to drive the cart from his father, Anton gave everyone water that he got from casting Ice Bolt, and he did feel that the water from the spell was incredibly helpful. The refreshing feeling that the water brought was really different and more than likely, it was because the water was filled with mana. The mana did dissipate in time so unfortunately they couldn’t store it. They would need to drink it fresh from a newly cast spell to get the benefits. He then told his father that he would go back to meditating to increase his powers some more and his father agreed.

Anton joined Anna in the cart and maximized his game. He would play while they were moving but he would use the on-screen option instead of going inside the game virtually. He wanted to be a little aware of his surroundings since he didn’t know if monsters would appear just like what happened when the ghoul appeared last night. He wondered if the ghoul had human victims before the wolves battled with it since there were a lot of people traveling to go to another country.

The last place that Anton had been when he stopped playing was the inner cloister so from there, he continued with his adventures in the world of Diablo II to increase his power and learn spells.

He first ran a few countess farming in the Forgotten Tower to get more runes, he was hoping to get a better staff to put the runes Tir and Ral for the Leaf runeword with already an additional Fire Ball level and he luckily stumbled a plus two to Fire Ball with two empty sockets on Akara’s shop. He immediately put the runes Tir and Ral creating the Leaf Runeword and sold the original one that he had since that staff didn’t have extra stats in them.

He then farmed the countess some more to get the runes for the Nadir helmet runeword, but he was unlucky. He did level up to eighteen and since he now had two extra skill points, he put them immediately to Glacial Spike and Teleport. He saved the game, opened it again, and minimized it.

He was thankful that he had access to the internet since he could check out website resources regarding what items to hunt and guides on how to make his character more powerful although a lot of those guides would not apply since he needed to keep in mind that he needed to choose spells for real-world application and not just to play the game.

Anton looked around and everything looked fine, so he entered the game virtually to practice the spell Teleport. After about an hour of practice, he managed to learn a little about how to manipulate the mana that was being used for the Teleport. He was able to decrease the distance of Teleport with the decrease in mana being used, he also fine-tuned in using the spell so he could teleport to places he wanted at a moment’s notice, and he also did it to reduce any feeling of vertigo. He reckoned that it would take more practice to remove the feeling of disorientation whenever he teleports completely.

After his practice, he minimized the game. Anton saw that his father stopped beside the road with a tree covering them from the sun.

“It’s time for lunch,” Anders told his son.

Anton took one of the boxes where their food was stored from his inventory so they could get bowls of stew and bread and then he cast Ice Bolt with decreased mana so he could get mana water for them and put it in a pitcher. He immediately returned the box to his private stash to keep the food hot and the family started their lunch.

“Father, I learned two new spells. They’re called Teleport and Glacial Spike.”

“Ooh, what do they do brother?” Anna asked.

“Teleport will allow me to magically travel to places that I can see, and Glacial Spike is a very powerful ice spell that will allow me to summon what it described as a shard of ice that will damage and freeze a group of enemies when they were hit by the spell. I’ll show you after our lunch.”

After lunch, Anton and his family went towards the forest, and he cast teleport so he could show his family. They were amazed at how he disappeared and appeared from one place to another. Then he cast Glacial Spike. An elemental ice shard appeared on his hands and when he cast it to the trees, the trees received severe damage and froze. Everyone noticed that the Glacial Spike spell was faster than Ice Blast and Ice Bolt when he cast it.

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