My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

102 - Always By Your Side (2)

TL/Editor: looloo

Status: ongoing

Illustrations: posted in discord

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He continued to comfort Heena, waiting for her to calm down. His mind was in turmoil, wondering what he could say to reassure her.

"Sniff, sob..."

Heena was still crying bitterly in his arms, and he could do nothing.

He felt utterly useless. His girlfriend was crying, and he didn't know how to comfort her.

He hugged Heena tighter, moving his hand from her back to gently stroke her hair. He struggled to find the right words, and in the end, he chose to hug Heena even tighter. She was scared from a nightmare, trembling with anxiety and crying, and he felt that trying to be logical wouldn't help.


Fortunately, his choice seemed to be correct, as Heena's sobs gradually subsided.

But he couldn't just sit there. Even if she stopped crying, her heart wouldn't be at ease. So, he thought desperately, holding her tightly and carefully choosing his words.

"I love you."

He realized that was the best he could say.

"I'll always be by your side. Not just on our 2nd anniversary, but even on our 200th."

Ignoring any lack of logic or feasibility about living that long,

"I'll always be with you, Heena."

Whether it was playful or exaggerated,

His feelings needed to reach her.

However, his continued words brought Heena's sobs back.

Again, he waited silently for her emotions to calm down.

Eventually, he heard her trembling voice.

"Hic...You won't leave...?"

"Of course not. Where would I go? Even if you said you didn't want me, I'd stick to you and never leave."

He quickly reassured her, delighted by her reaction.


"Forever. Like I said, where should we go on our 200th anniversary? Maybe a trip to Mars will be possible by then."

"Sniff...Yeah, maybe..."

"Right? But it might be super expensive... We'll have to save up."

Heena's crying pained him, even though he knew it was over nothing serious. Her small laugh filled him with joy.

"...I'll work hard to save... Sniff, you just... stay safe..."

"Wow, then I'll have to become a full-time househusband. Cooking is quite fun these days. What do you want for dinner? Anything you want, I'll make it."

He didn't really plan to become a full-time househusband, but now wasn't the time to mention that.

"Anything... if you make it, it's all good..."

"Even if it's ramen for every meal?"

"Yeah... but you have to feed it to me."


"Ramen might be a bit difficult to feed you."

"...Do it. Feed me."

"Uh... Sure, anything is possible. I'll feed you, just wait."

He didn't know how to do it, but if Heena said it was possible, he believed it.

"You'll stay home that day...?"

"Our home dates aren't a one-time thing, you know. Should we watch a movie together then?"

"Yeah, let's..."

"Whether it's ramen or something else, I'll make you something delicious the day after tomorrow."

"...No. We'll order in. Just stay by my side."

"Like pizza?"

"Whatever you want..."

He continued to affirm everything Heena said, engaging in the conversation. As they talked, he heard more laughter in her voice, and it relieved him.

Feeling more at ease, he thought about kissing her but she shook her head in embarrassment, rejecting the idea.

However, this time he stubbornly held onto Heena, gently pulling her away for a moment.

Her face was a mess, her eyes bloodshot and tear-streaked. Embarrassed by her appearance, she avoided his gaze, looking down.

"I'm a mess right now..."

"A mess? You're the most beautiful in the world."


"I'm serious. Would you believe me if I kissed you a few times?"

"...A lot. Keep doing it."

Following her wish, they kissed for a long time.

Passionately, as if to let her know he was right there.


Raei Translations


Two days after consoling Heena, it was their 2nd anniversary.

Although most of Heena's anxiety and depression had dissipated through their previous conversation, her behavior hadn't changed much up to today. Thankfully, she was as lively as before, but she expressed it in a different way.


"Ugh, Heena! Too tight! I can't breathe!"

"You said you'd stay with me!"

"I am with you! I'm stuck to you right now! Just a bit gentler..."


"What lie... Ugh!"

When he woke up in the morning, Heena was still asleep, so he went to shower first. However, as he was coming out of the bathroom, Heena noticed he wasn't there and ran out of the room. The moment he stepped out of the bathroom, she jumped on him, hugging his neck like a koala.

As a result, he sat in the living room, feeling his life threatened by her choking embrace.

She accused him of leaving her, calling him a liar and refusing to listen to a word he said.

"You said you'd stay with me all day today!"

"Isn't the bathroom an exception?"

"No! You have to come with me!"

"Sigh, then do I have to be right next to you when you go to the bathroom?"



They had lived together for a while and had seen almost everything about each other. But the one thing she never showed him was using the bathroom or any minor bodily functions.

But today, she seemed willing to show even that if necessary. Though when the time came, she would probably just ask him to stay near the bathroom. She might even be too embarrassed and chase him to the living room.

He sighed softly, resigned to indulging her whims today. She led him to the bathroom, making him stay by her side while she washed her face.

Afterward, they sat in the living room, with Heena clinging to him as usual, and he asked her about today's plans.

"So, what should we do? Watch TV? We'll order brunch a bit later."

"Do whatever you want. I'll just stay like this."

"Hmm... Can I play games?"



"If you can."


"Ow! Don't bite! I won't play! No games, I promise!"

"Bite... You know today is our home date, right?"

"Ow... Sorry, sorry. Yes, we should date."

Talking about games must have triggered her, as she not only had her arms wrapped around his neck but also climbed onto his lap, locking her legs around his waist to ensure he couldn't get up.

A date like this on their 2nd anniversary. It was quite unique. What could they do in this position?

Fortunately, she wasn't crying or trembling with anxiety anymore, but today's Heena was in the most clingy, or rather, the cutest mode ever.

She said to watch TV, but if he turned it on and didn't pay attention to her, she might bite him again.

There was nothing he could do. What else could he do in this situation?

-Massaging, massaging Heena's butt.

His fingers sank into the soft flesh beneath her black dolphin shorts. He also touched her smooth thighs below.

No matter how much he touched her, he never got tired of it. Truly. Heena seemed to enjoy his touch, rubbing herself against him.

"Mmm... I like it. Keep touching me. I want to stay like this today."

"Uh... so I'm just going to touch your butt all day...?"

He was thinking about what to do next while touching her, but her words sounded as if she wanted to stay like this all day. Even though he never got tired of it, doing it all day was a bit much.

Realizing that this wasn't a good idea, Heena grabbed his shoulders and slightly pulled away. Then she looked down and suggested another option.

"Do you want to touch my chest too?"

"Uh! But it seems hard to do in this position... Can you turn around and sit?"



With that, she hugged him again. It seemed like today, she absolutely had to be face-to-face while hugging.

He continued to ponder while touching Heena's butt, realizing that suggesting sex was probably out of the question for now.

So then.



"Can I touch your waist?"



She bit him again. It seemed that touching her waist or stomach was also off-limits. He felt the slight pain and Heena's warm breath and saliva tickling his neck, silently crying inside at the thought of spending their 2nd anniversary like this.

Did he really have to stay like this until the end of the day? He didn't dislike it, but he might get bored after a while. Maybe he should bring up the idea of a trip again.

He remembered that she had refused last time because she was in a bad state and had set today as the date, but if he brought it up again, she would probably accept.

Thinking that she might cry if she refused again, he started to speak.

"Speaking of which, last time we just let it pass, but your exams are over, so how about a trip next weekend?"

"Let's go! Absolutely! But where?"

"Japan. Remember we talked about taking an onsen trip there? I looked into it, and it seems we can stay in a ryokan in Fukuoka at a reasonable price."

It was "reasonable" compared to other luxury hotels, but still damn expensive.

Fortunately, Heena seemed delighted and agreed enthusiastically, wriggling happily.

"Great~! I want to bathe together!"

"We can find a room with a private bath. Didn't you say your passport is valid until the end of this year?"

"Yes! Oh, but... I don't have much money right now... Can I borrow from you?"

"Travel expenses? Let's use my part-time job money. I've saved up quite a bit."

"No way! A ryokan will be expensive! No way! No way!"

She started hitting his back with both hands, refusing to let him cover all the costs. He had thought that if Heena had some savings, they could combine it, but it seemed she had no extra money. Honestly, his part-time job money alone wouldn't be enough either.

He had planned for this possibility. He didn't have a grand solution, but he thought of adding his allowance to his part-time money and borrowing the rest from his brother Jeongwoo. However, telling her this would definitely make her mad, so he started to persuade her while enduring her attacks.

"Heena, stop, stop hitting me!"


"Wait, just listen to me for a moment! You'll understand too!"

"...Okay, talk."

Heena stopped moving at his desperate plea. He cautiously started to speak, thinking of the one word that would make her relent.

"Listen carefully. We always try not to put too much burden on each other, right?"

"Of course!"

"I know. But that's because we're in a relationship, right?"


She seemed unsure of where he was going with this. He used a tactic he had employed before.

"But we're going to get married anyway. Your money is my money, and my money is your money, right?"


Heena was so surprised by the word "marriage" that she froze like a stone. Although there are stories that even married couples should manage their money separately, it varies from couple to couple.

I could entrust all my money to Heena. Honestly, she seemed better at managing it than I was. She wouldn't waste it unnecessarily.

"So, let's not worry about those things anymore. We haven't officially registered our marriage yet, but in our hearts, we're already married, right?"

"Th-that's! That's right! Yeonho, you're right! We're already a couple! So worrying too much about these things isn't good, right?!"

"Of course, of course. Do you understand, honey?"


-Thud! Thud! Thud!

"Ah!! Heena!! It hurts! It really hurts... mmph!"

As Heena was frantically hitting my back, she suddenly stopped and grabbed my face with both hands, pressing her lips to mine.

-Smooch! Smooch! Smooch!

But instead of a normal kiss, she planted intense kisses all over my face, starting from my lips.

It was like she was devouring me, showering me with kisses non-stop. Overwhelmed by her fervor, I couldn't think of anything else to say and quietly accepted her love.

Yes, this was Heena.

My adorable girlfriend.

And surely, someday, the woman who would marry me.

My future wife.

Author's Note

I'm debating whether or not to write a 19+ hot spring scene... Just one more 19+ chapter left...

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