My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

84 - My Girlfriend Is Too Demanding (3)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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Without a word, I took the pillow that Heena was holding. As I reached for it, she willingly handed it over and then perched herself on the bed. The pillow felt unfamiliar yet plush, perhaps it was a new purchase. I gently settled next to Heena, thinking how often I must have visited her house to distinguish whether this pillow was new or not. It could also have been brought from another room when moving things around. Anyway, it had been over a year and a half since we started dating.

The only relationship I had witnessed from the beginning was my brother Jeongwoo's, and even then, I had no idea how they behaved when they were alone, what their dynamic was like. None of my friends had ever brought up their love life either.

So, I was left wondering if my relationship with Heena was normal, if we were doing things right, like other couples do.

People on the internet say that within three months of dating, most couples would have progressed to the end, but those stories were mostly about people over twenty. Of course, it's rare for someone our age to not have gone all the way after nearly two years.

By exercising restraint, I was able to leave a good impression on Heena's family, leading to our families growing quite close. I definitely saw that as a positive.

Still, as a boyfriend, making my girlfriend wait, whom I desired so much, wasn’t something to be proud of. Over time, it became less about determination and more about pride and stubbornness.

Yet, my girlfriend, who sometimes tempted me beyond limits but ultimately respected my will and never forced anything, I was truly grateful to her.

So, perhaps a bit belatedly,



To my girlfriend, who still stretched her words with a smile,

"Let’s meet at the subway station on the 13th."


"At the place where we had our first date."

I firmly set the date.

"That date will last until the 14th."

A little shy, but mostly grateful, and filled with anticipation.

"Is that okay?"


My heart pounded as if it would burst, filled with nervous excitement for our upcoming date.


Raei Translations


That day, I may have sounded confident, but honestly, I was a mess inside.

After finishing our talk and leaving the room, we had dinner with Auntie, following some conversation. Afterward, Jeongwoo and I each went back to our homes. Auntie stayed over for a day or two, just in case there were any issues at home.

After exchanging usual farewells and returning home, I found myself unable to leave my computer. I had already been studying various videos and articles for that day, but the moment I explicitly said "Let's do it then!" the tension made me feel like I was going to be sick.

Heena might have often taken the lead and shown a mature side, but when it came to that moment, I wanted to lead as a man so she wouldn't feel anxious.

Honestly, I wanted to seek advice from someone, but how could I directly ask about such a thing? I didn't want to ask my friends either. I doubted any of them had the experience to give a proper answer.

Looks like the internet was the only option.

[ Title: (Advice) Anything to be careful of when doing it for the first time with my girlfriend? ]

[ Content: We're both first-timers, anything we should know? ]

I posted on a suitable community. Besides this, I had already learned from searching on Naver and other resources, but I was hoping to get some more detailed and realistic advice.

Being a fairly large community, comments started flooding in immediately.

[ User1 (19.53): You should wear condoms on your hands too, touching here and there can cause infections. You’ll get STDs otherwise. ]

ㄴ[ User2 (293.14): Pro tip lol ]

[ User3: I don't know. Fuck, I was about to enjoy my dinner and play games, but you posted this shit ]

ㄴ[ User4 (59.39): Why so angry lol ]

ㄴ[ User5 (210.43): Are you serious? ]

ㄴ[ User3: 21043, where do you live? ]

Most were nonsense comments, but I had expected that. Why is everyone so angry though? It was a genuine question.

Fortunately, there were a couple of useful comments.

[ User6 (39.14): If it's the girl's first time, don't just go wild like a dog in heat. Start slow, warm her up. It's going to hurt anyway. And sometimes, guys feel a bit of pain too, but unless something is torn, it's nothing to worry about. ]

[ 45-year-old Wizard: Don’t try weird positions you saw somewhere. Stick to missionary for starters. ]

ㄴ[ User7 (210.43): Are you a 45-year-old virgin giving advice from playing dating sims? ]

ㄴ[ 45-year-old Wizard: Shut the fuck up ]

ㄴ[ User7 (210.43): lol sorry ]

ㄴ[ User4 (59.39): lol ]

ㄴ[ 45-year-old Wizard: Congratulations, you've won the comment lottery. Send your address, you fucker ]

While I already knew most of this,

[ User8 (23.99): Talk a lot to ease the tension. Being tense makes it more painful and less responsive. Use lubricant for sure. And don't believe what you see in comics. I’ll say it twice because it's important. Don’t believe the comics. ]

ㄴ[ User9 (124.13): Thanks ]

ㄴ[ User10: Can't these liars and Jin the liar be blocked? ]

It was still good to go over it again. I guess that’s enough from this place. And the advice to talk a lot seemed really good. Note to self.

In addition to the question I posted, I spent another two hours searching for things I needed to prepare and be mindful of. The content was mostly similar, but if I wasn't reading this, I couldn't calm down. Despite there still being several days left, my heart kept pounding with anticipation and anxiety since earlier.

Images of Heena's pale legs and nape, which I glimpsed during the summer, constantly floated in my mind. Come to think of it, I had seen her stomach too. She had a very slim waist, and her navel was so small and cute.

No, stop thinking about it. The more I think, the hotter my body gets. But, if we're going to stay out, I'll have to tell my parents, right? Ah, if I say I'm staying over at Heena's, they'll definitely know everything. It's so embarrassing to even think about.

It's not weird for couples to do such things, but my family had an atmosphere as if they were wondering why we hadn't done it yet.


As I was thinking, my phone rang briefly. It was a message from Heena.

[ Heena: Yeonho, by any chance... ]

[ Han Yeonho: What? ]

[ Heena: Can our date last until the 15th? ]

[ Han Yeonho: (Emoticon of a cat drawing a heart with its arms) ]

[ Heena: ♡♡♡ You're going to study tonight, right? Fighting! Love you~ ]

I was plunged into thought again after seeing the final playful message from my girlfriend for the day.

Should I just tell my mom the day I'm coming back? It feels like once I go there, I won't be able to leave.



Raei Translations


Time passed a little, and D-day approached.

Since visiting Heena's house, we had only been on one date. I couldn’t fully enjoy it because my mind was completely occupied with that thought. Honestly, Heena also seemed distracted the entire time. It felt like if we entered her apartment, we would just go ahead and do it.

So, when we parted that day, I suggested to Heena,

"Let’s reduce it to the 13th. After that, we can meet as usual."

Heena looked sad at my words but didn’t refuse, probably because she knew she was also distracted all day.

"Uh-uh... I think I know why, so I can’t say no... But you have to call and text me every day, okay?"

"I'll do it all the time except when studying. We can video call before bed in the evening."

"Okay... but kiss me now. A kiss for each day we won't see each other!"

After parting with Heena, 3 days passed.

Finally, tomorrow was Heena’s birthday.

And at this moment, I was sitting in my room, meditating. Until yesterday, I somehow managed to study at set times, but today, I couldn't focus on anything.

I was just running simulations over and over in my mind about what would happen tomorrow. The whole family consistently asked me why we weren't dating during these few days of not seeing Heena.

My mom, who often communicates with Heena, must know we haven't broken up. It was just strange for us, who usually saw each other at least once every other day, to suddenly behave like this, so they must have been curious.

Saying something like "We're so attracted to each other that we decided to wait until the 13th" would just be absurd.

But now, those days were behind me. I probably wouldn’t sleep easily tonight, but as it was past 10 PM, it was time to go to bed. When I woke up, it would finally be D-day. I had planned to meet Heena for lunch, but I needed to wake up early to check everything one last time before leaving.

Before going to sleep, I went to the living room and spoke to my mom, who was sitting on the sofa.

"Mom, I won't be home for about 3 days starting from tomorrow."

"Going somewhere fun?"

"I have a date planned with Heena."

"A date for 3 days... Ah."

She began to speak as if questioning, then paused, seemingly realizing the reason.

"Alright, got it."


She simply acknowledged it. At times like this, I really appreciate and like my mom's cool and chic personality. She would probably explain it well to the other family members.

Having reported so it wouldn't be an unauthorized night out, I returned to my room and lay down on my bed, feeling a hundred times more nervous than the anxious excitement of our first date, which now lingered faintly in my memory.

Now, it really was tomorrow.

Author's Note:

Finally, after 84 episodes, Yeonho and Heena have become true adults... It’s truly moving.

I actually thought it might be okay after they turned twenty on the 1st, but just to be safe and fully prepared, I delayed it until Heena's birthday. There might be censorship...

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