My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

91 - That Day (7) (feat. Heena)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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After several days had passed since we first went to see the house, the day to move finally arrived. The time spent cleaning and packing my clothes and other belongings was filled with excitement.

Each day was smooth sailing.

I had brought joy to my parents by getting into college with good grades, was experiencing living on my own for the first time, and most importantly, my relationship with Yeonho couldn't have been better.

Now, as I was moving my stuff with my family, I knew I would soon be living here with him.

Our day was just around the corner.


Raei Translations


After cleaning the house with my mom and unpacking the boxes my dad and brother had moved, I contacted Yeonho. He wanted to help with the move, but my family and I dissuaded him. My belongings weren't that numerous to begin with, and I didn't want to interrupt Yeonho's studies.

"Ah! Yeonho is here! Over here~"

So, only after everything was settled did I call Yeonho, and he hurried over to me. The smile that naturally formed on my face at his joyful appearance as if it were his own affair. In a way, it might have been correct to say it was his affair. After all, this place would soon be Yeonho's home too.

Holding hands, we stopped by a supermarket near the house. On the way, I freely shared with him everything that had happened up until the move.

I felt a bit embarrassed for being overly excited, but seeing Yeonho always smiling gently and listening to my stories made me confident I could chirp by his side forever.

"I had put it away after last summer ended, found it yesterday while organizing. But it's quite worn out... Maybe I should go for a different style this summer?"

"Let's do that. You know, it looks like we matched our outfits today by coincidence."

The fact that we had, unintentionally and without prior agreement, worn the same cardigans was another source of joy. It was as if, improbably, our hearts were connected.

Thanks to that, I arrived at the supermarket clinging to his arm with even higher spirits. And seeing Yeonho carrying the shopping basket for me, as if we were a newly married couple who had just started living together, made me laugh out loud.

It felt as if we were truly a married couple. The desire to submit the marriage registration form we had filled out for fun before surged up within me. Maybe if I pouted and begged him in bed later, he might just agree.

With that thought, we wandered around the supermarket as if exploring. When we reached the bathroom supplies aisle, we picked out items we would use together in the future.

"Hmm... I'd like my cup in mint color, please."

Yeonho naturally began selecting his own items too. Surely, he too felt that our living together wasn't far off.

As we placed items one by one into the shopping basket, we discussed buying a new loofah.

"Let's get two loofahs... no, actually. One should be enough."

"Hmm~? Right? Maybe one is enough?"

And I didn't miss his comment that one loofah would suffice. I hadn't thought about buying just one either, but his words made it seem like one would indeed be enough.

With just one loofah, I could wash Yeonho, and he could wash me. And in the gradually intensifying atmosphere, our bodies would come together.

I might die of happiness.

"Yeah, just buy one! One is enough, right?"

At my insinuation, he gave up and agreed, so I immediately put just one in the cart.

"No using it alone! I'll be watching!"

With that said.

When he asked how exactly I planned to watch, I naturally replied that we would enter together. He might have thought I was half-joking, but I was entirely serious.

Because I'll be the one to wash him. Definitely.

Next, we chose some cute bathroom slippers, and just as we were about to move on to the next aisle, my eyes caught sight of small boxes.

I knew instantly what they were. Contraceptives made of rubber, something necessary yet something I always wished we wouldn't need.

I didn't want to use them if possible, but I couldn't burden him either. As I was pondering over which one to choose, Yeonho stopped me.

Could it be that Yeonho also didn't want to use them? Hoping inside.



"I've already bought some, so we don't need to buy them here."

I heard him say he had already prepared them.

I see.

Hehe, you already bought them?

It was a confirmation that I wasn't the only one looking forward to that day. Whether we would use them or not, we'd find out when the time came, but for now, it didn't matter.

Unable to hold back my laughter, I clung to him. And in the hypothetical situation of having a child.

"We could take a year off! Would you prefer a daughter or a son? I'd love a son who looks like you~ He'd be absolutely adorable!"

"Of course, I'd prefer a daughter who looks like you."

It was incredibly joyful to have such natural conversations with him. Of course, I was staunchly in support of a mini Yeonho. A mini Heena would be adorable too, but I've heard so much about how fathers are with their daughters. My dad is completely smitten with me, after all.

So, if Yeonho were to show more affection and attention to a mini Heena than to me, I might end up being jealous of my own daughter. Embarrassing as it was to admit.

In such a way, at the start of our life living together, with Yeonho's love, and looking forward to the future, my spirits were endlessly high.

And it reached its peak at the tasting corner.

"Try a piece of bacon before you go! You too, the newlyweds~"

Unable to refuse the saleslady's comment about us being newlyweds, we ended up buying the bacon she was selling.

"You look so happy together~ Such a considerate husband~"

Even Yeonho received compliments, making the lady seem even more wonderful.

I wanted to buy ten packs if I could, but Yeonho pulled me towards the checkout, so I couldn't grab more.

Standing at the checkout counter, talking with him.

"You look really happy today, don't you?"

"Huh? Well, I'm starting to live on my own now. Plus, ever since we came in earlier─"

"Since then?"

"Like the lady said earlier, it really felt like we were newlyweds shopping together."

"Ah~ I felt a bit like that too."

"Right? Thinking about it suddenly made me so happy."

Only happiness, warm and filling, occupied my heart.


Raei Translations


After arriving home and organizing the things we bought from the supermarket, Yeonho seemed interested in seeing my room, so we headed there together. He didn't hesitate to look around, which was just one of his considerate traits.

I showed him my room, simply furnished with a bed, a large desk beside it, and a wardrobe. Frames containing our photos were placed on the desk, and space was left open for the computer he would bring later.

And this bed, too big for just one person.

"The bed, you know? I've also prepared your pillow."

It was a queen-size, anticipating the nights we would spend together. It might be slightly cramped for two, but if I fell asleep in Yeonho's arms, it would undoubtedly be comfortable. The thought brought a smile to my face again.

Then, we silently sat down on the bed, enjoying the calm and leisurely atmosphere. After a moment, Yeonho slowly began to speak.

"Let's meet in front of the subway station on the 13th."

My eyes widened. It was a date we had planned a while ago, but his words cemented it as a definite plan.

"At the place where we had our first date."

My heart started to race.

"That date will last until the 14th."

It was really happening soon. Everything was perfectly prepared.

For our special day.


Raei Translations


A few days later, I celebrated my twentieth birthday, a day I had been eagerly awaiting since the year before last.

Since moving, I had only seen Yeonho once. We both decided it was best not to meet until today, as we couldn't fully enjoy our date with the day's events occupying our minds.

As much as I had been looking forward to it, I barely slept the night before and woke up early to get ready.

I cleaned my room again, something I had done several times over the last few days, and took a thorough shower, even though I planned to take another right before we met.

Then, wearing a skirt, blouse, and coat that I had chosen after a day of deliberation with a high school friend, I left the house.

However, having left too early, I arrived at the station two hours before our scheduled meeting time. We had promised not to do this, but I hoped he would forgive me just for today. Sitting at home with my heart about to burst was impossible.

While waiting for him, I felt surprisingly calm despite the lack of sleep. It was a day I had longed for and was genuinely excited about, but somewhere in my heart, it felt like a natural and expected part of our journey.

We were lovers who loved each other deeply, and now we were adults capable of taking responsibility for ourselves. Thus, there was nothing strange about our bodies coming together.

It was simply time.

In the slightly chilly weather, I waited for him, imagining the day ahead that was sure to be fun, happy, and memorable.

And though there was still some time left until our appointment, Yeonho arrived early, just like me.

"We promised not to come out too early."

But since you came out early too, it's even, right?

"You look so beautiful today, really. The most beautiful in the world. And happy birthday."

Your compliment made the outfit I had chosen so carefully finally feel meaningful.

"Yes, trust me today. To the very end."

Wherever we go, I'll follow you closely.

Our date felt familiar somehow. We stopped by a food stall to share meals, sat on a bench chatting, visited an eyeglass shop in the mall, and ended with playing basketball games in the arcade. Throughout all these activities, I felt your small acts of consideration.

I realized during the date that we were revisiting our first date. The care I had shown you in the past, you were now showing me again.

I was moved, but at the same time, I couldn't help but laugh inside.

Did you know that, compared to what you were doing today, you're usually much more considerate and caring?

It seemed like the point was to reflect on that time, so you probably hadn't noticed.

How cute. Still growing up a bit, but still showing his youthful side from time to time.

But what does it matter? After all, spending time with him was fun, and today's main event wasn't this date but what would come next.

There was still plenty of time until the evening, so I was wondering where he would take me after this basketball game ended.

Then he said,

"Shall we go home?"

I was a bit startled at the moment, but my heart pounding told me everything.

That I wanted it too.

"Okay. Let's go home. I want to go too."

"I'm sorry for saying let's go home already when you dressed up so nicely today."

"No, it's okay. This kind of thing... just hearing you say I'm beautiful is enough. You know how long I've been waiting for today."

I felt like I might cry. Yes, clothes like these weren't important at all.

I wore them just for the sake of hearing you say that one word, that I'm beautiful.

Just knowing that you've been looking forward to our time together, to the extent that you couldn't wait any longer, that's all that matters.

To me.


Raei Translations


As soon as we arrived home, I told Yeonho the password and we entered. I left him sitting in the room and dashed out to take a shower.

Even though we met to go on a date, and even up to the point when Yeonho suddenly said let's go back to his place.

I wasn't as nervous as I am now.

For the time I would spend with Yeonho, I had obsessively kept the house clean for days, researched various things on the internet, and bought the necessary items. But the thought of him waiting in my room made my body tremble uncontrollably. It wasn't that I disliked or feared being with him; it was just the realization that the moment we had long awaited was finally upon us, and I couldn't help but feel nervous.

But that aside, I didn't want to give him even the slightest unpleasant feeling, so I thoroughly cleaned myself. From my chest down to my most private parts, I hurried to wash as quickly as possible, but it still took about 20 to 30 minutes before I hastily left the bathroom.

I should have brought out clothes before coming out of the room, but I had come out without thinking and ended up putting back on the clothes I had been wearing.

"Sorry, did I take too long...?"

"No. Should I go now?"

"Yeah. If you brought clothes, take them with you. I forgot to... Everything we bought last time like your toothbrush is in there. The towels are in the drawer inside."

As soon as he went out to take his turn, I quickly took off the clothes and underwear I was wearing and put on the underwear we had chosen together. It covered just the essential areas, with a small surface area and slightly see-through material compared to regular underwear.

I hadn't worn it out, knowing we would come back home, just in case it got sweaty and smelly during the date. Then I put on a white camisole dress over it and covered myself with a blanket.

I thought I was always ready to show him everything.

But I felt shy and nervous.

While anxiously waiting under the blanket, I noticed something unfamiliar under the mood light. Not what I had bought, but a different kind of lubricant and a small, square object with a round contour.

I was drawn to them and slowly examined them. The lubricant was nothing special, but what he had previously bought was.


For a moment, I had a wicked thought to do something to this condom, but I immediately dismissed it from my mind. Without any sly tricks, I would tell him my true feelings.

Just for today, to not use it.


"You're back quickly!"

Startled by his arrival, I dropped what I was holding. Quickly putting it back in its place, I just sat there trembling.

He approached me and gently started to pull the blanket I was covering myself with. In a moment of embarrassment, I held on to it so he couldn't take it away, but soon I let go.

As the blanket fell, I revealed my attire to him, my white camisole dress slightly revealing my underwear beneath.

Even though I hadn't shown my underwear yet, I sat there quietly, too embarrassed to speak, as he approached me.

With the thought that it was finally beginning, my body stiffened with tension.


"Uh, yes?!"

"Let's talk a bit first."

He said this and sat next to me, gently holding me in his arms. Leaning against him, I began to feel more at ease.

Thanks to his soft-spoken conversation, meant to ease my intense nervousness.

Soon enough, my tension completely dissolved.

"Why be embarrassed when you're so cute. Now, give me your lips."

After our conversation, when he asked for a kiss.

My body and heart were fully prepared.

"Hmm... smooch"

Continuing with our usual, deep kiss.,

"Mm... moan"

Unable to hold back the moans that leaked out in my heightened state of excitement.


The kiss ended.

I watched his back as he stepped out of the bed to undress, and slowly, I slid the straps of my camisole down.

As he turned around in just his underwear,

I fully exposed my provocative black lace underwear to him, extending my arms out.

"Yeonho, come here."

Hold me.

Whisper that you love me.

Play with my body as you wish.

Take my first time.


Raei Translations


The moment we had endlessly longed for ended in the blink of an eye.

Our first night was much more painful, pleasurable, and blissful than I had ever imagined.

The soreness I felt in my intimate parts, because Yeonho had given it to me, made it precious too.

And I was happier because he respected my request not to use contraception. I could still feel something warm inside me. It had been a safe day, but part of me hoped something would come of it.

Not only that.

"Should I start staying here from next week?"

His decision to move in filled me with a feeling like flying. Knowing we would have more times like this, filled with even greater happiness and joy.

Barely containing my overflowing emotions, I fell asleep in his arms.

When I woke up again.

"Did you sleep well?"

Still holding me, he asked gently with a smile, and even kissed me.

Waking up to see Yeonho's face first thing was incredibly wonderful.

Knowing that this wouldn't just be for today, but would continue from tomorrow on.

"Yeah... giggles... Yeonho~"

I couldn't help but let out a silly laugh.

After a brief chat, we went to the bathroom together, where I helped him with his morning difficulties.

There was no disgust at all.

Helping Yeonho with such matters brought me immense joy.


Raei Translations


From then on, the life I had dreamed of, just the two of us, began.

We showered together, stood side by side brushing our teeth, and then prepared breakfast together.

While doing so, I welcomed Yeonho's subtle touches on my behind.

The skinship that was limited to kisses until yesterday had now evolved into something a bit more risqué, which I liked.

I wanted him to touch me as much as he desired, anywhere on my body, wherever he wanted.

"Then... between breasts and butt, which do you like more?"

I asked, wanting to know Yeonho's preference so I could appeal more to him in the future, but after seriously contemplating, he eventually said he liked both.

Truly, he was an irresistibly cute boyfriend.

"Feel free to touch them as much as you want, be it my butt or breasts."

"Just make sure it's only mine you touch. Got it?"

I hoped he wouldn't refuse.

Because all of me belongs to you.

Still, if he ever touched another woman, he wouldn't know what I'd do. It was a warning, albeit one I hoped he'd heed.

Even after finishing our meal, our perfect day at home continued.

After sorting out the bed sheets for laundry, I didn't leave Yeonho's side for a second, either browsing our phones together or cuddling up to him.

"Should we go out for a bit tomorrow?"

"Umm~ We promised to have a home date until the 15th~"

"But I have to tell them I'll be staying here with you."

"Let's go!"

Discussing our plans for the next day.

"How about we try for a hickey? The one from yesterday didn't show."

Preserving the hickeys he gave me with photos.

"Ah! It's there!"

"Really? Wait, what if it shows when I meet my uncle tomorrow!"

I also left a hickey on him, getting scolded in the process.

Even without any special events, the simple moments spent together were delightful. Time flew by unnoticed until it was evening.

For dinner, although I wanted Yeonho to cook, I hoped he would rest today, so we ordered delivery.

After finishing our meal and spending more time together.

When it was time to sleep, we lay in bed side by side, looking at each other.



"I'm so happy right now, do you know that?"

"Me too."


Smiling widely, I took courage from my gradually improving physical condition throughout the day to speak up.

"After a day has passed..."


"I think I'm okay."


Yeonho, quickly catching on to what I meant, came closer to kiss me.

Our first night was blissful but slightly marred by pain. Even setting aside the joy that came with the pain.

For the second night that was about to begin.

I hoped it would be more pleasurable, and I wished for Yeonho not to be overly considerate like yesterday but to freely enjoy himself as much as he wanted. More than thinking of me, I wanted him to feel good because of me.

My body will always be ready, solely for Yeonho.

Today, tomorrow, and anytime.

Author's Note:

I'm not sure when the next adult scene will be. I want to write either a 19+ love Jenga or Heena begging while dressed as a cat.

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