My Girlfriend Is Very Good to Me

97 - My Girlfriend's Possessiveness and Jealousy (3)

TL: looloo

Schedule: 4/Week Mon-Thu

Illustrations: Here

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How did it come to this? I was thinking back on the events of the morning.

Heena had also gone to school for her first day of the semester, but she came home earlier than expected.

As always these days, she hugged me tightly as soon as she got home and spent time like that. I patted her back while she rubbed against me and surfed the web, looking up tips for my café job.

Then, it was time to go to work. After arriving at the café, I greeted the manager and Jia, changed into my uniform, and noticed her immediately.

Heena, who had seen me off with a smile earlier, was now sitting in a visible spot at the bar, staring intently in my direction.

Despite Heena's blatant gaze, Jia had reassured me with a smile, telling me not to worry about it. Her kindness made me feel a bit sorry as Heena's boyfriend.

"Shall we continue?"

"Yes, please."

"You received a sheet with basic greetings and recipes from the manager, right? Since you won't be learning to brew coffee immediately, focus on memorizing cleaning duties, as well as making ades and smoothies."

With a gentle voice, Jia explained my initial tasks. Since I was a part-time worker, it seemed she planned to have me focus on cleaning and handling orders rather than making coffee.

Fortunately, nothing seemed too difficult, and honestly, even the busiest peak times seemed more manageable compared to working at Yoonsung's snack bar.

I never thought my grueling experience there would be so helpful. You never know how life will turn out.

Moreover, Jia's excellent teaching made a difference. She started by explaining café terms that might be hard to understand initially, then gradually introduced simple tasks I could start with immediately.

"Shall we step out whenever customers leave?"

"If it’s not too busy, yes. Prioritize cleaning the tables as soon as customers leave and check if the service bar supplies and trash bags need replacing."

It was fascinating that, despite her not having a loud voice, her clear pronunciation made her words easy to understand. Her calm and soft tone was pleasant to listen to, although the voice I wanted to hear the most was still Heena's.

The manager stayed in the office, perhaps occupied with other tasks, allowing me to receive one-on-one training from Jia.

I learned that my shift time usually paired me with this same team, which was a bit disappointing but also comforting.

I wanted to meet and talk with other coworkers, but I was glad the person I would see most often was kind.

While I was smoothly learning the tasks.

"Could you refill this, please?"

"Yes, just a moment."

Heena handed her empty coffee cup to Jia, requesting a refill. I watched as Jia pulled a fresh shot from the coffee machine. Since I couldn't help with coffee-making, I just observed to remember how it was done.

Heena didn't speak to me while I was working. She just looked at me with a smile.

Somehow, she didn't seem to be in a good mood, but maybe it was my imagination?

"Your Americano is ready. Enjoy."

"Thank you."

Heena returned to her seat with the refilled coffee.


And continued to stare at me without blinking.

"You said you’ve been dating for about two years, right?"

"Ah, yes."

Amid Heena's intense gaze, Jia paused the training to chat with me.

"You two seem to get along well. It's nice to see."

"Thank you for saying that... I feel a bit sorry, though, for being a nuisance."

"Not at all. She isn't interrupting the training."

Seeing Jia smile like that, I felt my heart heal a bit. Maybe it was because she was a type of person I hadn't encountered around me before.

If she were my real sister, I would have been very good to her.

"Jia... Uh, can I call you sister? It feels too awkward otherwise... And if it's not uncomfortable, you can speak informally to me."

"You can call me that. Hmm, then can I speak informally?"

"Yes! I'd prefer that. How long have you been working here, sister?"

"About a year and a half? I wasn't really planning to, but I did because of Chaea."

"She coaxed you into it?"

"Yes. At that time, they were looking for two people for the same shift, and she said she was scared to do it alone."

Since everyone takes a different amount of time to close the gap in their relationships, some people find it hard to act comfortably until they spend some time together. Fortunately, despite this being our second meeting, Jia didn't seem to have much resistance to it.

This allowed us to share more relaxed conversations during training. Although it was mostly trivial small talk.

Of course, that didn't mean the training was neglected. Just listening to explanations can be boring and hard to remember, so she made sure I got some hands-on practice whenever possible.

"Want to make an ade? Ade types are really simple, so you can easily make one now."


"Yes. First, put a little base in the glass, then pour in the carbonated water, add syrup twice, and 90% of it is done. The rest is just decoration."

"That's it?"


"I feel a bit guilty getting paid for something so simple..."

"You'd be surprised at the cost of coffee beans. There's a reason cafés are called water businesses. Of course, we pay extra attention to our drinks.

To make sure they look good in pictures."

She also told me interesting stories about cafés and let me make and taste drinks. Watching her, I understood why the manager called Jia an ace. Whether it was café work or teaching someone, she was really good at it.

Time flew by as I focused on the café work. Five hours passed quickly. I was supposed to take a 30-minute meal break, but we got a rush of customers right when I was about to go eat. So, I missed the timing.

I ended up helping with various tasks and agreed to leave 30 minutes early instead.

Thus, my first shift ended earlier than expected. After changing clothes and coming out, I saw the manager and Jia standing together at the bar.

"Ah, Yeonho! How was it, manageable?"

"Yes. It's more fun than I expected."

"That's a relief~ Jia said you were learning really well. Are you considering joining us as a full-time employee later?"

"I'd be grateful if you'd have me. Thanks for teaching me so well, sister!"

"No worries. You were diligent, so it was easy for me."

"True, sometimes teaching lazy ones can be frustrating, right?"

As we chatted lightly and walked slowly towards the hall, Heena came up and linked her arm with mine. She smiled and bowed her head in greeting to the manager and Jia.


"Oh, Heena, you've been here the whole time? Yeonho is really loved~"

"She was waiting since he started his shift... Both of you should head home. It's getting late."

"Yes, we'll get going then. See you tomorrow, sister!"

"Okay, get home safe."

"Make sure to come tomorrow!"

I wanted to chat more, but I could feel Heena subtly pulling me away. So, I let go of my reluctance and made a clean farewell before leaving the café.

Did today's shift go well? Working at the café was more fun than I expected, and Jia's training was excellent.

However, while I felt good about it, I was a bit concerned about Heena, who had waited for me for five hours straight. If she had been doing something, it would be different, but it seemed like she was just watching me the whole time.

So, on our way home, I spoke to her out of concern.

"You should have gone home first. Wasn't it tiring to wait?"

"Not at all. But Yeonho..."


She suddenly stopped walking and stood in front of me with a very pouty face. I was taken aback by the clear display of her emotions, which I hadn't expected.

"You seemed to have so much fun talking with that girl."


"You kept smiling at everything she said..."

"I can't frown at her..."

"You were smiling too kindly!"

I didn't think I had smiled with that much detail.

But Heena's complaints didn't end there; they were just beginning.

"You two even held hands while making drinks, right?"

"We didn't hold hands."

"When you were making a drink! She held your hand tightly!"

"Oh, when making the ade? She just held my hand briefly to stop me from pouring too much base..."

"Why did you get so close to her? It's your first day!"

"She was just being friendly..."

"And you called her sister already! And she talked to you informally, like you were close!"

I didn't know how to react to Heena's frustrated outburst. I never imagined she would get so jealous over something like this.

Come to think of it, except for Yoonjung, this was the first time Heena had seen me interact closely with another woman.

Aside from family, the only women I knew were a few middle school classmates, and I had no reason to meet them.

Even considering that, her jealousy seemed unusually intense.

"I have to see her often at work, so I wanted to keep things comfortable. You understand, right?"

"No, I don't!"

"Well, if you don't, there's nothing I can do..."

I hoped she would understand. Too bad.

Pouring out her emotions didn't seem to be enough, so she eventually demanded that I change jobs.

"I don't think you can keep working there. Can you find another job, Yeonho?"

"Calm down. You know I can't quit that easily. It would be difficult for Heeseong too."


"Wait, just wait a moment, Heena."

Realizing a rational conversation wasn't possible, I placed my hands on her cheeks to calm her down. Leaning slightly to match her eye level, I spoke slowly.

"Why are you so upset? It's not like you. Can you tell me why? I'll be careful."


"Hm? Won't you tell me?"

Speaking gently, I kissed the corner of her eyes. She pouted her lips, indicating that wasn't what she wanted, so I kissed her lips lightly.


Her reaction showed she was ready to talk, so I continued in a persuasive tone.

"You know I don't have any feelings for that sister, right?"

"...I know."

"Can you tell me why you suddenly feel this way? You were okay with it before."


At my repeated questions, Heena chewed her lip for a moment before starting to speak slowly.

"Do you remember... Lia?"

"Hm? Oh, the friend you made during orientation?"

It was just a few days ago, so I remembered her. She was the one Heena became friends with.

"Even she... got a crush on you after just a brief video call..."

"Wait, she was just joking. She didn't really fall for me."

"No! She said it because she liked you, even a little! If she didn't, she wouldn't say such things!"

Is that so? I didn't really understand girls' psychology. But no matter how I thought about it, Heena seemed to be overreacting.

"That's true, but! The problem is that you're too attractive, Yeonho! More and more girls are subtly trying to get close to you!"

"You're the only one who says that..."

"No, I'm not! Look at that sister from earlier! If I wasn't there, she would have acted even closer to you!"

"No... She was just being nice because it would be a hassle to train a new part-timer if I quit. She doesn't have any feelings for me."

This was a somewhat logical thought. I remembered Yoonsung crying because part-timers kept quitting. He once said he felt like killing them after putting so much effort into training them.

But rational arguments didn't work with Heena right now.

"You don't know that! She might already have those thoughts! She might have fallen for you at first sight and, seeing you smile kindly at her, thought you had feelings for her too! She might start to touch you while pretending to help when you're tired from making drinks, comfort you when a rude customer upsets you! Then, she might suggest having a drink together! And if you get drunk, she might take you to a hotel...!"

Her wild imagination flowed out like a river. It was impressive how she came up with such a detailed story so quickly. Though the story seemed plausible, I realized I needed to get a grip as irrational talk was starting again.

It seemed logical reasoning wouldn't work. I had to resort to something else.

I moved my hands from her cheeks to her buttocks, gently pulling her closer as I spoke.

I had been fully aroused since our lips first touched.

"Heena, why don't we continue this conversation at home? I really want you right now."

As I openly shifted the topic and made my desire clear, Heena flinched momentarily, then blushed slightly. She began to gently stroke my thigh as well.

"...Is it that hard to stop yourself?"

"Yes. Honestly, I want to do it right here."

"Th-Then, we have no choice... We'll talk later. Let's go."

Luckily, my approach worked with Heena. Breathing a sigh of relief internally, I headed home with her.

I could somewhat understand Heena's jealousy, but quitting the job was not an option now that I had started. I didn't want to disappoint Heeseong, who had recommended the job to me, and my sense of responsibility wouldn't allow it.

Since Heena needed to understand, I had to express my feelings in a way she could accept.

As soon as we got home, before even taking off our shoes, I grabbed Heena and started kissing her deeply, slipping my tongue in.


"Smooch, slurp─"

We exchanged passionate kisses for a while, then began undressing each other roughly and headed to the bathroom together.

Author's Note:

Surprisingly, the next episode is not rated 19+. Why? Because there's only one 19+ slot left...

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