My Last Hunt

Chapter 340: Level Battles 14

Level Battles 14

Fifth Sepedra

Between the two regions of fifth and third Sepedra there were small patches of open forest which was directly part of the South region. It was no more difficult for any level seven hunter to cross various islands and enter in the normal forest or they could do otherwise in the meantime. Stronger hunters face fewer restrictions around the boundaries of the islands. 

Normal and lower level hunters of the region usually hunt away from the islands. It was widely known that stronger, dangerous and rare monsters chose their niche to keep away from the mainstream. They wanted peaceful and perfect surrounding viable for their level up. These islands were the perfect niche for them to begin with. 

The stronger hunters were given missions in these islands so the things remain under control of the Hightown. The air and picky pace of the open forest was entirely different from the islands. One could feel the difference. The islands always bear tense air. The aura of the stronger monsters lingers in the air of the islands. In case lower level hunter end up in any island then he might suffocate to death if not killed by the slap of some haughty monster. 

Qiao was walking in between the thick and unorganized forest habitat. Rushing here might crash him against some sudden appearance of the rock. Slowly he started running and bam. He crashed into something. 

Qiao felt world moving and stars dancing. The monster thought that perhaps sky fell on the poor soul. It fell on the ground and could stand up again. One could imagine what happened in this crash of level seven hunter and level five monster. Qiao stood up and looked toward the monster. "Probably my run ride was different from the run of normal human." 

The monster saw the hunter standing on its head and blinked its eyes; it was yet to learn the speaking ability however the eyes were speaking already telling the cruelty of the stronger hunter. "It was not intentional." Qiao patted its head but the monster could not stand it. 

Qiao was slightly sad for killing a monster that did not threat him in any way. He walked away this time with slow pace. Newer places sometimes bring mishaps because the hunters explore them for the very first time. After some distance he happened to notice a team caught in trouble. They were hunting in the open forest this means they were from the hunter association and belong to this continent. 

Level six primary team was engaged in the battle. The team leader was battling with the monster while the apparently scared team members were surrounding. In no way their position speaks of their possible success. The weapon shattered and the monster gained some courage. Once the weapon got shattered it was a sign that the team lost readymade chance. 

Perhaps they were arguing whether to leave the hunt or not. The team leader was reluctant and the team members were trying to convince. No one was in hurry because they were not willing to leave anyone behind. The monster took advantage of the situation. 

Using the huge body attacked toward the hunters standing closer. Qiao walked forward and reached near. He did leap and distanced the hunters. The monster failed in its attempt. The hunters saw the stronger hunter; it increased their courage. After saving the hunters Qiao did not attack the monster. 

"I am here you can carry the hunting." Qiao voiced authoritative. The team leader and the other hunters misunderstood his words perhaps. They looked at each other and then the stronger hunter. 

The situation was not heartwarming anymore instead they took him as someone who wanted to take advantage of their situation. They took his words someone giving order for cooking meal for free and the he would take it all. 

The stronger hunters sometimes commit such deeds. They use the lower level hunters as free workers and then at the last moment take off the bite from the platter. Qiao saw them looking at him as he has ordered them to suicide. "Don't be afraid; let me make it easy for you." Qiao thought that perhaps they were afraid because the monster has yet to get any injury. 

In front of their eyes Qiao stepped ahead and used his stone. He injured the monster. "Now you all should attack." He beckoned them. They blinked. The team leader did not want to offend the senior hunter so he gestured them to do the attack. 

They nodded and followed. Qiao remained at the side lines while the monster was terrified at the attack of the stronger hunter. It did not create much ruckus for the team members. They thought that the hunter would snatch last attack and the experience points however Qiao did not move from his place. 

"Well done, I am leaving." Qiao gave an assuring smile and left. They blinked but before they could focus he was already nowhere to be seen. The hunters were more than surprised. "Such a hunter exist? I never knew." The team leader commented first. "Whoever he is; his class is higher." Team member added. "I wish to see him again." 

Qiao could hear their comments. He understood their hesitation and his changed behavior brought positive changes in their attitude. There were few teams hunting in the open forest. Qiao rushed past from them leaving the fallen dried leaves clutter behind. 

He rushed past few while took stay among those who need his help. Almost half of the hunters were now familiar with him; they all belong to the South Sepedra. They were quite impressed with his ways. Qiao on the other hand finally reached fifth Sepedra at around midday. 

As usual the air of the island was suffocating. The silence was meaningful and there were some roars of monsters disturbing the silence. The bright light of the day maximized the visual impact. Qiao held his weapon in his hand and crossed the boundary of the island. 

He was confident to hunt as many monsters as he could or the necessary amount which needed. His plans were bold. Qiao wanted to leave this fifth island after he reached peak of the level seven. For this he decided three days. In these three days he was going to hunt to his heart content. 

It was good that in the islands the lower level hunters were not allowed. His frightening attentions might have brought chaos for them. There was only one hunter present in the fifth Sepedra. He was on mission. Level eight monster was spotted and level eight hunter was sent to kill it or defeat. 

It was strange that this stronger monster survived until now. It could have created troubles for the hunter association however the Hightown sent the mission sooner. The hunter did good decision before starting for the hunt. He ordered all lower level hunters to leave the island immediately else the present situation must have gone out of control. 

The stone betrayed the master in the middle of the battle. It entirely changed the scenario of the battle. The monster and the stone collaborated to defeat the hunter instead. The hunter was not expecting this to happen however there was nothing he could do other than to bet his life. 

There was the struggle going on. Qiao was wandering right after entering in the island. It did not take much time and he felt the tense surrounding. It was expected almost half of the island was trembling with the attacks of the monster and the hunter. The betrayal of the stone reduced his overall strength. 

Now there were three opponents in total. The hunter was here to defeat the monster while the stone had been looking for a chance to defeat the master. The stone did not accept the hunter as its true master since the time activated. 

The hunter has three level eight stones yet he was alone here to defeat two opponents. Commanding higher level stones can be troublesome any moment. Qiao sensed the aura and reached the place. From distance he observed what was going on. The words of the senior hunter echoed in his head when he saw the situation. 

He could tell how it feels when the one trusted betray. The monster roared mocking the situation of the hunter. It was pathetic in true sense. Qiao walked slowly since the hunter and the monster already saw him standing there. "You are level seven. Go back and ask help from the Hunter Association." The hunter gestured him to leave immediately before his stone could kill lower level hunter. 

Qiao was already aware that presently none of level seven peak or level eight hunter was present in the Hunter Association. Even if he went to tell the hunter might die by then. He possessed two level eight stones and the courage to command them so he was willing to render helping hand no matter if the help was not bigger. He could try his best. 

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