My Last Hunt

Chapter 351: Level Battles 25

Level Battles 25

Qiao could see the angry monster. Its six eyes were searching the surroundings for any sort of life that may have escaped its wrath. Its huge mouth teared apart everything that was unfortunate enough to get caught. The blood of the creatures it had slain tainted its face, hiding the unique beauty of its sky blue skin. The lake water circled around its damp body. Its fifteen feet huge stature along with its several tails made it a ginormous water beast.

The water source shone, despite the fact that the day was dull without any proper light. Qiao stopped to take a look. The water monster was slowly killing all of the lower level creatures so that they wouldn't disturb it and enter in its territory. It was ruthless. This lake was the biggest and it wouldn't affect the monster in any way even if half of the water creatures came and used the lake for their living.

Still the monster was dead set on killing them all. If this went on, then soon, the Hunter Association would be forced to intervene. Then the only option would be to kill the monster by requesting help from the Hightown. Qiao observed the level eight monster. There were streaks of red and green lines in its blue skin.

It was strange and odd. It was the first time Qiao had seen such an arrogant monster who dared to revel all its might. The monster was very confident since it had levelled up or perhaps it was just fearless. It had been a decade since the Hunter Association last sent any special mission in this island and two decades since the monster was hiding and had levelled up. As soon as it reached level eight; it marked the lake as its territory so every other creature would stay away.

The area around the lake was also damp. The green ground and the lush green vines were rustling with the wind which was strange at first glance. The entire South Sepedra was going through autumn while this part of the island was going through spring. The trees were fully loaded with leaves.

"If I am not wrong then this level eight monster is trying to access and manipulate the second last state of Infinity. What do you say?" Qiao whispered and asked Lam. He was certain that if he talked like normal then the monster could easily hear him. "Master is correct in his observations." Lam the loyal servant nodded.

"Then this battle is going to be tough." Qiao took a deep breath. He made up his mind to use both of the level eight stones in this battle. Lam was also with him. It might be a lengthy battle however he was sure to win it.

After a while he started heading towards the monster. The water creature was about to kill another monster.

"Your day ends here. Anyways do you remember me?" Qiao spoke to get the attention of the ruthless monster. The water creature threw the dead monster away and looked towards the hunter. "I had been wondering, where you escaped too?" the screeching voice of the monster echoed in the surrounding.

It was not pleasant to hear. Qiao twitched his brow. "I was planning to come back; see, now I am here." He shook his shoulders. He was quite plain when facing monsters or the aimless hunters. "I don't like your tone." The water creature scornfully looked at him with its six eyes. Qiao did not like it. He also rolled his eyes and said, "You should reflect on your own tone first."

"You are arrogant, to have come back." The water creature was extremely angry. The water source circling around its body was directed towards Qiao in the next instant. He activated his stone and the stone shunned off the attack. The shining water reverted back. The rare stone of the monster was collaborating with the water source; this was the reason that the water source reflected the streaks of the stone.

Qiao had faced a strong water creature earlier in this island so he was quite familiar with the ways of water monsters. He decided to tear out this water source from the creature. The water source was the first weapon of water type monsters.

The lake currently was not anywhere in sight. This meant that he could plan accordingly. The monster let out an odd laugh. One of its tails guided a ball of water source to attack him directly. This water source, if struck a hunter it would injure him just like any level eight attack.

Qiao thought about this possibility. He gave a secret warning to the loyal stone called Alum. Qiao was planning to attack with the other level eight stone. This way he would not be worried about his safety. Alum brightened and created a strong wall. The loyal stone could absorb or reflect any level eight attack in real time.

After taking these precautionary steps, Qiao got ready to deal with the second problem. He constantly commanded the stones to attacks and the water source unknowingly started decreasing. The monster was not worried. In the next attack it threw the water ball, also smashing its tail on the ground. The ground shook.

Alum the stone did not budge an inch and did not crack either, despite the monster trying its best. Qiao felt the tremor. He was thinking that perhaps the defense would break however it did not. Within few more attacks the water source was emptied.

Qiao was carefully observing the next move of the monster. To his shock the monster dug its tails deep in the ground. The lush grass under his feet was sucked dry within a few moments. Qiao stepped back. Then he looked around. The green leaves slowly became dry as if a sudden autumn had soaked away every drop of water, making them lifeless.

Everything in the surrounding slowly dried up. Qiao looked at it with his mouth agape. He was truly shocked and could see the strength of the rare stone. He was thinking whether this monster could soak, dry, living beings. Lam his loyal servant was getting agitated because the actions of the water monster were greatly affecting it.

Lam walked forward and stood behind its master, when he gestured. Qiao couldn't let the water creature harm his loyal servant. Soon the surroundings turned dull and dry just like the rest of the forest. The water creature again gathered the water source. Qiao did not wait for the monster to attack.

He ordered Lam to attack with him. Two attackers were better then one. Lam also joined in the reckless attacks. The water creature got slightly worried with this, thinking, since when did the monsters started siding with hunters? It caused the water source finish up earlier.

Qiao once again carefully observed the creature. He was expecting that the creature might start some escape attempts or try something cruder.

The creature glared at the hunter. Normally it would have frozen the nerves of a normal hunter however Qiao was well versed in facing monsters of all types.

One are two attacks were really terrifying however the hunter had managed to escape because of his stone. It seemed that the stone had some special characteristics. Qiao did not notice because he was busy attacking the monster. Until now only one attack was able to sever a tail.

The creature was fuming with anger. One of the tails got injured and it influenced the overall force of the monster. This led it to use crude methods.

Just when Qiao was thinking whether to directly attack or wait for the monster to show its next trick, the monster guided its stone and threw it in the middle, it suddenly started rushing and dragged Qiao inside.

Qiao was not expecting this. It was not just a mere stone. A whole aqua world was hidden inside the stone. The monster was a water creature so it decided to defeat the hunter inside the aqua world. Lam and the active level eight stone were left behind.

Lam was baffled at first but then understood what just happened. The active stone lost the force of the hunter and fell on the ground. Lam picked up the stone. It did not leave instead stood there waiting in hope that its master might be able to defeat the creature in the stone world.


Qiao suddenly fell in the water world. He could only remember that a stronger stone had unexpectedly appeared. Now he was able to understand the might of the rare stone. It was horrifying.

There were other water creatures in the aqua world as well, however these were all mere imaginations of the monster that possessed the stone.

Qiao first saw many colonies of the water creatures moving around but soon his intellect let him see through the facade. The aqua world was forceful in its attempt. It was trying to overturn the serenity of the hunter inside the water and kill him in any way.

At first the water tried to damage him however it slowly distanced away from him. Qiao was holding the special stone in his right hand. He was already prepared for something unexpected. This saved him from the hassle underwater. He could live underwater for more than two hours however attacking would be tough. Now that the water was being repelled away, he could face the creature.

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