My Lewd Reincarnation

Chapter 35 – Returning to the Cabin

Damien sped through the forest, darting between and around the trees that got in his way. However, despite the zigzaggy nature of his trajectory, the ride could not have been smoother for me. Held in his arms, with one of his hands casually groping my breasts, he kept me reasonably safe and secure the whole time on what should have been a rather jerky ride.

There weren't even any stray branches or bits of foliage to poke and scrape against me, which would have been much worse at this high a speed than ever before. Between the fact that no such thing was happening and the refreshing feeling of the wind rushing by my face, I was wholeheartedly enjoying my ride. Honestly, it was much better than all the other times I had trekked through the forest. If I could get around like this more often, then I would have, but I was sure that after a while getting carried around like this would have become less fun and more undignified.

That wasn’t something I really needed to worry about, though, as before long we arrived back at the clearing Damien and Vel called home. Thanks to the speed at which we were travelling, what had been a fifteen or so minute walk had instead taken only a little more than a minute at most.

As soon as we made it into the clearing, safe and sound, Damien slowed to a stop and lowered me back down onto the ground. The very second that my feet were on the ground again, the door to the log cabin burst open. I had very little time to react or really do anything before Vel came running out of the cabin and nearly tackled me to the ground.

It was by some miracle that I managed to stay standing after nearly being bowled over by the young elven woman, but I couldn’t really complain. It was clear, even before she said anything, that she had been worried sick about me. 

"Thank the Gods you’re okay, Eve." Vel cried as she hugged me, clinging onto me for dear life as if she was afraid to ever let go.

As much as I loved hugging and being all touchy-feely with her, this wasn’t that kind of embrace. Vel’s hands didn’t stray anywhere inappropriate or naughty during the time they were wrapped around me. No, our hug was completely platonic, even if her embrace was a little too tight for my liking. Not that the tame state of our cuddling stopped Damien from getting uncomfortable and embarrassed by it.

That man was certainly a bit strange. He could be completely unfazed by the sight of me, laying naked on the grass covered in cum. But just the sight of his daughter hugging someone, even if nothing else was happening, was too much for him and made him get all awkward. As much as he didn’t look like it, Damien was a big softy when it came to some stuff relating to his daughter. The fact that he had this side to him only made me more attracted to the man and desperately desire his cock inside of me.

"Ah… Now that both of you are safe, I’m going to go out and make a quick sweep of the surrounding areas. Hopefully, there aren’t any more of those people out there, but if there are, I’ll deal with them." Damien awkwardly shifted on the spot, not quite able to look at his daughter and me while we hugged. "You two should stay in the house and lock the door behind you. Don’t open it for anyone but me, understood?"

Vel was so focused on hugging and not letting me go that she practically ignored what her father had just said. So, instead, I just gave him a nod and said. "Yeah, we understand."

Saying that was one thing, but getting back inside the house was another thing entirely. Vel didn’t want to let go of me or leave my side for a second, which made it slow work to make our way over to the log cabin. However, Damien was content to just silently stand there and watch the two of us slowly make our way back inside. Once and only once, the door was shut and locked behind us, did the man take his leave and run back into the forest.

Although Damien didn’t explicitly say how he was going to deal with them if he found any more of those people, it was clear that he was going to most likely kill them. What was weird, though, was that I didn’t seem to care or lose any thought over this fact. If I was back on Earth, I imagine that I would have probably been at least a little concerned about what he was going to do. But as it was, I was just content to focus all of my attention and thoughts on Vel as we sat down together on the living room sofa.

After a few seconds of us just sitting there and snuggling up against each other, the young elven woman eventually spoke. "Why did you do that? Why did you put yourself in danger to protect me?"

Instead of replying immediately, I brought my hand up to her flushed, red face and wiped away a few tears first. "Because you’re important to me and I didn’t want to see you get hurt."

"You’re important to me too, Eve… But I didn’t want you to get hurt either."

"I didn’t get hurt though. It was mostly on the spur of the moment, but I came up with a way to distract them, and for the most part, my plan went exactly how I wanted it to go. Because of you running back here and getting your father, he arrived just in time to stop them before anything bad could have really happened."

"But they-" Vel began to speak, but I could already tell where her line of thought was going, so I interrupted her, cutting those thoughts down before they had a chance to take hold.

"They didn’t do anything I didn’t want them to do, and I even…" I trailed off, unsure if I wanted to finish the thought I had started.

Vel was more than aware of how perverted I was. After all, we had done all kinds of things together and we had only known each other for around a day and a half. But hearing me admit to what I was about to say would have been something else entirely. I didn’t know if the woman was ever going to look at me the same again once I finished what I was going to say. But after a split second or two to quickly think it over, I knew I had to finish my thought. Honesty and good communication were the keys to a lasting relationship, or at least that was what I had heard before. I had never actually been in a relationship with anyone before Vel.

As such, I decided to be as honest as possible with her and finished what I was going to say. "I even liked it. Having three men fuck and have their way with me has been a fantasy of mine for a while. Of course, I wish it had happened under better circumstances, but they didn’t hurt me. If anything, I feel a little sorry for them."

"You feel sorry for them?" Vel’s mouth dropped, but thankfully she didn't seem fazed by the first part of what I had said, as I had worried. Instead, it was my feeling sorry for them that she found utterly incomprehensible.

"I know it might sound silly or strange, but after having sex with them, enjoyable sex, it would be weirder if I didn’t feel anything towards them after watching your father… kill them." I explained myself as best I could, despite the fact that what I was saying sounded incredibly strange, even to myself. However, I couldn’t help feeling what I felt.

"I… I… I… " Vel stuttered and stammered a fair bit before finally getting the words out, but I didn’t think they were the words she was originally intending to say. "I was so worried about you, Eve…"

"I’m sorry that I made you feel that way," I said as I rested my head on hers.

The two of us were content to just sit there in the comfort of each other’s company. However, after a handful of minutes, our stomachs made their hunger known with a series of growls. It wasn’t just me this time either, but Vel too. After everything that happened, the two of us had pretty much forgotten that we hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast and that the reason we were originally returning from the forest was to have lunch.

After a slight giggle over how loud our growling stomachs were being, Vel went off to fetch some snacks for us to nibble on from the kitchen. It wouldn’t be a proper, prepared meal, but it would be more than enough to satiate our hunger for the time being.

While she was gone, I finally got around to focusing my attention on my system notifications once more. I had put off looking over my gains from the gangbang for long enough, and now that I finally had time to look at them, I was quite excited to see what I had achieved.

Freshen Up has reached Rank 4

Sense Gaze has reached Rank 4

Stimulate has reached Rank 4

Tight Fit has reached Rank 3 (1)

Sensual Massage has reached Rank 12

Vaginal Intercourse has reached Rank 5 (2)

You have reached [Class], Level 8
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

You have reached [Class], Level 9
+1 Vitality
+1 Charm
+3 Free stat points

Woah, that’s actually quite a bit! It almost seems like too much for how quickly the fun went by.

Although I had seen this amount of growth before, I was not expecting to see it again so soon. After all, the last time I levelled up twice at once was after a night filled with fun with Vel, and the impromptu gangbang I orchestrated hadn’t gone on for nearly as long as that had. The gangbang probably only took a little more than fifteen minutes to come to a conclusion, twenty tops.

However, after a few moments to think over what I had done during these two different events time, this amount of growth, both in my skills and level, made sense. After all, I was essentially fucking three guys at the same time, roughly tripling the amount of experience I was earning. As it turned out, having sex with multiple people at the same time was actually a great way to grind out skill ranks and levels for me, more than I ever expected it to be.

As such, I made a mental note to remember this for later. When levels and skill ranks really started to dry up from the increased experience cost, doing these kinds of things would definitely be one way to grind out the necessary experience. Not to mention, it would be incredibly fun to do too.

Since I was no longer at the stage where I was getting class skills or general skills, all that was left for me to do after looking over my notifications was allocate my 6 free stat points. At level 9, I was getting closer and closer to my 1st class evolution. However, I had already met the suggested stat distribution for that milestone long ago. 

Because of this, I figured that I should start aiming for the suggested stat distribution for the 2nd class evolution early. The only problem with this was that I didn’t know what that distribution was. Damien didn’t say what it was, he only mentioned the 1st class evolution one when we talked about it over dinner last night. And he was currently out in the forest for however long he was going to take, so I couldn’t ask him about it right away.

Should I just hold onto my free stat points until he gets back?

"Here you go, Eve." Vel drew my attention away from the allocating of my stat points as she returned with a plate full of cheese, meats, fruits, and biscuits for both of us to nibble on.

"Thanks, Vel. You’re the best!" I cheered as I wasted not even a second before digging in. Between the threesome Vel, Saph and I had and the gangbang with those three men, I had really worked up quite an appetite. 

Turns out sex is a whole lot more exhausting than masturbating. Who knew? I joked to myself as I ate.

After a few minutes of stuffing my mouth, I finally realised something that I should have probably realised much earlier. Honestly, it was so obvious that it made me feel like a bit of an idiot. Vel was level 12, which meant that she had a tier 1 class and was working towards her 2nd class evolution. If Damien didn’t want her to waste her stat points, then he would have told her about the suggested stat distribution for her next class evolution.

As such, I turned to the woman and asked. "Hey, Vel. Do you know what the suggested stat distribution for the 2nd class evolution is?"

As it turned out, Vel was rather hungry as well and not at all expecting this question to come out of nowhere. Because of this, I caught her with her mouth stuffed full of food, to the point that she couldn’t actually eligibly respond to me. The sight of her with her cheeks puffed up from the abundant amount of food she had stuffed into her mouth was actually quite adorable. She reminded me of a cute little squirrel.

Eventually, though, Vel swallowed the last of what was in her mouth and was able to respond to me. "Ah, yeah I do, but why do you want to know? You’re a ways off from having to worry about your 2nd class evolution."

"I’ve actually already met the suggested stats for the 1st class evolution thanks to pervert being an uncommon tier 0 class and I’m level 9, so it’s probably not going to be long before I evolve my class." I explained. However, my explanation didn’t have the effect I was expecting it to have.

Vel reached forwards and took a biscuit from the plate of nibbles while I was speaking. However, as she heard what I was saying, that biscuit fell to the floor along with her jaw. "H… How… How are you level 9 already?"

"I don’t know… Have I been levelling up fast? I mean, we have been having a fair amount of sex." I casually shrugged.

"Yeah, I guess we have been… But still…" Vel shook her head, still unable to believe just what she had just heard. "I guess if you want to know the suggested stats for the 2nd class evolution, there’s no harm in telling you. It’s 80 points in your main stat, 50 in a second and 20 in a third by the time you reach level 30."

"Okay, okay…" I nodded my head as I pulled up my status screen and decided on how I wanted to spend my free stats. 

After a few seconds, I decided to put 4 points into charm and 2 into vitality, mostly because of how nice that made my numbers. Eventually, I would have needed to put points into a third stat, but I didn’t know which to invest in at that point in time. Luckily, though, I had time to think that over and ask for advice.

After I had looked over my status screen one last time, I turned my attention back to my lunch and the young elven woman sat beside me.

Name: Evelyn Hart
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 18

Class: Pervert
Level: 9

Might: 10
Agility: 10
Vitality: 25
Intellect: 10
Willpower: 10
Charm: 40

Class Skills:
Freshen Up, Rank 4
Fascinate, Rank 4
Sense Gaze, Rank 4
Stimulate, Rank 4
Tight Fit, Rank 3

General Skills:
Cunnilingus, Rank 5
Kissing, Rank 7
Sensual Massage, Rank 12
Sex Toys, Rank 4
Vaginal Intercourse, Rank 5

"Oh, and just in case, I should probably warn you not to take your class evolution as soon as you are offered it when you reach enough experience to advance to level 11 and tier 1. Don’t even accept the notification's prompt to evolve your class just to see what your options are if you don’t want to evolve it right away." Vel added a few seconds after I had dismissed my status screen.

"Why, is there something wrong with taking class evolutions immediately?" I raised my eyebrow, curious as to why this might be the case.

"Not necessarily. Dad could explain more of the specifics of why, but from what I can remember, he told me that as soon as you open the prompt, it locks in the options for your class evolution." Vel went on to explain herself. "You still don’t need to evolve your class immediately, but Dad had me stay at level 10 for quite a while before even looking at the options for my class evolution."

"In that time, he had me working on my skills until all my class skills were at a minimum of rank 3 and all of my general skills were at rank 5. Apparently, higher skill ranks can help with getting higher rarity classes. His guidance is probably the only reason I have my druid class, which is uncommon."

"Cool, I’ll take that to heart and ask your father more about it later. But…" I trailed off, wondering how she would take this next bit of news given that my level shocked her. "But all of my skills are at those ranks, save one of my general skills, which is at rank 4. Actually, my highest general skill is actually at rank 12."


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