My Life in Multiverse

A New Beginning

In the middle of the night, the rain was pouring ruthlessly without care.

Lightning flashed in the sky, illuminating everything momentarily before being followed by a clap of roaring thunder.

Yet, even with such harsh weather outside, businesses can't wait.

The engine of a car roared loudly in the empty streets as it pierced through the falling rain, running at a very high speed.

It stopped under a tall skyscraper and a middle-aged man wearing a very fancy suit jumped out of the car, entering through the main entrance.

Walking with large steps, he took the elevator to the top floor.


It took a few minutes for the elevator to arrive at the top floor and the middle-aged man made his way towards the room at the end of the hallway.

He quickly walked over and knocked on the door.

"Come in," A cold voice echoed from inside.

The middle-aged man opened the door and stepped inside, bowing towards the man sitting on the main chair.

"The job is done, Boss. I've disposed of the Congressmen Jim Heydon."

The man sitting on the chair was very young, maybe in his late twenties. He was wearing a nice fashionable suit. His smooth fiery red hair was neatly combed as he gazed at the middle-aged man with his deep and emotionless ocean-blue eyes. His mannerisms alone told a lot about him aside from his charisma and the aura of a leader.

Two rows of men in black wielding heavy firearms were standing around the room, their aura very fierce with a deathly calm.

The young man took out a cigar from the box sitting in front of him, taking a sniff of it. He carefully cut it and lit it up before taking a sip.

"Hoo..." He released a cloud of smoke and nodded his head. "Good job, Kevin."

The middle-aged man took a sigh of relief, his expression turned bright but it lasted only for a moment before the cold words of the young man echoed like a hammer shattering the glass.

"But it seems you consider yourself above me, Kevin since you totally ignored my order." His piercing gaze chilled the heart of Kevin as he shivered like a mouse. "You are great at your job, very great, but I only need dogs who follow my orders to the very last words and do not cross the line."

Kevin was confused by his boss's words. He did his job perfectly. There was nothing the other party could comment on, yet here his boss was complaining.

"Boss, I don't understand what's going on," Kevin said, confused and quite frankly scared.
The young man gazed at him and asked. "What was my order?"

"Dispose of everything related to Congressman Jim Heydon," Kevin answered concisely.

"That's right, but... what about his family?" Then, with a cold and emotionless tone, Boss asked.

Then it hit Kevin. Congressman Jim Heydon was a very honest and upright politician who always worked against the gangsters which earned him quite a reputation in both public and his colleagues.

But Congressman Jim Heydon made just one single mistake and that was he dared to interfere in one of the boss's business, attracting the attention of the grim reaper.

Because of this, the Boss ordered Kevin to dispose of everything Congressman Jim Heydon had and erase the latter from the earth, and so Kevin did, but there was just one problem.
Congressman Jim Heydon had a family, a young twelve-year-old son, and a loving wife.

Kevin didn't follow the arrangement made by his boss and rather than leaving them alone with just a warning, he secretly brought them to one of his hideouts. And then along with his men, he brutally raped the woman in front of her son for an entire day before disposing of them.

To confuse the boss, he created fake evidence of sending both of them outside of the country.

But Kevin forgot one that. That boss had eyes and ears everywhere all around the world which resulted in the failure of his plan.

"Boss, the kid, and his wife, they... they refused to take the threat seriously and even said that they would go to the police. So, I... I thought it's best..." Kevin protested.

"Shhhh!" The boss put his finger on Kevin's mouth, bringing the latter's protest to a halt.

Kevin saw the gentle blue eyes of his boss, but instead of feeling admiration for their beauties, he only saw darkness and evilness.

"So, you decided to use your own brain and go against my orders." He said in a cold voice. "I'm disappointed."

Removing his finger, the boss turned around. "I'm afraid that I'll have to dispose of you now,"

Fear ran through Kevin; he panicked at the word of the boss. Everything started to whirl into a circle.

After fear settled in, anger came after.

"But I did everything!"

"I did it for you! I did so many things for you. If not for me, you wouldn't achieved so much. You can't do this to me!" Kevin shouted in anger at the boss.

With his shout, the boss puffed smoke and, without turning back, he spoke.

"On really? Then tell me who gave you all the riches that you enjoy in return. Who spared your life when you were supposed to be killed a long time ago? You just have to give me your loyalty and obedience." The boss said coldly, which brought Kevin to a halt.

"A good dog who bites where his master points it to. I don't have any need of a mad dog."

And as Kevin was about to protest once again, Boss snapped his fingers, and the two bodyguards pointed out their guns at Kevin, ready to strike him down.

"You! You are not worthy to sit in that chair! You useless son of bitch! If it's your father, he must have...!" Kevin threw insults knowing that the Boss would hear them full well.

The Boss turned his head back and looked at Kevin, a cruel smile hanging on his face. "But the point is he isn't here anymore. I'm sending you and all your men to my old man. Go and serve him in hell. Hahaha..."

Amidst his laughter, bullets hailed, piercing the middle-aged man, poking holes into his body.
The young man sighed and waved his hand.

"Clean this mess and dump this trash into the sea!"

The three bodyguards walked forward and grabbed the corpse of Kevin, dragging it outside.

'That idiot sure knows how to piss me off.' The boss took a puff of smoke, gazing at the city covered in storm clouds, rain pouring down non-stop.

The boss pulled out his phone and looked at the notification. Then his previous cold and emotionless face disappeared, and a happy smile emerged on it as he stared at the notification.

"Oh my, Oda-sensei finally released another chapter of One Piece! Man, I've been waiting for it for ages." The boss said and clicked the notification.

Who could have guessed that the king of the underworld would have such a hobby, not even the dead Kevin was aware of it!


"Huh? What is this place?" The boss asked in surprise, looking around the endless darkness.

Everything seemed distant yet strangely close, and the concept of dimensions had disappeared.

'Hmm, neither is this my room nor my office then does it mean someone... so there was a traitor among my people. Damn, I should have been more careful.'

He was sleeping soundly in his room last night but when he opened his eyes, he found himself in this unfamiliar and cold place.

"So, who are you? And why did you bring me here?" The boss calmed down and asked, his voice returned to being cold and indifferent.

"Huhuhu, not bad, kiddo. You can keep your calm even in this situation." Suddenly, two giant eyes appeared in the darkness, staring down at the young man. One eye was fiery red while the other one was flashing with a golden light with a clock-like pattern, giving a dreadful aura.

"Wow, you guys sure know how to use technology to scare people." The boss commented with a playful chuckle. "So, who are you? Did I kill someone close to you?"

"Technology? Kill someone close to me? Huhuhu, what an interesting brat!" The two eyes seemed amused as the voice was filled with joy.

"Anyway, kid, I'm not what you're taking me for. I'm an eternal existence beyond the scope of your understanding."

"O... kay. So what is your name? Or should I call you an eternal existence beyond the scope of my understanding?" The boss asked.

"You're a funny kid. I'm sure you'll be able to entertain me." The voice sounded satisfied before it turned serious and a snap echoed in the darkness.

The entire white void transformed. Stars, planets, black holes, galaxies—all of it appeared with a single snap. And then with another snap, all of the things turned to dust, shattering into nothingness.

"Kiddo, I'm what you mortal addressed as a Demon! The archenemy of the Gods. And I've chosen you as my source of entertainment." A shadow appeared in front of him, his body seemed ethereal, existing yet not at the same time.

"Entertainment? You want me to do what?" The boss asked.

"I know you can figure out something on your own. You just have to use your usual ways to entertain me." The shadow figure waved its hand.

The boss took a moment to digest this information. He had never thought one day the Devil King would choose him to entertain him.

"This is quite surprising," The boss muttered.

"Hahaha! That's an amusing reaction. Normally, people would be pissing themselves hearing about me but you? You're really an interesting guy." Devil said with amusement.

"Well, you can't blame me. After all, there are many people aside from me who are even more ruthless and cold-hearted. You could have chosen from them, yet you go for someone like me..." The Boss thought for a moment and said.

The devil king smirked. "Huhuhu... Well, what can I say when you are much more entertaining than those idiots? I'm sure you'll give me more fun than anyone else."

"Anyway. Let's get to business," The devil king said. "Here!"

The being snapped his finger and a huge wheel appeared in front of the boss, suspended in the air.

"You can rotate it five times and can receive the abilities written over them to take with you in your next life."

The boss stared at it for a second before grabbing the small handle at the side to rotate.


The wheel made a sound before it began to rotate.

The young man was staring at the wheel calmly and finally, it stopped.

"Oh my, your luck is good. You receive the powers of Acnologia without any side effects."

The devil commented.

The young man didn't seem excited and immediately pulled the trigger.

"This time you receive the ability of Devour. Are you born under the Lucky Star or something? How can you get two powerful abilities back to back? Let me double-check for a second if this thing is broken or not."

A smile appeared at the corner of the boss's face at the devil's words and he pulled the trigger again, making it rotate.

"Ohh, finally, I see an interesting ability. Congratulations kid, you get Ultimate Chad!'

The boss's face twitched, feeling irked by the ability for some reason.

"Go on and get your last two chances."

*Clang* *Clang*

"Huhuhu... what a lucky bastard! Your luck is insane to get two more insane abilities after the first two ... Anyway, it's your luck. Now go and entertain me to the fullest." The devil king laughed joyfully, snapping his fingers once again. A giant portal in the shape of a gate opened.

"Pleasure doing business with you," The boss said.

"Likewise," The malicious being replied. Then the boss was sucked into the portal, removing him from the outer space-like dimension.

"Good luck, Alex Dragneel. You're really born with godly luck or something. Now, make sure to entertain me well. Huhuhu..."

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