My Little Sunshine

Chapter 233: Longing

"The hell you are spouting." He spoke up as he fiercely looked at her. "I cannot imagine my life without you, and you think that I would enjoy it? And are you going to turn a blind eye to the name which comes after your own." He snaked his arms around her figure and pulled her petite figure closer to his muscular one. "Mrs. Stella Levinson." 

He breathed in and out heavily as his gray orbs gazed into her hazel ones. His eyes trailed to her slightly parted lips as his thin ones hovered above them. "I don't want you to repeat these words, ever." He muttered softly as he leaned his lips closer to hers. "Now, how shall I punish you for this." He murmured against her lips as his eyes shifted back to hers which were barely open. 

His lips curled up in a faint smirk before he crashed on her tinted ones. His lips began to move slowly against hers. He sucked on the top one before moving his attention to the lower one as he showered it with the same affection. He alternated between the two, pouring all of his longing and emotions into the kiss. 

Stella kept her eyes shut as she let him take the lead and do as he pleased. She continued to enjoy his slow and torturous assault on her lips. She began to reciprocate his actions as a low moan escaped her lips. She could her insides heating up as his hands roamed over her body, exploring the all so familiar curvy figure. 

She felt his tongue licking the rims of her lips as he seeked her permission to enter and rediscover her sweet cavern again. She willingly parted her lips and allowed his skilful tongue to make its own way inside. 

A low groan resonated at the base of his throat when he felt her willingness to surrender herself to him. His expert tongue moved and explored every single nook and cranny of her mouth as he sucked on her tongue. His calloused palms found their way inside of her tucked in shirt as he continued to feel her curves, this time without a piece of cloth hindering his tracks. 

The kiss which started off as a slow and sensual one, was now becoming heated. The movements of their lips against each other's were becoming more and more wild with each passing second. None of them wanted to let go of the other even though their breaths were becoming shorter, with each having fears of their own. They didn't want the moment to end. 

One whole month of being parted away from your better half, wasn't easy for either of the two. It was no less than a punishment for their souls. So, they continued to pour their emotions, their love, their pain into the kiss which was getting more and more passionate as both of them refused to step back. 

Adam's fingers began to move over her buttons, undoing each of them as they moved up. After undoing the last one, he pushed the cotton button down shirt of her shoulders, leaving her upper body only with a black bra which was covering those two beautiful mounds of flesh he loved so dearly. 

Stella hissed lightly against his lips as the cold air made contact with her bare skin. Though it didn't last longer as his muscular arms wrapped around her petite figure, providing her the warmth which she was craving for so long now. 

Adam shifted their bodies, making her lie on the bed as his lips finally let go of hers, leaving them all swollen up and red. He shifted his attention to her exposed neck, rubbing his nose along its entire length before peppering light kisses on her smooth skin.

When he finally reached the junction of her neck and neck shoulders, he latched his lips on her milky, soft skin but this time, he didn't let go of it right away. He continued to pepper kisses at the same spot before he began to suck on the same spot. 

A couple of moans escaped her lips as his sinful ones continued to assault her body, leaving marks of his affection in their path as they moved lower and lower. 

"Let's get rid of this." She heard him speak as his fingers moved around her back and unhooked her bra before getting it off. 

Stella continued to lay still on the silk sheets as his eyes lingered over the two mounds of flesh before moving back to her face. A devilish grin appeared on his lips as his tongue peaked out of that mouth of his and traced over his lower lip, wetting it in the process. 

His eyes moved back to the twin peaks before he latched his around one of the two rosy pearls resting on top of each one, making her gasp as she grabbed the sheets in her fists to keeping the heat which was building up inside her body, in control. But all her attempts went useless as his skilful tongue swirled around the rosy bud as his fingers continued to toy with its twin.


"What do mean?" Taylor yelled at the person who was standing before him with his head bowed down. 

"That's what our sources told us, Sir." The man meekly replied, still keeping his eyes set on the floor. 

A loud shattering sound was heard which echoed inside the quiet room, breaking the silence. The man slightly shifted his eyes to find a few glass shards surrounding him. His eyes then moved to his Boss who was seething in anger, his jaw tightly clenched as his veins became visible. He began to curse his luck as to why he was supposed to be the bearer of bad news for him. Why couldn't anyone else do this. Why did it have to be him of all the people. 

"Get lost." Taylor yelled at the man again. One look at his bloodshot eyes and the man ran out of the room. 

Taylor gritted his teeth as his mind went back to the lady who barely paid any attention to him throughout their meeting. She even bothered to protect her own employee before him and was even nice to him, treating him like thin air. But that wasn't what he was so angry about. 

The man from earlier had informed him that the spies he had planted in Levinson's Corp., had seen her being carried all the way up to her office by that measly personal assistant of hers. Nobody had the right to even touch what was his. 'Looks like I need to take you out of my path as well.' He thought inwardly before breaking out in fits of laughter. He could see that the day wasn't too far away when he would be the one to hold her in his arms. 

He was too lost in his own thoughts that he didn't register the shadow which moved past the door of his room.


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