My Little Sunshine

Chapter 235: I Am Going To Be A Daddy

Adam hummed in response. "You are right. I can help you out as your personal assistant since my identity is no longer a secret from you. You won't have to do this...." He trailed off as his mind registered her words from earlier. 

After two minutes of absolute silence, he finally opened his mouth. "What did you just say?" He questioned her, his voice so slow that he could barely hear it himself. 

Stell frowned after hearing his words. She began to go through her own words from earlier and realized what she had spoken up in her flushed state. 

She indeed wanted to shift the topic to something else instead of being in the spotlight, but it looked like she would always end up right there as long as the other person was Adam. She knew all too well that for him, she would always be the center of attention. His world started and ended with her. In short, it revolved around her. 

She raised her eyebrows and tried to act as innocent as she could. "That you will help me in running the empire…." She trailed off as she gazed back at his baffled expressions, silently asking for confirmation that it was indeed the point he was referring to. 

"Not that part. I meant the part where you mentioned something about stress." Adam gave his head a little shake and corrected her. His eyes didn't leave her face even for a mere second. 

"Oh! I said that running this whole empire isn't easy. It's just too much stress for a woman." Stella widened her eyes as if she had finally figured out the part which he meant. She deliberately left out the last part of her sentence. 

'This man had me worried about his well being for more than a month now, I am not going to give into his demands easily. It's my time to have some fun.' She thought to herself as she inwardly let out a devilish chuckle. 

"After that. I want to know what you said after that. It was something along the lines that it's too much of stress especially for….." He shook his head in a no again and exactly pinpointed the words he wanted her to repeat, leaving out the last few words. He couldn't bring himself to speak it out loud as he was still having doubts on his hearing ability. 

Stella frowned as she gazed up at him. She was still lying over him, her hands folded over his chest as she rested her chin on them. She pursed her lips in an adorable pout, trying to act as if she was lost in some deep thinking. Widening her eyes, she gave him a smile as if she had finally figured it out. 

"It's too much of stress, especially for a pregnant woman." She gave him a wide smile as she continued to look at her bewildered expressions. His face was blank and his eyes were popping out of their sockets as if they would fall out any moment. 

"What did you say?" He questioned her again, but didn't wait for her response. "A pregnant woman? Why would you use such a peculiar example?" He asked her, drawing his brows together. 

Stella gave him an annoyed look as she chose to stay silent this time. Her eyes said it all, more specifically, her slightly raised eyebrows which could only be transcribed as a 'duh'. 

"You… you are... pregnant." His broken words came out of his mouth after what seemed like an eternity for Stella. It was more of a statement, rather a question. 

Stella gave him a confirmatory nod with her usual bright smile which was only reserved for the love of her life, who was none other than the man before her. 

"You are pregnant." She heard him repeat the same sentence again, but this time without any breaks. She nodded her head again in a yes as she let him have his own time to register the news.

Adam blinked his eyes a couple of times as he stared at the woman in his arms. His own words from earlier, continued to ring in his ears. He continued to gawk at her face which was lit up with her signature smile, before he shifted both of their bodies in one swift move, making Stella lie on the bed with her back pressed against the mattress. 

His broad body, hovered above her lean one with his muscular arms supporting it which were resting on either side of her. "You are pregnant." His blank face finally had some expressions on it which could be counted as a happy shocked state. The corners of his lips twitched before they curled up in a wide smile which showed off his pearly white teeth. 

A loud hearty laughter resonated through the quiet room as the corner of his eyes began to glisten with unshed tears. 

He moved his body such that his face was now before her stomach. Using his one hand, he rolled up the hem of the loose sweatshirt she was wearing, exposing her stomach. His eyes roamed over her almost flat belly for a while longer as he went quiet. 

"You are pregnant." He repeated the same line like a broken record player. But unlike it, his voice was brimming with more and more enthusiasm every time he repeated it. 

"I am going to be a Daddy." He looked up from stomach only to find her staring back at him intently. He saw her giving him a small but firm nod as her the corner of her lips continued to keep curled up. 

"How long have you known?" Adam questioned her as he pressed the side of his face against he exposed stomach, making sure that he wasn't putting too much of his weight on it. 

"A couple of days after I met your lawyer. I was at the company and fainted as a result of over exerting myself beyond my limit. Bella took me to the hospital and that's when my doctor told me." Stella truthfully explained the events of that day to him. She knew it was useless to keep a single detail from him as he could always tell when she was lying or hiding something.

"How old is our baby?" She heard him ask as his voice turned a couple of notches down. "Two months now. According to it, I think it was on your birthday night that I conceived." She added only get a single hum in response. 

She frowned at the lack of response from him. Knowing him, wouldn't he be like jumping with glee that his babies were conceived on his birthday. A couple of seconds later, she realized what was wrong with him as she felt some warm liquid one her stomach where his face was resting.

"Adam?" She called out to him softly only to get no response in return. She trailed her hands to where his face was, her fingers finding their way through the locks of his hair. Grabbing his face in her palms, she forced him to look up at her. The corners of her lips curled upwards when her hazel eyes made contact with his gray ones. 


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