My Little Sunshine

Chapter 248: Wonder Woman

"Adam!" She yelled suddenly when the man before her began to lose his consciousness.

Placing both of her hands on his shoulders, she tried to support him up. "F***!" She cursed out loud as she tried to carry him to the couch in his semi-conscious state. She was thankful that he wasn't completely out of his senses, or else it wouldn't have been easy for her tiny stature to carry his big one. 

Somehow, she managed to half drag his body to the couch and made him lie on it. She looked at his face which was becoming paler with each passing second, making her frown. 

'These nanobots are damn good.' A thought popped up in her mind, making her frown deeper. She nagged her own subconscious for thinking about technology at such a crucial time. 

"Adam?" She spoke up as she placed a pillow below his head. "I am fine." She heard his meek reply which riled her. 

"Yeah! I can clearly see how 'fine' you are." She spat at him in anger. Fishing out her phone from her coat's pocket, she scrolled through her contacts and stopped her fingers when she finally found the number she was looking for. Her dainty fingers clicked on the call button as she placed the phone next to her ear. 

"Who…." Only a single word made its way out of his trembling lips and the rest of his words were suppressed by a groan as he flinched in pain. 

"You keep your mouth shut, or I will drag you to a hospital." She threatened him, throwing a deadly glare in his direction before shifting her attention back to her phone. 

"Pick up, you moron." She cursed at the other person for being so slow. Just when she thought that the call would end without being received, the beeping sound finally ended as the call was connected finally. 

"Hey, sup?" Wilson managed to speak in between his short breaths. He sounded as if he had just run a marathon before picking up her call. 

Stella shook the thought of her mind. She would ask him about it some other time as she had some other matters which were clearly more important to her. 

"I need your to come to the company, right away." She spoke into her phone's speaker and demanded him. 

"I am sort of busy right now. Is it urgent?" Wilson replied to her, questioning her at the same time. 

"I don't care how busy you are right now, you better drag your ass here in within ten minutes." She spoke up, clenching her jaw. 

"Ugh! Okay, okay. I will be there in fifteen minutes. There's no need for you to get angry, my dear sister-in-law." Wilson replied to her and waited for her response, but the woman just disconnected after making a low hum. 

"Why did you call him?" Adam, who was lying on the couch and keeping his mouth shut, finally spoke up after seeing that his woman was done with her call.

"You are not allowed to talk. Just guide me through how to take your mask off. I will get it off before Wilson arrives." Without bothering to reply to him, Stella instructed him as she avoided looking directly into his eyes. She couldn't bear to see his pained expressions again, especially when she was somewhat holding herself responsible for it.

"There's no need to call him here. Just give me a painkiller and I'll be fine." Adam tried to coax her, but his stubborn wife refused to listen to him. 

"You are supposed to keep your mouth shut. And do as I say or I will drag you to a hospital and blow your cover." Stella threatened him once again and this time she was successful in making his mouth stay shut. "So, where were we? Guide me through how you take off the mask." She continued. 


"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Wilson barged inside the office, followed by Bella who was trying to stop him from entering inside the office without confirming his arrival with Stella. 

"It's alright, Bella. I called him, you can go back to your desk." Stella spoke up as she walked out of the room. She had shifted Adam inside after he was feeling a little better as it was much more comfortable than lying on the couch. 

Bella nodded her head at her words and walked out of the room, leaving the two of them alone inside. 

"You look fine. Why did you call me here then?" Wilson gave her an exasperated look as he eyed her up and down. 

"It wasn't for me, but for someone else." Stella replied. Turning around she headed back to the room, asking him to follow her inside in silence. 

"The f***!" Wilson yelled in shock when his eyes landed on the man who was lying in the bed as if he owned the place, which he actually did. With his eyes popping out, he shifted his gaze front he man to Stella to and then to the man. "Wh-when and how?" Though he wanted to ask a whole bunch of questions to the couple, but that was the only thing he could manage to say out loud. 

"It's a long story, and I don't have the time to entertain you right now. I called you here to check on him. I lightly smacked him on his right shoulder and he almost fainted because of pain." Stella explained it to him. 

"Maybe you have turned into wonder woman." Wilson chuckled lightly as he tried to lighten the atmosphere, but the lady was in no mood to have any of it. She raised an eyebrow at him as her hazel orbs continued to throw daggers at him. 

Heaving out an annoyed sigh, Wilson raised both of his hands up in the air in defeat as he made his way towards the bed where Adam was lying down. "Welcome back, bro." He gave him a smile before his hands made their way to the buttons of his shirt. "I will need to remove your shirt so that I can have a look at your shoulder." 

"You don't have to do that. I am telling you that it was just a bad cramp. It's much better now. All I need is some painkillers, and I will be completely fine in no time." Adam spoke up as he stopped Wilson from proceeding any further. 

"Dude, are you the doctor here or am I?" Wilson narrowed his eyes at him. Judging the way he was clenching his jaw, it was obvious that he was trying to suppress his whimpers and the pain wasn't due to something as simple as a cramp. 

"Stella?" Wilson turned his attention to the woman who was impatiently tapping her door against the ground as her eyes beheld the sight of two grown up men, fighting like children. 

"Adam, do as he says. Or do you want me to take them off for him?" She decided to turn a blind eye to their banter as for her, providing relief to her man was more important. And there was no way he was taking his words regarding the pain. She had seen the way a light punch affected him, and to what extent. A cramp couldn't be the cause of it, no matter how bad of a cramp it was. 

Given no choice, the man could only comply to his wife. He gave up on arguing with the two of them and let Wilson remove his shirt as he was in no condition to do it himself. Soon, his cotton button-down shirt was lying on the floor, right next to his coat which Stella had removed earlier when she made him rest in the room as they waited for Wilson. 

Once the shirt was out of his way and there was nothing else obstructing his line of sight, Wilson began to examine his shoulder, starting from the base of his neck. After he was done examining the anterior part of his shoulder joint, Wilson asked him to shift on his left so that he could examine the back of it, including his shoulder blade. 

Adam pursed his thin lips together as his eyes shifted from his cousin to his beloved wife who was still standing in the same spot, a couple of steps away from the foot end of the king sized bed. Her eyes were fixed on his figure, barely blinking, as she stood there with her arms crossed over her chest. 

"Can you hurry up?" Wilson spoke up when he didn't receive a response from the man as he was to busy eyeing his woman. 

"Don't tell me that my feather like punch have made you deaf as well?" Stella let out a sarcastic chuckle as she continued to glare at the man. She had gotten so familiar with him that she could read him like an open book. The slightest shift in his expressions was enough for her to tell what exactly was going on in that stupid mind of his. 

"Turn around, Adam." She asked him in a not so polite manner as she gazed into his gray orbs. 


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