My Refrigerator Turned Into A Dungeon

Chapter 203:

Dungeon Stampede 2.0 Kamishiro

3:00 PM.

The rain got stronger again. Like a guerrilla downpour… Caught in such rain, we took refuge at a shrine on top of a hill, where we sheltered from the rain for a while.

The place we took refuge in was the main shrine built on stilts. We created a resting space under the floor with a mucus dome. We also pitched mucus tents using the trees in the shrine grounds to protect the enlarged Shiotaro and the giant red scorpion's shell from the rain.

Yes… the drop from the giant red scorpion.

It's extremely large and difficult to transport. Plus, it’s so big and there's so much of it that it doesn't all fit in my spatial storage. However, the shell is of such high quality that I can't bring myself to discard it.

So, I took everything out of the storage and reconstructed it to increase its capacity. With the life energy gained from the giant red scorpion, creating a larger spatial storage isn't a problem. I hope to expand my usual 3 cubic meters of storage to around 5 cubic meters if possible.

"Ah, I'm so tired… My legs are like sticks, I'm exhausted…"

With her mask removed, Serai-san was lying on her back inside the mucus dome, shaking her arms and legs. Sorry for making you help carry the red scorpion shell when you're already tired.

"Here you go, Ruu-chan. I made some coffee."


Nina-san and Ruu were also in their suits but had removed their masks to relax. Despite the many trees on the shrine grounds, there were no monsters in sight, allowing us to rest peacefully. Could it be that the divine aura of the god enshrined here is keeping the monsters away?

"Coach, I'll leave the coffee here for you."

"Oh, thanks…"

As for me, I was in a semi-meditative state, unable to move while reconstructing my spatial storage.

Using the [Space] skill requires extreme caution to avoid accidents or failures. Space is not something you can typically interfere with. Physically interfering with space would require concepts like black holes or white holes, involving super-gravitational forces.

Therefore, using this skill recklessly is very dangerous. It’s absurd to think that a single human's magic could handle the energy needed for spatial manipulation.

However, this world is full of legendary magic and items that defy such physical laws.

Take Sun Wukong's ‘Ruyi Jingu Bang' from Journey to the West, for instance. It defies the law of conservation of mass, changing size without altering its hardness. Or the ‘Purple Gold Red Gourd' used by the demons Golden Horn and Silver Horn, which can absorb and dissolve anyone who responds to it. Despite its ordinary gourd size, it completely ignores the law of conservation of mass.

Another famous example is ‘The Three Magic Charms'. In this story, a little monk uses three charms to escape from an ogress, performing miraculous feats like answering in place of the monk, transforming into a large river, or starting a wildfire. These charms are so powerful that if the monk commanded them to ‘destroy the ogress,' they likely could, despite the monk's lack of magical power.

But to make the story more interesting, the monk's master ultimately faces the ogress, tricking her into transforming into a small bean and then eating her. This story, too, disregards the law of conservation of mass.

Thus, from a fantasy perspective, there are better approaches than clinging too strictly to scientific principles. Still, cautious handling of the unknown is always wise.

Incidentally, the story of ‘The Three Magic Charms' is said to be based on the tale of Izanagi's journey to the underworld. The similarities are striking.

Izanagi visits the underworld to see his deceased wife, Izanami. Impatient, he looks at her decayed form, angering her. She sends the forces of the underworld to kill him, reasoning, ‘If I'm dead, you should die too'. It’s a wild logic.

Izanagi, having killed their fire god child Kagutsuchi for causing Izanami's death, makes them quite the reckless couple. One would expect gods to foresee such consequences.

These two even had to ask the heavenly gods how to create children, indicating a singular focus on life creation power, neglecting other knowledge.

To escape the underworld forces, Izanagi threw various items that transformed into obstacles. This story likely evolved into ‘The Three Magic Charms' to be more understandable to children.

Anyway, the reconstruction of my spatial storage is almost complete. But reflecting on such thoughts at a shrine might be inappropriate. Hopefully, I won't incur any divine wrath…



"It's so quiet. It feels like we're on a camping trip."

Nina-san gazed at the rainy scenery, speaking in a relaxed tone.

"Yeah, it's good we found this shrine."

"Really helped us out. By the way, what god is worshiped here?"

"I think it said Ookuninushi no Mikoto."

"Oh, really? Ruu, do you know what kind of god that is?"

"No, I don't."

The three beautiful college girls sat in a circle, chatting, but they didn’t seem to know much about Ookuninushi no Mikoto. A shame, as they say, ‘three heads are better than one.'

"I bet Egetsu-san knows something about it."

"Hmm? Well, I suppose I do…"

Although my expertise lies in anime and games, I’ve learned a bit about myths too, to avoid being called a novice. Plus, as a fantasy fan, I have a decent amount of knowledge.

"I know a little. Isn’t he the one with the Hare of Inaba story?"

"Oh, Nina-san knew that? Impressive!"

"Not really."

"Hey, what’s the story? Tell me!"

"Alright then…"

Hmm… Let’s have a little lesson for the curious Serai-san.

"Once upon a time, a mischievous white hare living on the small island of Oki longed to visit the vast land of Inaba…"

[Ah, this small island is so boring. Oh, I know! I'll line up all the sharks in the sea and hop across their backs… Hehehe… Hey, Shark! Shark, hey!]

[Huh…? What do you want, Machi?]

"Hey, why am I the hare!?"

"Well, it’s easier to understand that way."

"Haha, it suits you, Machi."

"Fine, tell me the story!"

[Hey, Shark. Let’s have a contest to see which of our clans is bigger!]

[What the…? But okay, there’s no way I’ll lose to you, Machi!]

[Alright then, line up over to that island, and I’ll count as I walk across your backs.]

[Got it. Hey, Uncle! Big Bro Kenji! Dad, everyone, gather around!]

"The hare, tricking the sharks to get to Inaba, got carried away and revealed the trick before crossing the last shark."

[Shark, you idiot! Haha, I just wanted to leave the island!]

[You little… Machi! I won’t forgive you! Grr!]


"The hare was skinned alive by the sharks in retaliation for its deceit."

"It's terrible!"

"Machi-chan, lying is bad…"


"And then, a group of rowdy gods, the eighty brothers, appeared."

[Ouch! It hurts!]

[Haha! You look awful!]

[Hey, I know how to heal that. Just soak in the sea and dry on a high mountain. It'll heal in no time!]

"The hare followed the advice, only to suffer more as the sea salt dried on its raw skin, causing extreme pain."

"Hey, Egetsu-san! I’m going to cry! Do you want me to cry?"

Serai-san, playing the hare, pouted angrily.

"Well, well… Then, carrying a large load, Ōkuninushi no Mikoto, who served as a slave to his brothers, appeared!"

[Oh, this is terrible! Go wash in the river and roll on a mat of cattail fluff. That will heal you.]

"Wait, someone came to help?"

"Yes, following Ookuninushi's advice, the hare was restored to its original fluffy self and healed completely."

"That’s great, Machi!"

"Yeah, yeah… sniff… Thank you. I’m saved. I won’t lie again…"

"Ookuninushi, who saved the hare, was repeatedly killed by his brothers out of jealousy over a woman but was resurrected each time by his mother. Later, he went to Susanoo no Mikoto, stole a princess and weapons, escaped, and used those weapons to defeat his brothers, starting to build his nation."

"Um… Wasn’t he a good god?"

"Well, after going through many hardships, he became shrewd. Susanoo also tormented him almost to death. After killing his brothers, he took many goddesses as wives and lived happily in a harem."

"Isn’t that just like Coach now?"

"Yeah! It's like Egetsu-san and us!"

What…? No way! I’m just an ordinary person doing my best with what’s in front of me.

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