My second life as a dungeon

Chapter 22 – Creating the fourth floor

I still had a ton of DP leftover from making my third floor so after taking a day to rest and hang out with Val I went straight back into making my fourth floor. During my break some maniac sped through my dungeon by himself in about an hour and I struggled to stop thinking about it. If that is the sort of power adventurers can output without even trying once they get to a certain point then I was excited to get to that point myself. 

I started my task by telling the system to build the base of the floor which spawned a screen that I was used to by this point, once it was done it showed me some options.


I knew what I wanted to do for this floor as I planned on combining its aesthetic with the fifth floor so I immediately chose the plains biome. The system quickly finished it as it was a simple biome so I spent another 900 DP expanding it into a 500m by 500m square of plains. This was all done as I took a nice stroll through the floors I had already done, making a few minor changes and making sure everything was running smoothly.

I arrived on the fourth floor just as the system was finished with its job, but there were a few things I wanted to add to the floor before the monsters could be created that the system wouldn’t do for me so I got to that. The first thing I did was add a fog around the floor that obscured the edge before moulding the edge so that anyone that walked too far into the fog would end up back on the floor.

Then I made the ground rise to form a hollow hill in one of the corners of the floor that would be the portal room. Next I sectioned off the back fifth of the floor with a metallic wall that looked rusted and worn down. I made sure that despite the looks it didn’t have any weaknesses that would let anyone through before they had done what was necessary.

In the middle of the wall was a magnetic door that had six key card readers on the side of it; this door would only open once the divers had collected all five cards. On the other side of the wall I created a bunch of buildings, these ranged from houses to stores and even a few parks. Once I finished creating everything I made them look rusted, broken and overgrown with plant life until it looked like nothing had lived here for centuries.

Some of the buildings were still usable to hide in but they wouldn’t stop monsters from entering them as they weren’t proper safe zones so someone would have to keep watch. Finally I turned the area in between the houses into streets that looked futuristic even to me, finalising my vision of a sci-fiesque city that had experienced some kind of apocalypse.

I was aware that it didn’t really fit with the rest of the world I was currently living in but I wanted to bring some of my old world into my creation and that this was a good way of doing that. I didn’t have to worry about anyone figuring out that I wasn’t from this world as I didn’t see that affecting how they interacted with me and even if it did dungeons act weird like this all the time.

I didn’t change anything in the plains as I was already fine with how it looked so I moved on to spawning my monsters. I did this in two batches, the plains batch that would patrol outside of the city and the city batch that would patrol inside the ruined city. The first batch was the plain’s one, for this I created forty two kobolds, six of which were raised to level 8 and the rest were raised to level 6.

The level 8 kobolds were evenly split so that there were two of each kind of kobold and the level 6 kobolds were similarly split except there were twelve of each kind instead of two. I then put the kobolds into squads of seven that consisted of two of each kind of level 6 kobold and a random level 8 kobold, which would be the squad leader. At the moment the kobolds were only wearing the basic equipment that reflected their specialty.

The archers had no armour and a standard wooden bow, the arrows were automatically generated by me as needed, the soldiers had leather armour and clubs and the druids only had a cane that barely worked as an arcane focus. At the initial level that they can be created at this might have been fine but it was far too weak for them and would severely bring down their threat level.

I fixed this by using a lot of my DP creating better equipment for all my kobolds, giving particularly good equipment to the squad leaders. The archers got leather armour, compound bows that were heavily rusted and sharper arrows, the soldiers rusty iron armour and proper longswords. Finally the Druids received thick robes that would provide a bit more protection as well as canes with small mana crystals embedded into the top of them that would be much better arcane foci than what they spawned with.

The level 8 kobolds received slightly better equipment as they were the squad leaders and could use it better. Initially I had thought that this would go around my DP cap that I could use to create monsters as it technically was just equipment that I was adding on after spawning the monsters but I was wrong and it still counted towards the cap. Luckily I wasn’t planning on spamming monsters so having a few very strong monsters was fine.

The last two things I had to do with this batch was give each of the leaders a key card that was guaranteed to drop when they were killed and give each leader command over their kobolds. I looked over them one last time and was very happy with how they turned out. I had no doubt they would pose a challenge for any adventurer that was the recommended level for getting to the fourth floor.

With that done I moved onto the city and created my next batch of kobolds. This time I created sixty six kobolds, twelve leaders that were level 9 each, the max level allowed for the fourth floor without making the monster into a boss, split into four of each specialty. The rest, consisting of eighteen kobolds per specialty, were raised to level 7.

Once I was finished spawning all the kobolds I gave them their new gear, this time the level 7 kobolds got the same as the plains squad leaders got and the level 9 kobolds got even better equipment that wasn’t rusted at all. I gave them such good gear as these would be optional fights, any delver that knew their way around the floor would be able to skip them and go straight to the portal if they knew the way there, they just wouldn’t find any of the chests that dotted the ruined city.

Even though I had only spawned ninety kobolds in total because I had both increased their level so much and gave them better gear I managed to use all of the 12000 DP I was allowed to use on them so I was happy with how they turned out. After creating and gearing the city kobolds I split them into six groups of eight kobolds, two of each level 7 kobold and a random two level 9 kobolds.

Once that was done I told them to do what kobolds do best, set traps and kill anything that crossed their path. I had a thought that I might have made the floor a bit too tough but I trusted that it was still possible plus either way the system would make it worth doing. I had two things to do before I could open up the floor, the first was putting down four iron chests randomly around the floor.

I then told four of the squads to protect the chests however they wished, even moving them so that delvers couldn’t be sure about where they are, and the other two to patrol around the floor. My true last task was to create an ecosystem so that the kobolds had stuff to eat, since the floor was overrun with plants I made a few start bearing fruit and added a few small animals like birds and rodents.

With nothing left to do on this floor I told the system Open fourth floor to the dungeon and immediately felt a rush of air as the pressure equalised between this floor and the rest of the dungeon. I also received the expected notification from the system.


I quickly read through it and dismissed it as it didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know.

From the clock that was part of my status window I found that this time I had been building my floor for about three days and it was just after midnight. I didn’t feel too tired but I knew that if I waited a few minutes my body would realise that it hadn’t had rest in a long time so I quickly teleported to my entrance and left the dungeon before finding a good tree to sleep in.

I woke up around twelve hours later still tired but rested enough that I would be able to function. Using my dungeon senses I could tell that Val was reading a book in her room so I decided to leave her to it and just enjoy the nature around me for a while. While staying in the branches that I had used as a makeshift bed I looked around me to see if there were any animals nearby.

I would rather have company with me but I was still content sitting in my tree and listening to the wildlife around me. It didn’t take long for me to see my first animal of the day, it was a family of cute little bunnies except they had antlers like a deer on their head, if I remembered correctly they would be called jackalopes back on earth.

They scurried across my sight while stopping every now and then to eat low hanging berries off a bush or to look around and make sure that they were safe. I thought about trying to catch them and keep them as pets as they were so cute but I decided to leave them be. In the end they were wild animals and didn’t deserve to be imprisoned for my amusement.

Eventually I lost sight of them but I spent the rest of the day watching a wide variety of wildlife go past me, I saw plenty of very colourful birds that I didn’t recognise hunting for food. I also saw some deer-like creatures that had antlers made out of metal instead of bone and a cute animal that was tiny and had mushroom caps growing out of their head.

Most of the stuff I ended up seeing felt like they came straight out of fables or myths that I had read during my first life. I am even pretty sure I even saw a young dragon fly overhead looking for a place to settle down and turn into their lair. Since I had gotten here I had had many experiences that made me feel full of wanderlust but this day had filled me with the most I had ever felt.

In fact I got absorbed so deeply into it that I carried on even after the sun had set. Thankfully my feline eyes gave me a much better night vision than I would have had otherwise so I could keep on watching everything around me. The night animals were just as varied as the day animals. I saw giant bats, owls that had feathers that created a near perfect illusion of the night sky, a pack of dire wolves that got close but turned around after figuring out that a bunch of adventurers lived here.

That is only a few examples, I wished I had some paper and a pencil so that I could try to write down everything that I saw. Although even if I did I would have been too absorbed into everything to remember to write down what I saw. Eventually the sun rose on a new morning and I couldn’t lay around forever so I got up and went about my business. The adventurers guild might have managed to gather enough people for the emergency quest now so I walked over to the guildhall.

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