My Sister is a Brocon Supermodel

It Wasn’t Under the Mistletoe and It Wasn’t the Mouth I Was Kissing (R-18)

We were snuggling in bed and kissing under the covers when the door rang.

I had completely forgotten that we were expecting guests! I groggily got up from the bed while Eve had her arms wrapped around me. She was also rubbing her eyes but was still managing to kiss my back as she reluctantly let go.

I hopped my way over to the still ringing doorbell and opened the door, revealing a very excited-looking Lindsey. She had a large shopping bag with her and a fashionable coat while she gave me a grin and a wave. I gave her a light hug and closed the door while she began to shake the snow off her boots.

She was saying something but I was still a littlee light-headed from how tired I was. I just nodded and motioned towards the bathroom. 

While washing my face I looked at the slight shadows under my eyes and my general tired expression. I decided a shower would be good. Before I grabbed a change of clothes, I told Eve and Lindsey so they wouldn't enter the bathroom. 

They were already chatting away and shooed me off. 

I stripped and entered the small shower and turned on the hot water. Even with the sound of the running water, I could hear the sound of the doorbell being rung yet again and someone shouting a hello. Judging from the accent, it was likely Carol. 

I was wiping down the water with a towel when I heard the door to the bathroom being opened. Since I had already told Eve and Lindsey that I was in the bathroom, locking it had slipped my mind. 

So Carol walked in while I was still naked, my hands and towel on my hair as my manhood was out for all the world to see. To her credit, Carol's eyes widened only slightly and she coughed before closing the door rapidly and running away. 


"Adam...we're missing a couple drinks."

Eve had pulled me aside and was furiously whispering to me while stealing glances at the assortment of guests we had around the dining table. 

Carol had thankfully pretended that nothing happened, though she was pointedly not looking in my eyes. Eventually, the last two of the guests came over, both coming in not too long after the other: Rachel and Valentine. It was close to lunch time and all the girls were taking a break from the food preparation and were chatting excitedly over a couple drinks. 

I whispered back at Eve. "What do you mean! I made sure to stock up on a shit ton of wine, don't tell me they drank it all already!"

"I don't know! I don't think they've drank that much...maybe you miscounted?"

I frowned, feeling a little confused. Maybe I had misplaced the bottles or miscounted. I was pretty focused on something else. My mind wandered and I thought a little of the most likely reason why I wasn't paying attention.

Eve had crept up while I was storing the bottles and had given me a pinch, messing up my count. I was about to complain but she had swiftly stolen my lips leading to a heated make out session. 

I sighed and gave Eve a kiss on the cheek. She made a little sound and squeezed my hand then walked over to the girls. I didn't see the mischievous look on her face.

"Uhm everyone! There's a little see, we've kind of run out of drinks. As such, I say we draw sticks to decide who goes! There's two sticks labeled "drinks" here and those people can go to the nearest market and grab a bunch of shit."

She whipped out a bundle of sticks that were wrapped with a rubber band. I was a little suspicious. Wasn't this a little too forced? 

None of the others shared my thoughts and happily obliged. I guess the threat of no alcohol was a lot worse than whatever Eve was planning. I sighed when I picked out the stick that was clearly labeled "drinks." I had pretty much expected this but really?

Eve cheerfully searched for the other person who had drawn that stick, who happened to be Valentine. She was protesting the grouping. "Hey, I'll just be a burden! Shouldn't someone stronger like Rachel go?"

Eve shook her head. "It'll be fine Val. You just need to carry like two bottles, Adam can handle the rest."

"No that's not what I'm trying to -"

She was quickly shut up by Eve who raised her voice.

"Well! While you guys are off we'll finish preparing the food. The ham's been roasting long enough."

"Alright alright! Don't push!"

I put on my coat and grabbed my wallet before looking at Valentine who was doing something similar. I opened the door and was holding it open for her when we heard Eve say something to the group that started to laugh loudly. 

It was damn icy on the streets even with the rock salt that was thrown on the ground. It had gotten a lot colder overnight and the sidewalks were practically frozen. It didn't help that we were practically surrounded by couples. Everyone was paired up and holding hands while they trekked the streets, sometimes slipping and giggling as they held on to each other. 

Valentine gave me a look that was pretty clear. 'Don't even think about it.' She might have defrosted a little bit but she obviously drew certain lines. I just nodded. "Don't worry," is what I said but before I had walked two steps, I was already slipping and falling facefirst onto the asphalt. Right before I kissed the ground, I felt someone grab onto the back of my coat. I looked back to see Valentine grimacing as she struggled to keep me up.

"Well don't just sit there idiot! Get up, I'm about to fall too!"

I hurriedly righted myself before that happened leaving a panting Valentine. "Jesus you're so heavy."

"Hey that's rude, it's the muscles."

"Yeah whatever."

We continued walking, this time not so far apart. Valentine stuck close to me swearing that it was because she couldn't stand being embarassed if I ended up falling flat on my face. This was a good idea because I ended up slipping at least half a dozen more times before we reached the market. 


"Wait right here. I've already got the brand and I'll be out in like 5 minutes." 

I left Valentine standing outside of the store. I knew the guy who ran the place and he was always chainsmoking cigarettes. The whole place reeked of the smoke and I didn't want to expose Valentine to that. 

I gathered five bottles and decided that should be enough between six people. I was paying at the register when I heard a commotion outside. 

I quickly left the bottles while the man behind the counter shouted at me to grab them before leaving. I didn't pay him any attention and rushed out of the automatic doors. 

What awaited me was a pretty bad scene. Valentine had somehow gotten surrounded by three young teenagers who were eyeing her down with predatory and lustful gazes. She was doing her best to ignore them but I could see that she was clearly bothered judging from the way her eyebrows furled ever so slightly and her breathing more erratic.

One of the guys, a kid with a long chain and yellow teeth flashed a smirk while giving her a whistle. "Hey sister, it's Christmas and I've been wondering why my mama didn't get me a present..."

The others snickered while Valentine tried to look away. Another commented about how "you might not have tits but you've got a killer body..."

Even I was feeling uncomfortable seeing her so blatantly getting assaulted. The few people passingby weren't doing anything and just pretended they didn't see. I was getting fed up and made my presence known, swaggering over towards Valentine with my hood up. I put an arm around her shoulders and she jumped at the sudden touch. Before she could scream, I quickly leaned in and whispered. "Don't worry, it's me."

She visibly relaxed but not before giving me a glare. I'd love to clear any misunderstandings but now wasn't the time. The kids had stopped circling Valentine like sharks and were now grouped up with an ugly expression on their faces.

"Hey mister!" a slightly pudgy one angrily said, "we were here first! Mind your own fucking business or else!"

They had the gall to open a switchblade and point it at me. I nearly laughed. The others were giving me smirks and had clicked their own blades out as well. The first one giggled, "Now that we're here, you might as well hand over your money before leaving this girl behind."

I didn't move an inch. 

"Hey! We're talking to you!" the kid said.

He waved his blade around but I moved like a viper striking him in the wrist. He cried out and clung onto his stinging hand as the blade clattered against the icy floor. I grabbed the knife that fell out of his hand and threw it as far as I could. "Kids shouldn't be playing with these things." I barked out. 

My hood fell off during the moment and my tough face was now out in full view. I gave them a signature scowl that made them scamper back, including the kid on the floor who was even scooting himself away.

"This is my woman and I believe you made her how will you pay?"

I emphasized my point by reaching over and tugging on Valentine's waist, pulling her close to me. Surprisingly she wasn't arguing or adamantly saying she wasn't my woman. 

The boys were practically pissing themselves. Judging by the scars on my face, they probably assumed I was a part of a gang or something. They weren't too far from the truth. The first one stammered saying something about "boss" and "dues." I waved them off.

"If I catch you harassing women again, I'll break your legs."

They fearfully nodded and ran away.

I turned to Valentine who had remained silent during this whole ordeal. When I turned, I noticed I was holding onto her hand. I was about to let go when she suddenly moved. She kissed me on the lips before quickly moving back.

It was just a slight peck but even that seemed to be nearly too much for her. Her usually cold face was now turning red and she mumbled. "Th...thank you. You looked cool just now..."

We didn't talk much on the way home. I was extra careful now that I had to take care of seven bottles and thankfully didn't fall anymore times.


We walked in and were greeted by the smell of a flurry of food. Roasting ham, cooking vegetables, oil, spices, and even the salty aroma of some kind of dish I had no idea of. The others barely even glanced up when we arrived - they were too engrossed with the preparations.

"We're here," I called out. Eve stopped running around, her apron fluttering. She gave me a quick air-kiss and went back to stirring the vegetable medley that was sizzling in the pan. The others were doing similar things and so I set down the bottles and began setting the table.

We didn't have enough chairs for everyone so there were several upturned cushions and boxes that we could use as makeshift stools. 

Before long, all the food was finally ready. It was getting a little bit later in the afternoon and my stomach was rumbling as the tantalizing smell of the food was getting to my brain. We had all the food set on the table and were all finally seated. 

I was about to dig in when I realized everyone else was going for a toast. I held off my biting hunger and raised my glass while Eve gave the toast. "To the best friends I could ever wish for and family."

Everyone echoed it and we took a nice long drink before exploding into chatter. I, for one, wasn't too into the chat. I was mainly focused on the food and was just listening to them discussing the various "model" or "celebrity" things that I didn't understand. At one point, someone, Lindsey, was asking me whether I thought romcoms or soap operas were better. I wasn't sure what either of those were so I just shrugged. 

"I'd rather watch you guys."

Everyone went 'ehhh' and I felt a little sheepish. 

The new wine bottles were broken into and they were disappearing at an alarming rate. Most notably, Valentine was the one drinking the most. She was practically gulping down glass after glass with frightening speed. She was currently frowning at the empty glass before looking at the bottle before looking at her glass again. 

She was already starting to show the signs of being drunk and I began to sigh. I remembered the last time she was piss-drunk...

This time she wasn't drunk enough to pass out, but she still started to slur. "You know...I really really don't get why you're so dumb!" 

She was saying this loud enough to catch everyone's attention. The conversation slowly died as everyone waited for Valentine to continue. "I gave you a kiss and you pretended like it was nothing! You shameless bastard! The least you could do is give me a clear answer..."

I was waiting for Eve to give me a death glare or something but it never came. Instead she was patiently listening while giving me a look of disapproval. Except this look didn't seem to be out of disapproval for me getting kissed but rather not taking responsibility...

"Go take her to one of the rooms."

Eh? I pointed at myself and she nodded. I got up from my chair and hooked my arms around Valentine's slender body. This wasn't the first time I carried her and I was still shocked at how light she was. 

I took her to Eve's room that had been unused for a while since well...

She was lying down while groaning. Her eyes were closed and she was tossing and turning in the bed. She was starting to undress as well and I took that as a cue to leave. But before I could leave, I felt a trembling hand grab a hold of the hem of my shirt. 

"Don't...don't leave," she weakly called out.



It was pretty damn obvious that she was in love. And to her best friend's twin brother! The same twin brother that was balls deep...never mind. 

She loved Eve to death. Hell she was like the sister she had never had. Ever since they had met, things just clicked into place. Most of the time she had trouble expressing her emotions and feeling things like happiness, but ever since she met this unnaturally close pair of siblings, she had been feeling things that she was confused about.

Like the way her heart thumped so wildly whenever she saw that hateful man's smirk or the way his scars seemed to move as he furrowed his eyebrows whenever he was annoyed by a joke. 

It wasn't long before the others noticed. 

It had been a month after meeting Adam, around the time he had helped her out at the alley. 

"Hey Val," her best friend had suddenly said, "do you love my brother?"

She had nearly choked up the fat-free yogurt she was spooning into her mouth. They were getting ready for another photoshoot and she was eating a light breakfast before. 

"Wha-wha-what are you saying! You know I don't even like guys..."

Eve had laughed a little. "Yeah...well if you do, I just wanted to declare war."

Her head had tilted. At the time she wasn't fully aware of Eve's romantic obsession with Adam. She had just assumed she was just a little overprotective. 

"I'm in love with him too, so I won't lose."

Her best friend just admitted to loving her own twin brother. Yet Valentine wasn't feeling any disgust. was jealousy? Was she jealous how easily Eve could express herself? At how confident she could just declare her love just like that?

After that day, she felt herself trying to avoid Adam. She began treating him colder in an attempt to forget about the blossoming feelings she had for him. It wasn't just the fact that he looked so damn cool, the scars on his rugged face, the flawless body he had, the absolutely gorgeous pair of eyes that seemed to stare right into you. It was also how kind he was and how fiercely he protected his loved ones. 

Hearing stories from Eve about their childhood, though they seemed to be blown out of proportion at times, just made her so in awe at how much Adam cared for her.

Valentine had also grown up without the help of her parents. While they were still alive, they never cared for or spent time with her. Her mother was a seemingly quiet and obedient househife who would bring home random men whenever her father left for work. Though she had the courtesy to at least close the door, the smell and sounds wouldn't be contained. Her father, knowing full well what was going on, only continued spiraling down a path of alcoholism as he continued breaking his back at the miserable job he was working at. Everyday, she had to deal with her mother who directed all her frustrations of her drunken and abusive father onto her. Even if he never laid a hand on her, she saw it as his fault that her mother was so cold and mean.

Her mother would often heap insults on her calling her a no-good waste whenever she saw her. She grew accustomed to these insults and quickly developed an emotional barrier to prevent herself from getting hurt. The other kids called her an ice queen but she didn't care. As long as it kept her mother from being too abusive, it would all be fine.

Unfortunately as she grew older, she began to grow into the supermodel she would one day be. One night she had come home only to find her mother fucking some guy in the hallway. The man had just finished and was panting on the dirty bed when she had walked in the doorway. Seeing her mother entertaining another guest, she was about to leave but the man had called out. "Hey Rose, whose that?"

She was fourteen at the time and was considered the school beauty. The man was looking at her with the same lust-filled gaze that the male classmates and sometimes female classmates would give her. Her room at home was full of their confession letters which she either ignored or flat-out rejected. 

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, her mother had clicked her tongue. "That's my daughter. She's a spoiled brat."

"Oh? Can I get a taste?"

"Huh?" her mother dropped the cigarette. "She's fourteen, Dave."

"She sure as hell doesn't look like it," the man licked his lips while staring her down. 

Before she could say anything or cry out, someone entered the home. It was her dad. He was red in the face stinking of beer and smoke. Valentine instincitvely looked at the clock. It was only 3:30. He usually wasn't home until 9 or 10.

He was surprisingly calm when he looked at his wife's naked body and the naked man next to her. But that quickly changed when he leapt across the room and socked the man's face, causing him to cry out in pain as blood spurted. 

The man was choked on the ground by her father as her mother started scratching at him, screaming to "LET GO." 

Valentine was silently watching, without the slightest expression on her face. She calmly watched on as the man, Dave, fell unconscious and her father's back began to bleed from all the scratches her mother had given him. 

She turned around and left the house preferring to stay the night outside. It was so peaceful, sleeping on the park bench while watching the rarely seen stars in the city. 

Her father and mother got an official divorce after that. Her mother quickly remarried and abandoned them both, though the person she was marrying wasn't that Dave guy. After her mother left, her father began to get more and more abusive. He still wasn't touching her but he started calling her a whore talking about how she reminded him of that slut.

Valentine would just quietly listen as he continued to hurl abuse at her. But she began to harbor resentment in her heart, resentment against her father, Dave, her classmates, all the men her mother had brought home. They were all bastards who she couldn't give a shit over. 

She began to find a semblance of pleasure in turning down the confessions she would get. She would feel the slightest excitement and joy in seeing the way the boy would crumble to his knees in dejection or outright cry. Though it wasn't enough for her. She still had yet to feel genuine happiness.

When she was seventeen, she finally showed her first hint of happiness. She had been lucky enough to be scouted at her waitress job. Since her father had been laid off, he was now unemployed and living solely from welfare checks that he cashed out and spent on alcohol. To support herself, Valentine quickly found a place hiring minors. 

Though she had to improve her grades she managed to get the job and began working, making enough to pay for their meager rent and living expenses. 

It was at this job that she got scouted. A talent agent from an agency that was thankfully a lot nicer and frank than Ford had come across her and immediately handed her a business card. She wasn't sure about this but she showed up at the place listed on the card. There, she was taken before a group of middle-aged businessmen who asked her to show some poses before nodding with satisfaction.

She received a letter several weeks later notifying her that she had been accepted and could start work immediately. For the first time in years, she showed a sliver of emotion. A single tear formed in her right eye and it trailed down before marking the letter with a small inkblot. 

She kept that letter hidden away in her desk and still had it to this day. That letter began her career as a model as she slowly rose in fame. She was still known as the "ice princess" even as a model and was rumored to never smile in any shoot. At least that was until she met the Five Angels. She was selected to be a part of a group of Angels for the upcoming Victoria's Secret Show and met Eve, someone whose obsession over her brother and hard work quickly stood out.

And the rest was history.


I stared at Valentine who was clinging to me in a way very unbecoming of her. "Hey, let go Val, I can't leave if you do that."

"Don't leave me...don't."

She started hiccuping. I immediately reacted, knowing full well where this was going. I had barely made it to her when she turned on the waterworks. Her body shook as I gave her a hug and patted her on the back. 

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. It's just...I'm not sure how Eve would feel haha."

Between her tears she started crying out. "She said...she wouldn't mind sharing...*hic...that she can't satisfy you alone...*hic."

I blushed hearing that. I cleared my throat trying to steer the topic away from our sex life, but she interrupted me.

"I can't...Adam. I want you for myself! I-I-I don't want to share you."

"...Look, you're a really beautiful girl and I'm sure you could get anyone you wanted! I don't think I can reciprocate your feelings. I already have Eve..."

She wailed. "I KNOW. I know and it my heart hurts knowing that I'll never be number one. don't understand. It can't be anyone else. I don't want to share you, but if it's the only way..."

She coughed and she stopped shaking with sobs as she calmed down. She gave me a pitiful gaze, begging me. "Please, Adam."

I knew what she was unconsciously asking for, but Eve was right outside! Her friends were right outside! What was she thinking, asking the boyfriend of her friend to fuck her?

She didn't give me a chance to speak and immediately unbuttoned her shirt. She slipped out of the thin underwear and revealed her fully naked body to me. It was...beautiful. It had a very different charm from Eve's. She was more innocent and shy compared to her. "Don't's embarrassing." She was turning slightly red as she held onto one of her thin arms. 

I didn't heed her plea at instead gazed at her intensely. I couldn't lie and say this was arousing. "But Eve is right outside..."

"I have her blessing."

"...I doubt that."

"Close your eyes then and pretend it's her."

When had she gotten so bold? It felt like my body wasn't listening to me and I found myself closing my eyes. I felt something brush against my lips and something wet enter my mouth. She kissed me gently and pushed me down so that she was on the top. Her fingers ran through my hair and she moaned slightly as she felt my slightly erect dick poke her. 

She pulled back from our kiss and began gently pecking me on the neck. As she did so, she began removing my own clothing as I was too distracted by her mouth to notice. She guided one of my hands to hold her waist and the other up to her modest chest. 

She moaned feeling my fingers brush against her hardened nipples and she began kissing me with more fervor, this time with tongue. I gave in and held onto her a little tighter, using my own tongue to battle hers. At this point, I noticed my upper body was naked and that she was groping at my chest. I flipped us around, still giving her a kiss and pulled back while panting. 

We were both out of breath and staring at each other in the eyes. I was thinking about Eve and how she would feel, but Valentine took the opportunity to shove my face into her breasts.

I found myself facing a cherry and quickly took it in my mouth. Valentine let out a moan as I began to kiss her breast, flicking the nipple with my tongue and playing around with it. I teased the other nipple before slowly making my way down her body, kissing her while I was at it.

The scent of her arousal was turning me on and my member was standing erect. I pushed the desire of penetrating her out of my mind. If I did that with Eve in the other room, I was sure I wouldn't live to see the next day.

So I opted for the next best option. A tent was forming in my pants but I focused on pleasuring her instead.

I kissed the slight slope of the pubic mound and moved my hands over her body as she shivered at the feeling. I then gently pulled at her lips revealing her clit and pushed my tongues towards the pearly object. 

I began licking it and she moaned loudly while gripping onto me. I continued making circular movements with my tongues and she was shivering in excitement. I moved my tongue off her clit and into her entrance when her back suddenly arched and I felt something wet inside my mouth. Her thighs were trembling as she orgasmed directly into my mouth.

"Adam...please...don't drink it..."

I didn't pay her any attention and swallowed. It was slightly sweet-and-sour and I could hear her panting as she looked at me with feverish eyes. Her entrance was sopping wet and I began to lick her clean. She continued crying out as she orgasmed yet again.

I was about to continue when I heard a sound of a door opening. 

I turned around, my face still buried between Valentine's legs. I heard a condescending, familiar voice.

"Well well well. I thought you went to let her rest but now you're eating her pussy out?"

Standing in the open doorway with her arms crossed and an amazed expression on her face was my sister, Eve.

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