My Stepsister in Kyoto

Chapter 230: History Research Club!

His sincere attitude made everyone believe that Mizuto wanted to learn about history. 

While they didn't understand why he had such an interest in it, they couldn't help but appreciate him since for one to have such pure thought toward such a subject was amazing. 

Ranran, the smallest girl in this place, couldn't look away from him, and Aisa, who thought that history was a boring subject, couldn't help but become curious about this subject. 

Yet, Akatsuki, who knew that they came only to make a place to have sex, was speechless, but she didn't say anything and just silently appreciated this part of him. 

Nevertheless, Mizuto's expression didn't change, and his love for history was clearly expressed in his expression. 

"I understand. If that's your wish, we will do that." Suzurin agreed without hesitation, which made Mizuto smile and thank her.

"Still, can I know what kind of focus you are going to learn for this club?" 

As history had a lot of branches, Suzurin wanted to know what the focus of Mizuto's study was. 

Still, this question made Akatsuki feel nervous since they just wanted to have sex in the school; how could they answer this problem?

Yet, somehow, Akatsuki felt like Mizuto could answer this problem. 

"There are two focuses on our club." 

"What is that?" 

"To learn from history and not make the same mistake." 

"Oh? Can you please elaborate?" Suzurin became interested. 

"To learn from history means that we're going to learn about many famous figures and how they can grow into an existence that is remembered until now. Naturally, we don't limit it to an individual, but also a country, trends, companies, and many others." 

"Interesting." Suzurin was surprised by Mizuto's focus, then asked again, "Can you give me an example?" 

"Hmm... there are a lot of examples, but I will explain something that has made me interested lately." 

"What is that?" 

"A Small Nation with a Great Cause: the Netherlands." 


Mizuto then explained how the Netherlands, a small country in Europe, could grow into the richest after due to the Dutch East India Company (VOC) and the Dutch West India Company (WIC), which not only made them control the spice trade but also the world's sea. 

Frankly, his story was so interesting as he told how a small country grew after its independence from Spain in the Eighty Years' War.

Even though its population was only one and a half million, this country became a major seafaring and economic power. 

Moreover, due to his "Writer" job, his story became so interesting that it made them like hearing the story of a fantasy, which made them unable to stop listening to his story. 

Nevertheless, Joe, who thought something fishy about Mizuto's purpose of creating the "History Research Club," also erased his doubt when he heard how interesting Mizuto's story about the growth of the Netherlands was. This also made him feel like it was necessary to separate Mizuto from Suzurin since if he let them be together for a long time, then...

"More than this, it will take too long." 

"Eh? Is that all? Won't you tell more stories?" Aisa, who wasn't interested in history, became fired up since Mizuto's story was like a story of Shounen manga, where the weak and small somehow became strong against many adversities. 

"Yes." Suzurin nodded. "At least let us listen to your other focus, which is "not to make the same mistake." What do you mean by that?" 

While Mizuto seemed helpless, in the end, under their insistence, he told them another story. 

"In many courses of history, many societies made disastrous decisions that caused the destruction of their civilization. Naturally, there are many examples, but if I have to choose one, then it is Easter Island." 

"Easter Island?" 

"The one with the Moai statue. If you are curious, you can search for it on Google." 


Looking at their smartphones, they looked at the unique human face statues on Easter Island. 

"So, what's wrong with this Easter Island?" Aisa asked curiously. 

With that question, Mizuto explained how there was a civilization on Easter Island from the beginning before it started to go downhill and destroyed due to its decision to create those Maoi statues when everyone lacked food and faced many disasters. 

The purpose of the creation of the Maoi statue was so God could give them a bountiful harvest and many foods, yet it destroyed their society as everyone couldn't support the wages to create this gigantic statue. 

"Did people really make such an idiotic decision?" The guy with long hair in this room asked in surprise. 

"It is." Mizuto nodded. "There was no science at that time, after all, and everyone was superstitious. They believed in the existence of a higher being and believed that a disaster or something bad happened due to the being they believed." 

However, he had to say that religion, or other beliefs in society, existed to strengthen the rules of the emperor, king, or other type of ruler of their people. Even in this country, the first emperor was the descendant of the sun god Amaterasu.

Still, those beliefs aside, Mizuto knew that even in modern society, many governments often made stupid decisions.

"Now, I understand why you want to learn about history." Suzurin nodded. "Sometimes, tell me more about this." 

There was no doubt that, with his stories, Mizuto had completely charmed everyone. 

"You are welcome anytime to the clubroom." 

Even though Mizuto only wanted a place to have sex, he somehow became a special person who wanted to learn history so that people in today's era wouldn't make the same mistake and lead society and everyone into the path of success. 

"Now that you mention it, there is quite a large room in the special building. You can use that place as a clubroom." 

"Thank you." 

While Mizuto hadn't said a concrete idea of how to display the result of his research, there was no doubt that his idea was great. 

It was like the founder of a tech company trying to invite investors to invest in their companies. 

Or, he was like the leader of the pyramid scheme who fooled many people into putting their money into the schemes. 

Nevertheless, there was no doubt that he had succeeded, and the "History Research Club" was born at this moment. 

Yet, what Mizuto didn't know was that this club would become one of the most popular clubs and also part of the secret society for many famous people in the future. 

However, that was the story of the future, and the beginning of this club definitely wasn't something so lofty, such as learning from history. 

Still, the "History Research Club" was officially created, and there was no need for him to stay on the student council anymore.

"Then, thank you, and excuse us."

Mizuto and Akatsuki said politely as they were sent off by the members of the student council kindly. From the expression of the student council members, there was no trace of dissatisfaction, and it was as if the argument they had before never existed. 

Nevertheless, Joe, the guy with a small presence, sighed in relief that Mizuto had left, and at the same time, he had made up his mind not to let Suzurin meet Mizuto anymore. 

Still, it didn't mean that Mizuto and Akatsuki had finished since they had to go to the teacher's room to finish the final registration. 

"...did you make up all of that?" 

When they left, Akatsuki asked curiously, which made Mizuto smile and caused her to laugh. 

This guy was a bastard, but she had to say, this bastard was so charming! 

Yet, there was no doubt that with this, they were able to have sex at the school.

However, Mizuto had to say while Suzurin's breasts might not be the best, her hips and buttocks were pretty perky and plump, and he definitely remembered her. 

"By the way, Mizuto." 


"Did you think something perverted?" 


As expected of Akatsuki, but then, Mizuto knew how to handle this situation. "Well, it can't be helped. I want to try to do it with you right away." 


Looking at her shy smile, Mizuto knew that this girl was also a pervert, but it didn't matter since he welcomed this side of hers. 

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