My Sudden Monster Convergence

Ch.20: Friday’s Love

Welcome to thee Chapter. Down here at the Islands ten Spas, not three or four but TEN! We see to your sore body and pamper you to full health. Rejuvenating your soul and killing your inner demons. What? Why yes, we remove whatever horrible spirits that follow you for your benefit. Please lay back as we begin.


I sat in silence in my room curled up like a ball and hidden behind my wings, looking like some huge scaly egg. I was originally just sitting, stewing in my thoughts- I mean how could’ve I known that I was broadcasting good feels to everyone! I mean sure the succubi, Oni and the lamia now probably don’t see me as some prune, raining in on their fun. Which means two things… One they were more casual around me when I walked by them on my way home. The succubi uh… started teasing other students whenever they crowded the walls. They were super giggly and grouped on those that showed any shyness, they were vicious. I even saw one use magic or something like it as her voice started to echo as she teased a blushing girl, running her spade tail up from her belly to her chin, booping her nose. I saw some leave for empty rooms or down hallways, the person or the succubi with them moaning and giggling. I even saw one floating in the air with her lips around a cute human girl and her tail looped straight into the girl's skirt!

And I have to go back today, sure it’s Friday so I’ll have a couple days to cool off but, I’ve learned that the weekend has an annoying habit of slipping through your fingers. I wish I had control of time instead of, whatever it is that I can do! No, that’d just running away and then I’d end up doing something I don’t l like… but I do wish I had more time to at least figure this stupid mana out before dealing with the public again.

“Oly! Hurry up you’ll be late for school!” My mother called.

“I’ll be out soon!” I called out. I was kinda hoping that I had a few more minutes to collect myself but I guess I lost track of time.

Once we got into the car and on our way to school my mother looked at me.

“Hey don’t forget about our marathon tomorrow! I have a few things planned too!” she announced. This took my mind off of things because the last time we did one she surprised me with a shirt made to look like one of the deluxeman’s suits! I posed like him as he grows to full height. It was a great time and I loved that shirt… I probably won’t fit in it anymore being this big, then I’ll just frame it or something!

“Oh! You don’t need to do that. Watching the series with you is worth more than anything to me.” I said trying to be honest with her. Watching something where you can just be yourself is always more fun.

“B-but is my surprise isn’t even that good then?” she said with big watery eyes. She looked like I spat on her first drawing as a kid.

“No fair! All I’m says is I like spending time with y- Yes anything you do will be awesome too.” I said resigning myself to her sad face. She doesn’t have to do anything for me but she does anyway. Poking her arm with my palm I said. “I love you mom.” She just melted into a big smile like I gave her, her favorite ice cream.



Walking into school, this time I was surprised by the Oni, the tallest of them stood in front of the crowd. Some were between 7 to 8 ft. tall sanding high like some guard while the shorter ones stood behind the tall ones watching the crowd. This is rather weird, at least they aren’t teasing people like the succu- and there’s one that pined a student under her foot. Great! I thought I’d be a little more relaxed today but I guess not! They seemed to only go after those that approached them purposely, some students seemed to far better than others too. Pushing back against the Oni they stepped up to, were they going to fight? They eyed each other like they were ready for battle pressing their foreheads into each other-they began to try eating their rival’s mouth in a wild passionate kiss…

Wrapping arms around waists and pulling on their cheeks......

That lamia and Oni over there are on the floor, grinding hips together too.

Is this some special occasion? But why do this in front of me? I was so confused I didn’t realize I made it to class already. There that guy who checked me out the other day, whistled at the crowd. A big goofy grin on his mug as he eyed a Oni hold up a bug girl by throat while she moaned wildly.

“I can’t believe the Oni are doing one of their trial festivals! Something really good must of happened for them to do this!” he cheered as he watched the crowd.

His comment made me shudder. Why was Wednesday’s incident so important to them? Did that act represent something important to them? I wasn’t sure what to think so I sat down at my seat, trying to wrap my head around the insanity of this world. How the hell do they get away with, getting it off at school?! Why do I have a sinking feeling it's normal! Not doing it the streets my ass! They probably do it plastered against windows from inside!

“Bye!” shouted Belle as he waved to someone outside the class. He walked over with a pet carrier that looked like a little blue house with windows. “Those Oni are so sweet! This really kind girl helped me through the crowd and even gave me a pat on the head!” Belle was super happy that even his tail was waving in the air. That’s odd, wait did he charm them with his cuteness? Or maybe the just girl had a crush on him?

“Good for you.” I said with a smile as Belle sat down. “By the way can I ask what’s with the carrier?” I asked him outta curiosity.

“It’s a surprise.” He said with a giggly huge smile.

“Alright, I wouldn’t want to ruin it! I shall wait with baited breath.” I said trying to be a little playful.

He nodded with excitement. “Mhm, mhm. Please do.”

"Also... any idea why the Oni are doing that trial festival in the school halls?" I asked, partly hoping that he'd ask if I was just seeing things.

Tilting his head and holding a finger up to his lower lip, Belle thought about my question. "Nope." He shook his head, his hair swaying from the movement. "The Oni don't really give solid answers, just call it respect or honor. One told me last year he fights for glory and one of the bigger ones said she loved a good battle." He said with a shrug.



After a the rest of the class came in, Mr. Minnow walked to the front of the class carrying a table over his shoulder like it was a small bag. He placed it down in front of everyone before turning to everyone and patting the table.

“Today class you will be presenting your reports on your families! This table will help you with anything you want to show off that you may have brought!” he said with a small smile. “So who wants to go first!?” he asked looking around. Surprising Emily wasn’t raising her hand and that made Mr. Minnow very happy. He just didn’t see her standing next to him.

“Mr. Minnow! I wou-“ she began before he jumped backwards, almost screaming.

“Emily! You almost made my heart explode!” he said staring at her. “Just do your presentation.” He said walking to his desk.

She put a large shoulder bag on the table, before beginning. “My report is on my family and their traditions. My family on my mother’s side are almost all succubi. One of the traditions of succubi is that of skin ship, also known to them as honest love. To practice it, succubi families give each other ‘hugs’ and it doesn’t matter where, because they transfer a small mana meal between each other. My mother loves to use her tail wrapped around wrist while she buries my head into her chest while my aunt likes very close hugs and she always asks to be tightly held on her butt. In some cases they give a feast to half the family and these can last almost a full day and can also include several sexual positons though my family almost all prefer to either pin or be pinned, sometimes they pin two together while double teaming them.

It’s amazing to witness their strength and techniques as they share their large meals. Another tradition includes the bonding of tails, which has several or two members coiling their tails together while pressing their CorPitatio together.” She said showing a picture of four succubi tails coiled together with the spades of their tails touching each other. “This allows them to decrease stress levels in those that perform the act and apparently they vibrate like a purring cat. My family does this whenever they’re in a group working a separate things.”

 “There’s also the tradition of ‘Tris-Familia’, which means that every succubi that is bonded has at least three children!" She pulled out a small curvy statue that had a painted dress that opened at the crotch and straps going between the the statue's large chest like a extra low tank top, in little alcoves were three similar small figures. "The number three is considered good luck as the goddess, Odtis produced three children from her very legs. these three children went on to create their own cities which brought in many riches. So if succubi want to have a healthy and successful family they have three kids.

Oh and since succubi live a little longer than that of an average human so they perform the Rite of Bonding instead of marriage. The rite lasts as long as their mate lives or she dies and allows them to sense their partner’s thoughts and health. It also marks this person as family and not food meaning they take and give in equal levels. The way the Rite of Bonding works is the two wishing to be bonded take several things that represent them, this is often hair, blood or your mana print, though a blood offering shows how deeply they wish to commit to each other.” She said with a big smile. ”Almost half family has been bonded-“ she started to continue.

“And time!” Mr. Minnow said, cutting her off. This shocked Emily as she looked at him.

“But I have so much more to talk about! I haven’t even mentioned bedtime or the Rite of gain!” she said angrily.

“That’s because you magically enchanted your two pages to hold more!” he said staring at her.

She looked to the side. “No I didn’t…” she said, clearly trying to lie.

Mr. Minnow took her paper and swiped his finger to the left like a tablet, showing several pages flipping like a book. He looked at her with a raised brow. “That’s all. Who’s next!” he said turning to the class.

That’s when Belle went up with his house shaped carrier, placing it behind the table before jumping upright. He had a smug smile on his face.

“Hey everyone! My family is full of Nya-jin and my family has all three types within my race! My mother likes to call herself the warrior of my family as she’s the head Battel-Jin! That means she makes the final decision in big family events. While me and other Maju-mew act as support, encouraging each other and giving helpful healing when needed! Then there’s the Sila- cats who often plan our religious and spirit tying. They often make sure our family is mentally and spiritly healthy, you could say they’re our priests!” Belle cheered as said this. “There is one tradition that I would like to show you all but before I go on, there’s someone I want to introduce you all to!” he said sounding so excited that he’d die. He then crouched behind the table, then some popy music started to play, it sounded like a theme you’d play for a cute character. Then rising from behind the table was a set of huge eyes belonging to a little fuzzy tan kitten who Belle held in his arms. “May I present to you all… my awesome Uncle Phil!” shouted Belle full of joy.

The kitten wore a green vest, slightly tilted its head. “Hi everyone!” said Phil with an oddly echolike childish voice. “Belle asked me to help him out with showcasing some of our traditions. So here I am!” Phil said before floating out of Belle’s hands. It looked like he was sitting on an invisible surface as he defied gravity, he then slowly drifted down to the table, giving a proud smile to Belle.

“First is how we greet each other! That’s called the Ceremony of Welcoming! My Uncle Phil and I shall now show you all how it’s done.” Belle said holding his hips in a super hero pose. He and his uncle faced each other, Belle held out three fingers while Phil held out his paw. Then a glowing marble flashed into existence in Belle’s hand while one floated above Phil’s paw. They then fed each other their marble, both looked really happy. It felt like they had gotten each other the most heartfelt gift possible, I wonder if I can do that with my mom? “The ceremony is how we tell each other how much we love one another, it’s like hugging your family when you haven’t see them for a long time. It lets us get closer and keep our family strong by giving a marble of pure love to share!” Belle said with a content face. “One of the traditions Maju-mew do is called the, ‘Air of Aromas’, it’s where I can heal any physical pains or soreness. Plus it smells super nice!” he said as he turned to his uncle who gave him his back and started making faces like he was sick. Belle’s tail stood up higher and started to sway softly side to side before a sweet smell of watermelons and apples wafted into the air. It reminded me of the sweets my family used to eat together, my eyes started to get a little blurry. Phil stopped making faces as he breathed in the air and started to purr very loudly, making even the table vibrate.


After finishing his presentation, Belle and his uncle sat at his desk. Giving me a chance to greet his uncle.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Phil, I’m Oliver.” I said giving a small wave. Phil jumped onto my desk and rubbed his cheek into my waving palm. Belle's green eyes were suddenly huge, it was like two famous characters having a crossover event.

“Pleased to meet you, please continue to look after my sweet nephew. Many blessing be within you.” Phil said before purring softly as I started to stroke his back making my whole body vibrate softly.

“With this you’re basically an honored guest to my family now.” Belle whispered in my ear. “It means you can come over to my house to visit.” He said before wiggling on his seat. Did he plan this?


The next few students talked a lot their families. One spoke about how her family were very cheery and would sometimes pun at each other as a way of teasing each other. She also explained how they gift family members on their sixteenth birthday a flower pendent hand made from a special crystal. It represents the trust her family has and that they hope for a big future. She showed her pendent which looked like a yellowish red poppy, the crystal seemed to glow slightly as it reflected the light.

Another student explained that his family creates custom made a mana recharging wands for special events like graduations, awards or reaching a personal long term goal. He said his family has a weird shaking dace when planning and forming mana connections, he said it’s pretty funny to see happening. He also said his family likes to change their magic voices for different ones but end up incorporating certain parts into their normal voices to better express emotions.

One student showed off an old pointed tooth of his big sister who was a lot bigger than their dad who’s proud of her strength. He then showed off a picture showing him and his sister who was a huge lizardwoman (?), she didn’t look too much like a traditional human woman if anything she looked more like a bodybuilder guy. He then explained how his family likes to do sporting events together but they prefer to go fishing more because they can show off their strength.

I decided to go next, I wanted to show off how awesome my mother was and nothing would stop me! As I got in front of the class I could see everyone’s eyes on me, luckily this was nothing compared to the whole school staring at me!

“My family surprisingly doesn’t have any dragons in it. But regardless my family has several traditions and each one has their own work or hobbies.” I said proudly. “For starters my mother is a dungeon floor manager. She works in one of the four local dungeons, mainly overlooking loot placement, enemy spawn rates, training new hires who she picks personally. Apparently not everyone can handle the stress of working in a dungeon, she said something about having to handle floor invasions from floors above and below her. Plus she's also told me about the roaming boss, chimera, she fought last month. Apparently it's some mushroom that collects many of the dungeon Mor on the floor, turning them into armor and weapons.

"My brother likes to make mashups and remixes of his favorite songs, he’s got a good ear for chill music. I think if he really wanted to, he could easily get his music into games. As for our traditions, my family worships the Goddess Yu whose main focus is love between anyone close enough to be considered family.” I said before Emily raised her hand making me look at her.

“Yu is also the Goddess of beauty and femininity. She’s also seen as the aunt of the head of Beneficent love.” She said before letting me continue. Okay? Not sure what to do about that.

“We enjoy to celebrate the Meal of the Seven Seasons which focuses on the feast the goddess Yu prepared to get the spirits of seven to consider making the weather less wild and random. The spirits loving good food decided to listen to her suggestions allowing us to have less rampant and destructive weather. So my family prepares a grand meal, putting a small portion into a bonfire for the seven spirits and the goddess to enjoy. And the food my mom makes is heavenly.” I said trying to keep from drooling at the thought of her cooking. So I began to describe the flavor of the food served. I talked how juicy and tender the meat was, how good the sweet sauce she made was, the perfectly seasoned salad with corn and bacon bits and the buttery scallops and crab cakes.


After giving some descriptions of food Mr. Minnow decided I was done, but everyone started to watch the clock. They all wanted to have something tasty to eat right now, Belle’s stomach even growled.

“I guess I could really go for some shellfish.” He said with a shy chuckle.


Hi! How's everyone doing? I'm doing pretty good, good enough to pass in a new chapter! So this Chapter gives us a look into the student's families and how they feel about them! We also learn a little about certain characters too! Maybe I mentioned something too? yeah I'm pretty hungry and in the mood for a big meal!

As always, Thank You for reading and coming by! I want to continue having fun and sharing my little story with you all, so please enjoy! Also I hope you have a relaxing day today and a fun night! obviously that fun carries over to the next day!

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