My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 100

Chapter 97: Traces Left By The 9Th-Order Magician

Grand V felt that Lu Yu was a troublesome person, and the elf king who also did not surpass the sixth-order power warmly sent an invitation. Lu Yu vaguely felt that the other party wanted from him, but it was not easy to say it in front of so many people.

Lu Yu did not agree or refuse, but told the Elf King that he needed to think about the travel route before making a decision.

Lu Yu, who was full of food and had no interest in the dance, bid farewell to Heather and returned to the mansion to rest early.

Lulutis once again portrayed the circle of communication, but after checking the information again, she was disappointed.

When leaving the Valley of the Dragons, Lulutis left a message to Serra, informing him that she had left Yas.

This message has not been responded to. Considering that the other party has been spamming himself with spam, there is basically no possibility that the reply will disappear on the way due to unexpected reasons.

Through the timed message sent by Sera, Lulutis was once again orientated.

“It’s true that we’re going through the elven-dominated Soresan region, unless we’re willing to go around it, or hire a boat, and go along the coast.”

Lu Yu touched his chin and thought.

Seeing that Lu Yu was hesitating, Lulutis also analyzed it for him: “I don’t think he can see that you are not a seventh-order magician, and there are so many people who endorse you, he will not have any doubts at all.”

“If he really asks us, he will come to us on his own initiative.”

“Since you are asking for our help, then the initiative is in our hands. You don’t need to think too much.”

The identity of Lu Yu’s seventh-order magician has been constantly “verified” by the people around him since Case. With the improvement of the identity of those who believe, later people will no longer think about questioning.

Lu Yu also felt that Lulutis was right, so he simply didn’t think about it too much.

The next morning, before Lu Yu had finished his breakfast, the waiter of the Grand Empire informed Lu Yu that the Elf King wanted to book a meeting time with him.

It really came.

After informing the waiter that they could meet at any time, the Elf King soon came outside the residence where Lu Yu stayed.

The accompanying entourage wanted to enter together, but was stopped by the elf king.

After entering the room, the Elf King saw that Lu Yu and Sigrid were eating the fruits they brought to the Grand Empire, and naturally opened up the conversation.

“It’s not the best. Soresen has a few hills that grow fruit for me. The fruit there is sweeter and more delicious. If you need it, I can let someone send you some.”

Lu Yu didn’t answer immediately. According to the attitude of the elf king, he felt more and more that it was extremely difficult for the elf king to ask for him.

“Whether it’s giving gifts or polite words, the elf king asked me to go to Thoresen… Tell me what you want me to do.”

The handsome face of the Elf King was filled with a shallow smile, and the pale golden eyebrows trembled slightly after hearing Lu Yu’s words.

He didn’t immediately explain his request, but turned to look at Lulutis.

After a while, the Elf King said, “There is a strange place in the west of Soresan Kingdom, where magic power is scarce, and magic cannot be used smoothly. The deeper you go, the more obvious this feeling will be.”

Lu Yu repeated Lulutis’s words and replied: “It sounds like there is some kind of forbidden magic item in effect, have you considered digging underground in the past, maybe you will find a rich forbidden magic ore vein.”

The elf king shook his head: “It has nothing to do with the ores related to the forbidden magic. We once organized people to dig down and found nothing.”

“Because the interference with the magician is very obvious, we have organized many warriors to explore the depths of the mountains. The strongest one is already at the crystal level, which is equivalent to the strength of the sixth-order magician.”

“Let me guess, no news, right?”

The elf king nodded: “A whole team of gold-level warriors, a powerful crystal-level warrior, all lost contact. After that, many adventurers did not believe in evil and went to the depths of the mountains to find ‘secrets’. However, no one came back. .”

“Because this area is very quiet and has the power to restrain magicians, we call it the Silent Mountains.”

Lu Yu had already seen that the Elf King wanted him to try the depths of the Silent Mountains.

The body of the summoned object is also constructed of magic power. When entering a place where magic power is obviously suppressed, what is the difference between a summoned object and a domestic pet?

And just listening to the description, Lu Yu felt that this place had an evil spirit, eating people without spitting out bones, the information was unknown, and the enemy information was completely missing.

This isn’t a game, it’s the reality that if you fail once, you may restart!

Lu Yu asked curiously: “Since it is a dangerous forbidden area, and there is no known benefit, and the reason for having to explore, why do you want to find out?”

As long as the elf king said that he was looking for someone who had disappeared before, or just out of curiosity, Lu Yu would directly enter the sending-off mode.

The Elf King looked serious: “For my people.”

“The Silent Mountains are on the edge of Soresan’s territory. They are neither strategic nor fertile. There is such an area in my own country. I thought it would be better if this place didn’t exist.”

“But something strange has happened in the Silent Mountains since one hundred and fifty years ago.”

“The elves and dryads near the mountain reported that they saw a dark and huge unknown creature on the edge of the mountain.”

“Then some elves near the Silent Mountains were injured by animals and monsters in the Silent Mountains, and inexplicably, they could no longer speak.”

Lu Yu frowned, and Lulutis’s body froze for a moment.

“At first we thought that the monsters in the Silent Mountains had evolved some special power, but we soon found out that this idea was very wrong.”

“All the words spoken by the bitten elves and dryads turned into shattering thoughts of unknown meaning.”

“We couldn’t find any basic logic in what he said, and we suggested that the injured person tell us in writing what happened.”

“But . . . the messages they wrote down were equally confusing.”

Lulutis’ breathing became rapid: “Lu Yu…this…”

“Don’t worry, keep listening to him.”

The elf king recalled for a moment: “I sent the high-level elves in the elf sanctuary to treat them. After a period of conditioning, many people gradually recovered, but there are still some people who cannot be cured.”

“My subordinates told me that there was a strange force inside them that was interfering with their treatment.”

“A power that they can’t understand at all, and they feel intimidated just by feeling it.”

“Since then, I have blocked the surrounding area of the Silent Mountains, but the monsters in the Silent Mountains have become more and more rampant for decades because they are unchecked. into a curse.”

As a king, the Elf King can turn a blind eye to the Silent Mountains, a land that is clearly within his own territory but cannot bring any benefit to his people.

But when the Silent Mountains became a ticking time bomb, he had to think about solving the problem.

The elf king did not dare to bet that the monsters in the Silent Mountains would not be able to advance further. Once a crystal-level monster appeared there, in the face of the strange curse that could seal and distort the language ability, who could be sure of the entire Sorezen elf kingdom? Will not be affected?

However, the elf king is also very embarrassed. Before exploring the Silent Mountains, the crystal-level warrior said that he didn’t have it, and he didn’t even know why he didn’t.

The highest combat power of the entire Sorezen Kingdom is also at the crystal level, and even the strongest group of people can’t solve it, so how should they deal with the Silent Mountains?

Now I heard that Grand V introduced that Lu Yu was clearly a seventh-order magician, and he was also a summoner.

Although the Silent Mountains’ suppression of the magician is obvious, but what if?

Seeing that Lu Yu was lost in thought, the Elf King remained motionless and silently waited for an answer.

The Elf King did not know that in the chat room, Lu Yu and Lulutis, who had already set off a storm in their hearts, had been discussing heatedly for a long time.

“How could it be, how could it be possible!” Lulutis kept repeating these words, her mind was almost overloaded.

“This is Sayer Lucamia’s power…but he’s dead, he’s already dead…”

Sayer Lucamia, a ninth-order magician, the time of death cannot be determined, but the speculations of magic circles are basically the same.

Six hundred years ago, the ninth-order Sayer failed to successfully climb the tenth-order ladder, and his lifespan ran out and died.

The place of his death, and where the magical manuscripts and countless legacy were buried after his death, is unknown.

Since his death, the strongest magician that Lulutis has known is only the eighth rank.

Lu Yu said, “The vision of the Silent Mountain Range mentioned by the elf king is exactly the same as yours, but it is not necessarily the resurrection of the dead, and there may be something wrong with what he left behind.”

Can cause such a wide-ranging vision, is it a scroll?

Lu Yu immediately denied this speculation.

If there is a scroll that continuously releases such power, then what is the scroll used as a carrier, and how powerful is the magician who made it, so that so much power can be sealed.

The problem that bothered Lulutis the most was not the power in the Silent Mountains, but the distance.

According to the information conveyed by Sera, this place is still far away from the Mera Continent.

How did Sayer come here, and why did he leave his power here?

“Do you accept it?”

The general direction on the road was decided, and Lulutis handed it over to Lu Yu as usual, but her eager and eager tone undoubtedly hoped that Lu Yu would do something.

Lu Yu raised his head.

“I need to think about it.”

The elf king looked happy, and said hurriedly: “Yes, please consider it slowly. Even if you decide not to go, I will still help you pass Soresen quickly.”

Lu Yu did not refuse immediately, the Elf King had already smelled the breath of success.

After leaving the residence, he was in a good mood and greeted Konoe.

“Go, let someone get some more fruit and deliver it to Sir Lu Yu’s residence.”

After being stunned for a while, the guard embarrassedly reminded: “The previous fruit has been given to the Grand Empire. Does Your Majesty want to ship some more from Soresen?”

“Don’t be so troublesome, send the batch left for me to Sir Lu Yu.” The Elf King continued, “And let Aesop bring a few younger sisters to visit here more often in the name of visiting, understand?”

The guards were the group of people who understood Wang’s thoughts the most. When they heard these words, they didn’t know what their king was planning, so they went down to make arrangements in a hurry.

It was late at night, and after a busy day, King Grand V fell into deep thought while listening to the half-kneeling waiter describing what happened at Lu Yu’s residence in the morning.

Naturally, he would not arrange means of spying in Lu Yu’s residence, nor would he die until the Elf King and Lu Yu were talking.

But arranging people to observe the expression of the Elf King from a distance, the expression is no problem.

When the elf king left, there was a joy that could not be hidden on his face. He could make a person who had been king for hundreds of years put his heart on his face. He also knew that this meeting gave him a great surprise.

“I don’t know what he got. He was so happy that he forgot to restrain his expression.”

After drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice, King Grand V was about to fall asleep after finishing his government affairs, but a waiter hurriedly entered the bedroom and knelt down.

“Narin, the leader of the Knights of the Wind Feather, has an urgent request to see His Majesty.”

Grand V glanced at the clock and frowned: “It’s so late… Let him come in.”

Lu Yu and Lulutis discussed from the morning to the evening. In fact, the opinions have already reached a consensus, and they just need to supplement the details.

First of all, go must go.

The current appearance of Lulutis is basically caused by Sayer’s scroll. Although he doesn’t know what Sayer left in the Silent Mountains, it is the work of a ninth-order magician no matter what.

If Huo Gu concluded correctly, there will be certain barriers in the whole world at each stage, then Sayer is undoubtedly a person who has grasped the rules and achieved the leap over the barriers.

No matter what such a genius leaves behind, it is worth Lu Yu and the others to study.

The second is the possibility of the seal being lifted.

There are three parts to the problem with Lulutis right now, the first being the shapeshifting potion.

This is purely her refining medicine to death, and it was fixed directly after being sealed by Sayer’s scroll, which cannot be cancelled.

The second part is the contract that seals the language ability, from the hands of Sayer Lucamia.

The third part is the magic seal. Whose scroll did this work? Lu Yu asked for a long time, but Lulutis didn’t say anything.

It wasn’t until the last time that the loser wanted to play Truth or Dare, Lu Yu didn’t know why Lulutis didn’t want to say the Magic Seal Scroll, which was probably her work.

Because she lived alone and was afraid that the magician would find fault, she prepared a lot of scrolls in case she needed it.

Unexpectedly, the magician who found fault did not enjoy the seal of the genius Lulu, and Lulu just sealed herself first in the explosion.

Classic I killed me.

Lu Yu had a friendly meeting with Minister of Finance Sigrid, and the content of the discussion was naturally how much blood would be more appropriate for the Elf King to bleed.

Just when Lulutis began to introduce the income of seventh-order magicians and provide Lu Yu with reference, the door was knocked.

“Heather, it’s so late, are you alright?”

Heather looked uneasy: “Lord Lu Yu, the murderer committed the crime, an elf from the Kingdom of Thoresen was killed just now… Can you go to the crime scene with me?”

Lu Yu was stunned.

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