My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 108

Chapter 105: Wasteland Preparation

According to the list provided by Lulutis, Sigrid found the elves of the Sanctuary.

Moore, who finally waited for Lu Yu’s request, concluded at a glance that Lu Yu’s list was specially designed to deal with hallucinations.

“Record the list and find the materials they want immediately.”

Old Moore’s attitude towards the Silent Mountains is not as disgusting as ordinary people think.

Through the curse of his own child, he saw magic that he could not comprehend at his level.

If it weren’t for the fact that the first two crystal-level warriors led the team to be wiped out, he would have long wanted to talk to the elf king and send a team to go deeper.

Some people in the sanctuary of elves, including the elves elders, feel that the Silent Mountains contain secrets that ordinary people cannot imagine, and they can spy on the secrets of high-level magic as long as they are obtained.

They will write down all the preparations for Lu Yu to enter the Silent Mountains, and then dispatch people at the right time to get the answer they are desperate for.

Lu Yu had a hunch that the Silent Mountain Range was not easy, and he also smelled the strangeness from the diligence of the Sanctuary elves.

A sixth-order magician can explain it because the child is low-pitched, and a group of sanctuary elves behave unusually.

After looking through the archives of the Silent Mountains, he also guessed what the elves wanted to do.

Although he had made an agreement with the Elf King, he would only bring Sigrid and the others with him when he entered, and he did not need the help of the Elf.

But what if the elves form a team by themselves, do not follow themselves, and explore the Silent Mountains alone?

After all, the Silent Mountains are in Soleisan’s territory, and Lu Yu can’t stop them from moving.

However, Lu Yu didn’t add material to Lulutis’ potion list this time. He honestly gave this group of elves the correct list.

Because he was sure that the things in the Silent Mountains were far from being as simple as they appeared on the surface.

After sorting out the information, Lu Yu found that the communication between the first team and the second team had reached the “light” before they were completely destroyed.

The first team said that they saw a brilliant stream of light.

The second team was irradiated by dazzling purple light before the attack, and there was a clear burning sensation in the eyes.

Considering that this group of people can still fight normally afterward, it can be determined that they are not blinded, but their eyes are uncomfortable after being irradiated by strong light.

Sigrid listened to the discussion between Lulutis and Lu Yu, and wrote down a noteworthy question.

“What is shining brightly?”

Next is the “giant” that both teams have mentioned.

The first team said that they saw a dark purple giant reflecting the figure of each of them.

This description is very strange, and Lulutis is considered to be well-read. The dark purple giant may be born with a vein of dark purple, but it can reflect the appearance of a person… Could it be that this giant is a mirror?

The giant that the second team faced was not described in detail, except that it was known to have moved in incredible ways.

The third problem is magic.

The reason why the Silent Mountains got their name is that the magic power is scarce in this place.

However, both teams actually said that they were attacked by their opponents with magic, and they said that there was magic everywhere.

After writing the third question, Sigrid had already written the last question in advance, raised her head, and looked at Lulutis.

“Is there really magic that can bring the dead back to life in this world?”

Lulutis snorted: “If there is really magic that can revive the dead, then the way for high-level magicians to avoid death now is not to study how to replace the ‘new body’.”

“Resurrection of the dead, this kind of magic has never appeared before, even in the imagination, it is also a tenth-level magic.”

“Huo Gu also said before that there are still ranks after the tenth order, so I doubt whether the power to resurrect the dead can be mastered by magicians.”

Lu Yu touched his chin and muttered, “Maybe at the last moment, what they saw was not the dead but an illusion?”

“It’s not ruled out that there is something that can manipulate corpses, but I have certain doubts that corpses can be kept in that place for hundreds of years without decomposing.” Lulutis did not deny Lu Yu’s guess.

When it comes to magic, Lulutis is always full of energy.

Along the way, she was said to be in the same boat with Lu Yu, but more often she just assumed the role of an encyclopedia.

If something really happened, it still depends on Lu Yu’s performance.

In actual combat, Sigrid is better than her.

His biggest role seems to be to act as a super shield to ensure Lu Yu’s safety.

A seventh-order magician eats and sleeps every day, sleeps and eats, stands on the shoulders of his companions and naps when he is idle, and then plays landlords with his companions when he is idle…

Therefore, Lulutis is always active when she can help Lu Yu.

“We have the fog demon to help us this time, so we should be able to bring in some more potions.” Lu Yu started the battle preparation discussion.

Aesop smiled and said goodbye when he saw this posture, saying that he would come over by himself after dinner.

Before leaving, Aesop also took away two administrators who were still sorting books.

Seeing Aesop clearing the field, Sigrid spoke freely.

“Anyway, it doesn’t cost us any money. We will ask them for more difficult-to-collect materials to make better potions. Even if we can’t use them in the Silent Mountains, we can continue to use them in the future.”

After a long journey, Sigrid has lost the cutesy look she would have in Yasna, and is completely a shrewd little housekeeper.

“I agree, Lulutis, please pick a few potions with strong generality and report a list, add more ingredients, and let the elves of the Sanctuary help us.”

During the conversation, the mist demon who had been transforming back and forth between the book and the orange interjected rarely.

“Lulu, you can also take this opportunity to try to refine my transforming potion!”

Saying that, the fog demon turned into another Lulutis, dangling in front of her, and the imitated tentacles swayed back and forth, making people dizzy.

Since traveling with Lu Yu, the fog demon has been suffering, but it is not that Lu Yu’s team treated her badly, but the food.

She used to live with Huo Gu, and she absorbed magic to improve her life. As a life condensed by magic, as long as she had magic, she would not feel hungry.

And Huo Gu’s eating made the onlookers have no appetite at all, so she had no concept of delicious food at all.

I have never seen the light, I could have endured the darkness.

Along the way, Lu Yu made delicious food for Sigrid and Lulutis, and she could only watch…

“Practice, you can practice, as long as there are materials, I will help you, wait, I will write a list.”

Lulutis also felt that if the wool was not white or white, they would have to take a commission to deal with the big trouble of the Silent Mountains.

Seeing that the elves of the Sanctuary took Lulutis’s list like a treasure, Lu Yu sincerely hoped that they would do more mental exercise, and try to figure out what they were doing by arranging and combining them.

Finding the administrator who was squatting outside reading a book, Lu Yu asked, “Is there any record about the incomplete elves in the Silent Mountains?”

The administrator searched for a long time, and asked a lot of people, only to find a few miscellaneous journals that recorded what these elves saw and heard near the Silent Mountains.

There is not much useful information, but Lu Yu still found something worth noting.

The reason why these elves went to the Silent Mountains was not because it was a feng shui treasure, and they went voluntarily.

It was because Duke Mel and the surrounding knights drove all the disabled elves in the territory there.

Externally, it is to keep them away from harassment, and to open up wasteland in exchange for the respect of the tribe.

Actually exile.

Over time, it became a consensus to throw disabled elves in the Silent Mountains.

The environment of the Silent Mountains is extremely harsh for elves. The basic entertainment of the monsters here is hunting, and they have an excellent appetite and are not picky eaters, so the elves’ small body is also on their recipes.

Few of the disabled elves have been able to systematically learn magic and self-defense techniques since they were born. They were exiled to such wild places, and it was the mercy of the gods that they could die without pain.

In order to survive, these elves unite together.

Regardless of origin, age, or age, they help each other, huddled humbly in a few caves to live.

According to subsequent records, none of the elves who were exiled into the Silent Mountains in the early days were spared.

On the contrary, it was a good time for the exiled elves to catch up with the king of elves and to turn the tide.

They were able to settle down on the outskirts of the Silent Mountains, and were allowed by the Elf King to set up a mercenary guild, recruiting outstanding people to help with defense.

The reason why they didn’t send troops, Lu Yu asked Aesop, was also because it was Duke Mel’s territory, and it was not convenient for the Elf King to directly intervene, so he could only help them in this way.

During the time when the monsters in the Silent Mountains attacked the surrounding towns, the Elf King also took the opportunity to allocate the territory of Duke Mel, whose influence in the territory had declined, to the disabled elves, giving them a new place to live.

Seeing that Lu Yu read the information about the disabled elves for a long time, Lulutis wondered: “What are you doing? The problem of the Silent Mountains should be related to Sayer, right?”

Lu Yu closed the book full of blood and tears, and his mood was still unsteady. Hearing Lulutis say this, he nodded blankly and said subconsciously.

“It’s just intuition, it’s fine.”

The timeless genius Sayer Lucamia is human, not elf.

Sayer was just born seven hundred years before the vision in the Silent Mountains, so it should have nothing to do with him.


More than a hundred years ago, the curse that could taint the language ability in the monsters of the Silent Mountains was indeed Sayer’s handwriting.

Sayer had been dead for nearly five hundred years by this time.

The two times didn’t match, which made Lu Yu quite confused.

If Sayer really came to the Silent Mountains, why did he come, and what did he do in the Silent Mountains, so that this land gradually became fierce.

Too many puzzles haunt Lu Yu’s mind, and all the answers are hidden in this place that has already made Soreson feel uneasy.

In the next few days, Lu Yu and his party, who were concentrating on preparing for the trip to the Silent Mountains, hardly ever left their residence.

Sigrid continued to chew on the book, hoping to find some clues.

Having obtained the materials, Lulutis kept fiddling with the potions in the room. Because she now has the strength of Tier 3, the refined potions are more stable than before, and there will not be a lot of waste.

As for Lu Yu, he was constantly improving his action plan after entering the Silent Mountains.

Unlike the battle against the goblins in Yas, this time he had absolutely no idea who his enemy was.

Crystal-level warriors, who are comparable to sixth-order magicians, enter the Silent Mountains to deliver food, and the danger level of this operation is full.

But…they have to go.

The seal of Lulutis and the secrets left by the ninth-order magician who surpassed the times all attracted Lu Yu and his party to explore.

The Silent Mountains will not invalidate the summons, but as the depth increases and the suppression effect increases, Lu Yu will not be able to recover his magic power.

Once the summoned object is destroyed in the process, and the price needs to be paid in advance, then Lu Yu, who is short of magic power in his body, may have a big problem.

Therefore, Lu Yu selected one from the list of summons to test the consciousness of the world, and decided to bring a crystal that stored more magic power than the magic core in case of emergency.

During this period, Lu Yu learned through Aesop that the elves of the Sanctuary gathered together almost every day to study Lulutis’s list of refining medicines.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Lu Yu lived close to the palace, they even wanted to peep at the process of refining medicine.

Study well, study hard!

With so many materials, after arranging and combining, it is estimated that your Sanctuary elves were first warned by the group of highly respected high-level magicians.

Every day, the discarded medicinal dregs and failed potions of Lulutis will be burned again by the mist demon and Sigrid in the courtyard with the phosphor powder specially used for corpse destruction, and even a little bit before burning. “Material”, even if the sanctuary elves picked up the garbage, they could only vaguely recognize a sparse part.

Seeing that more and more potions were successfully refined in the room, Lu Yu actually felt a joy of harvest.

Seeing that it was almost time, Lu Yu went to the palace and saw the elf king who had just finished dealing with government affairs and had a tired face.

The Elf King was apologetic when he saw Lu Yu’s visit.

“Sorry, I’ve been away for too long, there are a lot of things to deal with, and I couldn’t accompany me in person.”

Lu Yu didn’t think there was anything, but told the Elf King that his preparations were basically completed, and as long as the refining of the medicine was finished, he could set off.

Hearing this news, the Elf King stood up excitedly and paced excitedly, but then he was embarrassed.

After he hesitated for a while, the Elf King said: “Sir Lu Yu, forgive me, you told me before that you don’t want someone to accompany you into the Silent Mountain Range. I may not be able to guarantee it any more.”

“The Sanctuary has organized people and found a lot of mercenaries, and plans to conduct a third exploration. Their exploration has been approved by the Sanctuary and the elders. Even if I am the king, I can’t stop them this time. Act, after all, the Silent Mountains are there…”

“The only thing I can guarantee is that I won’t let them follow you and pester you.”

Lu Yu smiled and took a sip of tea, thanking the Elf King for his kindness.

As he walked out of the palace, the corners of his mouth rose.

Looking back at the palace, he murmured, “I can stop them from following me, but I can’t stop them from exploring… You don’t just want them to die, right?”

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