My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 345

Chapter 333: Incarnation Of Radiance

Olga was patiently checking the boundaries of the territory.

Beside her, the members of the former Pope’s Knights and the current battle team were holding the magic equipment distributed by Sigrid, carefully confirming the operation of the warning circle.

Since the dominant race vampire sent someone to compensate for the loss of the territory and took away the rice bug that was imprisoned in the small black house, the vampire who was still active in the vicinity immediately disappeared.

Perhaps it has something to do with Broken Gold City’s vigorous “reward”, but everyone is more willing to believe that it was the appearance of the nuns in black and the Pope’s Knights that made the blood tribe firmly believe that the Church of the Church controlled this area.

Sigrid was happy to see such a harmonious scene, so she deliberately let the nuns in black and the Pope Knights go out for a few laps. Unsurprisingly, the blood race disappeared more completely.

There is no foreign aggression for the time being, so the reclamation and construction in the territory are going very smoothly.

The slimes lost in the blood race began to split after a period of recuperation. The birth of seventeen little slimes attracted everyone’s attention. They were only the size of their fists and could be held in the palm of their hands. Capturing Lu Yu and others will naturally capture these generally young newcomers to the Church.

Compared with the older generation of slimes who needed to develop the taste of juice, this batch of young slimes were predetermined as guardian monsters in the territory.

Warren finds Sigrid.

“Based on observations, the batch of slimes I brought back was splintered, so I needed some other breeds of slimes.”

Lu Yu and the others were not at home. Sigrid was busy every day facing a bunch of newcomers who were just getting used to the environment. At this time, when she heard Warren’s words, she subconsciously asked, “Why?”

“One is to enrich the types of slimes in the territory. It takes a long time for a divided slime to gradually transform into other types of slimes under the cultivation of a specific environment, um… This is seen from the scroll. ”

“I remember you don’t know how to read.”

“Olga learned it, read it to me… don’t worry, I’m studying hard.”

Sigrid encouraged: “Okay, I’m looking forward to it… please continue.”

“Some of the people sent back by the lords are very good at farming, planting, and animal husbandry, but they have no experience in raising monsters like Slim, so I can only explore by myself… Well, do you want to try it?”

Sigrid, who was accustomed to the jumpy talk of Warren, took the cup of green juice and took a sip.

“Grass-like smell, earthy smell, a little orange-like sweetness mixed in it… It’s a complex taste.” Sigrid finished the description with difficulty.

If it was placed before, she would only give a brief evaluation of “unpleasant”.

“The taste of the juice has changed, but the unique ‘flavor’ of its own is a bit too obvious, maybe I need more experimentation, more practice, in general…I need more slime to serve as experimental samples, imagine Just slap the heads of these slimes to get drinks that are similar to alcohol, and the taste may be more mellow and changeable… Even Lord Lu Yu is looking forward to this.”

Sigrid had to affirm Warren’s rigor and drive, she said: “Tomorrow, the people from the battle team will go to the coast further south of the territory to pick up a shipment of goods, you can follow them and search on the road. ”

“It will be more convenient to buy domesticated ones. I still need to domesticate wild slimes. This batch of jungle slimes took me almost two years.”

Sigrid covered her forehead and sighed: “This can only be decided after our three ‘reliable’ lords come back. The city-states around Broken Gold City do not have the Slime Ranch industry.”

Warren left with regret, and he could understand the helplessness of Sigrid, the acting lord.

Today’s meatloaf was extraordinarily sweet, and Sigrid nodded frequently after only one bite.

The two chefs who were young and had no foundation, and whose craftsmanship was popular with Laurent, received unanimous praise from everyone as soon as they arrived in the territory.

Before, they were not as skilled as those old masters in the Pope’s Tower, and could only be responsible for the rations of the nuns and servants in black. Now they are managing the meals of more than 100 people, and their sense of responsibility makes them get up early every day and go to the dark.

And their ability is really good, whether it is pasta or hot dishes, they have won praise from everyone.

This is the advantage of the acting lord. Sigrid, who is by Lu Yu’s side, has also become a little picky about what she eats. From grilling herself, to cooking and testing the water, and then to researching in her spare time, she feels more and more that the ingredients are cooked. It is a great science.

As Lu Yu said, if you are just full, all kinds of food are the same, but if you want to eat well, most people have not started, even he himself.

Sigrid still doesn’t understand what Lu Yu’s hometown looks like. He can keep his mouth so cunning. He eats everything when he’s not picky. Make seasonings.

Before she was full, the black-clothed nun Zi Xing came over.

“Zixing, let’s eat together. Today’s meatloaf is delicious.”

Zi Xing, who is accustomed to living here, is also welcome. He picked up the meat pie in the basket and took a bite: “The stone and wood used for construction are somewhat lacking. I heard that the lords previously prohibited the cutting of surrounding trees and mining of stone, which can be used for long distances. It is very laborious to transport, and we want to use the stupid dragon.”

“Benlong is going out with the battle team tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow… Can’t magic solve the problem?”

“The speed is too slow. Didn’t you say that you should speed up the pace and complete the construction of the living area as soon as possible, so that everyone does not have to rest in the first and second floors of the unfinished castle?”

“Okay…Okay, it seems that I have to do statistics on the personnel in the territory.” Sigrid sighed after sending Zixing away. This thought was another matter to be dealt with.

Before Sigrid could leave the territory to go shopping in Broken Gold City, the people from the animal husbandry group came to her again.

“Division of animal husbandry?” Sigrid’s head was a little big.

The former nuns in black, perfectly adapted to the change of status, explained it to Sigrid respectfully and earnestly.

The temporary pastures for cattle, sheep and pigs have been decided, but Sigrid still needs to decide on the delineation of the fence and the pasture. Who knows which kind of meat the three lords prefer to eat?

Sigrid said apologetically: “We can only maintain the stocking state temporarily. Let’s work hard for a while, and we can solve it when our three ‘reliable’ lords come back.”

The black-clothed nun covered her mouth and snickered, looking like she had come out of the news of Laurent’s death.

A few days ago, everyone in the territory asked Sigrid to give them half a day to mourn Laurene, and Sigrid naturally agreed. Seeing these people kneeling, crying or grief, Sigrid stroked Laurene. The dagger that Lund gave him was also a little heavy.

Sigrid, who also did not believe in God, recalled Laurent’s appearance, and prayed for him to a **** who did not know whether it existed or not.

“Lord Sigrid!”

The people who came trotting were two craftsmen. Because of the shortage of construction staff, they have been helping recently. Instead, it was their own craftsman’s shop, and the furnace was slow to progress.

“Sir Sigrid, I bought you the tools for forging… I promised for a long time.”

Sigrid took out the pamphlet and glanced at it, and apologized embarrassingly: “I’ll help you pay attention right away, by the way, do you have any good recommendations?”

“Kedzoen!” The two of them said in unison.

Because of contact with a large number of foreign races, there are more active adventurers in the territory of Kodzorn than Sleigo.

Some people have needs, and when there is demand, they will promote the improvement and progress of craftsmanship. Therefore, the equipment and utensils of Kedzuoen have always been loved by all ethnic groups in Mela. Even aliens will buy them through trade routes. Sometimes adventurers in the wild There are even alien corpses that can be seen holding the craftsmanship of Kodzorn…

Their territory is located in the southwest corner of the entire Mera, while Kodzorn is located on the east side of the Four Kingdoms region.

“It’s a bit far…”

“But the quality is guaranteed.”

“Okay, I wrote it down for you. I’m sorry that this is another matter that needs to be decided by the lord. I can’t do it for you…”

Sigrid misses Lu Yu and the others very much. They left very dashingly, but it is too torturous to leave a bunch of problems that she can’t make decisions about!

“Come back, please come back quickly!” Sigrid kept shouting in her heart.

Perhaps because of her sincerity, Sigrid had just finished inspecting the second warehouse where the food was stored, when she heard a burst of cheers in the territory.

Three Pegasus appeared in the distant sky, that familiar appearance… Sigrid burst into tears!

“We’re home, we’re home!” As soon as Lu Lu got off his horse, he jumped back to his room, closed the door, and closed himself… Oh, he started to develop medicine.

But she quickly ran out again, because she suddenly remembered that Sera and Lu Yu had forbidden her to make dangerous attempts indoors.

Bailang walked over slowly and leisurely with a bunch of little wolves. He sniffed Lu Yu’s scent, as if he wanted to strengthen the already thin impression, while Lu Yu hugged his big head and rubbed hard.

After returning, he saw that everything in the territory was prosperous, orderly, and much more lively than before. Lu Yu’s heart was extremely peaceful, and a little smile filled his entire face, causing the corners of his mouth to rise.

“Good job, Sigrid,” Sera praised.

Sigrid sighed: “You guys are coming back. When you come back, quickly give me a I know I know, but at least let’s settle one important thing first.” Lu Yu said, Then he and Sierra Lulu entered the room.

Radiant Avatar is already waiting here.

Sera gave her the scroll that Laurend gave to Guangwu, the head of the incarnation of glory, and motioned her to open it.

Confused, after she opened it and read it carefully, she was slightly startled.

The scroll explained two things about Guangwu. One was to cooperate with Lu Yu to let his ashes leave the church.

The second is for Guangwu to remove her from the Avatar of Radiance.

“Do you see what he meant?” Sierra asked.

The glorious incarnation knelt halfway toward the three of them: “I did feel the will of Pope Laurent… I was homeless and naturally lost the name of the glorious incarnation and the corresponding code.”

“Perhaps it’s time for you to introduce us to your original name.”

“Mirei,” said the Radiant Avatar.

The three looked at each other and smiled, and stepped forward to support this special radiance incarnation who could be easily removed.

Mi Lei is the product of the combination of her father and the Kraken. Although she was born with the blood of the Kraken, she was exceptionally joined in the ranks of glorious incarnations under Laurent’s advice, but this tolerance and enlightenment will also disappear with his departure. .

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