My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 353

Chapter 341: They Will Come Back Eventually

In just a few days, there have been incidents of stones falling to the ground and almost hurting people due to the failure of the magic. The first incident happened to be Serra at the scene, and the nun in black survived.

In the second incident, thanks to the group raised by Warren, the docile and lovely jungle slime was keenly aware of the abnormality, and recklessly rammed the person under the stone, thus avoiding the tragedy.

The two chubby jungle slimes lost most of their bodies because of the falling boulders – their instinct to avoid danger enabled them to activate the elemental power, and by the way, they moved away the core that maintains life and basic consciousness, although the whole is weak. Less, but fortunately still alive.

With the advent of the magic tide, the frequency of magic fluctuations became larger and larger. When the safety was not guaranteed, Sera stopped the construction of the entire Dawn collar.

And the two heroes Slime were quickly loved by everyone in the territory, and Warren quickly received a question about “what preparations need to be taken to adopt Slime”.

This was obviously far beyond Warren’s expectations. He bought Slime back in order to experiment with “juices” of various flavors, but Lu Yu jokingly named this juice [Slime Chewing Wine].

Warren doesn’t understand why it’s wine, and chewing doesn’t seem right, because Slime’s way of eating is decomposition, the same way as dark jellyfish, Lu Yu should be very clear…

However, the fact that Lu Yu often throws out strange words is already known to everyone in the territory, so Warren didn’t bother too much, and also recognized the name.

All in all, Slime, who was supposed to be a member of the ranch, suddenly broke into the hearts of many people in the territory as a pet. Before that, Slime had always been a representative of low-minded monsters, and most people could not talk about them. Like – they are born with affinity and magic, and they will always appear in some strange areas, causing unimaginable troubles to people.

Purple Star carelessly came to the slime cellar built by Warren. Under the soft grinding and hard bubbles, Warren couldn’t resist the offensive, so he had to teach her a water element slime brought back from the Slago ranch. .

“I definitely can’t give it to the second person. The slimes haven’t split and reproduced, and the number is not enough!” Warren looked at the slimes who were bouncing around his feet and made up his mind.

“Walun, Sera wants a fire element slime to keep warm. Pick one for me, and I’ll take it.”

Valen was stunned by Olga’s words. After a while, he nodded, and then blankly selected one from his feet and handed it to Olga.

“Lord Sera is the lord, it’s right to take one, and nothing else to say…”

“Forgot, Lord Lulu also needs one, the one that I held before and used as a pillow.”


Fortunately, Lu Yu didn’t ask Valen for Slime on a whim. The whole territory took a short rest, waiting for the cold season to come, and he could naturally read books in his room with peace of mind.

Lu Yu was holding the writing and facing the fireplace. On the left was the snow demon version of Lu Lu, and on the right was the light jellyfish that filled himself with light like a lamp. The warm heat wave of the fireplace is gently resolved by the coldness of the snow monster maintaining its own existence… It’s so comfortable, this feeling is comparable to turning on the air conditioner to cover the quilt in summer!

The books Lu Yu flipped through could not be described as too obscure, but the content full of dry goods was extremely tiring. From time to time, he would turn his head to admire the face of “Lu Lu”, and then continue to read the book contentedly – this is better than running through the warehouse to see the mountains piled up. The rich variety of food still needs to be decompressed, just watch carefully for more than ten seconds, and all the mental fatigue will be swept away!


“Xu Yu, it doesn’t matter if you have a long knowledge of historical documents, but you need to help me secure the door, don’t let the fog demon or other people suddenly push the door in.”

“I know, this is the third time you’ve said it, I’m your engraved summon, am I that unreliable?” Xu Yu pouted, “Summoning a snow demon Lulu secretly…”

“You do not understand!”

“Yes, yes, I don’t understand. I’m very curious about the book you’re reading now. Vanessa wrote the entry-level doll-making manual. The books on the table next to you were also written by Vanessa. Doll making book, tsk tsk tsk…”

Xu Yu held his cheeks: “I won’t say what you want to do, do you want me to help you?”

“Help…help what?”

“According to the magician, Vanessa’s book was written more than 500 years ago. It should only be useful for newcomers. Pull it there…” Xu Yihe smiled, “I can borrow it for you.”

“Anti-God Evil God”

“I haven’t learned to walk yet, so are you ready to let me run?”

“After that, after you learn to walk, do you need my help?”



“That’s right, buy my stomach from now on, I’m going to eat sweet and sour dishes tonight!”

Lu Yu felt that he was pinched to death by Xu Yi, but Clorence’s experience in making dolls…he was really moved.

Vanessa’s introductory puppet making basically achieved hand-to-hand teaching, and only had to take a spoon to put knowledge into Lu Yu’s mouth, so when summarizing, he already had a strong idea of hands-on practice.

But the first goal obviously can’t be Lulu, it must be perfect, and it must be done in one step, so he needs to get something else to practice his hands first…

Just when Lu Yu was thinking about it, Xu sighed “tsk tsk tsk”.

“How do you know about the Impregnated Spirit War?” Xu Yu suddenly asked.

“It’s okay, there are many documents about the war, the four major countries, and even the entire Mela clan, so I read a lot of books in my spare time during my stay in the Pope’s Tower.”

“The Six Pillars of Solon, they died soon after the war ended and Solon founded the country… Obviously they paid so much, but in the end the throne was won by a family other than the Six Pillars.”

This point mentioned by Xu Yu also made Lu Yu feel a little emotional.

Solon’s Six Pillars died one after another in less than a month after the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

In fact, Laurent, and even Royer himself, believed in another possibility.

The body of these six heroes has been greatly damaged by the war of impregnated spirits. They have been fighting monsters that can pollute their spirits for a long time. Their minds are on the verge of collapse. Lias was born on the corpse and held on.

Among the six pillars, five people are from humble backgrounds, and only one is of noble blood. They were oppressed and abused in Melias era. People who can’t breathe in the shadows.

Natural disasters, man-made disasters, and infecting spirits, there are too many sufferings in this land.

In the end, with their promotion and efforts, Solon was established, the spirit of impregnation disappeared, and the last obsession of the six of them also dissipated.

Even the controversial first emperor of Slago, who had the bad deceit of deceiving dragons, was always the one who took the lead in every battle in that catastrophe. The books of all races, even the dragon race, recorded him and the death squad as summoners. They opened up the records of the space for placing summons.

The first emperor of Sleige ruled for only three years, and he couldn’t afford to get drunk at a banquet.

The first emperor of Kedzorn is even more legendary. He was infected by the spirit of impregnation, but he resisted the erosion with incredible willpower. After the war, he was always tormented by hallucinations and pain. During the six years he was in power, the regime of half of the time was jointly controlled by his friends who fought **** battles with him.

After the death of the first generation of shadow guards, these friends who later became the first generation of shadow guards did not accept the persuasion of anyone in the country to enter, nor did they kill each other because of their rights, but invariably supported the young son of the first generation emperor, until he completely took power and then retired. Behind the scenes, and collectively died the following year.

The greatest treasure they left to the son of an old man was the Shadow Guard.

Laurent had seen the sealed scrolls while visiting Codzon.

The group of friends who fought against Melias with the first emperor of Kodzoen, and later against the Impregnated Spirit, only had six people left when the country was founded. They had agreed that they would never betray each other until they died.

Agreed, the most weighty and least weighty thing is as fragile as an alliance.

However, this fragile item was guarded by six people. They held the bottom line in that turbulent era as if to explain what friendship was, and ushered in their own ending.

The spirit of impregnation, this catastrophe that affected the entire Mela, united the human beings who were fighting against each other, fighting against each other, and fighting against each other.

The glorious era is the wealth left by every hero in all those eras to future generations. It pierced the shadow of Melias, the giant owl, which was cast on this land.

Since then, there has been no such dazzling light.

Laurent said that he was moved and wept when he read that history. Lu Yu, as an outsider, was so excited when he read it.

Loyalty, benevolence, trust, friendship, bravery and many other beautiful qualities can be found in that dark age. They gathered together little by little and finally defeated the giant hand that strangled human existence, leading the human race to stand for the first time. The pinnacle of Mela Continent.

Lu Yu, who recalled that period of history, was pulled back to reality by Xu Yu’s big action of rummaging through books.

“What are you looking for?”

“Oh, I want to see if there are scholars who study what the spirit of impregnation is and how it appeared.” Xu Yu asked, “Aren’t you curious, such a strange life appears silently, spreading like a plague. All over Meera, and disappeared in a very short period of time.”

“According to my reading during this period of time, there is no country or race in the books that proposes to ‘solve the spirit of impregnation’. It can infect creatures with impunity again.”

Lu Yu was also puzzled by the question raised by Xu Yu.

The power of the impregnated spirit to pollute the mind and turn the polluted into a source of pollution is very powerful. In the early days of the war, all races were defeated, and only the dragon relied on powerful magic to defeat some remotely.

How severe is the contamination of the impregnated spirit?

A detail of the fall of the Raging Crest dragon is described in the historical accounts of the elves north of Solon.

The dragon, which relies on the advantage of flying, cleans up a large number of pollution sources, but he was actually infected by a group of polluted birds and a few flying monsters.

The forest spirits only saw the flock of birds flying back and forth on the dragon’s body. Soon after, the dragon fell to the ground as if bewitched, and was completely polluted by the numerous infested spirits on the ground.

Some people were contaminated by mushrooms buried in the soil while walking, while others were contaminated by flying insects and monsters hidden on the branches of trees.

In that war, warriors of all races fought against the spirit of impregnation, like the warriors who cleaned the “roof” in Chernobyl. They could only use the method of countdown fighting. When the time came, they had to return.

In the actual war, the warriors can’t do this at all. In the end, they can only exchange one by one with the belief of mortal.

Such a powerful pollution ability, if they themselves are a kind of “energy”, why would their energy suddenly deplete rapidly, and then there would be a situation where they could no longer be infected and left to be slaughtered?

Is there a close relationship between the pollution levels of infected Otherwise, why did they lose their pollution ability together?

After countless questions could not be answered, they traced back to the source, and countless later scholars also raised the same question.

“Where did they come from?”

The earliest reports of impregnated spirits originate from northwest Melias, the location north of what is now the Crest of Fury and bordering the elves’ territory.

After the war, a large number of scholars explored the surrounding area and found nothing.

In this lifeless area devastated by the Infected Spirit, there is not a single trace of the Infected Spirit, only countless infected corpses are scattered, and when they arrive, they have become the perfect fertilizer to nourish this troubled land.

The major countries firmly believe that the spirit of impregnation has not been solved by them, because no country has discovered the source of the spirit of impregnation, they are just struggling to organize the refugees, unite together, and resist the attack again and again.

Among them, in order to find out the truth, they did send death squads to go deep into the densely populated area of infected spirits, but each team was completely silent.

This is simply a fantasy. At its peak, the infected spirit that attacked the entire Mela lost its combat power in less than a month, and the original source of infection could not be traced.

“It can’t be divine punishment, can it?”

The sarcastic words spoken by the first emperor of Slego were recorded, and for a long time thereafter were considered plausible explanations by scholars of the Impregnated Spirit.

And that madman, struggling between hallucinations, dreams, and reality all day long, unable to distinguish any one of them, the first emperor of Kedzorn said such a paragraph before his death.

“They, maybe make a comeback.”

“Maybe today, maybe tomorrow!”

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