My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 360

Chapter 348: Please, Soak This Land!

Popular recommendation:

“In the summer of the 274th year of the new lunar calendar of Mela, there was a great flood, the fields were destroyed, and the plague was full of plagues. Thirty-seven city taxes were not reduced but donated, and half of the empire’s food relief went into the hands of the honorable. Grain, caused a commotion, and was suppressed. The following year, the number of slaves in the thirty-seven cities increased by 430,000, and the number of deaths … unknown.”

“In the 276th year of Mela’s new calendar, there was a severe drought in the Civita area, seventeen cities were affected, and no grains were harvested. The various tribes of Civita asked the lords to delay the harvest of grain, but they were rejected. Those without slave status would rather flee to slavery than become slaves. The following year, the Civita region experienced an unprecedented number of beast tides that have not been seen in decades.”

“In the 277th year of Mela’s new calendar, there was a severe drought in Shaman, and the three-year surplus in the lord’s treasury was unwilling to give relief, but forced the lords to voluntarily become slaves.”

The snow monster paused and jumped the time: “Meera’s new calendar year 570, Shaman poisonous fog, 150,000 casualties, because there were many nobles and kings behind the scenes, and most of the casualties were aliens, and it was finally settled. .”

“Mela’s 571st year, the Shortland plague, the lord bewitched the alien race to ‘voluntarily’ participate in the potion experiment, backlash, corpse explosion, resulting in the spread of the plague, the cat-eared tribe was ten rooms and nine empty, the black owl reported, the army blocked, The truth is buried.”

“Stop talking!” Royer yelled, his eyes were red at the moment.

He was afraid to shake himself.

“Unbearable?” the Yeti asked. “I said that, unlike you, I exist in the history you read, witnessing one sickening vicious cycle after another. It’s not just Solon. Ecclesiastical State, Slygo, Kedzorn, Siren, Elves… Haha, maybe there is no need to call names, because all races are like this, all are like this!”

“Destruction has never been my first choice. In the darkest times of every era, there have been heroic deeds that made my heart surging. They shine on the earth like a brilliant sun, dispel the darkness, and warm the scarred life.”

“Divek V and VII of Solon, Ratten and Sir Neland of Sleago, the Knights of the Exalted of Corderzorn, Pope Laurent of the Ecclesiastical State… and many, many more. , they stood firm in the darkness, and added the last splendor to the glories that have gone away.”

Royer’s body became weaker and weaker, and he saw his confused self on the surface of the knife that was dripping with rain.

The snow monster sighed, and there was an indescribable sadness on the stone-like face.

“It was a miracle that the light they released echoed each other in the long history, engraved the historical praise of what they did, and led the people to believe and look forward to the future. However, their light is so short in the long history, forward Backwards, darkness.”

“The miracle they built has become the capital that the mediocre, incompetent, and tyrant can squander. The creatures that rule this land remain unchanged, rotten, selfish, and cruel!”

Royer’s chest was filled with anger, and he shouted angrily: “So you are going to bring disaster and make the miserable people on this earth even more desperate, nibbled up, and abandoned!”

“Assassinating DeVek was one of the few things I did with my heart. When the spear was stabbed, I was sober from my obsession.” The Yeti said, “He died and nothing would change. I have always known this fact. But after comparing it with the option of releasing dip… I chose to try.”

“You are hesitating, and it is now. That’s why you chose to bring me here. You long for someone to stop your madness!”

The Yeti shook his head firmly.

“For hundreds of years, I have had unrealistic illusions, thinking that this land will welcome self-examination at a certain moment, and the festering and festering wounds will heal naturally.” The Yeti laughed at himself, “I was wrong, Not at all!”

“What happened in the past, is happening now, and will happen again in the future. No one really learned the lesson and woke up in time, they just became numb and took a chance thinking that the reckoning will always be tomorrow, or even not at all.”

“In the past, like you, I felt pity for these unarmed, yellow-faced and skinny poor people, thinking that they should not fall into a more desperate situation, but I gradually realized…”

“Goodness can’t change the status quo,” the Yeti said.

There was no trace of anger in his calm tone, and there was no light in his eyes looking into the distance.

Sects deceive people, sects monopolize knowledge, nobles are greedy and shallow, royals are conservative and selfish…

The Yeti no longer holds out any hope for the future that can be seen in the continuation of this era.

Over the centuries, he has seen many miracles, lifting the plummeting empire, and in the end, only a few more memorable stories and heroes have been added to the history books, but the reality has not changed.

Disappointment again and again made his heart numb.

“It is precisely because of the indecision that this land is like a pool of stagnant water.” The snow monster took a deep breath, “The boundless pain will come to a short-term end after today, and everything will be reborn.”

Royer stood up. Although he was trembling, he found the persistence in his heart.

“I will stop you.”

He stepped back, took hold of the knife, and toughness returned to his face again.

“This is stupid, you agree with me, understand me, and the sight you see when you walk in Mela is the same as mine. The snake people at the foot of the snow-capped mountains on the west side of the church like to use poison as medicine. There is such a saying among their tribes” Poison can kill people, but it can also save people’. The spirit of impregnation is both poison and antidote!”

Royer was silent, the knife was tilted, the center of gravity was lowered, and the eyes full of killing intent had already locked on the snow monster.

“You don’t understand, just like me when I found Dip Dye, I still have a shred of hope for this land.” The Yeti turned his back to Royer and returned to the place to draw his spear, and gave his final advice earnestly, “Give up Well, the dim light doesn’t light up all this, and if you still hold up your knife and block my way…you’ll die.”

Snow fell suddenly in the pouring rain, and the fine ice **** slapped on Royer’s face.

With the snow monster as the center, the earth begins to freeze, the chilling chill winds its way like a snake, and everything fades away wherever it goes.

The speed is comparable to the dancing arc in the dark clouds, Royer’s knife light with a shrill scream, cut through the heavy rain curtain and reached the snow monster’s face.

The skills that the sixth-order martial artist has honed over a long period of time have been brought to the extreme by him.

This blow is enough to cut off the claws of the dragon.

The snow monster didn’t move. The moment Royer struck the knife, he sang the obscure words softly. It was a magical voice that cannot be easily imitated by the human vocal organs. The speed of speech was fast and steady, and the tones fluctuated and irregular. The strange rhythm stirred the surrounding magic, and in the blink of an eye, the cold mist enveloped the snow monster’s body.

The ruthless knife touched the white mist as thin as a veil and was quickly stripped of all its strength, and seemed to be swallowed by an invisible giant beast that could not be seen.

Another knife, the knife wind overturned the ground, bringing up the wet soil, and the mud-yellow “waterline” was once again swallowed by the white mist.

The boring, monotonous, and not gorgeous scenes are the true portrayal of the battle between warriors and magicians.

Krakens are naturally friendly with magic, and their ability to awaken, almost “word spirit”, allows some of them to have more choices.

Martial arts have never been the snow monster’s best, magic is.

The snow monster standing behind the white fog closed his eyes: “The hope you long for is like a warrior, something that has been abandoned by the times.”

“How many times have you practiced waving your arms for this knife?”

“For this moment, how much sweat have you tried your best?”

“The road is dead, let’s change it.”

Royer, who used all his strength to slash two knives, trembled in his right hand at this time, and the strength beyond his arm made him unable to hold the long knife he relied on the most.

Royer tore up his shirt and tied his hands to a knife.

No matter how to forge oneself, breaking the physical limit is still out of reach. Trapped in the times, the only way for a martial artist to cross that step is to overdraw himself.

Royer had already realized it, but the Yeti saw through everything.

The high-pitched singing attracted the rain from the anime, and a pair of giant hands solidified on the top of Royer’s head, pressing down hard while blood beads were oozing out of his right arm.

Royer, who was focusing on the front, had already reacted. He wanted to smash the menacing seventh-order magic, but the white mist that suddenly hit him distracted his attention. In the next second, he was knocked to the ground by the giant flowing water. ,lose consciousness.

“You forgot, I’m also a warrior.” Facing the unconscious Roye, the snow monster put down his arrogance for the first time, and there was a hint of admiration in his tone.

The Yeti bound Royer with magic power, took out the potion he carried with him, and applied it to his right arm.

Looking at Royer’s calloused hands and his face that didn’t match his age, the Yeti was a little disappointed.

The gap between magic and martial arts is getting bigger and bigger. When a conscious warrior tries to defeat a more powerful magician, his only choice is to burn himself and break through the limits of his body.

Even so, his life-threatening blow could still be defused by the sorcerer with fancy and practical magic.

Tier 6 is strong enough, but not enough to deal with him.

The Yeti didn’t intend to kill Royer, there are not many people as stupid as him in this era.

“I hope you don’t keep being so stupid…”

Leaving the magic messenger to deliver the final news, the snow monster walked to the beach without hesitation, and plunged headlong.

The snow monster’s legs were close together, and the water element that filled the surrounding quickly rushed towards him. In the soft chant, the huge snake tail replaced the snow monster’s lower body. Go under the sea.

There has been no intelligent life activity in this area for hundreds of years, and it is dead silent.

Occasionally saw a few small fish, their eyes were dull, and their body movements were slow and sluggish – they were not a source of pollution, but the infestation did affect them.

Without the help of lighting magic, his racial talent allowed him to quickly lock on the giant standing quietly on the seabed after a quick dive.

It takes more than courage to A strong unease occupies the heart of the snow monster the moment it enters the field of vision. Profound environment, but from “it”.

Half submerged in the sea mud, it maintained a posture similar to half-kneeling. Through the translucent dark purple spindle-shaped head, the Yeti endured the discomfort and confirmed the rhythmically flickering strange light spots.

Dip-dye, that’s all there is to it.

Having confirmed the basic operation of the carrier that maintains its existence, the snow monster raised his hand, and the moment his magic power surged, his movements froze for a moment, but the next second…

The snow monster resolutely pulls the pure water elements from all directions to gather around the body, and the waves set off by the surging magic power will sweep away the sea mud that covers the giant. A ‘storm.”

The light spot beats rapidly, and the quiet dark purple light gradually dazzles.

Like a shark smelling blood, “it” slowly raised its head – or, in other words, its upper body.

The huge spindle-shaped head flickered with purple light, and an invisible vortex was formed instantly, and the ubiquitous magic power was involved and swallowed.

Following the magic of the snow monster, the crystal giant stood up, and the broken magic crystal mirror that had not seen any signs of wear and tear after a long period of time reflected one snow monster after another, just like the LCD TV counter in a supermarket hypermarket – if this is not the deep sea, maybe would be more like.

This bizarre and terrifying scene did not make the snow monster flinch. Like Royer who died with a knife, he had already realized it.

“Come on… come with me.”

“For this suffocating era, embracing the occlusion, in exchange for the next brilliant possibility.”

“Please, dye this land!”

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