My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 372

Chapter 360: They Don’T Care

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One hundred and fifty-seven people in the Chenxi territory are all busy on the border at this moment.

The fog demon looked down from the sky, and on the snowy ground, a mud-yellow line slowly rose from the edge of the morning light collar.

The magic circle could not be guaranteed to be 100% effective due to the interference of the magic tide. Lu Yu mobilized Chen Xi to lead all the magicians to build a tall city wall on the original boundary line of the first phase. Borderline meetings are strengthened in this way.

In fact, this is not a city wall. The morning light collar has no time to polish the details. The magicians just mobilize the earth element and cast the earth attribute magic to make them stand like hills and connect with each other to block and slow down. The effect of the infected.

The leader of the civil engineering team, Yucao, was an outstanding talent who was admired by Laurent for his sand table models, woodworking stones, and architectural designs in his days as a black-clothed nun. Standing on a moving dirt hill, he constantly observed the surrounding “city walls”. .

Due to the fluctuation of magic power and the sudden occurrence of the incident, the height of all the mud city walls is limited. So far, only three people can be reached. Because of the cold weather, the safety problems caused by the splicing of soil and roughness have been solved to the greatest extent.

“Ah!” A startled breath caught Yucao’s attention, and she looked back.

The huge body of the big bowl gradually became illusory, and the soil and gravel attached to his body scattered like a waterfall.

The fluctuation of magic power became more and more obvious, and Lu Yu’s summons often dissipated suddenly in less than an hour or two when they were outside.

Fortunately, Sigrid had already explained to everyone in the Dawn Leader about the safety matters during the magic tide, one of which was to stay away from Lu Yu’s summons – all the shaped summons would burst out with their elements when they dissipated. matching magic.

The disturbed big bowl cannot be summoned for a short time, and everyone can only carry soil and stones manually.

Seeing Lu Yu approaching, Dogwood Grass hurriedly saluted respectfully.

Lu Yu waved his hand: “I heard Sigrid say that you plan to set up a lot of traps on the flat outside the city wall. I agree with this, but I only have one problem. Now that the magic power is in effect intermittently, our efficiency Can you keep up?”

Everyone is confident in their field of expertise, and Yucao is no exception. She raised her head and said firmly: “Compared to the walls that need to be carefully built, our traps do not need to be too clever, and even only need to be destroyed. That’s enough. According to the information brought back by Mi Lai from the Ecclesiastical Kingdom, there are still a few infected monsters who can use magic. The roads are difficult to navigate and are full of traps. Long-range magic and your summons can be used to the maximum. work.”

Lu Yu and Lu Lu looked at each other.

Lu Lu rode a Pegasus away from the morning light towards the three magicians who had already chosen, and flew towards the direction of Port De Maurice.

Looking at the confused dogwood grass, Lu Yu patted her on the shoulder: “Lu Lu’s strength is very strong, she personally leads the team to guard, and if she finds traces of infestation, she can delay for some time for you.”

A shadowy figure descended from the sky. After Huo Gu landed, the heat gushed from his nostrils, and the strong wind blew Lu Yu’s eyes.

“You should have reminded me earlier that I can’t help the city wall, but the destruction… is very happy.”

Lu Yu reluctantly wiped the moisture on his face: “We got the news not much earlier than you, Huo Gu, our enemy is very…”

“No need to say more, I promised that I will defend the place where I sleep with claws and flames. I have not been able to enter that wonderful and long dream, how can this territory be destroyed…”

Huo Gu raised his head and looked at the fog demon who was helping to deliver the news not far away, and his eyes were very soft.

“She made a choice, and I also made a choice. Before the agreement is completed, this is a curse, Lu Yu.”

Huo Gu put his head in front of Yucao, watching his own appearance reflected in his eyes, Yucao couldn’t help shivering.

“Don’t be afraid… Madam… Oh, I heard the fog demon say recently, you don’t seem to like the title of lady, it often makes you look old… How about calling it a little girl?”

Lu Yu didn’t know how to complain, but it wasn’t the right time to correct him. He said, “You should call her Yucao.”

“Gagwood, come on, tell me what to do, now I am your summoned creature and obey your command.”

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, Yucao stood on Huo Gu’s head.

Countless bards say that dragon slayers raise their sharp blades and step on the body of a dragon to reach the summit of power and power; those ancient and exciting fantasy poems have countless times depicted dragon knights holding long spears, riding dragons galloping in The picture of Skyrim; treasure, adventure, dragons, and riches, timeless classic themes, all portray the suffocating, destructive power of dragons like everyone who reads it.

Fantasy is just fantasy after all. After the calamity of the infected spirit, the Mera dragon has been wiped out by backstabs again and again.

And when Huo Gu raised his claws and slammed the ground, the earth trembled.

The swinging dragon tail was raised high, and then fell heavily, accompanied by an exaggerated loud noise, and radial cracks were scattered all over the ground.

“Don’t, don’t work so hard…”

Lu Yu and Sera, who came in a hurry, hurriedly stopped.

Huo Gu turned back with a puzzled face, the huge dragon’s eyes showed confusion and puzzlement, and the sharp claws lifted from the deep pit that had been photographed, and scratched his mouth humanely.

“Our newly built mud walls can’t stand the toss…”

Huo Gu suddenly realized, and asked again, “Anything else to add?”

“No… no more…”

Although Lu Yu was thinking about whether he can still want this place in the future… But when he thought that the other party was infected, Lu Yu didn’t dare to take chances.

“Have you sent someone to notify Fengxue Castle?” Lu Yu asked Sierra.

“Send, they should have gotten the news and started preparing.” Sera said, “Not only Maple Blood, but I also issued a warning to other small races in the Red Flame Mountains. As for whether they want to believe it… I can’t control it.”

Although Lu Yu has already made up his mind to target Maple Blood, he has to let go of those careful thoughts at the moment of the enemy. As a big family in the Red Flame Mountains, once the Maple Blood with a total population of 20,000 is infected, then Chen Xi will lead only will face more trouble.

Without large-scale defense equipment, it cannot be built immediately.

Magic fluctuates frequently, and you will face the situation of Squibs anytime and anywhere.

The defenses were rudimentary and hastily.

Severely understaffed.

Lu Yu looked around with a heavy heart.

Although everyone is ready to devote their lives to the territory, Lu Yu and Sera are ready to abandon the territory and leave the whole team.

Laurent entrusted so many people to him. This is a great trust. It took Lu Yu a long time to call out the names of each of them… They are all living people who are willing to call their own lords. Those who sacrificed themselves for the sake of everything in the territory…

If the summons can’t contain the infestation, instead of letting those who trust in themselves and block everything for the territory suffer in vain, giving up everything is really not so difficult to accept.

Sera’s rabbit statue received new information again, and Lu Yu hurriedly triggered it.

“Lord Sierra, I met with Pope Antonio, he has agreed to share the channel of believers of the church with Dawn Leader, so that the entire Mera tribe can be fully prepared for the coming catastrophe… Yes, we The interrupted information network can be reactivated, and now I am rushing back to the morning light…”

“The latest news is that Demoris has not completely fallen, and there are still cleric warriors occupying parts of the city, struggling to use long-range magic to block the pace of infestation. Demoris’ complex sewer network also facilitates their transfer. ”

“But in comparison, the city-states near Demoris have been completely infested. The snow-capped mountains are also unsafe, and the frogmen living on the snow-capped mountains can’t get in touch with the ice crystal elements. If the church nation still can’t get a reply tonight, I can be sure that the big The snow mountain fell.”

“As a result, the foothills of the snow-capped mountains are no longer safe, and the surrounding areas of the Broken Gold City and the Red Flame Mountains will be directly threatened by infestation… The priests of the church state that it is conservatively estimated that hundreds of thousands of infestation will be born in this area… This is already the most Great expectations.”

“I will try my best to get back to you. Please be careful with Dye Dye. They have changed. In Demoris City, some survivors who escaped witnessed Dye Dye using magic to break through the fortress!”

Not a single piece of good news, especially the last one, was terribly bad.

During the first infestation, the number of infestations that used magic was very small, and later scholars could not find the reason even after racking their brains.

However, it has been less than a month since Dyeing made a comeback. Not only have there been records of Dyeing using magic to siege cities in the north of Solon, but there have also been sighting reports in DeMaurice, and there are quite a few…

“Are they evolving?” As soon as this guess came out, Lu Yu himself was horrified.

Scholars who study infectivity believe that the infected life will fall into madness and cannot extricate themselves, and the first emperor of Kedzorn is the best example.

The sudden failure of the infective power and the death of a large number of infected people in madness proves that their reason is destroyed when they are infected, and only a small number of people with exceptionally strong willpower can retain their ‘self”.

They only have the instinct of [eating] who are occupied by the infection. Finding food to maintain their own actions is the source of their continuous progress and spread of infection. For this reason, the infection will mercilessly eat those who have not been completely infected. .

“Spellcasting needs to mobilize magic… It needs to be controlled and guided rationally. How can a puppet that is irrational or even has a destroyed mind to release magic.” Lu Yu wanted to figure out this question that countless scholars are puzzled by , but in vain.

Seeing Lu Yu’s anxious appearance, Sera stretched out her hand to Lu Yu’s chin and gently supported it.

The jaw was hit, Lu Yu was sober from the pain, and he looked at Sierra complaining.

“Don’t think too much, some problems cannot be solved from our perspective. Do you think you are wiser than the scholars who were immersed and left to pursue the truth?” Sera said, “What we have to do now is to It’s to keep our common home…and at the same time…”

Following Sera’s line of sight, countless busy figures came into view above and below the mud wall.

They are not working hard under the authority and threat of the lord, but willingly work hard.

“This is also their home…”

Lu Yu and the others have a very loose rule over the Chenxi Territory, and the majesty of the three lords will only be brought out on a few occasions.

Lu Yu, Sera, and Lu Lu made it clear from the very beginning that the morning light collar can be different from the outside world, but it cannot be completely different.

Those things that are called dross have been rock solid after thousands of years. You can’t change them with your disgust and hatred.

Don’t bite the bullet, just to show your uniqueness and fight against the secular tide, this is the most important experience of Lu Yu on this journey.

With a strong personal charm like Laurent, he just stumbled forward in the face of the times, tearing open the dark curtain with difficulty, allowing a ray of light to shine through the gray sky.

He and Maojing both knew where the problem came from, but they couldn’t wait for a solution.

Laurent is someone Lu Yu is not qualified to evaluate. Even Laurent can only sigh in awe. He naturally won’t touch it.

So, as lords, they just loosened the shackles that bound their necks a little, did not press or torture them, and treated them as “people” equal to themselves.

That’s all, these people who came from poverty and who have bathed in glory around Laurent have secretly praised them and compared them to Laurent…

Everyone’s enthusiasm for labor has been mobilized to the greatest extent, and the cheerful singing of the black-clothed nuns can be heard in the territory almost every day.

When Lu Yu found out, he was silent for a long time, and a sullen breath lingered in his chest.

Ordinary people on this earth are so humble, as long as you loosen the chain that is about to catch their breath, they will be grateful to you and be ecstatic…

Why don’t magicians, nobles, and royal families understand?

Or do they actually know better than anyone else and just don’t care?

Because magic and knowledge are in their hands, and countless historical experiences have told them that they are in control, they will rule for thousands of years, so their heads are raised proudly, ignoring those who have been trampled under their feet, paving the way for their rule with flesh and blood the bulls and horses?

“Hahahahaha…” Lu Yu suddenly laughed out loud.

Sera didn’t know why, and her beautiful eyes blinked: “Why are you laughing all of a sudden?”

“I suddenly understood…”

“Understand what?”

“Understand the snow monster’s thoughts… I can understand what kind of mood he had to wake up Dip Dye…” Lu Yu said, “I really hope he’s a lunatic… Unfortunately, he may be calmer than anyone else.”

Under Huo Gu’s miraculous slap, the main roads in all directions of Chen Xi’s lead were rotten like a vegetable field that had been plowed several times.

The efficiency of the dragons is shocking, their simple and crude methods, and the god-given power of the creator are also impressive.

“Lu Yu, a question…” Huo Gu said hurriedly after returning from doing all this.

“I heard Sigrid say that a butterfly appeared in Port De Maurice… and a purple crystal giant appeared in the north…” Hogu pondered for a moment, “Although it may be a coincidence, do you still Remember, Silent Mountains?”

“The two dolls that Vanessa made to guard the barrier also happen to be butterflies and giants.”

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