My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 374

Chapter 362: Summoner 2 Arrives

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After speaking, Lu Lu’s elemental body dissipated and fell headfirst.

Sera jumped up before Lu Yu and held Lu Lu firmly in her arms. In the air, she did not forget to look back at Lu Yu, with a strong warning.

Lu Yu clicked his tongue, but didn’t say much.

“I’m fine… It’s just that my head hurts…” Lu Lu’s forehead was dripping with fine beads of sweat, and his long smooth hair was stuck to the back of his neck and shoulders.

Affected by the infection, she is not particularly resistant to being held by Sera at this time. For her, this kind of dependence is always sweet… Although Sera seems to have a lot of secrets with Lu Yu, she always Is the first friend to come to their side.

“How do you feel?” Sierra asked anxiously.

“It’s disgusting…” Feeling Sera’s concern, Lu Lu felt another warmth in his heart, trying hard to recall the feeling of the moment he saw the infestation, and hesitantly added, “It’s like there are countless overlapping voices echoing in your ears. …I couldn’t make out what they were saying, it was so far away.”

Momo, who was continuously influenced by Lu Yu, took a pamphlet and recorded Lu Lu’s description-she and Dusk had been arranged to hide in the basement, but they were full of curiosity about the mysterious impregnation.

Lu Yu could even see Momo holding his head affected by the infection while carefully recording the feeling of being infected…

“It’s gratifying, but why don’t you like to learn currency from Sigrid?” Lu Yu couldn’t help but wonder.

The mountains and forests are burning with magic, and the outline of Mohu is looming in the billowing smoke.

The sparks danced, bathed in fire, and appeared in the field of vision of everyone in the morning light.

People, sirens, snake people, elves, dryads, frogmen…

Lulu, who silently recited the name of the race based on his appearance, shuddered for no reason.

Her Mela’s geography was good, and she instantly found the distribution of the surrounding large-scale races in the map in her mind.

All large races from Port De Maurice to the east of the Red Flame Mountains…nearly annihilated.

Maybe the whole Mela already knew about the comeback of dipping, but they never thought that after the fall of Solon North, a second source of dipping would appear in the deep sea outside Demaurice, south of Mera…

The population data of each ethnic group is unknown, but Lu Lu felt that the dipping butterflies passing over Port De Maurice should bring hundreds of thousands, or even millions of dipping… In the densely populated area of the Church, Lu Lu dared not think about it.

The death and injury of 150,000 people from Shaman’s poisonous smog is a catastrophic event rarely seen in the four major countries of Mela… Just imagining those who were once happy and miserable became unconscious overnight, only knowing how to eat and infect others A monster of thoughts… Lu Lu’s eyes turned red.

No matter what reason the snow monster has to release the disaster, as long as he appears in front of her, Lu Lu will make the snow monster turn into fly ashes – those poor people who can only think about today, not able to think about tomorrow, why should they bear it? Such a terrible catastrophe!

“Maojing… is she alright?” Lu Lu said in Serra’s ear with difficulty.

Sierra trembled—Mao Jing’s hometown was at the foot of the Daxue Mountain next to Demaurice City.

“Don’t think nonsense, Mao Jing is going to take Laurent on a trip, maybe it’s not Mera anymore, let’s focus on these walking dead… That kind of unpleasant feeling is getting stronger and stronger.” Lu Yu quickly reminded the two of them.

Looking at the infection that was entering the range, Lu Yu fell into contemplation.

The walking dead and zombies can all be described as infestation, but they are not very accurate.

According to the available information, the infected body functions remain intact. From a physiological point of view, each of them is a large living person with healthy body functions. They can run, jump, eat, excrete, hurt and bleed. More will die.

But the infected individuals do not seem to have their own consciousness – the reason why it ‘seems” is that no one has ever been able to verify it, and no one can tell exactly what the consciousness that occupies their brains is.

They are alive, but they seem to be dead, and now all that remains on the earth is a group of animals that carry out their instincts.

Very hungry, cannibalism, thirsty tore open the weak and stained chest cavity to drink blood.

The movements of the infected people are not distorted. The large number of them are like tourists who want to enter the morning light for sightseeing. They walk unhurriedly, but when they see the shadow of the black and dark figure… The morning light is unable to meet.

Alvin, a man with outstanding archery skills in the Knights of Pope Laurent, bends a bow and shoots an arrow. The giant bow close to his height and the triangular arrow cluster the size of a special fist remind Lu Yu of the most exciting of many literary works. The surging picture – the bowstring trembles, the dragon falls.

It is a pity that in this world, such a scene should be difficult to see, at least in the stories of bards now that the warriors are withered.

Alvin’s effective distance is obviously not the same as that of ordinary people. He shouted loudly, stretched the bowstring, and the arrow from the string slammed out of the air. Before Lu Yu’s line of sight could trace the arrow, a body in the distance was seen. The huge tauren fell to the ground, and the huge arrow pierced the eyeball and penetrated the brain.

After coming to Chenxi Ling, everyone here quickly changed their identities, some became carpenters, some became herdsmen, and some dealt with flowers and plants, and everyone with unique skills became ordinary leaders in the territory. The people lived a leisurely life.

As the lords, Lu Yu and the others have never organized everyone to hold a “talent show”, so after seeing Alvin’s ability to penetrate Yang in a hundred steps… Although the distance is constantly increasing the burden on their brains, he still can’t help it. Applause.

The crackling sound like firecrackers sounded, Lu Yu interrupted the applause, turned his head and looked, a werewolf was covered in flames and fell beside the tauren.

“Lord Lu Yu, don’t be fooled by Alvin Lake, I can do it at this level.”

Zi Xing and Alvin have not dealt with each other for a long time, and the time can even be traced back to the time of Laurent, when they came to Chen Xi to lead them to continue their grievances. , the team members can enjoy traditional performances every day – bickering.

Fighting for a round of applause… It seems a bit unnecessary.


The exclamation drew Lu Yu’s eyes to the mud wall in the distance.

At some point, Sera, who had turned the mountains into a plain, tied a ponytail to prevent her hair and chest from getting in the way during the battle, and without hesitation, she ejected a box through the wind magic turret carefully constructed by the mages.

The box drew an arc in the air and landed precisely in a relatively densely infiltrated area.

There seemed to be a sun hidden in the box, and the dazzling light instantly occupied everyone’s field of vision, and countless people instinctively covered their eyes.

Dusk, who witnessed this detail, fought back the stinging pain in his eyes and recorded it.

The light in the box gradually condensed and formed, and countless tentacles shot out, tying up the immersion that came up around them, and then…

The violent explosion blew up the surrounding areas one after another, along with the rising black smoke, the foul-smelling spots fell from the air, and the pattering “rain” left some unforgettable gifts on everyone’s clothes.

Dusk happened to have a piece on her sleeve… but she resisted the urge to come up from her throat and checked her booklet for the first time.

The explosion is still not the entire power of the “box”. In the scorched deep pit, the fire element is pulled and quickly converged, a…


As if knowing that Lu Yu would be surprised, Sierra raised his head and glanced over proudly.

Sigrid, who has no magic or archery skills at all, can only manage a large number of special materials – Lulu’s potions.

Seeing everyone exclaim, Sigrid ran up from under the mud wall.

“Big bowl?”

The big bowl of fire element spins at a high speed like a top, and the surrounding dip is either knocked away like a bowling ball, or is involved in it and explodes into a splendid blood mist. In the nose of an individual…

With the dim light of the fire, the fire element bowl began to move slowly, and finally turned into countless spots of light under the frenzied and fatal blow.

“It’s very creative, isn’t it?” Sera shouted at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu snorted, noncommittal.

He suddenly became a little hot, and turned his head to look… Lu Lu’s hand had already formed a huge fireball, holding the fireball in her posture resembled a certain Lu Yu’s childhood classic, except that Lu Lu appeared under the huge fireball. some…

“Sierra’s are still flashy, and they should be killed when dealing with DIP!” When he said this, Lu Lu grinned with excitement, and his eyes were frighteningly bright.

If one fire doesn’t solve the problem, set two fires.

If a fireball can’t kill the enemy, then increase the power of the fireball and release it continuously!

Lulu’s fighting concept is like an asphalt road run over by a road roller.

“The big fire bowl, Sera definitely did it on purpose, to attract Lu Yu’s attention like this.” Lu Lu thought angrily, the fireball in his hand was getting bigger and bigger.

The ‘simple” spellcasting method of the seventh-order magician is extremely rare in Mela. Facing the artificial sun above his head, everyone suddenly felt in awe of the little lord Lulu.

The fireball dropped, like a meteor falling from the sky, and the looming contamination was as small as an ant.

Invisible power swept through every corner of the earth, and the wonderful rhythm gently moved like a “fireball” that was as precise as a machine and worked perfectly.

The enchanted arrow clusters fired lose their additional effects.

The mage who is chanting magic is confused.

Huo Gu, who was about to provide remote assistance with his magical dragon roar, was instantly drained of strength. The magic power that had been condensed turned into a strong wind with the failure of the magic, blowing all around. Unprepared, several Those who approached were actually shot on the mud wall and couldn’t move.

The sudden non-combat attrition had not yet had time to arouse Lu Yu’s surprise, and the fireball that was already approaching the ground shattered.

The fire element, which was fixed and formed by magic, was violently scattered, and the infusion located directly under the fireball disappeared in ashes, while the rest of the infusion that should have been affected by the explosion bypassed the ‘sun” that was like a leaking ball. Continue to lead towards the dawn.

In ten seconds, the fire element disappeared, leaving only a little “corona” floating in the air, which was completely shattered as the cold wind blew.

The fluctuation of the magic tide came so unfortunately, Lu Lu’s proud blow became nothingness, and she was panting and shaky after investing too much magic power.

This time, Lu Yu, who was close to Lu Lu, didn’t miss the opportunity. He quickly hugged Lu Lu, who was pale, and felt her soft skin. Lu Yu was happy.

“Come on, drink this.” Lu Yu took out the magic potion he had prepared and handed it to Lu Lu’s mouth.

Looking at Lu Yu’s face up close, Lu Lu’s heart was pounding, and the feeling of exhaustion with no magic power was not so unbearable at this moment…

“Ah, so warm…” she thought.

Facing the potion that Lu Yu handed to her mouth, she put her lips on it and asked subconsciously, “What kind of potion is this?”

“It’s the potion that you carefully made for me to quickly restore magic power. Come, Lu Lu, drink it.”

Lu Lu’s eyes widened, trying to struggle to control the drinking scale, but Lu Yu, who was very concerned about her, had already poured the potion into her mouth…

“Gudu Gudu…”

Lu Lu’s face was flushed, neither shy nor choking…

“Too bad to drink…” Lu Lu felt that his consciousness was moving away from his body!

“Is it better?”

Facing Lu Yu’s words of concern, Lu Lu replied drowsily: “Okay…it’s much better…vomit…just want to vomit…”

Lu Yu handed Lu Lu to Sigrid, while he walked over the mud wall.

According to the records after the start of the magic wave, there is no law to follow the magic power fluctuations, but the probability of continuous fluctuations in a short period of time is not Before this, Lu Yu had never made a move because he was afraid that he would just catch up with the magic power fluctuations, and he worked hard. The summoned “babies” died before they showed their might.

The last time the plague of impregnated spirit was the last highlight of the summoner whose school withered and the school was cut off. Since then, Mera and the surrounding continents, the summoner can no longer enter the vision of mainstream magicians.

Losing the stage and having no value, they ushered in the five hundred years of complete loss.

In the battle report of the Northern Territory of Solon, the elites of the Mage Tower tried to use the summons again to respond to the enemy, but now that the inheritance has been buried, they even have such an old summon template, how can they defeat the evolution that has been infected.

Looking back, the old era of glorious atmosphere but dark decay is coming to an end.

Moving forward, embracing hope, a new era of infinite possibilities is coming.

At the transition between the old and the new era, Lu Yu will once again use the blood and tears of countless summoners to summon the summoning template and summoning knowledge summed up after repeated failures and thousands of hardships over a long period of time.

They may never see the door of the new era open in their entire lives, and can only cry in pain outside the door, but wherever they pass, torches are set up.

No matter Orkus or Lu Yu, they were just those who inherited the luck of these unfortunate summoners and came to the gate at the right time.

“The light of this summoning ceremony response is the crystallization of the wisdom of countless summoners.”

“Come on, summon number two.”

A mercury-colored slime ball fell from the void.

The moment it touches the ground, the ground crystallizes, and the erosion marks of the tree stump spread rapidly.

“Let’s see who infects who!”

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