My Summons Are Weird

Chapter 95

Chapter 92: There Is Still Time To Remedy

While speaking, Heather suddenly realized a detail that she ignored because she was too hasty.

After encountering Lu Yu, he handed in the information about him through the clerk.

Heather saved a little thought, and wanted to let the Imperial Knights, who always felt that they were superior to others, have the idea of touching Lu Yu, so he deliberately concealed some details.

In Heather’s idea, the imperial knights with eyes higher than the top and domineering would probably take the initiative to find Lu Yu for a test in order to prove that they were stronger than Xingchen, and then they would lose face.

This is the end of the matter, and it will not have much impact on the upcoming meeting between the Elf Kingdom and the Grand Empire.

But now Radna’s reaction is as if he doesn’t understand this matter at all. Not only does he know nothing about Lu Yu’s details, but he is offending Lu Yu to the death.

This is not right. Even if Rad’s arrogance in his bones breaks out, he won’t play with fire on such important matters. He can’t bear this responsibility.

Seeing that Rad didn’t believe what he said, Heather asked eagerly, “I handed in the letter from the royal court, but His Majesty didn’t receive it?”

“Letter, what letter…”

Radna blurted out, but got stuck halfway through, with a very subtle expression on his face, as if he suddenly recalled something and had to choose silence.

This change in expression could not be concealed from Heather or from Narin.

Radner bit the bullet and said, “I don’t know what letter there is. What did you say in the letter, it’s not too late to say it now.”

Heather gritted her teeth, watching Radna’s reaction, she didn’t know what was going on.

This involves the complicated issue of Nalin’s unwillingness to talk to Lu Yu to science.

Grand V is already old, and the empire he took over from his ancestors is very stable in his hands. The battle with the Elf Kingdom has also turned from a decline to a stalemate, and he has a high prestige among the people.

The health of King Grand V has gotten worse and worse over the years, and the choice of his heir has become the concern of the entire empire.

But Grand V has never established any crown prince, which makes each of his children feel that they have a chance.

The nobles, ruling factions, and violent institutions of the empire were inevitably involved in the tide of standing.

As an extension of the power of Grand V, the Imperial Knights should not have chosen to stand before Grand V died, but Radner was very close to the eldest son, the Prince of Cornwall.

Cornwall is a relatively conservative person, or rather, he is somewhat dissatisfied with his father’s current distribution of rights and changes.

In his opinion, the Imperial Knights are an excellent extension of the power of the royal family. Fengyu, Xingchen and other collateral knights undoubtedly take away part of the royal family’s prestige among the people.

Feng Yu is okay, the selection criteria for members are strict, there are not many civilians, most of them are from noble or ex-aristocratic families, and the worst is that their parents have military achievements.

The stars are too dazzling, the entire stars are all people of commoner background, and the most outstanding Heather unexpectedly voluntarily gave up his noble status to join it.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xingchen did not stand in line.

The letters sent by Heather had to be reviewed by the court clerk before they could be forwarded to Grand V. During this review process, the letters were undoubtedly intercepted by Cornwall for some reason.

Heather couldn’t think of a reason for Cornwall to intercept the letter, but she could tell that Cornwall didn’t even want to look at the content when he intercepted it.

In his opinion, this may be a letter of help from Xingchen. If not, it is a mission report. It is okay to wait for a while and then submit it. As for the failure of Xingchen’s mission, His Majesty’s perception of Xingchen deteriorates. What’s up?

“Radna, didn’t you read the letter, I dictated to you what I saw in Case!”

Heather was disgusted. Whether it was Radna, who stood in line ahead of schedule, or Cornwall, who thought he was the eldest son and who was sure to inherit the throne, she felt disgusted sincerely.

Playing these tricks before inheriting, if His Majesty finally handed over the throne to Cornwall, would he block the passages for the commoners to ascend one by one, instead of slowly chasing with the nobles like His Majesty, to gain some space for the commoners?

When she finished speaking in an icy voice, Radna’s expression changed.

Radna pretended to be calm: “But he is indeed one of the suspects. Are we going to let him go just because he is a sixth-order magician?”

“Radna, don’t be rude, are you really going to make things out of control!”

Heather’s good words were indeed aggressive in Rad’s eyes.

When was Xingchen qualified to direct him to do things?

But things were already difficult, and Radna would never admit that he had done something wrong, so he killed him. This is a necessary process for further investigation after locking down the suspects. Go to jail for trial.

After some remarks, he had the people who stayed in the Fuyu Knights be called back.

The words are also great.

“For your sake, these suspects will be released for the time being, but the Imperial Knights will still pay attention to them. If the murderer is among them, I hope you can withstand the anger of the people.”

Looking at the smoke and dust left behind after the departure of the Imperial Knights, Nalin, the good old man, finally couldn’t bear it anymore. He spat on the ground suddenly, ignoring that Xingchen was his own nemesis, and directly started scolding.

“It’s all good and bad, he said, but we have become obstructers, and you also represent His Majesty’s will?”

The two who were so angry didn’t have time to scold more, and the secretary who gave Lu Yu a meal this morning ran over.

“The magician has woken up and is asking us what we have for lunch… Captain, do we still arrange lunch for them, or do we wait for it to be delivered to the Imperial Knights, and we save a meal?”

Nalin, who was still angry just now, couldn’t say anything to Lu Yu.

Just woke up and slept, slept and ate, and didn’t feel like he was in trouble at all, and he wouldn’t believe it if it wasn’t a high-level magician, Nalin.

Heather also covered his forehead speechlessly: “When Case saw him, he disliked the tavern’s unpalatable breakfast and had to cook it himself… He actually ate the breakfast you provided, and he was still asking for lunch. Yu’s impression was refreshed.”

He is very picky about food and has a lot of research, which is also matched with the nobility.

How can ordinary people have so many stinky problems, it’s good to have one bite.

Knowing that they could leave, the magicians who had been detained overnight were walking outside the station one after another, ignoring the lunch provided by the Knights of the Wind Feather.

Only Lu Yu stayed.

After notifying Sigrid to come to the station, when Heather and Nalin met Lu Yu, he was enjoying roast lamb and charcoal grilled whole fish.

This was also the meal he ordered, and he told the clerk bluntly, “Barbecue is hard to cook and taste bad.”

Heather and Nalin wanted to say something, but seeing that Lu Yu was eating deliciously, they were not very good at speaking, so they were forced to enjoy the food and broadcast.

Seeing Lu Yu tearing and biting the mutton in large chunks, scooping out the fish with a spoon and feeding it into his mouth, Nalin swallowed.

“Just the two of you, why didn’t the one who should appear the most?”

Heather, who was resentful in the words, thought of Radna who had left, and felt indignant in her heart, but for the sake of the overall situation, she had to appease Lu Yu.

“This may be a misunderstanding. In fact, Captain Radner just wants to ask you to assist in the investigation.”

Lu Yu put down the big lamb shank in his hand, picked up the wooden bottle of pepper powder, poured it, and took a big bite.

Not showing any attitude is a statement in itself.

“Do you really think this is a misunderstanding?”

Both Heather and Nalin were reluctant to face Lu Yu’s sharp eyes, and they didn’t know how to continue the conversation.

They are all leaders of their respective knights, and they are powerful people with outstanding strength, but at this moment they have to pay for the mistakes of others and cannot bear the grievances from another strong person.

Narin clenched his fists tightly, wishing to tear Radna to pieces directly.

Heather was thinking about the possibility of hanging Radna and tormenting it with an itchy solvent.

Lu Yu didn’t say a word. Even though Sigrid and his summons came to meet him at the station, he just smiled lightly and said a few words “I’m fine”.

It seemed that a volcano about to erupt was brewing, and both Heather and Nalin felt the anger that had accumulated in Lu Yu’s heart.

Lu Yu’s appetite didn’t seem to be affected at all. After nibbling on a big leg of lamb and eating all the charcoal-grilled fish, he walked to the sink next to him and washed his hands.

“In that case, we have nothing to say.”

“Captain Nalin, thank you for your hospitality. Your barbecued meat and fish are really good, and I am very satisfied with what I ate. That lovely secretary over there, thank you for fulfilling my breakfast request.”

“Miss Heather, thank you for your help.”

“Sigrid, let’s go.”

After he finished speaking, Lu Yu turned around and left, leaving Heather and Nalin who hadn’t reacted stupidly in place, only the secretary chased them out to keep them, and the way of keeping them was also very special.

“We have a barbecue dinner in the evening. Will Mr. Lu Yu stop eating?”

It’s a pity that Lu Yu, whose stomach was satisfied, did not accept the invitation, but left without looking back. UU reading

“He… just left?” Nalin didn’t know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing for a while.

In Nalin’s opinion, high-level magicians also have tempers. No matter how easy they are to talk, they should say something harsh, ask for an explanation, lose their temper or something.

But Lu Yu didn’t. Instead, he thanked him and left without saying anything about being offended.

Heather’s forehead was covered in fine sweat.

He didn’t break out on the spot because he was well conditioned and knew that it would be useless to vent to them.

But this suppressed anger has to be endured by someone, and the longer it is suppressed, the more frightening it becomes when it erupts.

Heather also didn’t think this matter could end so easily, and the dignity of magicians and nobles could not be desecrated.

Nalin quickly made a judgment: “It must be reported. In any case, the matter here must be known to Your Majesty. We cannot let Lu Yu raise his dissatisfaction with Radna to the entire Grand Empire… It’s too late to remedy it now!”

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