My System Is Three Thousand Years Early

Chapter 31 - 29 Flower River Gets a Name from Wanhuatower

Chapter 31: Chapter 29 Flower River Gets a Name from Wanhuatower
Qiao Songshan’s face flashed with confusion, then he quickly nodded his head with a touch of emotion.

“Big brother, you’re actually willing to accompany me to Wanhuatower to see that Bai Shuxuan.”

“No need to say anything else, I’ll do whatever it takes to snatch that honor of being Bai Shuxuan’s chosen guest for you, big brother.”

Cheng Guang shook his head with a wry smile, “There’s no need for that, we’re just going to join in the fun.”

Cheng Guang meant his words.

First, just yesterday Cheng Zhihai had reminded him to visit brothels less often, and going to a brothel today would surely be too high-profile.

Second, Cheng Guang didn’t believe that a woman like Bai Shuxuan, who could play esteemed princely heirs like a puppet and reduce them to sycophants, was anything simple.

Qiao Songshan caught Cheng Guang’s implication and his face revealed an understanding that all men share.

He was just surprised that the big brother had yet to meet Bai Shuxuan and didn’t know what she looked like.

If she was extremely beautiful, then she was naturally not to be missed.

Seeing Qiao Songshan’s expression, Cheng Guang guessed his misunderstanding but didn’t bother to explain further, instead telling Qing Luan to prepare the horses.

Qing Luan’s lips slightly pursed, as if wanting to say something, but the words died at her lips, and she quickly bowed her head and left to make the arrangements.

A moment later, several deeply breathing guards led over an exotic beast with golden-white fur and a solitary horn on its head, its steps as though walking on clouds of qi.

The Exotic Beast’s presence was mild; merely being near it, one could smell a fragrance that invigorated the spirit and subtly increased the flow of qi within one’s body.

This exotic beast was known as the Dragon Horned Horse, an extremely valuable and rare protective mount. Riding this horse not only aided in cultivation by accelerating the healing speed of one’s qi, it also nourished the body and strengthened one’s constitution.

On the battlefield, only the most top-tier generals would be allocated such a steed. Even Qiao Zhongqin, Qiao Songshan’s father, only had one Dragon Horned Horse, and he treated it with utmost care, hardly even riding it.

In the stable of this prestigious princely heir, however, there were as many as seven Dragon Horned Horses, and he could ride a different one each day of the week without repeating any.

If there was an important event where all seven Dragon Horned Horses were brought out, it would create a spectacle no prince or princess could match when they traveled.

Cheng Guang couldn’t help but internally remark on the princely heir’s inhuman extravagance.

His expression unchanged, he took the reins of the Dragon Horned Horse from a guard and easily mounted it.

The Dragon Horned Horse, docile by nature, wouldn’t attack or resist anyone unless provoked with malicious intent.

“Big brother, let’s go.”

Seeing Cheng Guang mount his horse, Qiao Songshan mounted his own and, after uttering a word, spurred his horse towards the mansion gate.

Cheng Guang swung his riding crop and followed Qiao Songshan out.

Alongside Cheng Guang, openly, there were several guards, and secretly, there were even more powerful protectors.

The outing of the princely heir was no small event, and the moment he and Qiao Songshan stepped out of the mansion gate, the news reached Cheng Zhihai’s ears.

Cheng Zhihai chuckled wryly upon hearing it.

“Perhaps the kid is also getting stir-crazy; he has been confined within the mansion by me for a year. Just yesterday, I agreed to let him out, and today he’s already left the mansion.”

“Let him go, have Song Yunqi and the others keep a close watch, and ensure nothing goes awry,” he casually instructed.

In the emptiness of a seemingly nothing space, the void appeared to ripple slightly in response.

Then there was silence once more.

On this trip, Cheng Guang did not bring Qing Luan with him but chose to bring Lin Cheng, as visiting a brothel was ultimately not convenient with a woman present.

Bringing Lin Cheng was purely for the convenience of having a familiar guard by his side to give orders to.

Leaving Duke Zhen’s Mansion, they reached the vast expanse of White Jade Street, with not too many pedestrians around.

This area was largely dominated by eminent and noble families.

Luxurious without bounds, towering pavilions, multi-leveled buildings, carved railings and jade inlays, jade towers and crystal palaces – indeed, a picture of aristocratic splendor.

After leaving this street and making a few turns, the world in front of them suddenly brightened significantly, bustling with people and alive with the ambiance of daily life.

Shops stretched endlessly, pedestrians streamed by, and the signs of the various storefronts were hung at street-facing positions, a riot of dazzling colors from a distance.

In the Capital city, there is a river called Tan River, flowing from the north to the east, alongside which many of the pleasure quarters were built.

Therefore, many literati named the river Flower River.

The river was metaphorically likened to a woman—picking flowers, appreciating flowers—constituted the sole purpose of most people visiting Flower River.

And Wanhuatower, located along the banks of Flower River, was the most renowned brothel in the area. The ‘flower’ in Flower River was derived from Wanhuatower.

Wanhuatower differed from a mere flesh-trading brothel in that it also had the charm of the Opera Department.

One could listen to music, drink wine, engage in martial contests, and compose poetry.

If a lady in the tower took a fancy to you, you could spend the night together without spending a silver coin.

Cheng Guang speculated that since Bai Shuxuan’s fame in the capital city had grown so large, even once acclaimed as the capital’s top Oiran, she might truly be beautiful, but behind it surely the Wanhuatower contributed to fanning the flames.

Riding the Wanhuatower’s fame, it wasn’t too difficult to hype up an Oiran.

As Cheng Guang pondered, he rode his Dragon Horned Horse towards the Wanhuatower.

The tread of the Dragon Horned Horse was very balanced, and riding on its back felt like being atop a cloud, exceedingly comfortable.

At the same time, faint streams of Qi emanated from the Dragon Horned Horse, infiltrating Cheng Guang’s body, improving his physique.

Based solely on this point,

one could see just how precious the Dragon Horned Horse was.

Continuing forward, a quarter of an hour later, Cheng Guang entered the area of Flower River.

Compared to the bustling market streets he just passed, the streets within the Flower River area were arguably livelier.

Even though it was still early, it was already extraordinarily bustling.

At a glance,

red lanterns beneath many buildings shone against the white snow, their charming faces alluring.

Many beauties, already groomed and dressed, were soliciting clients in front of the buildings.

Faintly from within the buildings adorned with red lanterns and jade tiles, one could hear enthralling music.

Forty dynasties pass, the dusk sky soars aslant.

Shops stood side by side along the streets, and as evening fell, the moonlight cast its glow upon red bricks, green tiles, and soaring pavilions, creating a captivating scene.

The street was crowded with pedestrians, and many aristocratic youths, dressed impressively, strolled along, weaving through clusters of women. Whenever they spotted someone to their liking, they chuckled heartily and strutted confidently into the buildings.

This spectacle before his eyes was an eye-opener for Cheng Guang.

At the same time Cheng Guang set foot in the Flower River area, the Dragon Horned Horse he rode on instantly drew the attention of countless onlookers.

What surprised them even more, aside from the Dragon Horned Horse, was Cheng Guang riding on top.

Cheng Guang was dressed in exquisite brocade and jade robes, his features strikingly handsome. With every move he made, he exuded an air of immense nobility.

His indifferent expression, noble air, and his valuable Dragon Horned Horse beneath him made him seem like an Immortal, loftily superior, gazing down upon the mortal world.

Ordinary women merely needed one glance at him to become flushed and bashful, their hearts racing as they bowed their heads, daring not to look again.

Many men who at first thought nothing of it, even contemplating to mockingly tease this show-off, hesitated after seeing Cheng Guang’s appearance, as well as the guards behind him wearing black armor and stern expressions.

“Is he from Duke Zhen’s Mansion…?”

“The Town-Nation Duke’s Heir?!”


“Why’s he come to play around here today, it’s been a year since his last visit, right?”

“Alas, have you forgotten what happened a year ago? That event was no small matter, the Princely Heir must have been confined for a year, or else we would have seen him around during this past year.”

“Make way, don’t block the Princely Heir’s path!”

The pedestrians talked non-stop, and the crowded riverside street of the Flower River promptly cleared a path.

Qiao Songshan chuckled, “Following the boss out is so convenient, I’d never get this kind of treatment if I came to Flower River by myself.”

Cheng Guang did not say much, for he already had some concept about impersonating the Princely Heir. Yet, in the face of being the center of attention, his heartbeat still couldn’t help but quicken slightly.

His expression unchanged, his gaze indifferent, he rode the Dragon Horned Horse regally toward the Wanhuatower.

Wanhuatower stood in the center of Flower River, on an island within it where a great deal of silver had been spent to erect a building amid the water.

It was referred to as a building, but in reality, it was akin to a small town.

Every slightly famous Oiran or top courtesan had their own exclusive courtyard.

By the time Cheng Guang arrived at Wanhuatower, even as dusk was settling, it was already packed with people.

Most of the crowd today was there for Bai Shuxuan, recently renowned as the capital city’s top Oiran, whose fame had spread far and wide.

A month had passed since Bai Shuxuan’s debut, but she had yet to pick someone to grace her bedchamber.

Many may have come hoping for good fortune, that perhaps Bai Shuxuan would choose them as her guest.

Others might have come just to witness Bai Shuxuan’s beauty, to see if she was as beautiful as rumored.

Whatever their reasons, the majority of people coming to Wanhuatower at this time were here for Bai Shuxuan.

As soon as Cheng Guang’s figure appeared in front of Wanhuatower, it attracted considerable attention.

Cheng Guang paid no mind to these onlookers.

After dismounting, he handed the Dragon Horned Horse to a guard by his side and entered Wanhuatower with Qiao Songshan.

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