My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn't Need Any Comforting

Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Qiao Shao followed Tang Yu to the office.

Tang Yu was very kind to him, and dragged over a chair for him. “Sit.”

Qiao Shao sat down, very well-behaved.

Tang Yu looked at the child in front of him, and sighed in his heart. He asked, “Did you see your exams?”

Qiao Shao couldn’t raise his head. “Yes.”

Tang Yu said, “You’ve been working so hard. All your teachers often praise you. And your score in the mini-quizzes are also very good. Why is the final exam...”

If Qiao Shao were an ignorant and incompetent student, he would have rained scolding on his head to teach him to behave with integrity.

But this was an honest and obedient child. His diligence and enthusiasm could rival that of Chen Su’s.

To have him work so hard only for him to wind up in last place in the exam truly was unjustifiable.

Tang Yu tried to sound him out. “Were you nervous during the exam?”

Qiao Shao nodded and said, “I wasn’t able to perform well.”

He couldn’t bring himself to tell him about how he was scared of the silence. He didn’t need sympathy, and he needed special treatment even less. What he needed the most was for no one to know his peculiarity, to treat him as a normal person, and give him an environment where he can face himself.

Tang Yu looked at the score and thought this went beyond not being able to perform well. He hadn’t performed at all!

And Qiao Shao also left the composition question empty.

In the entire school, only two people didn’t write their composition. And both of them were in his class.

One was first in the entire school, the other was the last.

Tang Yu felt very complicated.

Although He Shen lost fifty points for the composition, he scored full marks on everything else and still won the first place in the entire school, but he lost the first place in the city.

Qiao Shao also lost fifty points because of the composition. But sadly, even with these fifty points, his position in last place would have still been unassailable.

Tang Yu pondered whether it was the right choice to put them at the same table.

“Here. Why don’t we do it like this?” Tang Yu was very afraid of triggering Qiao Shao, and he kept his voice as gentle as a light breeze. “Your height was never very suited for last row anyway, so when second year of high school begins ...”

Before he finished speaking, Qiao Shao looked up at him sharply.

Tang Yu was taken aback.

Qiao Shao realized that there was something wrong with his expression, and quickly lowered his head.

Tang Yu said, “I thought you might not want to be seatmates with He Shen.”

Qiao Shao mumbled, “He’s been very nice.”

Tang Yu thought for a while and said, “There’s no need to hurry. We’ll talk when school starts.”

Once they get to second year, students will most likely be shuffled between classes. At that time, the two of them might not even be in the same class. In that case, talk of being seatmates would be moot.

After that, Tang Yu consoled Qiao Shao for a long time. He stressed the importance of mentality. Don’t be nervous about the exam. Believe in yourself ...

These words were all correct, and Qiao Shao understood that. But it was too difficult for him to do these.

If a person could do something simply by knowing it, then there wouldn’t be any pain and suffering in this life.

Qiao Shao left the office and Tang Yu took a sip of his Chinese wolfberry tea.

Teacher Zhang, next to him, asked, “What’s the matter with that child?”

Tang Yu shook his head. “It’s probably a psychological problem.”

Teacher Zhang: “Isn’t his family handling it?”

Tang Yu was even more worried. “I’m afraid his family is the source of the problem.”

Teacher Zhang asked curiously, “Why?”

Tang Yu didn’t want to gossip about the child’s private affairs, and said, “Let’s just say, it’s not very good. If he’ll be under my care next year, I’ll have to find a way to visit him at home.”

His mother died and his father was a drunkard ...

This time, despite having exam results like these, Tang Yu couldn’t even get a call through to Qiao Shao’s father ...

His family situation was so bad and he even had to rely on the donation from a wealthy businessman to transfer schools ...

It must be so difficult for him to shoulder all these heavy burdens.

Qiao “The Pitiable” Shao felt very touched.

Although the head teacher had the wrong impression, he still felt his genuine concern.

It stands to reason, that given his absolutely low score had lowered the overall grade of the class, the teacher should have been furious. Scolding and rebuke should have been rained down on his head, at the very least. How was he able to still comfort him so gently?

Young Master Qiao now viewed East High through 1000x thick rose-colored glasses. Once he graduates, he wanted to build his alma mater a new school building, science building, sports field, dormitory, canteen, etc. Oh, he could also build them an indoor basketball court, a volleyball court, a badminton court and ping-pong ...

That’s right. His alma mater doesn’t have a swimming pool yet, so let’s have one indoor and one outdoor!

Qiao Shao kept imaging all sorts of things on his way back to the classroom. Now, his lips were raised in a smile.

Song Yixu saw him immediately and exclaimed, “Shao Ge is so domineering. You truly are worthy of being as equally famous as Shen Ge!”

Qiao Shao: “En?”

Seeing that Qiao Shao wasn’t dismayed by his grades, Song Yixu became complacent. “Shen Ge is first in the school, Shao Ge is first from the bottom in the school. Our class both has black and white ... Ouch!”

Mid-sentence, he was suddenly hit by a bottle of drink.

It wasn’t Qiao Shao. He hadn’t brought anything with him so.

He Shen said expressionlessly, “If you can say it, then say it. If you can’t, then shut up.”

Song Yixu saw that he was in a bad mood and immediately became well-behaved. He also returned the drink that slammed against his chest.

He Shen said, “I don’t want it anymore.”

Song Yixu: “Ah?”

He Shen sneered. “It’s been thrown into the trash can.”

Song ‘Silly Husky’ Yixu was at a loss. “No, it hasn’t. Didn’t you throw this drink at me ...”

His seatmate had no love for his fellow students and he laughed out loud.

Song Yixu finally realized. He felt he was the trash can, emmm ... You really shouldn’t offend those you can’t afford to offend ...

Song ‘trash can’ Yixu took the bottle and went to Jie Kai, sobbing all the way.

Jie Kai was tampering with his score and drove him away like he was driving away a housefly. “Don’t bother Laozi. I have to change this 7 to 9!”

Actually, Qiao Shao wasn’t at all offended by Song Yixu but he was warmed by He Shen coming to his defense. He said, “I’m fine, and what Song Yixu said made sense.”

Number one and number one, weren’t they equally famous?

It didn’t matter if it was number one at the top or number one at the bottom.

He Shen glanced at his cell phone and said, “Your cell phone had been buzzing. I was afraid someone urgently needed to get in touch with you so I wanted to answer it for you.”

Qiao Shao’s heart suddenly tightened, but then he relaxed. It should be okay. He saved their contacts as dad, granddad and grandpa. He hadn’t used their actual names...

He asked, “Who called?”

He Shen said, “Turns out it wasn’t a call, just lots of text messages.”

“Ah, messages...” Qiao Shao was even more relieved. And then he saw the three almost identical messages on the screen. Each one of them was arrogant and overbearing.

Qiao Shao: “!!!!!!”

At this moment, it felt like he was riding on a roller coaster slowly climbing to its highest point when suddenly it took a plunge. His heart was about to burst!

It’s over, it’s over. Did He Shen see these messages?

Was his identity exposed?

He’s only been in a relationship with He Shen for four days. Would they become estranged from one another because of the disparity in their families’ financial situation and break up?

He will never laughed at Zhao Puyu again. His situation was obviously more miserable than his!

Qiao Shao raised his head stiffly. He Shen was watching him, chin resting on his palm.

Qiao Shao moved his mouth but no sound came out.

He Shen’s eyes didn’t even blink.

After a long pause, He Shen said, “Your family is quite amusing.”

Qiao Shao couldn’t take it anymore, he was going to ‘fess up to everything!

Who knew He Shen would rub his hair and say warmly, “Don’t be embarrassed. This is good. At least, they all love you.”

Qiao Shao blinked, a big question mark in his heart.

What’s with this situation? !!

He Shen brought up his own situation. “Since the moment I could talk, my grandfather has never treated me as a child. He never jokes around with me. Every time he sees me, he would quiz me about school.”


Qiao Shao understood it a little bit. His pitiful little heart finally left the wild rollercoaster that was going up and down.

He Shen continued, “My maternal grandfather died when I was two years old, and I only have a vague memory of how he looked.”

It was only because this was He Shen that he could even remember this much. Otherwise, how could a two-year-old child remember anything?

Qiao Shao, who just had a “narrow escape”, was completely distressed for He Shen.

He Shen didn’t want Qiao Shao to join him in being upset. He smiled. “Look at your family, in order to coax you, they got you a sports car, a yacht and billions worth of properties.”

“That,” Qiao Shao didn’t need to pretend to be embarrassed. He said hoarsely, “... They’re just speaking thoughtlessly.”

They really had been speaking thoughtlessly...

After all, buying a sports car or a yacht was no big deal.

As for what his grandpa said, he’s heard him say the same thing over and over since he could remember.

Oh, it wasn’t exactly the same. Ten years ago, it was ‘hundreds of millions’, now it’s ‘billions’.

He Shen curved his lips into a smile and said, “Maybe I should also pitch in?”

Qiao Shao was dazed. “Pitch in what?”

He Shen took out his phone and typed in it for a while ...

Qiao Shao’s phone vibrated again.

He Shen urged him. “Look at your phone.”

Qiao Shao looked down at his plan-provided mobile phone–

He Shen Shen: “Don’t be sad, Shao Shao. It’s okay if you didn’t do well in the exam. All your husband’s sports cars, yachts and tens of billions of properties are all yours.”

Qiao Shao: “..................”

This is what it really means to speak thoughtlessly!

Hold on a minute!

“Husband” my ass!

Qiao Shao blushed and said awkwardly, “What nonsense!”

He Shen said very seriously, “I want you to know, that wasn’t just some thoughtless remark.”

Qiao Shao looked up at him: “Excuse me, Mr. He, how many sports cars and yachts do you have? Where are the tens of billions of properties?”

He Shen copied their domineering air perfectly. “At present there are only eight cars and three yachts. The tens of billions of properties are still on the way.”

Qiao Shao rolled his eyes at him. “I didn’t know your little rental apartment held so many treasures.”

He Shen didn’t explain much, he simply said, “In any case, I’m not lying to you.”

Qiao Shao smiled. “Yes. Who knows? Maybe in a few decades, you really will have these things.”

Which teenager wasn’t a little brash?

With He Shen’s ability, he will surely stand out in the future.

What were sports cars, yachts, and tens of billions?

Qiao Shao believed in who He Shen was at this moment.

Believe that he wholeheartedly wanted to give him everything.

Qiao Shao’s chest felt extremely hot.

He discovered for the first time that material things really could make people feel happy.

Later, he deleted all the short messages from his dad and grandparents, but he kept He Shen’s.

He would keep it until he couldn’t even turn on the phone anymore.

After this incident, he put a lock on his mobile phone. No way was he letting it play a wicked trick on him again!

After calming down, Qiao Shao knew that this incident had been threatening but not dangerous.

For one, his poor persona had made a real impact on the students and was now deeply rooted in their minds. For the other, these three messages were too exaggerated.

His was a special situation. Had his situation been normal, like Zhao Puyu’s, his parents would never indulge him like this.

It wasn’t a question of money, but rather their elders’ dignity.

In the end, Qiao Shao’s heart went sour. His family had been bitten by a snake and now they were ten years in fear of a rope in a well.

Now that they’ve received their results, summer vacation officially kicked off.

Before he even got home, Qiao Shao already begun to worry about not being able to see He Shen every day.

He Shen thought he didn’t want to go home. “Go to mine?”

Qiao Shao shook his head and said, “I just got the results and now, I’m not going to go home? Wouldn’t that be such a great disservice to my dad’s sports car?”

Seeing that he could still joke around, He Shen laughed. “I’ll send you a WeChat later.”

Qiao Shao agreed. “En!”

He Shen said, “Then I will go back first.”

Qiao Shao hated to part with him. “Okay.”

He Shen easily saw through him and pulled him into a corner.

Qiao Shao opened his eyes sharply. “We-we’re at school.”

“No one can see.” Shen He kissed him quickly on the forehead.

Qiao Shao’s heart slammed against his chest. He wanted to push him away put couldn’t bring himself to do it with much force.

He Shen finally couldn’t hold back. He lowered his head slightly and planted a kiss on his trembling lips.

Now, Qiao Shao has stopped breathing!

“Let’s go,” He Shen held his hand, “If we don’t leave now, I won’t be able to bear to let you go home.”

Qiao Shao broke out of his hold and whispered, “You’re not allowed to mess around in school!”

He Shen also knew the seriousness of the situation and said, “It won’t do it again.”

Qiao Shao glared at him. “What if someone finds out!”

This would be easy for him to deal with. In any case, no one would dare to do anything to him. But what about He Shen?

Being branded a homosexual can ruin a person’s life.

He Shen had almost the same thinking as he did. He also felt that he would have no trouble but was worried for Qiao Shao. He’s never cared about what people thought of him, but Qiao Shao wasn’t the same. So he has to be more cautious.

“I was reckless.” He Shen apologized to him.

Qiao Shao was afraid he felt sad and whispered to him. “Wait until we get to your place. Behind closed doors, we can do whatever you want.”

He Shen’s heart gave a jump.

After speaking, Qiao Shao realized that he had been too ambiguous. He blushed and explained, “Well, I mean we can kiss as much as you want at home ...”

It seemed even more wrong!

He Shen chuckled and said, “If you keep seducing me, don’t blame me for doing bad things.”

Qiao Shao: He hadn’t, he really hadn’t!

However, even jumping into the Yellow river wouldn’t be able to wash him of those words he’d just said!

That night, Qiao Shao saw the new sports car. “I don’t even have a driver’s license. Why do you buy so many cars for me?”

Qiao Zongmin: “This is a limited edition. So, I bought it now and you can use it when you’re an adult.”

Qiao Shao saw through him immediately. “Yes, and in the meantime you can help me take it for a spin so that it doesn’t rust away in storage.”

Qiao Zongmin said boldly and confidently, “I really did buy it for you. How can I be driving such a flashy car at my age?”

Qiao Shao: “Uh-huh, you won’t be driving it for yourself. You’ll be helping drive it for me.”

Qiao Zongmin reluctantly said, “Aiya. It really is tough being a father like this.”

Qiao Shao thought to himself, ‘No wonder He Shen treats you like some celebrity. You have the very essence of an entertainer!’

Things were lively at Qiao Shao’s end but it was very quiet at He Shen’s.

He was already long used to it though.

He Shen leaned back against his chair and turned on the computer.

He tapped on the keyboard with one hand. He typed the words ‘Qiao Zongmin’.

He Shen looked through some of the search results that were deliberately pushed to the back.

The only son of Qiao Zongmin — Qiao Yi.

He Shen opened the photo taken five or six years ago.

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