My wife Im found out that I resurrected Roger!

Chapter 68

Navy Headquarters, Admiral's Office.

Sengoku received further reports from Impel Down.


"Ivankov and Lightning, the revolutionary army cadres who were originally imprisoned at Level 5, were found.

They actually built a new transvestite paradise on the 5.5th floor underground?!"

"Fifty major criminals died in underground LV6!"

"Golden Lion and Jinbei were rescued by Orochimaru!"

"Orochimaru also captured Director Magellan?!"

"Is Orochimaru crazy? How dare he commit such a crime!"

Zhan Guo was so angry that he smashed the newly replaced desk into pieces.

"Come, call Garp and Vice Admiral Crane over here!"

Not long after,

Garp walked into the Marshal's office carrying a plate of donuts.

"Warring States Period, what happened?"

"Could it be that Kaido and that red-haired brat are fighting again in the New World?!"

"Their fight is good for our navy!

If it's just a small matter, can you please stop disturbing me while I'm trying to challenge the donut record?"

"Shut up!"

Zhan Guo glared at Garp, then looked at He who followed Garp into the office.

"��Next, I have to announce a big event!"

Admiral Kizaru, who was sitting in Sengoku's office, shook his head.

Minato Namikaze killed the Celestial Dragons with one punch, and now Orochimaru resurrected Roger and made a scene in Impel Down.

What will this world become?

Alas, when can I get off work today?

Garp picked his nose with a look of indifference.

For him, who had killed Rocks and chased the Pirate King Roger many times, nothing could make him fuss.

Even when he learned that his grandson Luffy made a scene on the Judicial Island and openly declared war on the World Government, he just ran over and gave his grandson a loving iron fist.

Now, he is unable to save another grandson, and his heart is full of regret and helplessness. He doesn't bother to care about what troubles the navy has encountered.

Anyway, it's all because of you, Sengoku, who wants to publicly execute Ace and fight against the Whitebeard Pirates.

Solve it yourself!

I'm already a semi-retired old man. Eat

, drink and sleep at work, isn't it nice?

Unlike Garp's indifferent expression,

Vice Admiral Tsuru has a solemn expression.

Although various major events have happened all over the world since the Navy Headquarters announced the public execution of Fire Fist Ace in the past few days, such as the destruction of the 22 warships monitoring the Whitebeard Pirates, causing the Navy Headquarters to lose track of the Whitebeard Pirates.

For example, the Four Emperors Kaido and the Four Emperors Red Hair fought in the New World, and then the Red Hair Pirates also lost their traces and were suspected to be heading towards the Navy Headquarters.

For example, the Third, Fifth, and Sixth Hokage appeared in multiple sea areas, causing the mysterious organization Konoha, which the Navy Headquarters feared, to unveil its mystery again.

Many bad news that were rarely heard in the past few years caused the top brass of the Navy Headquarters to panic, and more than a dozen supreme meetings were held in just a few days to discuss various countermeasures.

But it was the first time she saw Sengoku with such a serious expression.


Lieutenant General He was stunned and looked around the office.

"Where are Admirals Akainu and Aokiji?"

Since there is a big event to be announced, we should also summon these two top combatants of the Navy Headquarters.

"Just now,"

Zhan Guo opened his mouth and announced a major event,

"Impel Down was breached from the front"


Lieutenant General He was shocked.

"The world's largest deep sea prison was captured?

Did the Whitebeard Pirates think that Ace the Fire Fist was still imprisoned in Impel Down, so they attacked Impel Down?"

In her opinion, only if the Four Emperors like the Whitebeard Pirates go all out, will there be hope of capturing Impel Down, which is known as the"iron wall".

"It shouldn't be Whitebeard."

Garp sat down on the chair, took a big bite of senbei, and said,

"Otherwise, you would have gathered the forces of the Navy Headquarters to Impel Down and started a war!

However, Akainu and Aokiji should have been sent by you to Impel Down to provide support, right? In other words, the invaders actually need two generals to attack at the same time to defeat them?

I am curious, what force broke through Impel Down?

Could it be the mysterious organization Konoha that just appeared recently?"

"How many people broke into the world's largest prison?"Lieutenant General Tsuru couldn't help asking. Sengoku glanced at Garp, Kizaru, and Tsuru in the office, and then said:

"Three people!

There were only three invaders who attacked Impel Down from the front!

They were the Resurrected Orochimaru, the second-in-command of the Revolutionary Army, Chief of Staff Sabo, and a mysterious great swordsman wearing a mask.

But strictly speaking, only the great swordsman took action!

The invader was not from Konoha as you said, Garp!

It was the Resurrected Orochimaru who appeared in the Sabaody Archipelago not long ago!

Just as the previous intelligence records, he summoned a coffin from the sea.

A great swordsman wearing a mask walked out of the coffin, and with just one knife, he cut open most of the Impel Down!"

Speaking of this, Sengoku cursed viciously,

"We have all been fooled by the false information given by the World Government Headquarters!

It can be basically confirmed that the one resurrected by Orochimaru is the real Roger!

Because, with one sword, he not only split the gate of Impel Down, but also slashed from the first floor above the ground to the fifth floor underground.

Moreover, even Magellan, the strongest director of Impel Down, was seriously injured by the masked swordsman in less than a minute.

Although Orochimaru seemed to want to conceal it, according to many signs, this masked swordsman is Roger who fought against Kizaru before.

And the strength he showed is three times stronger than what Kizaru described before!"

Lieutenant General Tsuru was shocked.

"Magellan was a general-level warrior.

He was defeated and seriously injured in less than a minute.

It seems that Pirate King Roger is really resurrected!"

"That's right!"

Zhan Guo nodded.

"Although Magellan is slightly inferior to the three admirals of the Marine Headquarters, he is still an admiral-level warrior.

Regardless of whether Roger was eager to save his son or took the enemy by surprise and burst out in an instant, he was able to defeat an admiral-level warrior within a minute.

It can be seen that he is very strong. I am afraid that he is about to recover his peak strength."

Garp's pupils shrank slightly when he heard this.

Before, on the sixth underground floor of Impel Down, he had told Ace that he hoped Ace's father Roger would really resurrect and save Ace.

After all, in his position, he could not save his pirate grandson at all, and Sengoku was watching him closely.

However, when he heard that Roger was really resurrected, Garp was still in a very conflicted mood.

On the one hand, he expected Roger, who was both an enemy and a friend to him, to rescue Ace.

On the other hand, as a navy, he did not want to see the legendary pirate like Pirate King Roger resurrected, which would inevitably bring turmoil to the whole world.

"What's the situation of Push City now? Could it be that all the criminals inside have escaped?"Lieutenant General Tsuru asked hurriedly.

Speaking of this, Zhan Guo could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

"Impel Down has not fallen, and most of the criminals are still in prison!

It is obvious that Orochimaru has no intention of letting Impel Down fall!

But the situation is still very serious.

The person who reported at the beginning had an accident, but I just got the news.

After Roger seriously injured Director Magellan, several warden chiefs of Impel Down, Deputy Warden Hannibal and other senior officials immediately arrived and joined forces with Magellan to besiege Roger, Orochimaru and Sabo, but Orochimaru stopped Roger, saying that his sword moves might destroy the entire Impel Down.

So, Orochimaru took action!"

"Orochimaru made a move?"

Kizaru couldn't help but exclaimed.

When he first met Orochimaru and Roger in the deserted ruins of the Sabaody Archipelago, Orochimaru ran away immediately.

Three days ago, after various analyses at the highest meeting of the Marine Headquarters, they concluded that

Orochimaru might be the user of the Resurrection Fruit, and he could resurrect a person, so he resurrected the Pirate King Roger as a helper.

But his own strength was just like that, and he didn't even have the courage to stay on the battlefield where he and Roger fought, which showed that he must be a weakling.

But now, Orochimaru actually dared to face the many warden chiefs and deputy wardens of Impel Down.

Did the Marine Headquarters underestimate Orochimaru's strength?

"What was the outcome of the battle?

In addition to being the user of the Resurrection Fruit, could Orochimaru also have mastered other skills such as Haki and swordsmanship?"


Sengoku covered his head, looking like he had a headache.

He had underestimated Orochimaru's fighting power. This was a mistake made in their previous analysis at the Supreme Meeting.

"Orochimaru may not be the user of the Resurrection Fruit.

He claims to be the user of the Nature-type Wood-Woo Fruit.

He then summoned a huge vine on the fifth underground floor, which immediately bound the warden, the deputy warden Hannibal, and many jailer beasts.

These vines are extremely tough. Once entangled, it is impossible to break free.

And the most terrifying thing is that these vines have huge flowers blooming and emitting suspicious pollen.

The surveillance personnel saw through the video Den Den Mushi that the people and jailer beasts who inhaled the pollen all fell into a coma immediately, and no one was spared.

Only Magellan, the user of the Poison-Poison Fruit, was able to stay awake, but he was obviously also affected by the pollen."

"Not the user of the Resurrection Fruit?"

Kizaru was stunned.

"How did Orochimaru revive Roger?


I didn't expect Orochimaru to be a natural ability user!

Why did he run so fast?

There are more and more mysteries about Orochimaru!

Every time we learn more about him, the more unknown information he reveals!"

"Mumu Fruit?"

Garp frowned.

"I've never heard of such a devil fruit."

"Is it very strong?"

"Is it stronger than my fist?"

Lieutenant General He frowned.

"It can instantly eliminate many high-level combat forces in the Impel Down City, and the pollen it emits can even affect Magellan, who has a strong resistance to poison.

This is no longer a question of whether it is strong or not, but very strong!"

"Moreover, since it can grow instantly in the underground LV5 extremely cold hell, the vitality of this vine should be extremely strong, and ordinary swords, fire attacks, and freezing attacks may not be able to destroy it.

If this kind of pollen appears on the battlefield between our navy and the Whitebeard Pirates, it will definitely be a natural disaster!"

"Don't worry!"

Zhan Guo waved his hand confidently.

"Orochimaru will not appear at the Marine Headquarters"

"Because I sent Akainu and Aokiji, who were targeting Orochimaru, to attack at the same time!"

"Orochimaru is the user of the Mumu Fruit, and is countered by Akainu's Magma Fruit!

I sent Aokiji to counter Orochimaru's ability to walk on the sea."


Kizaru stood up in shock.

"Orochimaru can walk on the sea?

When you say walking, do you mean walking on the sea water or walking on vines growing from the seabed?"

"This is the situation we least want to see,"

Zhan Guo sighed.

"I contacted other navy guards outside Impel Down, and they reported that Orochimaru appeared from the vast ocean, walking on the seawater as if he were on land, and quickly rushed to the port of Impel Down.

The speed of the raid was so fast that even the shells of the warships could not catch up!"

Lieutenant General Tsuru shook his head.

"Non-armament Haki cannot hurt the elemental body of a natural ability user, and a devil fruit ability user cannot directly contact seawater, otherwise he will become powerless.

In this sea, these two are iron rules!

Even Admiral Aoki has to use his ability to freeze the sea surface before he can walk on the sea.

But now,

Minato Namikaze, who used the fairy technique · Big Ball Rasengan to injure the elemental Admiral Kizaru with a means other than armed Haki, and now there is Orochimaru, a dual-ability user who is suspected of mastering the two devil fruits of the superhuman type · Resurrection Fruit and the natural type · Wood-wood Fruit, and can still run on the sea.

Minato Namikaze and

Orochimaru, these two men who have only recently appeared in the sight of our Navy Headquarters, have completely subverted the rules of this sea!

What does their appearance mean?

I always have a bad feeling!"

After hearing Vice Admiral Tsuru's words, Sengoku, Kizaru, and even the carefree Garp were all silent. It was already troublesome enough that Minato Namikaze could injure the elemental body with the fairy technique of non-armed Haki, and could instantly appear beside it through contact.

As a result, there is now a terrifying man Orochimaru who has the ability to resurrect, is suspected of having the ability of two devil fruits, and can ignore the curse of the sea.

If you ask them, who is more terrifying between Minato Namikaze and Orochimaru, they can't get an answer at all, both are terrifying!

But one thing is certain.

If possible, they really don't want to be opponents with either Minato Namikaze or Orochimaru.

But that is no longer possible!

Committing the crime of killing the Celestial Dragons, Minato Namikaze Namikaze Minato has been identified by the World Government as"the most vicious criminal in history" and has been subject to the same severe wanted order as Pirate King Roger.

All departments of the World Government are investigating and trying to capture Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato and the World Government already have irreconcilable conflicts!

And Orochimaru, just for resurrecting Pirate King Roger, is destined to be on the World Government's blacklist.

Not to mention, he just broke into the world's largest prison, Impel Down.

Two men who are as dangerous as the Four Emperors, and even surpass them in some aspects, have all become enemies of the World Government and the Navy.

Even Kizaru, the most powerful admiral of the Navy Headquarters, and even the knowledgeable Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru, feel that this is really troublesome.

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