My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 126: Details Of Excalibur With Photos

"You work really very hard" She couldn't help but comment and was proud of herself for having a florist boutique as a fake profession, as it is relaxing and not stressful.

"Haha, what about you? Not going to your flowers?"

"Today Andy will take care of it, I will spend my whole day with you"

"It seems you are only falling harder for me every day" Chance teased her.

"Hmm, that is how it seems" She didn't deny surprising Chance.

"You never fail to surprise me, woman"

"Chance, after your work, can we watch a movie tonight?" Samantha was hesitating asking him this but she did.

"Sure, why are you hesitating so much? Are you planning to watch some erotic movie with me?" Chance winked at her.

Rolling her eyes, she responded, "Nope, I want you to get over your fear of murders and murderers, so we will watch movies related to assassins" 

Chance was not sure if he should laugh or cry, but he just smiled, "Done, let's do that"

"Really?" Samantha was not sure and felt guilty for playing with his fear due to her own selfish reasons.

"Hmm, whatever you want." Chance warmly smiled at her, which made her heart ache.

"I'll be sitting right next to you, if you get scared, I'll handle you" She assured him, leaving Chance speechless.

"Thanks Sam, it would mean a lot" Finally he came up with this.

Then Chance gave her all the souvenirs, gifts and chocolates he bought for her in Miami and the bag David gave him, so that he could pretend like he was in Houston and Philadelphia too.

"Wow, this beach top is so cute" Samantha then looked at the chocolates and ate one, "Wow, they are damn yummy. Thank you so much Chance."

"Glad you like it, by the way, will your dad like this stuff?"

He showed her a watch and a book.

Samantha looked impressed, "You bought gifts for my dad too? Seems like you are not leaving any stone unturned in impressing him."

"Of course, after all he is the one whose blessing matters the most" He winked at her and she ignored the underlying meaning of his words. 

Later, they looked around a few gyms in San Diego. Chance chose the one he would like to join.

Then they went to his office and it was Samantha's first time visiting it.

She looked around the big building in awe.

"Is the whole building yours?" 

"Yup, but it has only three floors, it is not that big" 

"Are you kidding me? Three floors are not big?" Samantha couldn't believe this guy.

Chance smiled at her reaction.

"The headquarters has twenty floors"

"What a show-off" Samantha rolled her eyes, scoffing at him.

"Come in" Chance saw she was still standing near the car.

"I don't want to meet your employees"

"It is a holiday, no one is there, come let's go" Chance held her hand and pulled her with him.

The two people headed inside.

Samantha looked at the inside of the building, there was a reception area at the ground floor and in the centre of the room, right opposite to the entrance she saw a comfortable space where the receptionist is supposed to work from.

Chance then pulled her towards the elevator, which was thrice the size of the elevator in their apartment.

"Fuck, you are so rich" She couldn't help but exclaim.

Chance laughed at how intrigued she was at her surroundings.

"I moved across the country for you, couldn't you figure that out already?"

"Yeah, but seeing it first-hand feels different"

Then they went inside his office.

"Okay, this looks brilliant" Samantha observed the big room, decorated in European Style.

The office looked pleasant to one's eyes and gave a comfortable vibe.

Samantha observed the big book shelf in his office, looking at the books there. Chance smiled seeing her excitement and curiosity. 

He collected the files left for him and observed Samantha, who was seriously looking at the collection of books.

"Want to read any of them?"

"Nope, business management is not my thing." She replied but was still looking at the books.

"Then what's your thing?"

"Engineering" Samantha answered in reflex not realizing what she just said.

"Engineering?" Chance looked surprised and that's when she realized what she blurted out just now.

"Umm, never mind"

Samantha cursed herself but Chance didn't drag it.

"Come, on let's go to some nice place for lunch" Chance had to drag away Samantha from his office as she was rooted at her spot.

After lunch, Samantha and Chance decided to tour around San Diego, they went back home only at night, after having dinner outside.

"What an amazing day it was" Chance exclaimed to Samantha.

"Are you tired or some energy is still left in you?" Samantha asked them just as they reached their floor.

Chance smirked at his girlfriend and pulled her towards him, "Energy? Of course, a lot of energy is left in me" He then hugged her tighter and asked, "How do you want to utilize my energy?"

"By making you watch some action movies" Samantha laughed hard seeing Chance's reaction as he was hoping for some action in life but his girlfriend was making him watch action in movies.

"Fine, let's do that" The active man suddenly turned lazy and tired.

They both first freshened up and changed into comfortable clothing, Chance joined Samantha in her home.

She already selected a movie and everything was set, she even prepared popcorn and cold drinks.

"Seems like you planned all of this for a long time" Chance concluded observing the setting.

"Yes, it has always been my dream to watch action movies with my boyfriend" She excitedly declared.

"Very inexpensive dreams you have in your life" Chance made fun of her.

"Yeah, I am not high maintenance like you" She taunted him instead.

"Hey, I am not…"

"Have some shame, don't lie, now shhh, the movie is starting" Samantha pointed at the Television.

Chance stopped talking and the movie started.

The opening scene in this movie was a twist and ended up in a murder, Samantha nervously looked at Chance to see his reaction but he looked fine.

Sensing her gaze Chance too turned to look at her, only to see her worried face.

"What happened?"

"Chance, you don't have to act brave in front of me, if you are scared, you can show it"

Chance wanted to laugh harder, but he pulled her closer and hugged her, "Keep hugging me, I'll feel less scared" He decided to take advantage of the situation while he can.

The movie was enjoyed by both the people, every time there was a murder, they both got excited but they both controlled themselves to not let the other person know of how much they were enjoying it.

After a while, Chance dropped a message to someone carefully, to not let Samantha notice his actions.

Five minutes later, Samantha's secret phone rang and that's when she remembered Grim Reaper told her he would call her again.

"Hey, is that your alarm?" Chance pretended to be innocent about it.

"Yup it is, just hold on a second." Samantha desperately took the phone to her room and answered it.

Chance chuckled at her reaction and smiled as his plan worked.

He went to Miami, which Samantha was aware of. He had to lie about visiting Houston and Philadelphia to cover up his blunder.

But Chance was sure this wouldn't be enough, so he had to make some kind of arrangement which would ensure Grim Reaper calls Samantha while Chance was sitting right next to her.

So, before leaving he instructed David to call her as Grim Reaper by changing his voice using the voice modulator. 

Once David got a message from Chance, 'NOW', he immediately called Samantha. 

David was very nervous but he had to do it for his friend's sake.

Samantha answered the call and spoke in a low volume.

"Hello" She whispered.

"Excalibur is in Miami. I have sent you the document with all details of Excalibur with photos. If you have any queries, just call me." After saying this much David cut the call.

Samantha looked at her phone in surprise that Grim Reaper was in a hurry and unlike all the other times he didn't tease her or talk non-sense. His words were on-point.

Samantha too was relieved as she didn't wish to talk to him for so long while Chance is here. 

Calming herself, she went back to the living room, Chance was watching the movie when she joined him.

"The sound of your alarm is weird" He commented.

"Hmm, ignore it" Samantha hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder.



"For how long were you in Miami?" Samantha asked him.

Chance turned nervous when she asked him this question.

"Less than 48 hours"

"Which places did you visit?"

Chance gulped in nervousness but didn't let it show on his face. He listed a few industrial areas.

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