My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 147: Further Studies

"They were missing you and when I was booking your and Samantha's tickets, Mia saw it" David made a 'sorry' face.

"Oh, cool then"

"So, tomorrow lunch at my place"


"Also, Chance, one more thing. I got the information on Brimstone" David informed him.

"What? Already?" Chance was surprised that David got the information in a week.

"Yes. I didn't check it, I was hoping we will go through it together" David said with a faint smile on his face.

"So, tomorrow when I will be at your place for lunch, let's go through all the information you got" Chance suggested.

"Yes, I was thinking the same" David then drove away and he was anxious as they would be finally knowing who killed their friend, Lucas.

Chance headed towards his home, as now he wished to be with his woman and when he checked the time, it was only 9 pm. 

'Wow, killing Excalibur was easier and faster than I thought' Chance headed upstairs to his room as Samantha was not in the living room.

When he entered his room, he was shocked at the sight awaiting him.

Samantha was wearing a white short dress and left her wavy hair open. She was sitting on the couch with her left leg on the right one, reading some magazine.

She looked so hot and seductive with her sexy long legs flashing at him, the words he was supposed to say to greet her were now stuck in his throat and he forgot why he was searching for her.

Samantha lifted her head, when she sensed Chance's presence in the room.

"Are you done with your work?" She casually asked him.

"Hmm" He couldn't respond with anything else. That noise too came out with a lot of difficulty.

"Go and freshen up, you look tired" Samantha again looked back into her magazine.

Chance didn't oppose her suggestion as he could feel getting turned on just by looking at her, as right now Samantha looked so hot, he wanted to pounce and conquer her but he was afraid of scaring the woman.

Right now, she is in his home and not hers, he didn't wish to make her feel uncomfortable in any way.

Taking her suggestion seriously, he collected his clothes and entered the washroom.

After thirty minutes, he stepped out in a white t-shirt and black shorts. Glancing around the room, he sighed in disappointment not finding Samantha.

On heading downstairs, he saw the beautiful woman talking on phone with someone. She then turned around and their gazes met.

Samantha signalled him to go to the dining room.

Chance refused to go and he kept looking at her, in that moment the phrase, 'Can't take my eyes off you' was the only thing on his mind as he for the first time was living through this phrase.

Not bothering with him, Samantha continued talking to Bill on phone and assured him they are fine.

Bill then expressed his wish to talk to Chance so Samantha handed the phone over to him.

Chance stepped to a more private place and Samantha headed towards the dining room.


"Any updates on Excalibur?"

"He is dead"



Bill was not that surprised, "You did not had to kill him, Chance"

"Once I set my eye on a target, how can I let him be?" Chance counter-questioned him.

"So, it is all over now?"


"Good to know that. Have a good weekend in New York" Bill hung up the phone and sighed in relief as his biggest enemy was now gone forever.

Chance headed inside and joined Samantha.

"What did dad wanted to talk about?" Samantha asked him curiously as she did notice Chance walking away for some privacy.

"He just warned me to not take advantage of his daughter while we are away on this holiday" Chance made Samantha laugh with his smooth lie.

"I hope you will adhere to his warning" Samantha served food on his plate and passed it onto him.

"I can't if you keep looking this hot" He muttered loud enough for her to hear.

Samantha ignored him, "How is the food?"

"Great as always but tonight I am more eager to taste the person who cooked this delicious meal"

Samantha's heart pounded faster, this time he frankly shared whatever is going on his mind instead of muttering it.

Subconsciously, she curled her toes, getting nervous as she recollected the night from a week ago.

That night, she experienced a wave of emotions, she never thought existed in her. It would be a lie to say, she never thought of that night or craved for it again. That night she enjoyed herself not just because of the physical pleasure she experienced but because of the emotional connect she felt with Chance. In those moments, she felt closer to him as she could feel his love through every small action of his.

With all these thoughts going on in her mind, Samantha took small bites of her food and avoided looking at Chance.

Sensing the tension between them, Chance decided to not say anything further.

They both had dinner in silence.

"Do you want to take a walk around the lawn?" Chance asked her after they were done. He didn't wish to pounce on her and rather take some time instead before making his move on her.

"Hmm" Samantha was already feeling anxious because of his earlier comment, she desperately wanted to get out of here and breathe in fresh air so he agreed to his suggestion.

They walked in silence enjoying the fresh breeze.

"I never thought a house like this exists in New York" Samantha spoke looking around his place and she needed something to talk about to distract her mind.

"Like this?"

"It is a busy city, didn't expect this kind of calmness here."

"It depends. I am in real estate, so I built this house the way I want. I always prefer a calm place with a nice neighbourhood and a pleasant atmosphere. I don't like the crowd and busy life I spend in the morning so at night I choose to stay like this."

"That apartment in San Diego must be difficult to adjust with after spending so many years in this kind of an amazing home" Samantha just realized the drastic change in his lifestyle.

"It is not very comfortable for sure. But these houses are just, bricks and walls. Home is where you are. So, I don't care where I live as long as you are with me" Chance held Samantha's hand in his and continued walking, entangling their hands together.

When Chance held her soft, small hands in his, Samantha felt a protective shield surround her, his hand gave her the warmth which she unknowingly craved for. That small gesture of him holding her hand and telling her his home is where she is, made her truly feel at home.

It made her feel she was back home after all these years.

Samantha was not sure, if this feeling was due to her revenge which she fulfilled or it was something else, but after many years she finally felt peaceful.

Holding Chance's hand right now, and walking around like this, Samantha realized this is what she wants for the rest of her life and nothing else matters.

"Chance" Samantha softly called him.


"I am thinking of selling off my florist business" Samantha informed him startling him. 

Chance was definitely a bit surprised as he didn't see this coming.

"Wow, what's the reason behind it?" He somewhere realized it is because she had her revenge. The purpose of her joining this world was fulfilled and so this decision.

"I am bored of it"

Chance smiled and hugged her closer, his arm was now around her shoulder instead of holding her hand.

Kissing on her head lovingly, he asked her, "Then what business you would like to start?" 

Samantha hesitated before answering him, but she already made her decision and had to inform Chance of it. Gathering all the courage in her, she answered him, "I don't want to do any business. I want to study further"

This time Chance was truly shocked, "Further studies?" He surprisingly looked at her.

Samantha nodded her head, "Hmm. I couldn't go for Masters due to my mom's death. I was too disturbed to think about anything else. But somewhere the fact that I gave up on my dream of completing my masters, always bugged me. My mom too wished me to complete it so now I decided to pursue my dream"

With a faint smile painted on his lips, Chance caressed her cheeks, "You should definitely fulfil your dreams. I am proud of you"

Chance realized after killing Excalibur, she now wants to go back to the life she had, before she became an assassin. He wondered if she was retiring from the world of assassins too or she would continue being one while continuing her studies. Only Bill could answer his question.


Important Note:

Dear all, I am participating in the recent wpc contest - Revenge, with a new novel: Sister, Back-off from 'My Man' (you can find this book in my profile). It is a revenge drama.

I'll be really grateful, if you guys can add this book in your library and give it a trial read. If you like it, please leave your comments, reviews and vote with power stones to support me in this event. 

I'll be very grateful if you can do it. Thanks for reading my note.

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