My class [Death Knight] is just barely legal…

Chapter 206: Witch hunters’ guild.

Once inside the city, Emeri and I decided to split up, as we each had a different destination in mind. It didn’t take long before the familiar shape of the witch hunters’ guild came into view in the distance. The guild district was, however, as busy as always, slowing me down quite a bit as I weaved through the different parties to get to the fortress. It seemed even busier than usual, in fact, and it didn’t take long for my suspicions to be confirmed.

Posters had been stuck on every signboard in the area, accompanied by related newspapers that told of the event about to shake the continent. All of the people gathered were discussing the matter. Some loudly proclaiming that they would be the ones the shock people of all nations with their strength, while others discussed possible work and business opportunities to be had near the event.

From what I could see, no further details had been announced so far, but I knew that it would only be a matter of time.

Eventually, I reached the gates of the guild that I hadn’t visited for a while. It felt strange to be let in without needing to have my badge checked by security, as it turned out I had become something of a local celebrity. Even more strange, however, was how much the fortress had changed in the relatively short time I had been away.

Where before the guild headquarters had been a gloomy, if well-equipped, building. Back then, the most impressive thing about it had been its sheer size, having been an old city guard barracks before being retrofitted to suit the witch-hunters’ needs.

Now, however, its sheer opulence took centre stage instead. It couldn’t be compared to an aristocrat’s mansion or anything, but it was clear that the guild master had stopped at nothing to redecorate the place with only the most expensive weapons and armour he could find. All of which stood in stark contrast to the aged brick serving as a backdrop to this equipment, of course.

Equally notable was how active the fortress now felt. Far more witch hunters, both young and old, gathered here. They all seemed to know me, too, greeting me with a smile when I passed. I could swear I hadn’t met any of them before, though…

Finally, I reached the guild master’s office. I was ushered inside upon my arrival and welcomed warmly by the lion-like tier 5 sitting behind the desk.

For once, his furniture was paperwork-free and there were no bags under his eyes. After some casual greetings, I got around to asking about these recent changes.

“So you’ve noticed, have you?” Andros, the guild master asked smugly. “Our branch has seen a large increase in manpower and wealth recently, in no small part thanks to you, of course! Your accomplishments in the royal tournament did much to improve the witch hunters’ guild as a whole, but your tales of the between lands were what really propelled you into stardom!”

“My… tales of the between lands? I’m pretty sure I haven’t been spreading those tales, though.” I countered, frowning.

“But you don’t need to, Arthur! The church has been taking care of that for you! Just imagine, ‘local hero returns holy artefact from the lands of death!’ Such a story is enough to convince anyone of our value, don’t you think? Since then, we’ve been having an influx of recruits. Both newly awakened and retiring veterans alike, to fill up our ranks.”

I shook my head and sighed, foreseeing very little rest to be found in Reito from now on. To be fair, this was going to happen at some point anyway. To have it happen so early, however…

I abandoned that train of thought and decided to focus on what was in front of me right now.

“Andross, do you know where I can find Cerion? I heard that him and his dad were in the city somewhere, bickering with Archdule Cerithal.”

Andros’ eyes lost their lustre at the thought, but he nodded regardless.

“There’s this fancy place near the center of the city. From what I hear, they’re all staying there as it’s the most expensive inn in the city. Has these fancy marble spires near its gates, and all.”

My eyes widened, remembering the adjoined restaurant Cerion had taken me too what felt like a lifetime ago.

“…You know the place?” Andross questioned, noticing my reaction.

“Somewhat. Anyway, I suppose Cerithal will be there, too?”

Andross nodded gravely. “You can be sure, yeah. …Listen, Arthur. I want you to be careful around Cerithal, all right? It wouldn’t be the first time that his hand slips and some talented hopeful bites the dust. He knows his value to the kingdom as a whole and he isn’t afraid of… pushing boundaries, every now and then.”

I nodded in return, seeing his point but not truly worried. Recent events had cemented my confidence to escape anybody but a tier 7, so I wasn’t as on edge as Andross wanted me to be.

After some hurried goodbyes, I left the witch hunter fortress and set out for the ‘inn’ Andross had pointed out. On the way there, I passed through the commercial district. Seeing the weapons and armor on display, my hand went to the weapon hanging from my belt. A bastard sword, similar to the weapon my parents had gifted me a year ago.

Its shape allowed for more versatility than a two-handed great sword, at the cost of weight and power. Not that the first mattered as much anymore.

The fact that my current weapon was only tier 3 bothered me. It simply couldn’t handle most of my skills, cracking and breaking the moment I channelled too much mana. Unlike other mana affinities, however, I didn’t know of any smiths capable of making a dark-aligned weapon for me.

Back when I had bought the weapon in Necropolis, it had been the best option available on short notice. I hadn’t had the time to seek out private collections to buy something more suitable and the city itself was too much of a dump to have a proper mercantile district. Corpse auctions were as good as it got, over there.

Now, with the continental meet just on the horizon, the fact that my current weapon wasn’t at all sufficient for my needs became ever more present in my mind. I would have to find a better one as soon as possible, and I could think of only a few people who could help me find one.

Among them, Emeri’s dad and my own guild head seemed the most likely candidates, but perhaps Andross had an idea as well…

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