Naruto: Chronicles of A Fire Ninja

Chapter 93: Konoha Hospital

After eating to their heart's content, all of them went back to the house. Both Kaida and Yomi directly went to their rooms, as they were very tired for different reasons.


Kaida wanted to be in perfect shape tomorrow, as the chances of him being rejected were quite high. Even if he got rejected by the village hospital, he could still learn medical jutsu with the help of the Uchiha clan. However, the Uchiha clan did not specialize in medical jutsu, so what he would learn there would mostly be subpar.



At 6:00 AM




'This is the first time I have slept this much, if we don’t count the time when I ate soldier pills,' Kaida thought after waking up.


Then he looked at the time.


'Since the hospital opens at 8 AM, I still have 2 hours to get ready.'


He went to the bathroom and completed his morning duties. After taking a bath, he went to the hall, only to find everyone sitting there and Yomi preparing to leave for her training.


"Good morning, everyone," Kaida said.


He then looked at Yomi and asked, "You’re leaving this early?"


"Yes, my sensei said that morning is the perfect time to train your senses, so until I master the first task, I have to go there before 7," Yomi said, sighing a little.


"Okay, I’ll come to drop you off," Kaida said, going toward the gate.


"No need. I can go there myself. You should focus on your task. Best of luck with your interview," Yomi said, laughing.


"I am going to get accepted; you don’t have to worry about me," Kaida said.


"Okay, bye! Bye, aunty! Bye, brother!" Yomi said, then left for her training.


"Nervous?" Shisui asked, looking at Kaida.


"A little. Grandpa said he was going to arrange someone with a high post. Maybe he is going to send some specialist ninja, and he may refuse to teach me if my talent is not satisfactory enough."


"Well, someone with that post is mostly cranky, but at least you are not getting any chief medical ninja as your sensei. They are always angry for some reason and only handle Jonin and above ninjas.


They are the real arrogant bunch, but they have qualifications to be arrogant. After Lady Tsunade, they are the most proficient in medical ninjutsu," Shisui said.


"Are you trying to increase my pressure?" Kaida asked, looking at Shisui.


"If you want to be a successful ninja, this much pressure should be child’s play for you," Shisui said like a sage advising his disciple.




"Don’t listen to his banter, Kaida. Do you know what he did when he was going to take the Chunin exam…?"


"MOM, let’s forget about the past. Kaida has to get ready; go get your preparation done," Shisui said, cutting Hae off.


"I have already done all the preparation," Kaida said.


"Then come, let’s eat breakfast. You need energy for such a hectic day," Shisui said, dragging Kaida toward the dining area.


Hae just stood there shaking her head.


After eating breakfast, Kaida and Shisui sat in the garden.


"Brother, when we use Genjutsu, all that Yang chakra simply goes to waste. Is there some way we can use that chakra?" Kaida asked.


"You haven’t even cast your first Genjutsu yet, and you want to learn such an advanced technique? Take one step at a time, my little brother. If you rush it too much, you may harm yourself. Once you’re ready, I will teach you that too," Shisui said.


"Okay, brother, but can you at least tell me by which ratio you can divide your chakra?" Kaida asked, wanting to compare himself with Shisui.


"Well, normally, I can go till 96:4, but with this, I can even go approximately 100:0," Shisui said while activating his Mangekyō Sharingan.


Kaida already knew that Shisui had Mangekyō Sharingan, but this was the first time he had seen it with his own eyes. In front of these eyes, Kaida felt like he was standing naked and Shisui could read him like an open book.


It was like he was in front of an apex predator, and no matter what he did, he could not evade those eyes.


Shisui, understanding this, deactivated his Mangekyō Sharingan, looked at Kaida with a gentle smile, and asked, "So, what was your score? I know you’ve tried your limit; that is the only reason you’ll ask me such a question."


Kaida took a moment to stabilize his breath and then answered, "Only till 90:10. After that, it started to become unstable, and no matter how much I tried, I couldn't increase that ratio."


"That is a very good number, Kaida. With each percentage, your Genjutsu quality will increase exponentially, but the difficulty will also increase in the same way."


"Figured," Kaida said with a disappointed sigh.


"No need to be disappointed. With this ratio and 2 Tomoe Sharingan, you can even cast Genjutsu on a Jonin, with enough practice, of course," Shisui said.


"Okay, brother," Kaida said while standing up.


"Hey, this is not the time to start practicing," Shisui said hurriedly.


"What do you take me for? Obviously, I am not going to practice now. It is already 7:30. I am leaving early for the hospital. I don’t want to be late at any cost," Kaida said with mock anger.


Shisui just laughed a little and then asked, "Should I come to drop you?"


"No, thanks," Kaida replied, fearing Shisui might pull a prank on his new sensei.


"Okay, take care," Shisui said.


"Thanks," Kaida said and then went toward the Village Hospital. The distance between the Village Hospital and the Uchiha compound was not small by any means, and it was not possible to reach there in 30 minutes, even if someone ran at their full speed.


But Kaida used the Wind Instantaneous Movement Jutsu to get there, so he easily reached in just 10 minutes. He could have reached even sooner, but since he had ample time, Kaida didn’t have to hurry.


This was the second time he had come to the Village Hospital. During his first visit, he was very busy and worried due to Ayomi, but this time he had time to see this magnificent building completely.


It was not like the hospital shown in the anime—a small building that only had 30 to 40 rooms. No, it was a massive building designed to tend to the thousands of ninjas in Konoha.


*(A.N.: The image of the hospital is here, but the rest of the images are on my Patreon page 😉)*


Upon reaching the hospital, Kaida went to the receptionist and said, "Good morning, ma’am. My name is Kaida Uchiha. Lord Third asked me to come here today to meet my new sensei."


"Oh, you’re a little early. Most doctors come here after 8:00 AM. You can wait or come back after some time," the receptionist replied.


"I will wait. Ah… can you please tell me the name of my sensei?" Kaida asked.


"You will be taught by Mitsuru-sama. I envy you," the receptionist replied.


"Oh! Is she a specialist here?" Kaida asked, full of expectation. He may not have been assigned to a specialist, but after hearing the receptionist's reply, he was sure that his sensei must be a specialist.


"You don’t know Mitsuru-sama, and you want to be a medical ninja? Life sure is unfair," the receptionist said, shaking her head.


"I am sorry," Kaida apologized, even though he had done nothing wrong. Listening to her reply made him feel that maybe it was his mistake.


"Hah! Mitsuru-sama is not just any specialist here; she is the chief medical ninja and is in charge of the emergency response team. She is one of the youngest medical ninjas to become chief medical ninja. She is just 35 years old, though she does get angry quite easily," the receptionist explained.


Kaida's eyes lost their light for a moment.


'Really? How can my luck be this good and bad at the same time?' Kaida thought, but didn’t say anything. He just nodded and went to sit on the sofa.

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