Naruto: Mind over matter

Riku is screwed…

-1 hour later-

Pov: Riku


Why Old man?

What did I do to you?

I am in [Manual Operations], I can see the aphrodisiac flowing throughout my body, not feel it- see it. Its that much.

I count the amount flowing through me, Anko showed me these types- manufacturers are Amber valley, last roughly 2 days and are potent. Very potent, I used my third mind to focus on not popping a boner these past 2 days.

I count 11 doses in my body, I must maintain Manual control till it goes away.

Why did I not let my teammates have their way with me? Because they aren't seducing me anymore. in there seductive advances they somehow seduced each other and are now having 'fun' five feet away from me, while I pretend to sleep.

Why? What the hell did I do to deserve this. I'm in actual, physical pain.

"Hey, haaa~, hey Yuko, shouldn't we... ya know, bring Riku in on thi- haa~"

I am dying over here and my mind feels like its being hit over the head with a baseball bat constantly. Please. Yuko. Please say yes. I cant think straight anymore.

"Mmff~ and ruin our fun? you earned the right to enjoy me Mira~ don't squander my generosity"

A single tear drops down my cheek.


Pov: Hokage

The Jonin teachers and I are watching the security cameras in the forest.

Usually we ignore them as they usually get taken down or destroyed often in these exams.

But there is a betting pool going around with Anko and Yamato's genin.

The security team have been replaying scenes of the two amateur seductresses try and get young Riku's attention, the jonin are laughing and I have never seen a more vibrant Chunin exam, well in the Jonin lounge at least.

Usually the lounge is small groups talking to one another and having quiet boring talks amongst themselves.

This exam? They are crowding the television and betting on what happens.

Currently there have been three winners, and they have gotten a percentage of the current pot.

Kakashi, Genma and Rai a Jonin from sand won the bet that the two ladies would sleep with each other.

We can only see shuffling in the dark and I really should ask the team to switch cameras but I have money on a threesome...

What? They decided to use the worldwide gathering of the most powerful genin, the chunin exams, a substitute for war to try and play seductress in the forest of death, if they play dangerous games they get dangerous prizes.

Important Jonin betting on them and teasing them.

If they don't learn any lesson from this then I should consider failing there team...

haa~ im not however because its technically my fault this is happening, the clan heads get access to the information yes- but I stupidly praised him in the meeting, which lead to Danzo making a comment on the potential power of mixing his bloodline with others who specialize in the mind and the advantages that every clan would get from his bloodline mixing with theirs, and he said this because I got him to promise to give his full support in the meeting, and then koharu and homura praised his genius as well...

I should've just left well enough alone. Of course the clans would try and seduce him, I just thought they would at least wait till the chunin exams were over. Haa~ well at least I got young Riku in the minds of the higher ups in Konoha so they will help him grow stronger in the future, so I guess my original goal succeeded. Just a little too well.

I'm not used to my plans having no resistance from anyone.

"Hahahaha-Yamato, Yamato look- Look at his face, tv guy rewind the river scene again!"

Anko is certainly in high spirits.

"He looks dead inside, is this... is he alright?"

A jonin from grass pipes in.

"*whistle*~ hey save all these for me would you, Jiraiya-sama would love this for his books"

Kakashi quips.

"Actually make two copies please sir, this will be hilarious to tease him with later"

Yamato chuckles.

Yeah, I fucked up, but this doesn't reach my top ten fuck ups during my career so I will conveniently ignore it.


-1 hour later-

Pov: Riku

My eyes are shut but my veins are bulging, I'm trembling ever so slightly now, and I have no control over my nether regions.

They just finished up thirty seconds ago and are talking.

"hey we should do this again, you down to still do this after the exams are over?"

"Hn? Of course, I don't just give my body away to just anyone."

Then why the hell did you pump ELEVEN fucking doses of aphrodisiacs into me!? Did you guys not know the maximum dosage a person should have!?

I'm going mad over here!

"Yawn~ we should get to bed you set up all the alarms and traps right?"

"Hn. Of course, your right let us re- shit."

"What's wrong?"

"We destroyed our bedrolls and blankets..."

"Oh. I have an extra set of clothes but... its just a tank top and pants."

"I only brought what I'm wearing and this jacket isn't big enough for the both of us."




"You think he would mind giving his bedroll eh?"

I can feel there gazes on me and then they shuffle awkwardly.

"Oh my!~"

"Eh!? The drugs kicked in finally?"

Oh right I'm pitching a tent... will anyone miss me if I die right now?

"You too? I gave him six doses how many did you give him?"


"Shit" x2

"Can we ignore it?"

"I don't think so, if he was resisting them till now and he cant right now..."

"Kami, is it trembling"

Yes. Shut up. Sleep!

"That looks awfully pain full...."

Yes. Shut up. Sleep!

"Well, we are meant to be seducing him eh?"

"I suppose"

Yes. Shut up. Slee- wait what?

I can feel them enter my bedroll and there naked bodies slide against mine.

Wait what!?

(Whisper) "should we wake him up?"

(Whisper) " lets just... give him a helping hand and see what happens"

Wait... what...?




Pov: Neji hyuga

I tracked down the man known as Riku, I wished to challenge him in combat but it seems that I must wait at the tower for him.

Blushing and turning off my Byakugan I tug at Lee's shirt stopping him from making a dynamic entrance.

"Why are we stopping Neij?"

Tenten asks confused.

Yes why am I stopping? This is the chunin exams and they should not be doing this mid mission, activating my Byakugan again I gather some courage to charge but seeing 'that' again I shake my head and walk away.

"Lets get some sleep and head to the tower. He is currently... injured and has two earth scrolls, same as us. It would be disrespectful to my honour if I attacked an Injured man"

I drag lee away and Tenten nods before following.

Next time ill get him.


-3rd day-

Pov: Riku

Waking up and cleaning up after ourselves, we survey our traps and find a genin team from grass sleeping tied up in a bundle hanging from a tree.

Searching the pockets and we find a heaven scroll! We trade it with our spare earth and start packing up camp.

The bedroll is covered in... its not usable anymore so we dispose of it and start heading for the tower, we got lucky that the grass team fell into our trap and I don't want to find out when the karma will kick in.

We also had a discussion on our way to the tower about the nature of our relationship. Both Yuko and Mariko apologize for the actions of the previous days and promise to never drug me and take advantage again. Fucking ninja world.

I do mention that while they did indeed do that I had fun and no harm was done in the end, but do make sure to give them a stern lecture while we walk about consent and overdosing.

I'm not that angry- I should be, what they did is not something one can just apologize for. But I'm not angry, I just let it go. I don't want to hold that grudge.

They clarified that they are thinking of dating each other and politely suggested that once and a while I could join them.

I never had much interest for sexual pleasure in my last life, its either the puberty, the aphrodisiacs or my new body that made me agree with them.

Well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it, at least they aren't flirting with me today...


-4th day-

Pov: Ace

At all times my main body is at sync with this one, sharing the same senses and moving two bodies at the same time.

But when we were fighting the Ame genin, he used a jutsu on me... the hand signs and the way he pushed his chakra into me... my best guess is that he used a chakra disruption technique in order to cut off my 'strings'.

I do not have strings.

My main body is pumped full of drugs right now and is using both minds to focus on his body.

I haven't realised that my, well me is disconnected from my main conscience.

Hehehe, I cannot wait to see his- my face when I realise I split myself into two separate entities.

I am currently running diagnostics on my chakra, this is a new jutsu so I'm getting valuable data from how my me reacts to being in Ace.

Its fluctuations indicate that I should be capable of shaking off this effect and reconnecting to myself again.


I'm only able to use my unique release jutsu in this body so no way to actually use the medical diagnostic jutsu that I had to learn to live ages ago, might not help at all considering I'm a wooden being but, wouldn't hurt to try later.

Looking around I notice my main self is way too out of it to notice me slip away.

The other two are bowing there heads in shame and wont notice either.

I do it.

Running through the woods seeing ten feet at a time.

I need to create a better jutsu to see in this thing... I can 'see' within ten feet of me and I can sense the general direction of my main self but other than that..

I test if my [Imbue Costume] jutsu allows me to shape the wood into different colours and such.

It does.

I disguise myself as one of the Ame-nin we encountered and if no one touched me and felt that Ace was wood... no one would notice im not human.

I have 20% chakra left, I've only been in one fight but my main body hasn't recharged me since.

Ill have half an hour of free roaming before I start heading back to the group. I memorized the path and can track me down again.

It is twenty minutes later that I run into a fight between some sand ninja and some ninja from the village hidden in the waterfalls.

Hiding my presence I watch the fight. The sand ninja overwhelms the latter and beats them...

Should I?

Fuck it.

I use [Body shunt] after running into the clearing and snatch the heaven scroll from the tired sand genin.

I dash behind a tree and [Imbue Costume]... I blend into the tree and they run past me, looking for a lone Ame nin.

I have used to much chakra, I head back to myself.

When I get back I slip into the group again and follow them into the towers region.

Myself and Yoku start charging past the clearing quickly. I get picked up by Mariko and she dashes through too.

I shake of the disruption and reconnect with myself. My memories flood my brain and I cant focus on them.

My me Ace is currently heavily drugged and cannot think straight.


Pov: Riku

We made a mad dash for the tower when we realised there is a good chance we could get ambushed.

After ten minutes of running, dodging kunai and dashing past explosions we enter the tower safely.

We are one of the last to enter, as all outside are running out of time and struggling to grab any more scrolls.

The grass team that we left alive is probably keeping some other team busy and with the scroll I took form the sand- oh, huh I was disconnected for a second there...

Anyway with the extra heaven scroll there is an odd amount of them outside and will be frustrating to no end when the teams look for them.

I feel weak and I Let go of my [Manual Operations].

Blood flushes to my nether regions and my face, I'm sweating hard and I struggle to breath, the overdose is doing a great amount of harm to my body, fucking amateurs shouldn't of been given any god damned aphrodisiac to begin with!

Taking deep breaths we head to the room for the goal... thingy... god my head hurts.

Yoku reads something aloud and Mariko places the scrolls down and opens them.

Yamato-sensei appears... my heart... stops beating.

My eyes ringing I try to listen in on what Yamato is saying but I cant.

He is smiling at me and laughs.

I give a chuckle back.

What do I do?

If I ask for help ill be disqualified from the exam... I cant go back to genin corps and Double-sensei's do not have the time to babysit me through the next 6 months..

Ill be stuck in a loop...

I feel light headed...

I ask Mariko to drop Ace and then I pump him full of chakra... he is barely charged but I drop every drop in my body into Ace.


Pov: Ace

I collect my chakra and make watch myself fall over.

I'm legally dead.

I have 232% of chakra. Over the limit I should have put into this body. Its not bad just wasteful.

While Yamato-sensei, Yoku and Mariko lead the way, I cast [Imbue Costume and swap mine and Ace's appearance.

Yamato-sensei definitely noticed the change, I cannot hide from him, but I read his lips, he thinks I'm sleeping. Good... I cannot have him pull me from this exam.

My body disguised as Ace is on my back and I get up.

Backpacking my real body.

I've been dead before.

Riku has been dead before and managed to live.

I have roughly 20 minutes to somehow get my body beating again.

Luckily the towers doors close and we enter into a lobby, I am blind, deaf and I have no clue what is happening.

The genin around me line up, I follow.

I stand next to Gaara and he looks at me.

Ace looks back.

Dead eyed no emotion between the two of us. He smiles and his eyes bulge.

Lets ignore that.

15 minutes left.

I follow the genin up to some stairs and onto railings and wait.

10 minutes left.

Yamato-sensei shakes my real body and I read his lips, 'get up Riku, your up now. Riku. You have to get down there. Are you okay.' I jump down from the railings and wait. 1 minute passes.

A Grass Ninja leaps towards me and brandishes a kunai. Its too late to dodge and he impales me. Luckily I am wood.

I use [Body shunt] and slide tackle him, I then kick him when he falls down.

The ninja flips over on the floor and does three hand signs before spitting mud bullets at me.

My Telekinetic sight lets me dodge two but the last one hits my face and dispels the costume.

I watch the genins eyes bulge and his body freeze.

I take this opportunity to kick him and then stomp him to the floor knocking him out.

I realise why he froze now.

Telekinetic sight shows that my main body is incredibly pale, and that every vein in my body is bulging.

My own skin stretches against bone.

This is a lesson to not self regulate drugs. Especially for other people.

I revaluate my anger towards Yoku and Mariko.

I'm pissed.

Anko-sensei flickers towards me.

Five minutes left....

I don't know if I passed the exam or not but being alive and a genin is better then dead and chunin.

Within five minutes Anko-sensei carries me to the medical bay and lays my body down.

Her eyes are watering as she bites her finger nails and paces.

The doctors start pouring medical chakra into my body and dragging the drugs out my body.

Come on.... live damnit...

Why didn't I give up earlier dumbass...

Ace acts like my [Manual Operations] jutsu, I didn't care about living, only winning.

Now that I won, priorities shifted.

I really am Inhuman when I use that jutsu, no wait. My main body doesn't have that weakness...

Only the puppets.. why?

No mind, no body and only soul.

I need a flesh computer to process my Conscience into actual thought.

I see... when disconnected from myself I follow priority rather than human will.


The medics start electrocuting my chest with a jutsu.

My body flops like a dead fish.

Come on me....

19 seconds left.

They keep going.

14 seconds left.

They look at each other

10 seconds left.

One of them opens my lungs by giving me mouth to mouth

3 seconds left...

Goodbye world. I was definitely a person of all time...

Hm? My horrid sense of humour?




I send myself back to my main body.


Thanks for reading :)

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