Naruto: No One Knows That I Can Use Wood Release!

Chapter 44: The Determination to Sacrifice for Konoha!

Nawaki led Araki all the way to Konoha's famous Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

Nawaki ordered three-colored rice balls for each of them, and he smiled throughout, as if his smile contained sunshine, giving off a warm and pleasant feeling.

From a first impression...

Nawaki seemed like a wealthier version of Naruto!

Throughout the entire process, Araki couldn't help but think about Nawaki, to the point that he didn't pay much attention to the taste of the rice balls. They tasted sweet, almost excessively so.

There was no way around it!

Araki had indeed thought of several methods in his head, but there weren't many that could actually be implemented.

Ultimately, his inner inclination leaned toward a manipulative approach, with a slight gambling nature. It was a way out of desperation.


Before that.

Araki needed to confirm something first.

"Na... Nawaki... I have... a question... Do you... have to... go out?"

Araki stuttered as he spoke. He still maintained this awkward way of speaking, but he didn't think it would last much longer. It was normal for someone in Tsunade's disciple position to regain the ability to speak normally.

If even Tsunade's disciple had some untreated illness, then there would be a problem.

Araki's essential task was only one thing: to steadily develop his own strength.

During this process, he wanted to avoid as much trouble as possible. When he could keep a low profile, he would, but he didn't want to appear too weak either. At times, it was unacceptable to attract too much attention.

"Of course, I have to go!"

Nawaki answered without hesitation. He didn't doubt the purpose of Araki's question and thought that the junior was seeking advice from a senior who had already become a Genin. He smiled and said, "I want to go to the battlefield to contribute to Konoha!"

"What if you don't go... Is that okay?" Araki weakly asked.

"No, it's not!"

Nawaki shook his head directly. The smile on his face diminished slightly, and he stared deeply into Araki's eyes. He said solemnly, "My dream is to become the Hokage of Konoha. I want to protect the people in the village with my own hands. Anyone in the village can be afraid of going to the battlefield, but I'm the one who can never fear it!"


After hearing Nawaki's resolute tone, Araki understood the latter's attitude. His stammering words had no effect whatsoever.

Not only that.

Even if Nawaki didn't go this time, there would be another time.

After all, as a ninja, going on missions was inevitable.

As long as the war is not officially over, danger will always exist. Escaping once doesn't necessarily mean you can escape the second time.

Moreover, Araki is not sure whether Nawaki will actually be killed tomorrow. Before traveling back in time, he didn't pay attention to the exact time of Nawaki's death.

Everything now is just speculation.

Araki still has some uncertainties in his mind, whether Nawaki's death is as he understands it or if there are deeper layers to it.

However, these are not the things to consider at the moment. Right now, he needs to ascertain Nawaki's attitude before he can truly utilize that slightly gambling-like plan.

"If I fear going to the battlefield, how can I protect the people in the village? How can I become the Hokage?"

Seeing that Araki remains silent, Nawaki adds another statement.

When mentioning the position of Hokage, Nawaki's face is filled with anticipation and longing. It is his heartfelt dream, the goal he has fought and worked hard for in his life.

"I-if... if... I mean... if... you were to die on this mission?"

Araki suddenly raises his head and stares at Nawaki without blinking, hoping to clearly see the most genuine change in Nawaki's expression.

Eyes are the windows to the soul and, to some extent, can reflect a person's psychology.

And then...

Nawaki's eyes show resolute determination without any hesitation.

"If I die, then so be it!"

Nawaki shows no fear of death, even smiling. He puts down the unfinished Sanjirōnju in his hand and pats Araki's head, as if an older brother explaining things to his younger brother, with the whole process being particularly gentle.

"The ultimate destiny for us ninjas is death!"

"No one can escape it. Even the strongest will eventually die!"

"The ending for every ninja is predetermined. What matters is the process!"

"The so-called life of a ninja is not determined by how one lives but by how one dies!"

"If I can die on the battlefield for the sake of Konoha, I will be immensely proud. It is the ending I have dreamed of, and I am willing to shed every last drop of blood for Konoha!"

"From the moment I decided to become the Hokage..."

"I have already prepared myself to sacrifice for Konoha!"

"It's like how you willingly learn medicine for the rise of Konoha!"

"Fundamentally, we are the same kind of people, just occupying different positions and perspectives. I know you can understand me!"

Nawaki continues to pat Araki's head and passionately speaks one sentence after another. When he expresses these words, he seems to radiate a brilliant halo, bearing the weight of Konoha's responsibilities on his young shoulders.

Such spirit earns genuine admiration from Araki deep within his heart.


We are not the same kind of people!

You are willing to sacrifice yourself for the village, while I am willing to sacrifice everything for myself. We happen to be two different extremes.


That doesn't prevent us from becoming friends!

"Nawaki... accompany me in learning... medical ninjutsu..."

Araki raises his right hand and grabs Nawaki's hand, which was patting his head. In a stuttering tone, he utters unusually resolute words.


Nawaki is bombarded with a bunch of question marks from Araki's words.

Learn medicine?

Learning medicine won't save Konoha!

To save Konoha, we need fists!

A nation is built through battles!

As the grandson of Hashirama Senju, the First Hokage, Nawaki deeply understands the importance of power. It may not always be necessary, but it absolutely cannot be absent.


Before Nawaki could say anything further,

Araki speaks again, revealing something even more shocking.

"At night... accompany me..."

Araki stutters, leaving Nawaki dumbfounded. Nawaki unconsciously tries to pull his wrist out of Araki's grip but finds that Araki's grip is unexpectedly strong.

"Go find... Lady Tsunade..."

After Araki finishes his sentence, Nawaki finally breathes a sigh of relief. Recalling the misunderstanding from a moment ago, his cheeks blush slightly.

"Why do you want to find my sister?"

After a brief hesitation, Nawaki raises his own question, saying, "You're officially starting classes tomorrow!"

"Th... there's no time... tomorrow..."

Araki shakes his head with an exceptionally determined look in his eyes. The only person who can prevent Nawaki from going out now is Tsunade.

He can only place his hope in Tsunade's affection for her younger brother.

As for the process...

Araki sees it as a bold gamble!

It will be his most daring attempt since arriving in the ninja world, but for the bond that has suddenly formed between him and Nawaki, he is willing to give it a try.

Regardless of the final outcome.

As long as he gives it his all, he will have no regrets and will have repaid Nawaki's favor.


On the other hand.

In Nawaki's words just now, Araki felt a strong impact. He has a very strong premonition.

The effect caused by the flapping of his butterfly wings may lead to significant chain reactions.

If Nawaki really survives...

Then the future Fourth Hokage might not be Minato Namikaze!

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