Naruto no Wood escapes and conquers the world

Chapter 22: 'Conquer' Honglian

Senju Naoki was walking on the desolate Gobi Desert with a red lotus on his shoulders, as if a bandit leader had kidnapped an innocent girl from a good family.

It wasn't that Senju Naoki didn't want to use a more elegant posture, but that he really didn't have any chakra left. In order to deal with the two crystal dragons, Senju Naoki had no choice but to use the cutting technique twice more. At the moment, he didn't look like Hong Even if Lian fainted, his physique was considered to be superior.

This 'barbaric' way obviously made Guren very uncomfortable. Even in a coma, he couldn't help but make a 'humming' sound, which seemed to be a protest against Senju Naoki's vulgar behavior.

After walking for more than ten minutes, Guren made a squeaking sound and woke up. Senju Naoki had to sigh at the powerful physique of the ninja. With just a little bit of the Datura toxin improved by Mudun, ordinary domestic animals could be poisoned in an instant. Will kill.

Honglian was only unconscious for a short time, and woke up without any treatment. It seemed that the dose of toxin would need to be increased when facing the enemy in the future.

Senju Naoki is even considering using more poisonous plants without any thought of being ashamed. Isn't it normal for medical ninjas to use poison?

After a few more minutes, Guren's consciousness began to gradually wake up, and the previous memories flooded into his mind. He was calculated step by step by the Konoha ninja, and then he was poisoned and passed out. Then he wondered why he was hanging upside down, and then he realized that he was He was actually being carried on someone's shoulders!

But after sensing the chakra and physical condition in his body, Guren decided to continue pretending to be unconscious and wait until the chakra was enough to release the ninjutsu before dealing with this despicable Konoha ninja.

"woke up?"

Hearing the voice of the Konoha ninja, Guren raised his eyebrows and pretended not to hear. He was thinking about what ninjutsu he should use to take revenge on this Konoha ninja.

But then, a loud slap sounded, and a burning pain came from the buttocks. There was also some numbness, which made Honglian unconsciously tighten her legs.

But after coming back to his senses, Guren immediately yelled in shame and anger: "Damn Konoha ninja, I must kill you."

Without saying a word, Senju Naoki slapped him again, which immediately aroused Guren's second wave of resistance. Even his weak and weak body began to twist, and he no longer cared about accumulating chakra.

The third slap fell.

The fourth slap fell.


After realizing that resistance was fruitless and would even lead to stronger revenge, Guren finally softened her tone, but the hatred in her tone became even deeper.

"I am the Jonin of the Grass Ninja Village and I am performing an important mission. Even Konoha cannot attack the Grass Ninja Village without any reason."


This time Guren was honest. She knew that no matter what she said, this Konoha ninja would not believe it. When she thought of the interrogation methods of Konoha Anbu and the secrets of Lord Orochimaru that she knew, Guren had the idea of ​​committing suicide. .

Just as this idea appeared, that damn Konoha ninja seemed to have the ability to read minds, and slapped him again. Although this time he didn't use any force, it was just a gentle slap, but the numbing feeling was stronger than ever before. Guren He twisted his waist uneasily, for fear of being hit again.

"I am not a ninja from Konoha, nor a ninja from the Five Great Villages."

Guren was stunned for a moment. Thinking of the injustice he had suffered (being spanked), he asked with a hint of tears: "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you weren't a ninja of Konoha!"

"Hey, let's be honest, you were the one who made the first move, okay? And even if I say I'm not a ninja of Konoha, would you believe it?"

Guren was speechless. She did not attack Senju Naoki because of her identity as a Konoha ninja, but because she was performing a vigilance mission to prevent unknown ninjas from approaching Lord Orochimaru.

Looking at Guren who fell into silence, Senju Naoki couldn't help but raise his right hand again and landed on his round butt. I have to say that it felt really good when he hit it, and it felt addictive.

"Are you a ninja under Orochimaru?"

Honglian suddenly became alert and retorted: "No, I am from the Grass Ninja Village..."


Guren was about to turn into a real Guren at this moment. Whether it was because of shame and anger or being hung upside down, her pretty face was so red that she was almost bleeding.

Senju Naoki raised his right hand in confusion. It was wet. How could there be water?Could it be that the blow was too heavy and caused Honglian to bleed? That was really... sinful.

The palm of his hand lit up with emerald green light, Senju Naoki felt very guilty and used the little chakra he had left to treat the 'injury' on Guren's hip.

The numb buttocks were touched by medical ninjutsu, and the cool feeling collided with the burning pain, almost making Guren scream out.

"I'm not Orochimaru's enemy. I always like to lie to people. It's okay to just admit it honestly." Naoki Senju did not hesitate to pass the blame to the victim Guren.

"Then you are..." Honglian squeezed out a few words carefully, and then closed her lips tightly, fearing that she would make a strange sound and die on the spot.

"Then listen carefully. I am the current leader of the Senju Clan and the younger brother of the Sannin Tsunade. I am the man destined to revive the Senju Clan in the future!"


Guren suddenly realized that he finally guessed the identity of this 'Konoha ninja' and said excitedly:

"You are the water escape ninja next to Tsunade-sama. I heard the ninjas from the Fuuma clan said that you are very powerful. I originally thought it was an excuse for them..."

"Do you believe it now?"

"I believe it..." Guren's heart is quite complicated. Not only is she very strong, she is simply very strong. Even she was captured alive, and she also knows medical ninjutsu...

At this moment, Guren completely forgot who was scolding the despicable and shameless ninja who only knew how to use poison.

"Then let's settle an account."

"What?" Honglian looked confused.

"Of course you took the initiative to attack me, and I was the one who saved you when you fell unconscious. In addition, I used my remaining chakra to use medical ninjutsu on you just now." Naoki Senju said matter-of-factly Like a rogue.

Although Honglian only admitted the first one, she was indeed at fault in this matter. For a moment, she really couldn’t think of how to refute it, so she could only say thanks:

"Well, thanks for saving me."

"Thank you? That's it?"

"Huh?" Honglian was also puzzled. What else could he do?All her belongings were dedicated to Lord Orochimaru, and she had sworn loyalty to Lord Orochimaru to the death. There was really no way to repay her.

Senju Naoki is not a licker, and Guren is not a goddess. A thank you obviously cannot satisfy the greedy Senju Naoki.

After thinking about it again and again, Senju Naoki felt that he wanted Guren to offer himself voluntarily... Bah, it was impossible to offer up his remaining value, so he could only remind him in a sideways way:

"Well, I won't hold you accountable for attacking me. In addition, I saved you twice and carried you for so long, so you owe me three favors."


Hong Lian suddenly had 1 question marks in her heart. How could this be regarded as just three favors?

"Don't worry, I won't make it difficult for you. I won't make you deal with Orochimaru and his companions, nor will I make you sacrifice your life. And you have the 'reasonable' right to refuse."

Guren felt relieved now. As long as it would not be detrimental to Lord Orochimaru, even if it was a little too much or a little dangerous, it didn't matter.

"Well, I promise you."

Senju Naoki, who was carrying Guren, almost laughed out loud. He didn't expect Guren... Bah, the money printing machine was so easy to get.

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