Naruto: Reborn As Orochimaru

Chapter 97: Cooperation

Gene enhancement, while primarily focused on augmenting the genetic structure, also involves a large-scale detoxification process before the actual enhancement begins.

This detoxification is similar to a deep cleanse, flushing out toxins and impurities from the body through the sweat glands. The smell of these impurities being expelled is, to put it mildly, far from pleasant.

Of course, the genetic enhancement process also promotes growth and development it's all part of the gene strengthening. It wasn't something Orochimaru paid much attention to, as he viewed it as a secondary benefit, but for Tsunade, it was an unexpected and rather welcome surprise.

"Did I really… grow?" she murmured to herself, still in disbelief.


"What?! That actually worked?"

At the door of a nearby house, Jiraiya's eyes widened in amazement as he stared at the light green vial in Tsunade's hand.

"Wow, Orochimaru actually pulled it off again!" Jiraiya exclaimed, thoroughly impressed.

Tsunade, always quick to take advantage of a moment, gave him a smug look. "Of course! Do you know who my boyfriend is?"

Her boastful tone made it sound as though she had been the one to develop the potion herself. Jiraiya rolled his eyes. "Oh please, like that has anything to do with you. You didn't make this, you're just—wait… hold on a sec."

Jiraiya's eyes flicked up and down, and for a second, he froze. "You—Tsunade—did you…?"

"Where are you looking, idiot!?" Tsunade's expression darkened, her voice suddenly cold and menacing.

"N-nothing! I wasn't looking! I swear!" Jiraiya stammered, his forehead already breaking into a sweat as he frantically waved his hands. "It was just an accident! Careless, yeah heh heh, careless!"

Tsunade was still dressed conservatively, but the fierce look in her eyes was more than enough to make Jiraiya back down. He knew better than to push his luck when Orochimaru wasn't around to potentially intervene. Tsunade had no problem sending him flying with a single punch.

"Fine, I'll let it go this time," Tsunade said, rolling her eyes but handing him the vial. "Here, this is for you."

Jiraiya, not wanting to press his luck, quickly took the potion from her. He held it up to the light, squinting as he examined the strange liquid.

"This stuff is supposed to increase chakra, right? Are we sure it doesn't have, you know, any side effects?" Jiraiya asked, his skepticism evident. "What if it kills me?"

"Kills you?! Are you serious?" Tsunade scowled. "Orochimaru gave it to you out of the goodness of his heart, and you're questioning him? Fine, if you're scared of it, give it back!"

"No, no, I'm not scared!" Jiraiya quickly pulled the potion closer to his chest, afraid Tsunade might take it back. "I'm just making sure! Thanks for bringing it by, Tsunade. See you tomorrow!"

With that, Jiraiya practically slammed the door of his home shut, not wanting to give her any more chances to throw a punch his way. For all his bravado, he wasn't stupid he knew better than to provoke Tsunade when she was already in a good mood.

Leaning back against the door, Jiraiya stared at the vial in his hand. He might have been acting overly cautious in front of Tsunade, but deep down, he trusted Orochimaru's work. After all, if this potion really could boost chakra, it would help him immensely with his Sage Mode training.

Jiraiya's grin widened. If this worked, he'd be able to master his techniques even faster.

Meanwhile, outside, Tsunade stood in silence for a moment, staring at the closed door. A thought crossed her mind, one she couldn't quite shake.

This potion promotes growth and development. Does Orochimaru think I'm… too small? Is that why he gave it to me?

She blinked, her cheeks flushing slightly. No… that can't be, right?


Time passed, and soon night had fallen over Konoha. The bright moon hung low over the village, casting its pale light across the rooftops and streets.

Far from the village's center, in a remote part of Konoha, a small stone gate stood hidden away. Several masked Root ninjas stood guard near the entrance.

Inside the stone gate, two figures spoke in hushed voices.

Orochimaru, completely unaware of Tsunade's overthinking, was far more captivated by what lay in front of him, a massive laboratory filled with advanced equipment.

"This is the laboratory where the previous experiments were conducted," Danzo said, his voice calm and measured. "I've had it cleaned up for you. Let me know if there's anything else you need, and I'll have it brought here."

Danzo knew he had to show sincerity if he wanted to keep Orochimaru on his side. If Orochimaru was going to help him, the least he could do was provide him with the proper tools and resources.

Orochimaru glanced around, inspecting the vast lab. It was filled with various experimental chambers and equipment everything he needed for his research.

I was thinking I'd have to build something myself, Orochimaru mused, but with this space… I could easily carve out two secret rooms in here without Danzo ever noticing.

Danzo rarely visited the lab himself, so the risk of discovery was minimal.

"The equipment is mostly sufficient, but there are a few things missing," Orochimaru said after completing his inspection.

He walked over to a nearby workbench, picked up a pen and paper, and quickly jotted down a list of additional supplies he would need.

"Have them get these for me," Orochimaru said, handing the list to Danzo.

Danzo glanced at the paper and nodded. "Consider it done. But I need to ask when can you start the experiment?"

"Patience, Danzo-sama," Orochimaru replied smoothly. "Scientific research takes time. Rushing it will only lead to mistakes. However, if the materials are gathered soon, I can give it a trial run."

Danzo nodded again, accepting the explanation. After briefly discussing the research in more detail, Danzo handed Orochimaru a scroll from within his robes.

"No matter what it takes, Orochimaru, you must succeed in bringing Wood Release back to the world. Take this it should help. I'll leave you to it."

Orochimaru accepted the scroll, watching as Danzo left the laboratory. As soon as he was gone, Orochimaru couldn't help but let his curiosity get the better of him. 

Opening the scroll, a small cloud of white smoke puffed out, revealing a large, transparent glass container filled with an antiseptic solution. Floating inside the solution was a piece of flesh no ordinary tissue, but a chunk of cells radiating an immense amount of life energy.

Orochimaru's eyes gleamed. "Heh, just as I thought."


The next morning, Tsunade made her way to Orochimaru's house, knocking on the door with force.

"Orochimaru! You there?"

Now that she was a Chunin, Tsunade had more missions to deal with, and on days when she had a task, her younger brother, Nawaki, was often left in the care of a nanny hired by the Third Hokage. Today, however, she had some free time and was feeling restless.

When there was no response after the first few knocks, Tsunade knocked again.

Thud thud thud.

Still no answer.

"What's this guy doing?" Tsunade muttered to herself, furrowing her brow.

Without thinking twice, she jumped over the wall surrounding Orochimaru's house with ease, making her way quietly toward the house. She passed through the yard, the living room, and finally came to the bedroom.

"Still asleep?"

Seeing Orochimaru's figure lying on the bed, she was a bit surprised. It was already almost 10 AM, and he was still in bed? That was completely unlike him. Orochimaru was usually up early, and his senses were always sharp he never let his guard down, even when sleeping.

Frowning, Tsunade approached the bed. She raised her hand to wake him, but as she reached out, she noticed something odd.

Is it just me, or does he look… good when he's sleeping? she thought.

"Hmph, of course, my boyfriend looks great even when he sleeps," Tsunade muttered to herself before reaching out. "Hey, Orochimaru, wake up. Let's head out together.."


The moment her hand touched the figure on the bed, Orochimaru vanished in a puff of white smoke.

"What the—?! A shadow clone?" 

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