Naruto training system

Chapter 672 The Highest Realm of the Villain

Chapter 672 The Highest Realm of the Villain

Because we have the power to think independently, the ability to choose and judge by ourselves, and a smart brain.

Therefore, the human race is the most special.After climbing to the top of the food chain, he also crowned himself the title of the primate of all things.

In this way, life is very much like an exploration game full of degrees of freedom.

You go to the left, open a door, and lead to a road.

You go to the right, open another door, and go to another road.

This is the power of choice, and the degree of freedom is simply too high.It will even form all kinds of people, good, bad, kind, sinister,...just, despicable people.

The same is true in the face of the choice of social animals or solitary animals.

Because human beings are different from animals, it is very irresponsible to discuss the theorem that we must also be social animals in those systematic scientific discussions.

What's more, most of the news groups have become a habit to keep warm, and have influenced the entire ethnic group, forming a historical inertia, which is nothing more than a foregone conclusion.

This creates a situation where authority and axioms are general, and people will subconsciously agree with them.

In the ninja world, with the extraordinary power of individuals, this common knowledge of theorems has been seriously challenged.

When the personality no longer chooses to be suppressed and assimilated, but has the qualifications and ability to "go out".Then the real crisis of the human race will appear.

This kind of crisis is more dangerous than the hatred between individuals, the collision between forces, and the confrontation between countries.

Because, he will create a true lunatic, a demon god who will truly endanger the entire world.

It is different from those who make small troubles and make troubles for some of their own interests.These real lunatics, it can be said really, have long ceased to regard themselves as a species similar to humans.

Any idea is possible in their minds that are completely unrestricted by ethnic groups.In the eyes of normal people, these guys are so bad to the bone, so pure that they can't be pure, and they are fighting against the whole world.

They have broken away from the low-level badness, and upgraded to anti-human demon gods created by different ideals and wills.

In the world of Naruto, there are already three people who have grown up with this kind of thinking.And if they are not washed or failed, it is self-evident how tragic the consequences will be for the human beings living in the entire ninja world.

These three are:
Looks like Leader of Akatsuki Uzumaki Nagato
Self-righteous · Behind the scenes · Uchiha Obito

I may be · Ultimate behind the scenes · Uchiha Madara
(Master Heijue doesn’t count, after all, he is only here to save his mother~ Filial piety moves the world, and those who are not bad at heart, it’s all because the conditions for saving their mother are relatively harsh—manually funny)
The badness of the villain who wants to get more benefits out of self-interest is an extremely low-level badness.

When the villain also started to play ideals, and completely broke away from the human channel, and directly wanted to destroy the world.This kind of badness, you can no longer say that it is bad.Because, everyone is no longer on the same channel, and they are no longer in the same ethnic camp.

Your axiomatic cognition, your values, can no longer be used to evaluate these villains of the highest state.

This kind of villain has already left the vulgar interest, and does not need to consider his own behavior for his own benefit.

What they want is to stand in the position of God and make their own judgment or forgiveness for the humble and lowly "human beings".

This is almost the highest ideal of all kinds of villains in various movies and novels.

For example, the kind of villain who thinks that human beings are cancer of the earth, and then wants to destroy human beings to save the earth.

It's more like shouting, "If I can't own this world, then I will own this world as it dies", "I will burn this world, and then rule its ashes".

If you stand on the side of the human race, you can't even say that this kind of person is bad, you can only say that he is anti-human.

If you look closely at the three villains in Naruto, you will find that their anti-human goals are gradual.It's a pity that they were all deceived in the end, just like the calabash baby saving grandpa, it made Hei Jue, who told a big lie, very embarrassing.

The first Uzumaki Nagato, who has always disguised himself as a god, will make the ninja world feel pain if he opens his mouth.In fact, he is separating himself from the entire human race, treating himself as a god, and looking at the entire human race and the world.

And it brings pain to the world, and wants everyone in the ninja world to feel the pain, consciously wake up to what is peace, what is to take a step back, and the style of not easily causing harm is actually more benevolent.

When it comes to Uchiha Obito, it is one step closer.He doesn't believe in Uzumaki Nagato, let alone that human beings can grow this memory, and he doesn't want to forgive anyone.Standing behind Uzumaki Nagato, although he didn't say it explicitly, he regarded himself as a god.A god who controls the false god-Uzumaki Nagato.

His purpose is directly advanced to sacrifice the whole world and open a dream world where Lin exists and everyone lives in the infinite monthly reading.

When it comes to Uchiha Madara, it is even more terrifying.The actual purpose of this guy is different from that of Uchiha Obito who simply wants to enter the life of Infinite Tsukiyomi.This guy still wants to firmly control this dream world and become an existence like an overlord.Control all developments in the dream, so that everyone can enjoy Madara's iron fist of peace in the dream.

It doesn’t sound like much, but you can bring it in yourself. If you have to be supervised by Uchiha Madara even in your dreams, and you can’t move 404, that kind of sadness, can you imagine (_)?

This is also the reason why Obito Uchiha, after getting this plan, will want to come by himself and stop being a guy like Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Madara, who has to be restricted in his dreams, is too much!

The highest state of the villain is to idealize the target, and completely break away from the scope of human beings, and stand high from the perspective of gods, or from a perspective other than human beings, to think and judge human beings.

And the prerequisite for being able to reach this ultimate step is to cut off the fetters, or the fetters have been forcibly severed.First from the human group, was forced out, and went to another path.

From this, it can be seen that when the fetters were lost, the talent of Yueguang Langxin, who was not bad, shocked Zhou Zhu much.

At this time, Yueguang Langxin already has all the prerequisites to enter the villain's highest realm, what he lacks is just to make up for that strength.

And Zhou Zhu believed that with Yueguang Langxin picking up the Blade of Despair, he could really fulfill those terrifying conditions in the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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