Naruto training system

Chapter 695 Ambitious Naoki Tete

Chapter 695 Ambitious Naoki Senju
As a special warning, after the group of brats, Zhou Zhu talked about his preferences in a pleasant manner.

"As for preferences~ there are many. For example, I am very good at eating and drinking, teacher. As long as it is delicious food, I will not refuse anyone."

"In the future, if you want to ask me for advice, the reward for a big meal is of course indispensable."

After talking about his dislikes and likes, Zhou Zhu entered the last part of self-introduction.

What link?Of course it’s the show of dreams~
After all, what is the difference between a person without dreams and a salted fish?

Therefore, Zhou Zhu didn't care whether the students believed in his ghost dream or not, and said directly: "My dream is world peace! And in order to realize this dream, I don't mind committing myself to the darkness and collaborating with the conspirators." Or standing on a bright stage, hiding a knife behind a smile with people with ulterior motives."

"I believe that when I actually realize my dream, whether it is those who have been hurt by me or those who dismiss my ideals, they will know me again and understand me."

"Before I succeed, it doesn't matter if you say I'm crazy or I'm cowardly. The most unforgivable thing in a person's life is the spirit. For the sake of the overall situation and dreams, those who dare to sacrifice themselves to shake trees with ants are not heroes and great men, but He just gave up his dream and made an unwise decision based on a whim."

"As a ninja, or as a person, the most necessary quality is perseverance! Evaluation is like floating clouds, the opinions of others, and the ambition that cannot be controlled is the key to practicing one's will."

Regarding Zhou Zhu's ideals, Kamiya Maya sneered and thought, "I understand you? This is the reason why you forced me to destroy my body with the forbidden technique? It is obviously a scheming person who sneaked into Konoha Ninja Village. You want to plan something, you are a murderous executioner!"

And Yueguang Langxin's gaze kept staring at Zhou Zhu's expression that didn't seem to be fake, and secretly said with contempt in his heart, "What are you pretending to be, under the name of Wuyin Lone Wolf, no matter what you do, you can't wash away the sins of the past." You hateful guy, do you still want others to know you again? Hmph~ In my eyes, you will always be one of the culprits who killed my father! No matter how righteous you are in your disguise, I will never let you go your!"

As for Senju Naoki, after seeing Zhou Zhu's majestic and upright posture, he was firmly attracted by the great man's light emitted by Zhou Zhu.

Hmm~ It's still easy to deceive a fool.

In Zhishu's heart, he thought quite agreeingly, "As expected of Brother Zhou Zhu, he has such lofty ideals! The key is that Brother Zhou Zhu has been practicing his ideals all the time despite the criticism, silently enduring others' misunderstandings. I can't Knowing Konoha's collapse plan, Princess Tsunade will return to the village to preside over the overall situation, and then she will slack off."

"That is Brother Zhou Zhu's plan. Whether it succeeds or not, I am not the one who saves the group! I must redouble my efforts. One day, I will use my shoulders to carry the group to a more glorious end!"

As for Kurama Yakumo, looking at Zhou Zhu's expression, it was a bit exciting.The only one who doesn't know Zhou Zhu's true identity is the lone wolf in the ninja world, she just thinks that this point has awakened his leader Jonin, and now she is talking big.

The black-bellied loli Yakumo, who thought it was just politically correct, didn't even bother to engage in mental activities against Zhou Zhu's big words.

That's right, Tsundere Lolita's feelings towards Zhou Zhu plummeted because of Zhou Zhu's big words.At this moment, Yakumo thought that Teacher Hong was more suitable to accept her admiration and worship!

This point awakened his mentor Zhou Zhu. Apart from being powerful... he was useless, and he was not worthy of her Kuruma Yakumo's approval.

I don't know if Zhou Zhu, if he knows Kurama Yakumo's evaluation, will he regret it and go to assassinate Danzo for her.Let his shadow avatar spread out, and the pile at the root is enough for him to write all kinds of confidential documents all day long.

Zhou Zhu looked at the class members who were confused by his words.He is not a roundworm in someone else's stomach, how could he guess the thoughts of these students?
However, Zhou Zhu could probably see from his facial expressions that his "My Dream" keynote speech was completely broken.

Zhou Zhu, who was a little embarrassed, hurriedly asked someone to introduce himself, so as to block the diversion, those sights that made his hairs stand on end.

"My self-introduction is over, the next one, um~ let's start with Naoki!" After finishing speaking, Zhou Zhu hurriedly motioned for Naoki to stand up and introduce himself to everyone.

Kamiya Maya and Kurama Yakumo, seeing Zhou Zhu's clumsy way of diverting their eyes, refused to comment.Lian shifted his gaze to Senju Naoki.

Compared with other members, Senju Naoki, who looks the most familiar to Senju Shusuke, has a sense of "second generation".In the class, because of the relationship with the leading teacher Zhou Zhu, there is a feeling that Naoki is a privileged class that cannot be provoked.

Kamiya Maya and Kurama Yakumo, because of their contact and language communication, have a good sense of Senju Naoki, a reckless teammate, and they especially want to know.

In real life, fools are still very popular.After all, this kind of person is straightforward, straightforward, and won't do things behind his back, so he is the best choice as a teammate.

Naoki was pointed out by Zhou Zhu, and without any stage fright, he directly faced the crowd and introduced himself.

"I am Naoki Senju, born in Konoha in 49, I am 12 years old this year, and I am from the Senju clan."

Come on, Naoki's self-introduction was more rigorous than Zhou Zhu's lame self-introduction at the beginning.After all~ Zhou Zhu actually forgot to mention his age!
However, Zhou Zhu, who came to his senses, didn't pay much attention to these things.As a team leader, and an older single youth, the question of age, um~ let’s keep it a little mysterious.

No matter what Zhou Zhu was thinking, Naoki's self-introduction continued:

"For some reason, I can't practice chakra. Therefore, I don't have a little bit of chakra on my body, so I can't use any ninjutsu. But I can become a ninja, and I also have the corresponding strength to rely on."

"Here I will mention my specialty. My specialty is a special physical attack called white strike. It is a kind of white strike technique of the air sect that is very different from the ninja training system, and it is powerful."

"Also, I would like to remind all my companions that I have a strange ability that can block the flow of chakra in people who touch my body, making you unable to mobilize within an hour after touching me. A normal person with a hint of chakra."

"So, in future missions, please be careful not to have physical contact with me."

Other than Zhou Zhu and Naoki, the air sect didn't know what it was.

But after Naoki called the white fight a special physical attack, the little guys can probably understand what it means for the air sect to fight in vain.

By analogy to the performance and function of body art, a few little guys can understand it smoothly.But the special physique mentioned by Naoki really made the other members full of doubts.

"Chakra will be banned for an hour if you contact it, and the ninja will be reduced to an ordinary person? Aren't you invincible? Also, does your ability not depend on the difference in strength?" Kurama Yakumo first exclaimed.

Then, she ignored Naoki's self-introduction at all, and jumped straight up, quickly reaching out to grab Naoki's arm.

Naoki knew that she wanted to test it, so he didn't dodge it, and let Yakumo directly grab his right arm.

After the contact, Kurama Yakumo completely believed what Naoki said earlier.

The moment the two of them made physical contact, Yakumo found that all the chakra in his body seemed to have turned into an inert gas, completely silent, no longer under her control.

The basis of ninjutsu and genjutsu is the most fundamental chakra.After touching Naoki, the chakra in her body became in such a state, how could she mobilize and perform any ninjutsu or illusion.

"If that's the case, you're really terrifying! With such abilities, wouldn't you be able to hide from Hokage? Just turn all hostile ninjas into ordinary people who can't use Chakra."

Kurama Yakumo who said this, actually had a storm in his heart.

"This is a person who can completely crush himself just by contact!" Kuruma Yakumo, who was thinking like this, subconsciously withdrew his hand, and after a few steps back in shock, he calmed down a little.

Naoki's special ability is a coercion on the energy level.It is the absolute suppression of the lower energy—ordinary chakra—by the magical chakra from the god of death.

Of course, this is also combined with the special ability of Death God himself, comprehended or cultivated.

Just like Zhou Zhu, he also has divine chakra, even immortal chakra, and even higher energy than that-natural energy.But he couldn't produce such a terrifying energy suppression effect.

Therefore, the key to Naoki's ability lies in the fact that the once mighty god of death is indeed a god with great means.To be able to figure out such a powerful spirit drive.

In fact, this kind of suppression is not effective for the so-called Kage-level and below, who are all forced to suppress Chakras by him.For example, Naruto who has mastered the magic chakra in the later stage will not be affected by this suppression effect.

This ability is absolutely effective against ninjas below the sixth level in terms of strength.However, there is also a class of ninjas whose strength is less than the sixth level, and whose strength cannot match that of the god of death, they can ignore this ban effect.

That is the one who has mastered the chakra energy of the celestial arts, the inheritor of the psychic holy land of the celestial arts.And the priest of the divine court who has mastered the energy of chakra.Of course, a person like Chongwu, who is born with a combination of immortals and gods, and who directly grasps natural energy must also be added.

Due to physical reasons, Kamiya Maya felt itchy after hearing what Naoki said, but she didn't dare to test it.Because she is afraid that the transformation technique she is maintaining now will be destroyed by Naoki's so-called chakra blocking ability.

Now, although I haven't done it myself, I saw Kurama Yakumo's frightened expression and hurriedly distanced himself from Naoki, as well as those words.She also knew that Naoki's words were not lies, but factual facts.

Thinking of this weird and domineering ability, it is actually real.Inevitably, Kamiya Maya turned her gaze back and forth on Naoki and Zhou Zhu.

And her little thoughtfulness was of course seen by Zhou Zhu.Therefore, it is inevitable that Maya Kamiya gave Zhou Zhu who caused trouble for him, and directly stood up to help Naoki introduce his ability, so as to eliminate the possibility of Maya Kamiya's rebound.

"Let me help Naoki introduce his ability!" Zhou Zhu said in a pleasant tone, "As you can imagine, this ability is really overbearing, and it is indeed useful to all ninjas at the Kage class and below. "

"But but~ Of course this ability has a limit! For example, someone like me whose strength has far surpassed the Kage-level, and those who have entered the Sixth Path-level can directly exempt Naoki from this ability!"

Having said that, Zhou Zhu still looked at Yueguang Langxin and Shen Gu Maya who were still quite shocked and disappointed, although they didn't know what the level of the Six Paths was, and said with a smile, "So, some ideas that are not on the table, I advise you to immediately Get rid of it! You little brats, in my opinion, are completely ignorant of my power, and even the most powerful force in the ninja world!"

He only mentioned the two of them a little bit, and didn't make any more threats or explanations.

Zhou Zhu turned to Yakumo, who was frightened by Naoki's ability, and comforted him, "You should pay more attention to this ability of Naoki."

"But it's only temporary. In the future, as I start to teach you, I will cultivate another kind of chakra. You can ignore the suppression of Naoki's special ability when your strength is not as strong as mine."

After soothing, Zhou Zhu also signaled Naoki to continue introducing himself: "Okay, now is not the time to talk about these things, everyone should continue to listen to Naoki's self-introduction!"

After the interruption just now, Naoki's thoughts of self-introduction were interrupted.

After receiving a hint from Zhou Zhu, Naoki had no choice but to speak again, abandoning his original thoughts, and directly talked about his likes and dislikes: "My favorite thing in normal times is to practice the technique of free hitting. Because it can make me obviously I feel that my strength is improving every day."

"And what I hate the most is when others call me a fool, because I think it is a kind of humiliation. For those who do not recognize me, I can work hard to cultivate, improve my strength, and then use my strength to gain his approval. But those who do not recognize me The ridicule and humiliation without reason are what I hate the most!"

Speaking of this, Naoki raised his eyebrows and looked at Maya Kamiya who said he was a fool earlier.

"Uh (⊙o⊙)..." Shen Gu Maya secretly had a headache.

Unexpectedly, she touched the thing Senju Naoki hates the most just after formal contact.It seems that this general, who could have been recruited, is destined to stand on Kurama Yakumo's side.

After Naoki responded to Kamiya Maya with words, he had no choice but to turn his voice around and continue talking about his dreams.

"And my dream? As a member of the Senshou Clan, shoulder the heavy responsibility of the development of the entire group, and strive to bring the Senshou Clan back to the position of the No. The world's largest family."

Naoki's ambition is clearly revealed at this moment.The rise of an ethnic group is bound to be accompanied by the alternation of power and the loss of the interests of countless ethnic groups.This is also the reason why Konoha's high-level executives have been suppressing the Thousand Hands to divide up those benefits.

But in Zhou Zhu's view, Naoki's ideal is just to be a member of the Senshou clan, with a sense of responsibility, responsibility, and ambition.

(End of this chapter)

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