Naruto training system

Chapter 99 Chapter 099 A Cloud Piercing Arrow

Chapter 99 Chapter 099
As the sun rises, following Zhou Zhu, the signal flare is ignited.This battle can be regarded as a real understanding.

The corners leave as soon as they say, and they are not willing to fight.Zhou Zhu was also happy, so he didn't have to work hard.

As for the arrow teammates lying on the ground on the boat.When the red energy arrow was lost and the last trace of remaining energy was exhausted in the morning, all of them were revived with full blood.

But dried persimmon and ghost shark are not so lucky.Lan Li, who was crushed on top of him, suffered broken ribs and became the only seriously injured patient in the second class.

But compared to the genius who died young, Ibaraki Heiji.His injury is really nothing.

Zhou Zhu sent out the signal flare after the whole team assembled.It was given to him by Masami Nagasawa, the vice-captain of the Sanfan team.

It is an emergency signal flare. It is said that after it rises, the eleven bandits guarding the mouth of the canal will break into the canal of the country of frost and come in to pick them up and help them.

The Sanfan team suffered heavy losses and was unable to pass, and Yun Ren set up an ambush behind Lei Hufeng.

In order to deter Yun Nin, and even the stranded ships in the canal, they can only rely on the Navy's eleventh team.

The navy's [-]th fan team, the navy's [-] fanatics team, is the largest fan team.

The Eleven Fan Team controls the entire sea area north of the Thunder Country Peninsula.There are more than one hundred officers under the captain's command.In other words, the ninja capacity of this Fan team is almost five times that of the San Fan team.

The situation is similar to that of the Qifan team. Because they are far away from Wuyin, they play to the extreme of listening to Zhao and not listening to Xuan.Even relying on its huge size, it has the only agency diplomacy in the north granted by Wuyin Village.

Are you surprised that a foreign team belonging to the Kirigakure Navy actually has the regional diplomatic power to act as the agent of Kirigakure!
That is to say, in the northern waters, this fan team is an independent force, and can even declare war on neighboring countries or start diplomatic negotiations.

Behind such indulgence, there must be a reason.

The reason for this is the majestic organization of the Eleven Fans.

The strongest Tibetan team under the Ministry of the Navy, with No. 1 in the thirteen forces of the navy, Takizawa aids Tibet.In this sea area, development is booming.

Relying on the few broken ships that Kirigakure reluctantly supported at the beginning.This guy started from scratch, opened the doors of all countries, and formed a black ship fleet that frightened all countries in the North Sea.

Including Yan Yin from the Land of Earth and Yun Yin from the Land of Thunder, there is nothing they can do about this guy.Not to mention other small countries.

Takizawa aided Tibet, and once confronted the three generations of Tsuchikage, evenly matched.

He even spent three days and three nights in a fierce battle with the violent third generation of Raikage.

The glorious deeds of Takizawa's aid to Tibet have made all the countries in the North Sea recognize him as a shadow-level combat power.

Wuyin Village is completely unmanageable, this guy.The hostility of the thirteen bandits of the Admiralty to Kirigakure was caused by this person at the very beginning.And gradually expanded the scope and influence.

Half of the credit for the development and growth of the various Tibetan teams in the navy to the point of being feared by all countries is due to Takizawa's aid to Tibet.

Even Sota Kaguya, the founder of the navy, stated in public that he was just a start, and it was Takizawa's aid to Tibet that really promoted the development of the navy.

From the first shipping, to the island development.From the dumping of goods among the allies, to the establishment of the Sea Surveillance Bureau, the gates of other countries that have been closed to the outside world are forcibly opened.

This legendary figure led the development of the entire Hidden Fog Navy.

There are not only more than 100 officials under his command, but the eleven tribes are making ninjas, all of which have reached the upper limit of amnesty in Wuyin Village, 1 people.

This upper limit of amnesty has been raised again and again by Kirigakure.

But people are still not satisfied, private forces, how many navy ninjas are not being compiled, maybe only Sota and himself know.

Anyway, the three generations of Mizukage have nothing to do with him.As long as the upper limit is raised every time, this guy can fill you up in less than a day.

It was no secret where he got so many ninjas.

This guy publicly declared that in the ninja village system introduced by various countries and ninja villages earlier, the clause prohibiting the teaching of ninjutsu to civilians outside the village is the murder of civilians!

Since this guy learned ninjutsu, he has continuously broken the restrictions banned by various countries.

This guy not only privately recruits the navy, but also teaches civilians ninjutsu without restriction.

The one who suffers the most is the Land of Earth.Before the Third World War broke out, a civil war broke out in the Land of Earth.

It was this guy who taught him privately, a villager in a village along the coast of the land of earth, who wanted to establish the second ninja village of the land of earth.It was wiped out by the Land of Earth and Yan Yin.

This civil war shocked the third generation of Tukage, and he suddenly realized, "Can you still play like this?"

As the scheming third-generation Tsuchikage, he agreed to the Eleven Abbots' team to set up a so-called free trade zone, let Takizawa aid Tibet, and promised not to teach civilians ninjutsu on the border of the Land of Earth.

On the one hand, they set up secret bases in Yanyin in various parts of the Land of Earth, and began to cultivate ninjas in private under the name.

The third generation of Raikage, why was it okay to fight guerrillas in World War II, but instead became experienced and fell into the Third World War.

This is all thanks to the three generations of Tukage who were awakened after aiding Tibet.

In the past, he would not have sacrificed so many ninjas to exchange his life for the opponent's Kage-level combat power.There are few ninjas in the first place, so how distressed it is to do this?
The three generations raided the Land of Earth, just in time to run into a secret base set up by Earth Shadow.The third Raikage saw it, but actually wanted to return to the village as soon as possible and imitate Tuokage.

It's a pity that Tsuchikage frantically mobilized ninjas from various secret bases to chase and intercept the third generation of Raikage as if he had discovered his short secret.

The third Tsuchikage didn't know that the third Raikage just wanted to go back and imitate him as soon as possible.He thought that the barbarian on the other side wanted to make his discovery public.

No matter how the countries react, the daimyo of the country of earth will definitely be the first to be unbearable.Small ones will sanction Yan Yin, while large ones will even send out priests to fight.

Zhengzhi was in the anxious period of fighting Konoha. If this kind of thing broke out, Sandai Tsuchikage felt that he might be forced to lay off.

Therefore, the sad third generation of Raikage was buried by the third generation of Dokage with a huge ninja base in order to keep his butt pad.

Think about the battle situation at that time, ten thousand rocks hidden against three generations of Raikage alone.When did the ninja world have such a grand event?
The four major wars and the five major countries plus the neutral countries can barely gather [-] coalition troops.

Iwakage is now, grinding meat with Konoha at the border, and at the same time gathering ten thousand ninjas in an instant to cull three generations of Raikage.

There is no problem here, even ghosts don’t believe it (⊙o⊙)!
Although the few Yunnin who escaped insisted that Yanyin dispatched [-] ninjas to besiege and kill the three generations of Raikage.

However, the third generation of Tsuchikage has always refuted that he only managed to mobilize the whole village, so he barely pulled out three or four thousand ninjas to participate in the battle.

All these situations should prove Takizawa's ability to aid Tibet.

For the situation at hand, only the Eleven Fan team responded in advance, so that Yun Nin, who had ambushed a long time ago, did not dare to act rashly.

The fourth generation of Raikage is new, and the internal factions are divided and disputes continue.Yunyin Village is at its weakest.With the power of the Eleven Fans, Yunyin is now, and he can't beat the whole village with all his might.

At the end of the war, the Sanfan team packed up the bodies of the dead navy and waited for the eleventh team to rescue them.

And taking advantage of the crowd, Ryuzo Hattori took back Hidan's body by the way.Leave with Fei Duan.

Holding Hidan's body and dragging Hidan's head with one hand, Ryuzo looked back at Kirigakure's ship, "Goodbye, kid! I wanted to go to the country of Taki to die, but it's a pity for that body."

Fei Duan raised his head, looked at him strangely, and hurriedly asked, "Death? What's going on?"

Yuanzang leaped, and his figure flashed in the poplar forest. With Fei Duan's long-distance figure, his voice became farther and farther away, "You lie in ambush, didn't I go out for a stroll? Yan Yin, Taki Yin, and even Konoha, Long ago..."

The sound gradually dissipated...

(End of this chapter)

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